Each course is assessed in the form of examinations, organised in two main sessions: one in January and the other in June. The September session is a make-up session. Students are informed of the exact examination arrangements at the beginning of the course. These may vary according to the learning outcomes targeted by the course.
For practical training, assessment is continuous and may be supplemented by a final assessment. It places the emphasis on know-how in the field of physical education, but also on behavioural skills, which are central to a course of study that is geared towards skills-sharing professions. Because of the specific nature of practical training, this continuous assessment, particularly in didactic courses, may make it impossible to organise a make-up session. In some practical training courses, quiz(s) and/or a final exam are also organised to check the acquisition of knowledge directly associated with the know-how specific to physical and sports activities.
For theory courses, assessment is based on a written or oral examination, depending on the course. It may be combined with and/or replaced by continuous assessment elements.
In addition, from the first year and throughout the bachelor's degree, teachers provide students with self-assessment tools via the iCampus platform. These tools enable students to assess how closely their work matches the expectations of the university course. The aim is to enable them to gauge the development of their knowledge and skills throughout their bachelor's degree course, with a view to capitalising on individual learning achievements.