Learning outcomes

Bachelor in Bioengineering students must undertake to gain a good grounding in order to tackle the training provided in the various Masters organised by the Faculty of Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Engineering.

The objective is to develop into individuals working towards a better reconciliation of human activities and respect for the environment, developing sustainable responses to the major challenges facing our societies today and tomorrow, and improving our quality of life.

The Bachelor programme of study allows students to acquire a broad knowledge base and scientific and technological expertise in the life sciences field, allowing them to understand and conceptualise biological, agricultural and environmental systems.

Through multidisciplinary training, the future bioengineering graduate will develop their training and personal project which they will work on during their Masters programme, and do so with increasing independence.

On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :

1 To use a body of knowledge (knowledge, methods and techniques, models and processes) in life and human sciences in the fields of agricultural, biological chemical and environmental engineering.

1.1 To know and understand the fundamentals and basic concepts of the fundamental sciences (core courses), to master their formalism and more specifically to do so for the following subjects:

  • Mathematics, analysis and data-processing: general mathematics, probability and statistics
  • Material sciences: general, organic and analytical chemistry, general physics
  • Life sciences: cell, plant and animal biology, plant physiology, biochemistry, genetics, microbiology
  • Earth sciences and ecosystems: earth sciences and biosphere engineering

1.2 To know and understand the basic concepts as part of an introduction to philosophy and economics.

1.3 To master a body of knowledge in one of the bioengineering fields (additional module):

  • Additional module on agriculture or the environment:
  • Life sciences: physiology of the development and systematics of plants of agronomic interest, Animal Physiology (additional module on agronomy only)
  • Earth sciences and ecosystems: soil science, bioclimatology, applied ecology, forest science (additional module on environment only)
  • Human sciences: environmental economics
  • Additional modules on chemistry, material sciences: physical chemistry, organic and analytical chemistry, organic analysis: separation techniques, colloid and surface chemistry

1.4 To master the fundamental experimental techniques in chemistry, physics, biology, earth sciences.

1.5 To use knowledge critically when faced with a simple problem.

1.6 Using several strands of knowledge (to articulate concepts from different fields) to understand a multidisciplinary problem.

2. To make critical use of a body of "engineering and management knowledge" with expertise in the fields of agricultural, biological, chemical and environmental engineering.

2.1 To know and understand the fundamentals, concepts and basic tools in engineering sciences.

  • Mathematics, analysis and data-processing: IT and applied mathematics, systems analysis, transfer phenomena
  • Earth sciences and ecosystems: biosphere engineering
  • Human sciences: business operation and management; environmental economics (only for additional modules on agronomy and environment)
  • Material sciences (only for additional modules on chemistry): thermodynamics

2.2 To understand and use the basic tools in engineering sciences (e.g.: Information technology tools, programming, etc.)

2.3 To activate and use their knowledge of engineering with a critical mind and to tackle a simple problem using a quantitative approach.

2.4 To know and understand the basic concepts and major theories in management.

3. To apply an appropriate methodology for research, implementing an analytical scientific and, if applicable, systematic approach in order to consider an original research problem in more depth relevant to agricultural, biological, chemical and environmental engineering, incorporating several disciplines.

This skill set will develop throughout the 5 years. Amongst others, it requires the use of a set of skills as described above. These skills correspond in fact to the different stages of the scientific approach.
The majority of these skills are developed in the Bachelor and Master programmes, with differentiation predominately on 3 levels:

  • the level of detail and complexity applied to the scientific problem/research studied;
  • the degree of innovation shown by the student;
  • the degree of autonomy demonstrated by the student throughout the process.

3.1 To search for information on a defined and simplified scientific problem, to assess its reliability based on the nature of the source of the information and to produce a summary.

3.2 To identify the causal relations between the key elements of a single scientific problem.

3.3 To implement a rigorous methodology (experimentation – observation – modelling) allowing the acquisition of data to answer a clearly defined scientific question.

3.4 To master the basics of statistical analysis of scientific data.

3.5 To analyse and interpret the results to produce a reasoned critique on a well-defined scientific question.

3.6 To demonstrate an ability to summarise and formulate conclusions on a well-defined scientific question.

3.7 In each of the skills mentioned above, to demonstrate rigour, precision and the critical thinking essential for any scientific method.

4. To formulate and analyse a simple problem in the agricultural, biological, chemical and environmental engineering fields linked with new situations presenting a degree of uncertainty. To be able to develop pertinent, sustainable and innovative solutions through a systematic and multidisciplinary approach.

This skill set will develop throughout the 5 years. It requires the use of a set of skills as described above. These skills correspond in fact to the different stages of the engineering approach. The majority of these skills are developed in the Bachelor and Master programmes, with differentiation on:

  • the complexity and scope of the problem addressed;
  • the degree of autonomy demonstrated by the student throughout the process;
  • the degree of depth in each skill.

4.1 To extract relevant information to formalise a simple problem, with a view to defining one or more clear questions.

4.2 To identify the key concepts required to resolve the simple problem based on the knowledge acquired.

4.3 To analyse and resolve the simple problem using key concepts and to formulate hypotheses underlying the concepts.

4.4 To identify solutions and the limits of their application based on hypotheses formulated during the resolution stage.

5. To design and implement a multidisciplinary project, alone and in teams with the stakeholders concerned. This project should take the objectives into account and incorporate scientific, technical, environmental, economic and human factors.

The graduate should be able to lead a project alone and in a group, focusing on projects of a scientific and technological nature with highly targeted objectives.

5.1 To know and understand the principles of collaborative learning.

5.2 To plan and develop all the stages of a project alone and in a team based on predefined objectives and work together after having allocated the tasks.

5.3 To contribute to the progress of the project and the success of the team in sharing information and expertise in order to achieve the intended objective.

5.4 To recognise and take into account the diverse viewpoints of team members.

6. To communicate, interact and convince in a professional manner, in French and English (level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages published by the Council of Europe), both verbally and in writing, adapting to their conversational partners and the context.

6.1 To understand and use scientific texts and literature and basic technical documents in French and English.

6.2 To communicate information, ideas, solutions and conclusions as well as the knowledge and underlying principles, in a clearly structured, substantiated, concise and comprehensive way (as appropriate) both verbally and in writing according to the standards of communication specific to the context.

6.3 To develop logic diagrams to pose simple questions in summary form.

6.4 To produce graphs, with and without IT equipment, meeting scientific standards.

6.5 To communicate the results of observations and/or experiences in a relevant way using tables and scientific graphs.

6.6 To communicate effectively and respectfully with peers and teachers, demonstrating listening skills, empathy and assertiveness.

6.7 To conduct themselves professional environments with the correct attitude, to interact with players in the field, with colleagues.

6.8 To explain and argue their opinions and views with peers and teachers.

6.9 To learn to use basic software for effective communication in the training activities.

6.10 To learn English to level B2 according to the European Framework.

7. To act with concern for sustainable development challenges, be open to the world and adopt a humanistic outlook.

7.1 To demonstrate intellectual independence of thought, to regard knowledge critically.

7.2 To make decisions and act, on their training path, with respect for ethical values and in compliance with laws and conventions.

7.3 To understand the key issues of sustainable development and to situate their own career in the light of these challenges.

7.4 To demonstrate humanism, cultural openness and solidarity.

8. To demonstrate independence and be proactive in acquiring new knowledge and the development of new skills to be able to adapt to changing or uncertain situations and to develop positively. They will develop a professional project and the course encompasses continuing development.

8.1 To adapt to a variety of learning situations and to take advantage of them.

8.2 To manage their education and work independently: to set priorities, anticipate and plan all their activities in time.

8.3 To manage stress and frustration in the face of undefined or urgent situations.

8.4 To take control of their educational career with the aim of defining the direction of their professional project.

8.5 To integrate new knowledge and skills independently (including methodological skills) in response to defined situations.