News for cism

Une nouvelle chaine Youtube consacrée au calcul haute...

Le CISM inaugure cette année, en collaboration avec le Consortium des Équipements de Calcul Intensif sa chaine Youtube consacrée au calcul haute performance (HPC). Elle propose les vidéos de toutes les formations données ces deux dernières années, dont les thèmes vont de l'utilisation de base de...
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A Youtube channel dedicated to high-performance computing

The CISM inaugurates this year, in collaboration with the Consortium des Équipements de Calcul Intensif a Youtube channel dedicated to high-performance computing (HPC). It offers videos of all the training courses given over the past two years The topics range from the basic use of Linux...
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CISM Newsletter 22.02

The topics are: Annual report GPUs on Manneback Joint EuroCC / PTC workshop on Workflows in HPC See the details.
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Next CUCISM May 23th 10 AM

The next meeting of the members of the Board, CUCISM ( "Comité des Utilisateurs") is scheduled for May 23th, 2022 10am (location will be specified). Your representative can report your inquiry or provide you further information. UCL members (intranet) have access to the CUCISM Reports (PV)...
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Next CUCISM March 17th 2022

The next meeting of the members of the Board, CUCISM ( "Comité des Utilisateurs") is scheduled for March 17th, 2022 2pm (location will be specified). Your representative can report your inquiry or provide you further information. UCL members (intranet) have access to the CUCISM Reports...
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