Learning outcomes

To become scholars with a mastery of the fundamentals of several disciplines, capable of accurate diagnoses and a global vision of societies, equipped for research and action.

On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :

1. Build and develop an interdisciplinary, critical, reflective, and civic perspective.

1.1. To be an autonomous and active citizen, aware of the challenges facing society in relation to the PPE disciplines
1.2. Learn to take a position and to do so in a reasoned way, taking opponents' arguments seriously
1.3. Develop intellectual curiosity: be interested in and open to the prospects of development and change in terms of both methods and knowledge related to the three disciplines
1.4. Demonstrate intellectual independence in their reasoning and take a critical look at issues related to the 3 disciplines
1.5. Think and act in an interdisciplinary way, opening up to other conceptual and methodological frameworks in order to build up knowledge.

2. Acquire a solid foundation of knowledge in the three disciplines and apply it by fostering dialogue and comparison to understand a given issue

2.1. Master a core of knowledge in the fields of political science, economics and philosophy
2.2. Putting these three disciplines' knowledge bases into dialogue with each other

3. Acquire and develop expertise

3.1. Acquire the main methods associated with the three disciplines
3.2. Apply the different methods of the disciplines
3.3. Reflect on the contribution of new methods and develop these methods with a view to adapting them to specific and diverse situations

4. Develop and establish a research approach rooted in the three disciplines

4.1. Construct and address issues on a subject and demonstrate clear, structured reasoning in order to formulate a research question
4.2. Develop a method for collecting and analysing conceptual frameworks related to the subject: describe, organise, synthesise and put into perspective these conceptual frameworks in a systematic and rigorous way
4.3. Interrogate the set of information on the subject by applying the methodologies of the various disciplines, while bringing your own reflective and critical eye to bear on it
4.4. Put the choice of application case into perspective in order to identify the potential for generalising the case and the results obtained (inference, causal inference)
4.5. Communicate the structure and results of your research in a scientific and educational manner, both orally and in writing

5. Develop the ability to work in a group

5.1. Learn to formulate questions in such a way as to facilitate dialogue between several disciplines and individuals in a group
5.2. Learn to listen to the differences in other positions and understand their source
5.3. Learn to translate this capacity for understanding into the ability to coordinate collective projects