Over the years, EPL has developed over a hundred partnerships with partners in more than 36 countries (EU and non-EU) to offer exchange programmes to its students. We also offer the possibility of obtaining Double degrees, Joint Degrees or Dual Masters in several fields. The EPL is currently participating in two Erasmus Mundus programmes: FAME and STRAINS.
In addition to exchange programmes under the Erasmus+ programme, numerous agreements have been established with a wide range of universities through various partner networks such as:
- TIME network (Top Industrial Managers in Europe).
- CLUSTER network
- Magalhães network
- Circle U. network through several networks and European University Alliance
So, there's no shortage of opportunities to gain an additional qualification and/or spend part of the year abroad during your two-year Master's degree! It's the perfect opportunity to discover or improve your knowledge of a foreign language, tackle subjects from a new angle and gain unique experience in Europe or the rest of the world.
If you would like more information, please visit the dedicated pages of the EPL International Office to discover all the destinations, testimonials from former students and all the procedures to follow to make these opportunities a success.
Louvain School of Engineering takes part in the TFM-ASA Master Program. The TFM-ASA Master Program is a two-year Master of Science Program taught in English by 3 Universities in 3 different countries (Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium) , Brandenburg University of Technology (Germany) and University of Bordeaux (France)).
The students will benefit from top quality training in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. They will spend an entire semester in each university. Many industrial partners are directly involved through internships for students, conferences and even courses.
Louvain School of Engineering takes part in The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree STRAINS. STRAINS is a 2-year master programme of excellence in English for students wishing to develop their knowledge and skills in the field of solid mechanics for the modeling of materials and structures.
It was built by a consortium of six acknowledged European Universities and associated partners. The disciplinary opening is given by the student mobility. The programme leads to the award of a recognized joint diploma. The master is aimed to give thorough theoretical, experimental and numerical tools for solving advanced engineering problems, especially emphasizing the dialogue between these three aspects.
The educational aim of the programme is to qualify students to a level of excellence in one of the 4 specialised fields of Mechanics:
- Computational Mechanics
- Mechanics of Structures
- Mechanics of Materials
- Material Design & Properties
This 2-year study program of excellence, leading to 120 credit Master’s diplomas was designed to meet the renewed international demand for qualified graduates with dedicated training and experience in fundamental and advanced mechanics.
The programme offers mobility across 5 European sites with the objective for the student to do at least 2 or 3 mobilities within its course.