ICTEAM Thesis Award 2021
icteam | Louvain-la-Neuve

After a thorough study of all candidates, the jury awarded the ICTEAM Best Thesis Award 2021 to the thesis of Charlotte FRENKEL (picture), entitled "Bottom-up and top-down neuromorphic processor design: Unveiling roads to embedded cognition" (supervisors : David Bol, Jean-Didier Legat). The jury was impressed by the breadth and depth of the research presented by this thesis, by its impact, and finally, by the high quality of the text and figures, which are both pedagogic and thorough.
In addition, the jury gave a special mention to the thesis of Pierre-Yves GOUSENBOURGER entitled "Interpolation and fitting on Riemannian manifolds" (supervisors : Pierre-Antoine Absil and Laurent Jacques) for its important research contributions as well as the exceptional pedagogic quality of the text.
Are you wondering what Charlotte is doing now ?
"At the Institute of Neuroinformatics (INI), University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, I am pursuing research in the same field as in my thesis: electronic circuit design for neuromorphic computing.
However, while I adopted a digital circuit design approach during my thesis, the INI is specialized in sub-threshold analog circuit design emulating directly the biophysics of the brain.
My postdoc aims at combining both approaches while investigating synergies with bio-inspired learning algorithms, toward low-power adaptive neuromorphic circuits for edge computing."
The award and special mention were granted during the ICTEAM (virtual) Day on May 26, 2021.
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