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Mesure des flux de sables en continu dans les rivières19 AprL'évaluation des flux de sédiments en suspension dans les rivières reste une tâche difficile, en particulier pour la fraction la plus grossière, à savoir le sable. Pour les fractions d'argile et de limon, l'hypothèse d'une distribution homogène des concentrations dans toute la section de la rivière est généralement valable.En savoir plusMesure des flux de sables en continu dans les rivières19 AprL'évaluation des flux de sédiments en suspension dans les rivières reste une tâche difficile, en particulier pour la fraction la plus grossière, à savoir le sable. Pour les fractions d'argile et de limon, l'hypothèse d'une distribution homogène des concentrations dans toute la section de la rivière est généralement valable.
Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for River and Delta flow simulations by Insaf Draoui19 AprUnderstanding and predicting the hydrodynamics of river systems is a challenging, yet crucial task for managing the land-sea continuum. Considering the goal of maintaining an acceptable accuracy level with acceptable calculation time, various modeling approaches can be investigated to address this challenge.En savoir plusDiscontinuous Galerkin Methods for River and Delta flow simulations by Insaf Draoui19 AprUnderstanding and predicting the hydrodynamics of river systems is a challenging, yet crucial task for managing the land-sea continuum. Considering the goal of maintaining an acceptable accuracy level with acceptable calculation time, various modeling approaches can be investigated to address this challenge.
CANCELLED Better planning spine surgeries thanks to patient specific biomechanical models18 AprSpinal deformities are one of the most mechanically disabling pathology for the human body. Resolving spinal deformities using surgery is difficult, sensitive and frequently leads to the necessity to perform corrective surgeries.En savoir plusCANCELLED Better planning spine surgeries thanks to patient specific biomechanical models18 AprSpinal deformities are one of the most mechanically disabling pathology for the human body. Resolving spinal deformities using surgery is difficult, sensitive and frequently leads to the necessity to perform corrective surgeries.
That’s a vortex (probably)!15 AprThere are many examples in fluid dynamics in which we wish to use a limited amount of information about a flow (e.g., from sensors) to infer its larger behavior. Rather than treat this inverse problem deterministically, it is valuable to embrace its uncertainty, e.g., due to noisy sensor measurements, and work in a probabilistic setting.En savoir plusThat’s a vortex (probably)!15 AprThere are many examples in fluid dynamics in which we wish to use a limited amount of information about a flow (e.g., from sensors) to infer its larger behavior. Rather than treat this inverse problem deterministically, it is valuable to embrace its uncertainty, e.g., due to noisy sensor measurements, and work in a probabilistic setting.
Metals as future carbon-free energy carriers08 AprThe search for sustainable solutions for the production and transport of energy is essential to ensure Europe's leadership in these sectors. Micrometric metal particles offer a promising source of sustainable energy. Upon ignition, they generate a significant amount of energy without emitting carbon dioxide.En savoir plusMetals as future carbon-free energy carriers08 AprThe search for sustainable solutions for the production and transport of energy is essential to ensure Europe's leadership in these sectors. Micrometric metal particles offer a promising source of sustainable energy. Upon ignition, they generate a significant amount of energy without emitting carbon dioxide.
Riemann Problem in Gas Dynamics by Vincent Degrooff21 MarThe study of conservation laws leads us to work with hyperbolic PDE's. Such systems can generate discontinuous solutions in finite time from continuous data. Bernhard Riemann was one of the first to investigate these discontinuous solutions in a paper published in 1860.En savoir plusRiemann Problem in Gas Dynamics by Vincent Degrooff21 MarThe study of conservation laws leads us to work with hyperbolic PDE's. Such systems can generate discontinuous solutions in finite time from continuous data. Bernhard Riemann was one of the first to investigate these discontinuous solutions in a paper published in 1860.
MicroCT and contrast-enhanced microCT imaging to improve treatments for cardiovascular diseases by Lisa Leyssens18 MarCardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease, characterized by the buildup of plaque within the arterial walls causing blood vessel narrowing, and is the primary cause of many cardiovascular diseases.En savoir plusMicroCT and contrast-enhanced microCT imaging to improve treatments for cardiovascular diseases by Lisa Leyssens18 MarCardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease, characterized by the buildup of plaque within the arterial walls causing blood vessel narrowing, and is the primary cause of many cardiovascular diseases.
Machine learning approach to close the filtered Two-Fluid model in gas-solid flows: models for filtered drag force and subgrid solid stress by Baptiste HARDY14 MarGas-particle flows are commonly simulated through two-fluid model at industrial-scale. However, these simulations need very fine grid to have accurate flow predictions, which is prohibitively demanding in terms of computational resources.En savoir plusMachine learning approach to close the filtered Two-Fluid model in gas-solid flows: models for filtered drag force and subgrid solid stress by Baptiste HARDY14 MarGas-particle flows are commonly simulated through two-fluid model at industrial-scale. However, these simulations need very fine grid to have accurate flow predictions, which is prohibitively demanding in terms of computational resources.
Quantification of trunk muscle forces through multibody models and non-invasive experimental measurements by Simon Hinnekens05 MarIn biomechanics, spine modelling allows the calculation of intervertebral efforts. The latter reflect the combined effect of spine geometry, spine kinematics and muscle forces. Although the geometry and kinematics of the spine are well known, the estimation of muscle forces is still one of the major challenges in spine modelling.En savoir plusQuantification of trunk muscle forces through multibody models and non-invasive experimental measurements by Simon Hinnekens05 MarIn biomechanics, spine modelling allows the calculation of intervertebral efforts. The latter reflect the combined effect of spine geometry, spine kinematics and muscle forces. Although the geometry and kinematics of the spine are well known, the estimation of muscle forces is still one of the major challenges in spine modelling.
River’s processes and flow-biota interactions: lessons learned from the experiments by Donatella TERMINI29 FebGlobal warming leads to an alteration of hydrological cycle, determining more frequent high intensity rainfall events. Alteration of hydrological conditions inevitably leads to river's hydromorphological dynamism, with changes in flow discharge, water level, sediment transport and dispersion processes, affecting the aquatic habitats and biotic communities.En savoir plusRiver’s processes and flow-biota interactions: lessons learned from the experiments by Donatella TERMINI29 FebGlobal warming leads to an alteration of hydrological cycle, determining more frequent high intensity rainfall events. Alteration of hydrological conditions inevitably leads to river's hydromorphological dynamism, with changes in flow discharge, water level, sediment transport and dispersion processes, affecting the aquatic habitats and biotic communities.