News for eli


Prix Adolphe Wetrems - Sciences Naturelles pour Sophie...

On 16 December 2023, Sophie Opfergelt was awarded the Adolphe Wetrems Prize - Natural Sciences by the Science Section of the Belgian Royal Academy of Science, Literature and Fine Arts for her research into soil dynamics and climate change. "I dedicate this recognition to the old and new...
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ERC Consolidator Grant for Guillaume Lobet

Guillaume Lobet, professor at the Faculty of Bioengineering, the Earth and Life Institute (UCLouvain) and the Agrosphere Institute (Forschungszentrum Juelich, DE), has received a Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). The ERC will fund his research into the soil-root-plant...
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BELSAR-Science: Bridging the gap in agricultural remote...

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) technology, a powerful remote sensing tool for land monitoring, allows us to collect data quickly and efficiently, regardless of cloudy skies or bad weather. However, current “monostatic” SAR systems like Sentinel-1 have limitations. They can't fully...
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Aliments-santé innovants et éco-responsables ? La...

Dans le cadre de la nouvelle dynamique en marche au sein de l’UCLouvain en transition pour l’accompagnement de projets innovants portés par des étudiant.e.s, des start-up régionales ou des collectivités citoyennes et grâce au soutien de la Fondation Louvain et d’un financement...
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graphical abstract Eliday

The Laboratory of Food and Environmental Microbiology (ELIm, Pr. Annika Gillis) won the Best Graphical Abstract award during the third edition of the ELI-Day, depicting how phages are leading the way to detect and control pathogenic bacteria
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