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Symposium MOOCresearch2.0

ilc | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons



Prof. Carlos Alario-Hoyos

Prof. Carlos Alario-Hoyos is associate professor in the Department of Telematics Engineering at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. He is also the subdirector of UNESCO Chair "Escalable Digital Education for All" at the same university.


Prof. Freydis Vogel

Freydis Vogel is appointed professor for Digitalization in Education at the University of Hamburg, Faculty of Education. She is member of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) since 2012 and coordinator of the EARLI Special Interest Group 26 - "Argumentation Dialogue and Reasoning".

Prof. Mariane Frenay
Interdisciplinary Research Group in Socialisation, Education and Training (GIRSEF)

Prof. François Lambotte
Social Media Lab

Prof. Magali Paquot
Centre for English Corpus Linguistics

Prof. Valérie Swaen
Louvain Reseach Institute in Management and Organisations (LOURIM)

To register for the MOOCresearch2.0 symposium, please use the form bellow or go to: here

Student interactions for promoting learning in online educational platforms: a multidisciplinary perspective on discussion forums

25 May, 2023

Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium


The MOOCresearch2.0 team is organizing a symposium to present the main results of the MOOCresearch2.0 project. This five-year project, funded by the Collective Research Initiative (ARC, 2019-2024), sought to address the challenges of fostering social interactions and socio-cognitive conflicts to promote learning in an online learning platform. Through a multidisciplinary perspective, we investigated the presence and unfolding of socio-cognitive conflicts in the forums of massive open online courses (MOOCs) developed by LouvainX on the edX platform.

The day will be structured around several team presentations and invited lectures. We are very happy to announce the participation of the following Keynote speakers: 

  • Carlos Alario-Hoyos (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain), Automatic grading of MOOC learners from their contributions in the discussion forum 

  • Freydis Vogel (University of Hamburg, Germany), Social activities in online learning: The benefits of transactive exchange. 



Our symposum will take place at the Maison des Langues in Louvain-la-Neuve

Room A118
Voie du Roman Pays 3A
1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve


Organised by


For further questions, please contact:

Prof. Magali Paquot | e-mail:

We are looking forward to your participation!