News for pftplus


Overview of spatial transcriptomics

The Health Sciences Sector of UCLouvain, the companies NanoString, Resolve biosciences, 10X Genomics and Vizgen, and the 2IP platform are organising a day dedicated to the theme of "Spatial Transcriptomics: Available Technologies and Applications".   The main purpose of this...
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Alzheimer's disease: a fish as the main experimental model

Melissa Page (LIBST - BNTE) a reçu une bourse de la Fondation Recherche Alzheimer pour soutenir ses recherches sur le vieillissement cellulaire dans le cerveau et sa contribution potentielle à l'apparition et à la progression de la maladie d'Alzheimer. Ce projet, d'une durée de trois ans, se...
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Mass spectrometry to detect Alzheimer's disease

The MASSPROT platform is contributing to the characterisation of proteins involved in Alzheimer's disease. While today only an autopsy can determine with certainty whether a patient is suffering from Alzheimer's disease or another neurodegenerative pathology, scientists at UCLouvain have...
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Modular version of the Junior Data Analyst university...

Registration continues for the University Certificate Junior Data Analyst in modular version organized by SMCS! Be a certified Junior Data Analyst with our program starting in October 2023 (September 2023 for the preparation module)! More than 50% of the face-to-face class days are held...
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The FERM platform hosts the 8th FUGEA trade fair related...

The FUGEA's trade fair related to autonomy for fodder is a free one-day agricultural trade fair bringing together farmers, agricultural schools and professionals from the world of agriculture to discuss the theme of autonomy for fodder. The concept was developed 9 years ago on the initiative...
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