The Achilles tendon of graphene quantum Hall effect
The team of B. Hackens in the NAPS/IMCN laboratory at UCLouvain, in collaboration with the group of C.
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ESA - Nouvelle mission vers Vénus
Après le succès de la mission Venus Express (2005-2014), l'Europe va lancer une nouvelle sonde, EnVision à destination de la planète Vénus, a annoncé jeudi l'Agence spatiale européenne (ESA).
Vénus r
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2020 Best IMCN Thesis Award
Tristan da Câmara Santa Clara Gomes has received the 2020 IMCN Best Thesis Award on 21 May 2021.
His work was entitled "3D interconnected magnetic nanowire networks"
This Prize, which is granted ye
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IS2M annual meetings - 26-28 May 2021
This year, the IS2M annual meeting will focus on Adsorption in Porous Solids. According to the uncertain situation, the event goes virtual on half days (mornings).
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Frontiers in Nanoscale Molecular Photocatalysis, May 19, 2021
The seminar will be presented by Prof. Matthias Bauer (University of Paderborn, Germany), with an introduction given by Prof. James K.
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