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MSCA Master Class

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The MSCA-PF 2024 call is now closed !


The next Master Class will take place on 27 & 28 May 2025.

It is primarily intended for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA-PF) applicants with UCLouvain as host institution.

This training:

  • helps applicants to make their MSCA-PF proposal more competitive;
  • also offers the opportunity to get to know UCLouvain while receiving in-depth advice on how to write their proposal.

Building on almost 600 years’ experience, the Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain, University of Louvain) is a multisite university in Belgium (Louvain-la-Neuve, Brussels Woluwe, Brussels Saint-Louis, Brussels Saint-Gilles, Mons, Tournai, and Charleroi) at the forefront of innovation and excellence in education and research. UCLouvain is responsible for the education of nearly one out of two French-speaking academics in Belgium and proposes courses in all possible disciplines. It is ranked first among Belgian francophone universities. UCLouvain  is the leading Belgian university in the Times Higher Education ranking of the most international universities.  UCLouvain actively participates in the R&I programmes of the European Union. It is notably involved in 174 projects within FP7 and 167 Horizon 2020 projects and to date 40 Horizon Europe Projects. Among Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects, UCLouvain hosts 70 MSCA and 40 ERC.



  • Each interested candidate will send his/her CV and the name of his/her UCLouvain promoter to the UCLouvain Research Administration (Sara Wilmet) by April 2025;
  • The Research Administration will then check the eligibility of the candidate and will send an e-mail confirming the registration. Supporting documents useful for the preparation of the proposal are also sent.

Please find the enclosed complete list of foreseen research institutes, supervisors and/or referents, and e-mail addresses. You can contact the referents by e-mail, telephone or by going and to see them.
Before contacting a referent, please check your eligibility for an MSCA-PF action with Sara Wilmet (ADRE/RINT) - Phone: +32 10 47 38 36.

Please note that:

  • Supervisors may also participate in the Master Class. To register, please send us an e-mail that includes the name of the applicant(s).
  • If you are currently a researcher at UCLouvain and applying with a host institution abroad, you may also register to participate in the Master Class. To register please e-mail your CV, the name of your current supervisor and the name of your future host institution.

Contact person for questions regarding the MSCA Master Class

Sara Wilmet
Researcher Department
Phone : +32 10 47 38 36