As part of the in-depth study, as is the case throughout the general bachelor's degree course in motor sciences, the student is confronted with a variety of teaching methods, adapted as closely as possible to the disciplinary and cross-disciplinary skills defined for the programme.
The alternation between scientific training and training in the practice of physical activities and sport is highly specific to physical education training. Learning activities therefore make use of a range of teaching methods, from a purely theoretical individual approach to the construction of knowledge and know-how as part of a team. The bachelor's degree in physical education thus makes the student a player in his or her own training and a co-actor in the training of his or her peers.
Practical courses in physical education and sport promote the development of personal skills in the various disciplines of physical education and sport. This objective is achieved through interaction between the student, the experts in the field who supervise him/her in this part of the training and the knowledge developed in the various scientific disciplines of the programme. The use of experts in the field ensures that the expected learning outcomes are in line with society's current expectations in the field of physical education.
Lectures in the motor sciences are particularly aimed at developing specific basic knowledge by building on the know-how developed in practical training.
The use of tutoring, monitoring and practical work is a major advantage of the training provided in lectures relating to the exact, biomedical and human sciences. In this way, the knowledge imparted in these courses is based on a concrete scientific approach.
In a course where the sharing of knowledge and know-how are central (as a teacher, as a leader or as a sports manager), the undergraduate student is guided along the path of individual development of attitudes and values specific to the sharing of skills.
Training in physical education is therefore based on six disciplinary and cross-disciplinary learning outcomes. In the bachelor's degree in physical education, these are broken down into learning outcomes with a view to personal development.