News for cism

CISM Newsletter 24.01

The topics are :   Maintenance operations CECI Day Lumi Lemaitre4 See the details.
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CISM Newsletter 24.03

The topics are :   Maintenance week July Training sessions Fall 2024 See the details.
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2023 CISM annual report available

Every year, around mid-March, we publish our activity report, written in French. You must be authenticated to have access to those Activity Reports.
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The 13th CECI users meeting : save the day

The 13th CECI users meeting has been scheduled on Thursday, 18 April 2024, 13h-18h at UCLouvain.    You will receive, in the following weeks, a detailed invitation for this event.   In the meantime, please fix your agenda accordingly.  
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Job Opportunity

The CISM  institute (with the CÉCI consortium) will recruit a new staff member... see the offer of appointment. (deadline March 4, 2024)
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