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GDR 2025 Vision Forum

ipsy | Louvain-la-Neuve

30 January 2025, modified on 24 January 2025

GDR2025 Vision Forum

Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Michotte/Socrate building (Auditoire Socrate 11)

Place Cardinal Mercier, 10

1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique)

GDR Vision Forum is a scientific event dedicated to vision researchers. It brings together psychophysicists, psychologists, neuroscientists and modellers to explore a variety of themes ranging from the perception of visual attributes (such as colour and movement) to decision-making processes, including multisensory integration and spatial representation.


!Registration is closed!


Click here for the detailed program

We are already delighted to announce our three keynote speakers:

Peter Kok, University College London, United Kingdom
The neural circuit underlying perceptual predictions
Isabelle Mareschal, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
New methods to understand individual differences in facial emotion perception
Peter Neri, Italian Institute of Technology, Erzelli Campus, Genova (Italy); Laboratoire des Systèmes Perceptifs, École Normale Supérieure, Paris (France)
Natural vision through the lens of psychophysics

Abstract submission : Closing date : January 7, 2025 (midnight)

Submissions (for oral presentations or posters) will open at the end of November. Abstracts of no more than 250 words (preferably in English) may be submitted via this form below.

Option for two presentation formats (in English) :

  • Oral presentation (10 minutes + 5 minutes for questions)
  • Poster (format A0, in a portrait format) to be presented at a dedicated session on Friday 31 January 2025. You will be asked to leave your poster on display throughout the day. Panels (dimensions W = 1.20 m x H = 2 m) will be available from 8.30 a.m.

Social event @Musée L

A social event will be held on the evening of 30 January 2025 at the Musée L! Museum L is a Belgian museum belonging to UCLouvain and located in the former Science Library in Louvain-la-Neuve. It is the first large-scale museum to bring together the heritage of a Belgian university and present it to the public. The building that the museum occupies is considered to be one of the highlights of Wallonia's contemporary heritage, a masterpiece of Brutalist architecture and one of the university town's most iconic and emblematic buildings.

For the meal, we will ask you to contribute €25.

Please confirm your participation when you register so that we can plan the number of participants.

Practical information Where: UCLouvain Faculté de psychologie, Google Maps

You can find information about the city of Louvain-La-Neuve (hotels, visits,...) via the following link: LLN Tourist Office

Louvain-la-Neuve is Belgium's youngest city, a pedestrian-only university town, rich in culture with its famous museums, but also an oasis of greenery.

During your stay, discover places such as:

Located just a few kilometres from Louvain-la-Neuve, we suggest you also discover the following sites:

  • Villers-la-Ville Abbey
  • Tête Chargée micro-brewery
  • and many more to discover on the Louvain-la-Neuve tourist office website. Several walking routes are available via the Komoot application

On-campus accommodation

We advise you to book your accommodation quickly as on-campus accommodation is limited.

Here are a few addresses:

MOZAIK : cheap single or shared rooms. Please make your reservation by emailing with the following details: Conference GDR2025, the date of your stay, and the reservation number 414.568.


>How to get to Louvain-la-Neuve/Se rendre à Louvain-la-Neuve

Venue address: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Michotte/Socrate building (Auditoire Socrate 11), Place Cardinal Mercier, 10 , 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique)
>UCLouvainFaculty of Psychology, Google Maps

By train: Consult the timetables on the SNCB website
Beware: Make sure you select ‘Louvain-la-Neuve’, not ‘Louvain’, which is in Flemish Brabant, around twenty kilometres from our campus.

Scientific Committee

Michael Andres*, Virginie Crollen*, Christel Devue^, Laurie Geers*, Valerie Goffaux*, Nicolas Masson*, Hans Op de Beeck#, Gilles Vannuscorps*.

*UCLouvain ; ^ULiège ; #KULeuven

Organising Committee

Virginie Dasse, Mrittika Dey, Hélène Dumont, Sylvain Gérin, Marius Grandjean, Marie Houbben, Veena Kamble, Sarah Pereira Carneiro, Dominique Hougardy, Isabelle Legrain, Siegrid Vanderveken et Anaïs Thibaut