Programme structure

This programme which leads to the title of "Bachelor of Engineering Sciences : Bioengineering", is composed of three years of studies. The training programme comprises different types of course activities: lectures, practical exercises, group work, individual work, tutorials, work experience and, of course, personal study. 

Each course title is followed by a number indicating the number of hours the course represents per academic year. This number corresponds to lectures, unless a different teaching method (seminars, exercises) is mentioned in the course title. Where course activities (exercises, laboratory work or practical tasks) accompany one or several lectures, these are characterised by a second volume of hours per year. The course timetable is available at the secretary's office of the Faculty.

The number in brackets next to the number of course hours, relates to the total number of credits attributed to the course activity. This unit is a measure of the student's global workload for one year of studies and corresponds to the unit used by the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). A full study year includes 60 credits. The sign (~) refers to the description of the training activity, available on the web site, when the credits differ for the study years or for the options of the same programme.

Information on credits not indicated on the study programme can be obtained from the secretary's office of the Faculty. 
Principal Subjects 

  • Mathematics, analysis and data-processing
  • Sciences and Engineering of Matter and Processes
  • Life Sciences
  • Earth Sciences and Ecosystems
  • Human Sciences