Learning outcomes

This diploma in civil engineering in mechanics aims to meet the challenges of designing and innovating, according to a polytechnical approach, complex solutions and systems linked to mechanics and its applications. This Master’s degree aims to train experts in the area of mechanics and its applications and to do so in the context of the rapidly changing circumstances of Europe and the world.

The future civil engineer in mechanics will acquire the skills and knowledge to becomeA professional polytechnic engineer capable of integrating several disciplines in the areas of continuum mechanics, thermodynamics and machine design.
An individual capable of putting into practice his/her skills as well as the tools used in research and technology.
A specialist in extremely varied and specialized applied fields such as energetics, aerodynamics, automobiles, rail transport, robotics, numerical simulation, and scientific information.
A manager who can manage projects alone or in a team.

Polytechnic and multidisciplinary, the education offered by the Louvain School of Engineering privileges the acquisition of skills and knowledge that combine theory and practice and that deal with analysis, design, manufacturing, production, research and development and innovation while at the same time taking ethics and sustainable development into consideration.

On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :

1.Demonstrate a mastery of a solid body of knowledge in basic and engineering sciences, permitting him/her to understand and solve problems that are raised by mechanics.

1.1 Identify and apply concepts, laws, and practical reasoning to a given problem related to:
  • Continuum mechanics
  • Energy, thermodynamics and thermics
  • Mathematical modelling and numerical simulation
  • Project management
  • Robotics, automated systems

1.2 Identify and use adequate modelling and calculation tools to solve these problems

1.3 Verify the plausibility and confirm the validity of results (orders of magnitude, units).

2.Organize and carry out an applied engineering procedure for the development of a product (and/or a service) that meets a need or solves a problem specific to the field of mechanics.

2.1 Analyse the problem or the operational needs that must be met, formulate the product specifications while taking technical and economic constraints into account.

2.2 Model the problem and design one or more technical solutions while integrating the mechanical aspects corresponding to the product specifications.

2.3 Evaluate and classify solutions in light of all the criteria included in the product specifications: efficiency, feasibility, quality, ergonomics, and security.

2.4 Implement and test a solution in the form of a mock up, a prototype and/or a numerical model.

2.5 Formulate recommendations to improve the operational characteristics of a proposed solution.

3.Organize and carry out a research project to understand a physical phenomenon or a new problem related to mechanics.

3.1 Document and summarize the existing knowledge in the field of mechanics.

3.2 Suggest a model and/or experimental device to simulate the performance of a system, thereby testing relevant hypotheses related to the phenomenon being studied.

3.3 Put together a summary report, which aims to explain the potentialities for theoretical and/or technical innovation resulting from the research project.

4.Contribute, as a member of a team, to the achievement of a multidisciplinary project while taking into account its objectives, allocated resources and constraints.

4.1 Create a project framework and explain the project objectives while taking into account the challenges and constraints that characterize the project’s environment.

4.2 Collectively commit to a work schedule

4.3 Operate in a multidisciplinary environment with individuals who hold different points of view

4.4 Make team decisions when necessary to complete a project whether they pertain to technical solutions or to the division of labour.

5.Demonstrate effective communication skills (speaking and writing skills in French or in a foreign language) with the goal of successfully carrying out assigned projects.

5.1 Identify the client’s needs: ask appropriate questions and listen to the entire request (not simply the technical aspects).

5.2 Present convincing arguments by using the language of your interlocutors (colleagues, technicians, clients, superiors).

5.3 Communicate through graphics and schemes (interpret a scheme, present a project, structure information).

5.4 Read, analyse, and use technical documents (standards, outlines, specifications).

5.5 Draft written documents that take contextual requirements and social conventions into account.

5.6 Give convincing oral presentations using appropriate communication techniques.

Display rigour, openness, and critical thinking. Be able to adopt the appropriate global point of view to validate the socio-technical relevance of a hypothesis or a solution, all the while drawing upon available technological and scientific innovations.

6.1 Apply standards and assure the robustness of a solution in the fields of mechanics and electricity.
6.2. Putting solutions into perspective by broadening the spectrum to include non-technical issues (energy and climate, environmental and social aspects).

6.3 Demonstrate critical thinking vis-à-vis technical solutions.

6.4 Evaluate one’s own work