All CS&N publications
icteam | Louvain-la-Neuve
Journal Articles
1. Gontier, Quentin; Wiame, Charles; Wang, Shanshan; Di Renzo, Marco; Wiart, Joe; Horlin, François; Tsigros, Christo; Oestges, Claude; De Doncker, Philippe. Joint Metrics for EMF Exposure and Coverage in Real-World Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Cellular Networks. In: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 23, no.10, p. 13267-13284 (2024). doi:10.1109/twc.2024.3400612.
2. Wirtgen, Thomas; Rybowski, Nicolas; Pelsser, Cristel; Bonaventure, Olivier. The Multiple Benefits of a Secure Transport for BGP. In: Proceedings of the ACM on Networking, Vol. 2, no.CoNEXT4 (2024). doi:10.1145/3696406.
3. Golard, Louis; Dethienne, Robin; Louveaux, Jérôme; Bol, David. A parametric life-cycle model for assessing environmental impacts of 4G and 5G cellular base stations. In: The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, (2024). (Soumis).
4. Golard, Louis; Louveaux, Jérôme; Bol, David. Evaluation and projection of 4G and 5G RAN energy footprints: the case of Belgium for 2020–2025. In: Annales des Télécommunications, Vol. online (2023). doi:10.1007/s12243-022-00932-9.
5. Sayez, Niels; De Vleeschouwer, Christophe; Delouille, Véronique; Bechet, Sabrina; Lefèvre, Laure. SunSCC: Segmenting, Grouping and Classifying Sunspots From Ground-Based Observations Using Deep Learning. In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Vol. 128, no.12 (2023). doi:10.1029/2023JA031548.
6. Arash, Masoud; Stupia, Ivan; Vandendorpe, Luc. Real-Time CRLB based Antenna Selection in Planar Antenna Arrays. In: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, (2022). doi:10.1109/TWC.2022.3222885.
7. Biswas, Nilanjan; Wang, Zijian; Vandendorpe, Luc; Mirghasemi, Seyed Hamed. On Joint Cooperative Relaying, Resource Allocation, and Scheduling for Mobile Edge Computing Networks. In: IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 70, no.9, p. 5882-5897 (2022). doi:10.1109/tcomm.2022.3191681.
8. Arash, Masoud; Mirghasemi, Seyed Hamed; Stupia, Ivan; Vandendorpe, Luc. Energy Efficiency of Angle of Arrival Estimation in Massive MIMO Systems. In: IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 70, no.6, p. 4175-4188 (2022). doi:10.1109/tcomm.2022.3170444.
9. Zhang, Peize; Yi, Cheng; Yang, Bensheng; Wang, Haiming; Oestges, Claude; You, Xiaohu. Predictive Modeling of Millimeter-Wave Vegetation Scattering Effect Using Hybrid Physics-Based and Data-Driven Approach. In: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 70, no. 6, p. 4056 - 4068 (2022). doi:10.1109/TAP.2021.3118463 (Accepté/Sous presse).
10. Mudonhi, Alfred; D'Errico, Raffaele; Oestges, Claude. Analysis of Multipath Components Distributions Over a Large Array in Indoor mmWave Channels. In: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 70, no.9, p. 8330-8336 (2022). doi:10.1109/tap.2022.3177439.
11. Gutierrez, Julian David Villegas; Oestges, Claude. Measurement-Based Large-Scale Propagation Characterization in 5G Micro-Cells At 3.8 GHz. In: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 71, no.11, p. 11325-11335 (2022). doi:10.1109/tvt.2022.3188345.
12. Huang, Chen; He, Ruisi; Ai, Bo; Molisch, Andreas F.; Lau, Buon Kiong; Haneda, Katsuyuki; Liu, Bo; Wang, Cheng-Xiang; Yang, Mi; Oestges, Claude; Zhong, Zhangdui. Artificial Intelligence Enabled Radio Propagation for Communications—Part I: Channel Characterization and Antenna-Channel Optimization. In: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 70, no.6, p. 3939-3954 (2022). doi:10.1109/tap.2022.3149663.
13. Villegas Gutierrez, Julian David; Oestges, Claude. Spatial Loss Field for Outdoor Micro-Cells. In: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 21, no.8, p. 6345-6356 (2022). doi:10.1109/twc.2022.3148409.
14. Cui, Zhuangzhuang; Guan, Ke; Oestges, Claude; Briso-Rodriguez, Cesar; Ai, Bo; Zhong, Zhangdui. Cluster-Based Characterization and Modeling for UAV Air-to-Ground Time-Varying Channels. In: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 71, no.7, p. 6872-6883 (2022). doi:10.1109/tvt.2022.3168073.
15. He, Ruisi; Lau, Buon Kiong; Oestges, Claude; Haneda, Katsuyuki; Liu, Bo. Guest Editorial Artificial Intelligence in Radio Propagation for Communications. In: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 70, no.6, p. 3934-3938 (2022). doi:10.1109/tap.2022.3178164.
16. Huang, Chen; He, Ruisi; Ai, Bo; Molisch, Andreas F.; Lau, Buon Kiong; Haneda, Katsuyuki; Liu, Bo; Wang, Cheng-Xiang; Yang, Mi; Oestges, Claude; Zhong, Zhangdui. Artificial Intelligence Enabled Radio Propagation for Communications—Part II: Scenario Identification and Channel Modeling. In: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 70, no.6, p. 3955-3969 (2022). doi:10.1109/tap.2022.3149665.
17. Michel, François; Martino Trevisan; Danilo Giordano; Bonaventure, Olivier. A First Look at Starlink Performance. In: ACM Internet Measurement Conference 2022, (2022). doi:10.1145/3517745.3561416 (Accepté/Sous presse).
18. Gontier, Quentin; Petrillo, Lucas; Rottenberg, Francois; Horlin, Francois; Wiart, Joe; Oestges, Claude; De Doncker, Philippe. A Stochastic Geometry Approach to EMF Exposure Modeling. In: IEEE Access, Vol. 9, p. 91777-91787 (2021). doi:10.1109/access.2021.3091804.
19. Ashraf, Mateen; Wang, Zijian; Vandendorpe, Luc. Online Power Allocation at Energy Harvesting Transmitter for Multiple Receivers With and Without Individual Rate Constraints for OMA and NOMA Transmissions. In: IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, Vol. 5, no.3, p. 1594-1609 (2021). doi:10.1109/tgcn.2021.3091850.
20. Fuschini, Franco; Barbiroli, Marina; Vitucci, Enrico Maria; Semkin, Vasilii; Oestges, Claude; Strano, Bruno; Degli-Esposti, Vittorio. An UAV-Based Experimental Setup for Propagation Characterization in Urban Environment. In: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 70, no.-, p. 5503611-5503611 (2021). doi:10.1109/tim.2021.3104401.
21. Semkin, Vasilii; Vitucci, Enrico Maria; Fuschini, Franco; Barbiroli, Marina; Degli-Esposti, Vittorio; Oestges, Claude. Characterizing the UAV-to-Machine UWB Radio Channel in Smart Factories. In: IEEE Access, Vol. 9, p. 76542-76550 (2021). doi:10.1109/access.2021.3082312.
22. Kayani, Husnain Ali; Gueuning, Quentin; Goreux, Nicolas; Vanhoenacker-Janvier, Danielle; Oestges, Claude; Craeye, Christophe. Reconfigurable Cellular Base Station Antenna Consisting of Parasitic Radiators. In: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 67, no. 8, p. 7083-7093 (2020). doi:10.1109/tie.2019.2935991.
Conference Papers
1. Jodogne, Sébastien. Setting a PACS on FHIR. In: Proc. of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2024). Vol. 2, p. 123-131 (2024). SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda. 2024 xxx. doi:10.5220/0012384600003657.
2. Eertmans, Jérome; Oestges, Claude; Jacques, Laurent. Fully Differentiable Ray Tracing via Discontinuity Smoothing for Radio Network Optimization. In: Proceedings 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EurAAP, 2024, 979-8-3503-9443-6, 1-5 xxx. doi:10.23919/EuCAP60739.2024.10501570.
3. Golard, Louis; Agram, Youssef; Rottenberg, François; Quitin, François; Bol, David; Louveaux, Jérôme. A Parametric Power Model of Multi-Band Sub-6 GHz Cellular Base Stations Using On-Site Measurements. In: IEEE International Symposium Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications. (2024). I E E E, 2024 xxx. doi:10.1109/PIMRC59610.2024.10817448.
4. Jodogne, Sébastien. Client-Side Application of Deep Learning Models Through Teleradiology. In: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. Vol. 302, no.1, p. 997-1001 (2023). Maria Hägglund et al. 2023 xxx. doi:10.3233/shti230325.
5. Van Brandt, Léopold; Silveira, Fernando; Delvenne, Jean-Charles; Bol, David; Flandre, Denis. Variability and Intrinsic Noise Effects in ULV CMOS SRAM Demystified. 2023 xxx.
6. Van Brandt, Léopold; Flandre, Denis. Estimation analytique des taux de défaillance dans les SRAM sous seuil en régime de rétention de données. 2023 xxx.
7. Wirtgen, Thomas; Rybowski, Nicolas; Pelsser, Cristel; Bonaventure, Olivier. Routing over QUIC: Bringing transport innovations to routing protocols. 2023 xxx. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2304.02992.
8. Munoz, Frederic; Makhoul, Gloria; Gaillot, Davy P.; Oestges, Claude; D’Errico, Raffaele. Space-Time Dense Multipath Components Modeling at mmWaves in Indoor Industrial Environments. In: Proceedings 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2023, 978-1-6654-7541-9 xxx. doi:10.23919/eucap57121.2023.10133474.
9. Mansourian, Amir M.; Somers, Vladimir; De Vleeschouwer, Christophe; Kasaei, Shohreh. Multi-task Learning for Joint Re-identification, Team Affiliation, and Role Classification for Sports Visual Tracking. In: 6th International ACM Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports, 2023, 979-8-4007-0269-3 xxx.
10. Quatresooz, Florian; Vanhoenacker-Janvier, Danielle; Oestges, Claude. Modelling of Scintillation at Radio and Optical Frequencies from Radiosonde Observations. In: Proceedings 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2023), 2023, 978-1-6654-7541-9 xxx. doi:10.23919/eucap57121.2023.10132985.
11. Shimuye, Nigus; Oestges, Claude; Quitin, François. Environment Mapping with 28 GHz Beam Steering Transceivers Using the SAGE Algorithm: Preliminary Results. In: Proceedings 43rd Symposium on Information Theory and Signal Processing in the Benelux (SITB 2023), 2023, 5 pages xxx.
12. Manjah, Dani; Cacciarelli, Davide; Benkedadra, Mohamed; Standaert, Baptiste; Rotsart de Hertaing, Gauthier; Macq, Benoît; Galland, Stéphane; De Vleeschouwer, Christophe. Stream-Based Active Distillation for Scalable Model Deployment. In: 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023 xxx. doi:10.1109/CVPR52729.2023.
13. Golard, Louis; Bol, David; Louveaux, Jérôme. A Configurable RAN Model to Evaluate and Reduce its Power Consumption and Carbon Footprint. 2023 xxx.
14. Caio, Marcello Davide; Van Zandycke, Gabriel; De Vleeschouwer, Christophe. Context-Aware 3D Object Localization from Single Calibrated Images: A Study of Basketballs. In: 6th International ACM Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports, 2023 xxx. doi:10.1145/3606038.3616173.
15. Eertmans, Jérome; Oestges, Claude; Jacques, Laurent. Min-Path-Tracing: A Diffraction Aware Alternative to Image Method in Ray Tracing. In: Proceedings 2023 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2023, 978-1-6654-7541-9, 1-5 xxx. doi:10.23919/EuCAP57121.2023.10132934.
16. Wirtgen, Thomas; Rousseaux, Tom; De Coninck, Quentin; Rybowski, Nicolas; Bush, Randy; Vanbever, Laurent; Legay, Axel; Bonaventure, Olivier. xBGP: Faster Innovation in Routing Protocols. In: 20th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 23). (2023). USENIX Association: Boston, MA, USA, 2023 xxx.
17. Van Brandt, Léopold; Silveira, Fernando; Delvenne, Jean-Charles; Flandre, Denis. On Noise-Induced Transient Bit Flips in Subthreshold SRAM. 2023 xxx.
18. Zeidi, Najeh; André, Nicolas; Tounsi, Fares; Flandre, Denis. Improving Dielectric Constant and Residual Stress in Metal-Insulator-Metal Capacitors Using Different Stacked Thick Dielectric Materials. In: 2023 International Semiconductor Conference (CAS), 2023, 979-8-3503-2396-2 xxx. doi:10.1109/CAS59036.2023.10303695.
19. Gerry, Wan; Fengchen, Gong; Barbette, Tom; Zakir Durumeric. Retina: Analyzing 100 GbE Traffic on Commodity Hardware. In: SIGCOMM '22: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2022 Conference. ACM: New York, 2022 xxx. doi:10.1145/3544216.3544227.
20. Mudonhi, Alfred; Lotti, Marina; Clemente, Antonio; D'Errico, Raffaele; Oestges, Claude. Impact of a Transmitting-RIS on the Geometrical Structure of Indoor mmWave Channels. In: Proceedings 16th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2022), 2022, 978-1-6654-1604-7 xxx. doi:10.23919/eucap53622.2022.9769090.
21. Wirtgen, Thomas; Bonaventure, Olivier. A first step towards checking BGP routes in the dataplane. In: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Future of Internet Routing & Addressing. p. 50–57 (23 September 2022). In: ACM SIGCOMM 2022 Workshop on Future of Internet Routing & Addressing (FIRA ’22), Association for Computing Machinery: New York, NY, USA, 2022, 978-1-4503-9328-7/22/08, 50-57 xxx. doi:10.1145/3527974.3545723.
22. Hamid Ghasemirahni; Barbette, Tom; Katsikas, Georgios P.; Farshin, Alireza; Roozbeh, Amir; Girondi, Massimo; Chiesa, Marco; Maguire Jr. Gerald Q.; Kostic, Dejan. Packet Order Matters! Improving Application Performance by Deliberately Delaying Packets. In: Proceedings of the 19th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 22). (2022). USENIX Association, 2022 xxx.
23. Gontier, Quentin; Petrillo, Luca; Rottenberg, Francois; Horlin, Francois; Wiart, Joe; Oestges, Claude; De Doncker, Philippe. Semi-empirical Model of Global Exposure using Stochastic Geometry. In: Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops 2021, 2021, 978-1-7281-9441-7 xxx. doi:10.1109/iccworkshops50388.2021.9473645.
24. Biswas, Nilanjan; Mirghasemi, Seyed Hamed; Vandendorpe, Luc. Sharing is Caring: A Mobile Edge Computing Perspective. In: 2021 IEEE 32nd Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC). Vol. 1, no.1, p. 1298-1303 (2021). 2021 xxx. doi:10.1109/pimrc50174.2021.9569647.
25. Vitucci, Enrico M.; Semkin, Vasilii; Arpaio, Maximilian J.; Barbiroli, Marina; Fuschini, Franco; Oestges, Claude; Degli-Esposti, Vittorio. Experimental Characterization of Air-to-ground Propagation at mm-Wave Frequencies in Dense Urban Environment. In: Proceedings 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2021), 2021, 978-8831299022 xxx. doi:10.23919/eucap51087.2021.9411249.
26. Oestges, Claude. Physical-Statistical Model for UAV-to-Ground Urban Radio Channels. 2021 xxx. doi:10.23919/isap47053.2021.9391300.
27. Solomitckii, Dmitrii; Semkin, Vasilii; Turunen, Matias; Allen, Markus; Oestges, Claude; Valkama, Mikko. Near-Ground Propagation Measurements for Vehicular Deployments. In: Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2021), 2021, 978-8831299022 xxx. doi:10.23919/eucap51087.2021.9411073.
28. Evert I. Pocoma Copa; François Quitin; Vandendorpe, Luc; de doncker philippe; Horlin, François. Self-Synchronization Based Distributed Localization of Wireless Transmitters. In: 2021 IEEE 32nd Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC). Vol. 1, no.1, p. 1222-1227 (2021). 2021 xxx. doi:10.1109/PIMRC50174.2021.9569697.
29. Arash, Masoud; Mirghasemi, Seyed Hamed; Stupia, Ivan; Vandendorpe, Luc. Analysis of CRLB for AoA estimation in Massive MIMO systems. In: IEEE International Symposium Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications. Vol. 1, no.1&, p. 1395-1400 (2021). I E E E, 2021 xxx. doi:10.1109/pimrc50174.2021.9569552.
30. Pocoma Copa, Evert I.; Rottenberg, Francois; Quitin, Francois; Vandendorpe, Luc; De Doncker, Philippe; Horlin, Francois. Iterative ToA-Based Localization of Wireless Transmitters Using Dirichlet-Kernel-Based Range Representation. In: 2021 IEEE 93rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Spring). Vol. 1, no.1, p. 1-5 (2021). IEEE, 2021 xxx. doi:10.1109/vtc2021-spring51267.2021.9448655.
31. Cui, Zhuangzhuang; Guan, Ke; Guvenc, Ismail; Oestges, Claude; Zhong, Zhangdui. Coverage Analysis of Cellular-Connected UAV Communications with 3GPP Antenna and Channel Models. In: Proceedings IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2021, 978-1-7281-8105-9 xxx. doi:10.1109/globecom46510.2021.9685078.
32. Demey, Simon; Wiame, Charles; Vandendorpe, Luc; Oestges, Claude. Analysis of wireless device-to-device networks under Rician fading using stochastic geometry. In: Proceedings VTC-Fall 2020, 2020, 978-1-7281-9484-4 xxx. doi:10.1109/vtc2020-fall49728.2020.9348818.
33. Wirtgen, Thomas; De Coninck, Quentin; Bush, Randy; Vanbever, Laurent; Bonaventure, Olivier. xBGP: When you can’t wait for the IETF and vendors. In: HotNets '20: Proceedings of the 19th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, ACM: New York, NY, USA, 2020, 978-1-4503-8145-1 xxx. doi:10.1145/3422604.3425952.
34. Hajj, Maarouf Al; Wang, Shanshan; Doncker, Philippe de; Oestges, Claude; Wiart, Joe. A Statistical Estimation of 5G Massive MIMO’s Exposure using Stochastic Geometry. In: Proceedings URSI GASS 2021, 2020 xxx. doi:10.23919/ursigass49373.2020.9232290.
35. Mudonhi, Alfred; D'Errico, Raffaele; Oestges, Claude. Indoor mmWave Channel Characterization with Large Virtual Antenna Arrays. In: Proceedings 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2020, 9781728137124 xxx. doi:10.23919/eucap48036.2020.9135628.
36. Makhoul, Gloria; D'Errico, Raffaele; Oestges, Claude. Delay and Doppler Variations in Device to Device Communications with Pedestrian Mobility. In: Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting, 2020, 978-1-7281-6670-4 xxx. doi:10.1109/ieeeconf35879.2020.9330368.
37. Makhoul, Gloria; D'Errico, Raffaele; Oestges, Claude. Characterization of Vehicle to Pedestrian Correlation Properties. In: Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting, 2020, 978-1-7281-6670-4 xxx. doi:10.1109/ieeeconf35879.2020.9330040.
38. Akin, Ayse Ipek; Stupia, Ivan; Mirghasemi, Hamed; Vandendorpe, Luc. On the Performance of SWIPT MEC Systems in the Presence of Spatially Correlated Shadowing. 2020 xxx. doi:10.1109/globecom42002.2020.9347963.
Book Chapters
1. Jodogne, Sébastien. Combining Languages to Set a PACS on FHIR. In: Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies : 17th International Joint Conference, BIOSTEC 2024, February 21-23, 2024 (Communications in Computer and Information Science; xxx), Springer, 2025. xxx xxx.
1. Wirtgen, Thomas. Survey on the Configuration of BGP routers, xxx xxx. 2024. 19 p.