The "Bachelor in History of Art and Archaeology: Musicology" effectively prepares students for entry into a Master's degree programme so that they can "become critical cultural players and active citizens who have an awareness of the world's socio-cultural issues and are able to involve themselves in the major challenges and issues of today's multicultural society".
By the end of their Bachelor's degree course in History of Art and Archaeology: Musicology, graduates will have acquired a number of different academic skills, including the ability to research precise, targeted information, analyse visual, audio and written documents or works, think critically, understand and forge links between diverse and complex subjects, and write up various academic reports and other work.
They will also have a broad understanding of the main frameworks of the history of Western art, from antiquity to the present day, and a certain ability to handle corpora of musicology-related information. Moreover, they will have acquired a knowledge of the basic theory and methodology required to understand the fields of history of art, archaeology and musicology.
These outcomes will allow them to progress to a Master's programme in History of Art and Archaeology: Musicology, with a view to focusing on one of the specialist areas offered at Master's level and acquiring professional and targeted academic skills that can be transferred to the employment market. This Bachelor's degree will also allow graduates to move towards other, related fields with the appropriate minor subject or additional studies (for instance, a Master's in History of Art and Archaeology: General, a Master's in History, a Master's in Theatre Studies, etc.).
On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
1. Master disciplinary knowledge
1.1. Master a core of knowledge in the fields of history, philosophy, arts and literature
1.2. Articuler ces savoirs dans un contexte historique, social et culturel
1.3. Mastering knowledge related to the ecological crisis and transition
1.4. Actively master an integrated body of knowledge in each of the fields of art history and archaeology.
2. Understanding and analyzing sources
2.1. Examine sources critically
2.2. Prioritize sources according to reliability and relevance
2.3. Browse, search, filter, evaluate and manage data, information and digital content
2.4. Understand and evaluate the intellectual property aspects (copyright and licensing) of digital data
2.5. Carry out targeted research using a scientific approach, which may involve working with a large quantity of data and information in a systematic and rigorous manner.
3. Giving meaning to a text, an event or a work of art
3.1. Interpret an event, work, image or text in its historical, social and cultural context
3.2. Assessing the significance of cultural productions in a given society and reporting on their circulation
3.3. Open up to other cultures, means of communication and expression, and perspectives.
3.4. Considering the systemic nature of the ecological and social crisis
3.5. Managing data, information and digital content
3.6. Study a work or an issue using the methods specific to musicology studies and sharpening one's critical mind
4. Understanding and producing scientific texts
4.1. Collect and select relevant information using rigorous, systematic methods
4.2. Synthesize essential elements of knowledge to problematize a research question
4.3. Produce a scientific text that respects disciplinary norms and digital conventions (“etiquette”)
4.4. Creating digital content
5. Communicating in several languages
5.1. Read and understand specialized texts in several modern languages
5.2. Professional writing
5.3. Communicate (with peers) in your subject area, in at least one foreign language
6. Become autonomous and responsible in your training
6.1. Anticipate and plan all learning activities
6.2. Be able to work individually or collaboratively, including using digital tools
6.3. Reflect on knowledge, methods and products
6.4. Managing your digital identity
6.5. Identify the needs to which technology can provide answers
6.6. Be open to the cultural and socio-professional world