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Toughening strategies for co-cured composite joints by Charline VAN INNIS21 AugCarbon fibre reinforced polymer composites are broadly used in complex structures. Manufacturing of these structures requires joining composite parts with each other or with other materials. Adhesive bonding offers many advantages compared to mechanical fastening such as lightweight and homogeneous stress transfer.En savoir plusToughening strategies for co-cured composite joints by Charline VAN INNIS21 AugCarbon fibre reinforced polymer composites are broadly used in complex structures. Manufacturing of these structures requires joining composite parts with each other or with other materials. Adhesive bonding offers many advantages compared to mechanical fastening such as lightweight and homogeneous stress transfer.
Multi-scale time integration schemes for three-dimensional hydrodynamic marine models by Ange Pacifique ISHIMWE05 JulThe coastal ocean, covering a mere 8% of Earth's surface and 0.2% of the global ocean volume, plays a pivotal role in human activities and is thus crucial for study. These domains have to deal with large aspect ratio domains where the horizontal length scales can reach several thousands of kilometers while the depth is generally of the order of one kilometer or smaller.En savoir plusMulti-scale time integration schemes for three-dimensional hydrodynamic marine models by Ange Pacifique ISHIMWE05 JulThe coastal ocean, covering a mere 8% of Earth's surface and 0.2% of the global ocean volume, plays a pivotal role in human activities and is thus crucial for study. These domains have to deal with large aspect ratio domains where the horizontal length scales can reach several thousands of kilometers while the depth is generally of the order of one kilometer or smaller.
Numerical Simulation of the Impact of Accidental Radioactive Releases into the Meuse and Scheldt Aquatic Systems04 JulThe Fukushima and Chernobyl disasters tragically illustrated the risks associated with the civilian nuclear industry. In Belgium, there are two nuclear power plants (Doel and Tihange), whilst two others are located near its borders on the banks of the Meuse River (Chooz) and Scheldt Estuary (Borselle).En savoir plusNumerical Simulation of the Impact of Accidental Radioactive Releases into the Meuse and Scheldt Aquatic Systems04 JulThe Fukushima and Chernobyl disasters tragically illustrated the risks associated with the civilian nuclear industry. In Belgium, there are two nuclear power plants (Doel and Tihange), whilst two others are located near its borders on the banks of the Meuse River (Chooz) and Scheldt Estuary (Borselle).
Scale-resolved aero-servo-elastic simulation of large wind turbines using the actuator line method by François TRIGAUX01 JulIn recent years, the size of offshore wind turbines has grown significantly. While this increases the power that can be harnessed from the wind, it also increases the flexibility of the blades, which can lead to aero-elastic effects.En savoir plusScale-resolved aero-servo-elastic simulation of large wind turbines using the actuator line method by François TRIGAUX01 JulIn recent years, the size of offshore wind turbines has grown significantly. While this increases the power that can be harnessed from the wind, it also increases the flexibility of the blades, which can lead to aero-elastic effects.
Design of composite materials and structures across the scales: physical and data-driven models28 JunThe ambitious goal of reaching net-zero emissions in aviation by 2050 can only be met by science-based disruptive innovations, including those that have the potential to reduce aircraft structural weight.En savoir plusDesign of composite materials and structures across the scales: physical and data-driven models28 JunThe ambitious goal of reaching net-zero emissions in aviation by 2050 can only be met by science-based disruptive innovations, including those that have the potential to reduce aircraft structural weight.
Biomass for the Energy Transition: Resources, Final Uses and Beyond - Seeing the Forest for the Trees by Martin COLLA17 JunIn the context of the energy transition, biomass represents a pivotal player for a sustainable future. This thesis delves into the multifaceted role of biomass, exploring its potential, its final uses and the challenges it faces in shaping a sustainable energy landscape.En savoir plusBiomass for the Energy Transition: Resources, Final Uses and Beyond - Seeing the Forest for the Trees by Martin COLLA17 JunIn the context of the energy transition, biomass represents a pivotal player for a sustainable future. This thesis delves into the multifaceted role of biomass, exploring its potential, its final uses and the challenges it faces in shaping a sustainable energy landscape.
Downstream hydrosedimentary impacts of dam flushing: experimental and numerical modelling by Robin MEURICE13 JunDepuis des siècles, les barrages permettent de gérer les ressources en eau à des fins de production et de protection contre les aléas climatiques. Néanmoins, la construction et le fonctionnement des barrages ont des impacts socio-écologiques non négligeables à l'amont, comme à l'aval des barrages. En particulier, ces ouvrages viennent perturber la continuité sédimentaire des rivières.En savoir plusDownstream hydrosedimentary impacts of dam flushing: experimental and numerical modelling by Robin MEURICE13 JunDepuis des siècles, les barrages permettent de gérer les ressources en eau à des fins de production et de protection contre les aléas climatiques. Néanmoins, la construction et le fonctionnement des barrages ont des impacts socio-écologiques non négligeables à l'amont, comme à l'aval des barrages. En particulier, ces ouvrages viennent perturber la continuité sédimentaire des rivières.
Understanding hydrogen desorption mechanisms in aluminized PHS by Mohamed KRID12 JunPress hardenable steels (PHS) coated with Al-Si alloy are widely used in the automotive industry owing to their good mechanical properties (YS > 1200 MPa and TS > 1500 MPa). The presence of Al-Si coating prevents oxidation and decarburization of steel during austenitization.En savoir plusUnderstanding hydrogen desorption mechanisms in aluminized PHS by Mohamed KRID12 JunPress hardenable steels (PHS) coated with Al-Si alloy are widely used in the automotive industry owing to their good mechanical properties (YS > 1200 MPa and TS > 1500 MPa). The presence of Al-Si coating prevents oxidation and decarburization of steel during austenitization.
Multi-material lattices: are they worth the effort?11 JunLattices materials range from open and closed cell foams across a wide range of length scale to micro-architectured, multi-phase solids that are manufactured by additive manufacture. Size effects are important too: lattices with struts of small diameter are subjected to high gradients of strain in bending and are consequently have a higher material strength than large scale lattices.En savoir plusMulti-material lattices: are they worth the effort?11 JunLattices materials range from open and closed cell foams across a wide range of length scale to micro-architectured, multi-phase solids that are manufactured by additive manufacture. Size effects are important too: lattices with struts of small diameter are subjected to high gradients of strain in bending and are consequently have a higher material strength than large scale lattices.
EMS Summer School10 Jun14 JunFull information available here