Research Domains
ipsy | Louvain-la-Neuve
Relevant disciplines, study topics, methodologies
Psychology is the study of human behaviour and the cognitive, affective, social and cultural processes that underlie it and can make it develop, as well as their relationship with institutions and systems.
Psychology studies human behaviour per se and does so using methods that favour the individual level. However, whether cognitive or affective, individual or collective, normal or pathological, behaviour takes place within the framework of social relationships, organizational and institutional structures contributing to shaping it and giving it meaning and which are studied as such.
Research in psychology therefore interacts with a variety of disciplines such as biology, physiology, logic, linguistics, neuroscience and cognitive science in general, but also with philosophy, sociology, anthropology, organisation theory or economics. It specifically aims to integrate these different inputs and levels of description to describe, model, explain, predict or modify behaviour.
The Psychological Sciences Research Institute is positioned within the Social Sciences and Humanities Sector, where its members find it necessary to collaborate with different approaches, more essentially collective, comprehensive or interpretative.
The Institute's activities cover four areas of research:
>Clinical and health psychology
>Cognition and neurosciences
>Developmental and educational psychology
>Social behaviour, work and society