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Courses available

ilv | Bruxelles Woluwe, Charleroi, Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons

The French Department of ILV, the Institut des Langues Vivantes, welcomes students from all UCLouvain faculties to its groups. 

It offers several types of courses:

  1. general courses (4h / week) from level A1 to C1 of the CEFR, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;
  2. general courses (2h / week), for levels A2 and B1 (objectives A2.1 and B1.1 in Q1, objectives A2.2 and B1.2 in Q2);
  3. in-depth courses (2h / week) focusing on a single skill: pronunciation, grammar, written production, Suivre un cours à l'université (construire l'écoute et le sens), for levels A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1.
  4. wide-angle courses (2h / week) that mobilize several skills in a specific context: S'exprimer en français par les arts, le français, langue universitaire, Stratégies de communication professionnelle.