News for cism

Next CUCISM February 6th, 2023 2 PM

The next meeting of the members of the Board, CUCISM ( "Comité des Utilisateurs") is scheduled for February 6th, 2023 2pm (location will be specified). The meeting will be followed by an extra QA session. The support team will meet all the users from 3:30PM to 5PM. Your representative can...
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CISM Newsletter 22.04

The topics are : HPC Training sessions : registration is open Manneback: node shutdown and user self-test Newer clusters: Tier-0, Tier-1, Tier-2   See the details.  
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CISM is organising new training sessions and...

The annual training courses on HPC given by CISM and its partners will start next month. Don't hesitate to register and spread the word! The CISM and the Consortium des Équipements de Calcul Intensif (CÉCI) organize each year training related to high-performance computing on clusters,...
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Next CUCISM September 26th 1 PM

The next meeting of the members of the Board, CUCISM ( "Comité des Utilisateurs") is scheduled for September 26th, 2022 10am (location will be specified). Your representative can report your inquiry or provide you further information. UCL members (intranet) have access to the CUCISM...
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CISM Newsletter 22.03

The topics are :   • Slurm update • Documentation update • User duties • F2F Q&A   See the details.  
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