Jean-Pierre Raskin wins the IET Achievement Medal in Electronics 2022
icteam | Louvain-la-Neuve

Jean-Pierre Raskin is the winner of an IET Achievement Medal in Electronics !
The Achievement Medals are awarded by the IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) to those who have made major and distinguished contributions in the various sectors of engineering and technology.
Jean-Pierre Raskin received the Medal on October 21, 2022 in London, UK.
The medal comes in recognition for Jean-Pierre Raskin's pioneering work in the field of silicon-based technologies for RF and millimetre-wave applications, for his work on high-resistivity (HR) Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) substrate to reduce losses, signal distortion and crosstalk between RF integrated circuits. Today, the invented RF SOI substrate is used by all the microelectronics foundries for building a wide variety of wireless devices. His research focuses on RF technologies which are affordable to everyone, consume minimal energy, and use natural resources efficiently.
Source: IET Achievement Medals winners on
More information in the IET press release.