Mobility and/or Internationalisation outlook

Students are able to take advantage of various international elements of the course:

•  each year, UCL students can attend lectures given by the Chair of Political, Administrative and International Reform. Given by internationally renowned researchers, these lectures are either in French or English. 

•  area studies courses

•  study visits abroad lasting one semester are available under the Erasmus scheme and, to a lesser extent, the Mercatorscheme.For the research focus, discussions are ongoing to establish special agreements with a limited number of partners (established research centres) to organize targeted student exchanges for research, worth 10 of the 30 mobility credits.  

•  becoming part of the international networks (Europe, North America, Japan and North East Asia) of the Centre for Comparative Politics (Centre de Politique Comparée - CPC), the research group COMPASSS, and the  University Research Association for Public Policy (Association Universitaire de Recherche sur l’Action Publique – AURAP).

Special partners :

  •  KULeuven : (**ongoing discussions) Discussions with a view to  reaching an agreement which would enable:  1/ special access to specific courses up to 15 credits ; 2/ special access to courses which together form a natural group (for example groups of area studies or different seminars on methodology)
  • Political Science Lille (**ongoing discussions) Discussions with a view to  reaching an agreement which would, ideally, enable the award of a double degree (by spending one year in Lille and one at UCL), or failing that, the award of a joint degree
  • Marie Haps (see above)
  • the Socrates European network for comparative politics (intensive module)