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ipsy | Louvain-la-Neuve

The Bauchau family and the UCLouvain Research Council, under the aegis of the Louvain Foundation, have awarded the Prix Bauchau 2024 to Gilles Vannuscorps's research project on the Moebius Syndrome. The prize of 200,000 euros was presented to him on 20 June in the presence of the Bauchau family.
Prix Bauchau : mieux vivre avec le Syndrome de Moebius | UCLouvain

June 2024

The ScholarGPS scientific analysis platform has ranked Stephan Van den Broucke as the second most influential researcher in the field of health promotion, based on output (number of publications), impact (citations) and quality (h-index).

May 2024

Vincent Yzerbyt  has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the University of Basel.

Details | Fakultät für Psychologie | Universität Basel (

November 2023

Olivier Luminet has been elected co-chair of the permanent group on mental health at the Superior Health Council (June 2023) and member of the executive committee (September 2023).
Superior Health Council | FPS Public Health (

At the 37th annual conference of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS), Olivier Luminet was awarded the title of Fellow for his exceptional contributions to the field of health psychology
2023.ehps Awards

September 2023

Aline Cordonnier, ICUP 2023 winner for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research.
With its Inter Circle U. Prize (ICUP), the alliance recognises outstanding inter- and transdisciplinary research. Here, this year’s winners generously share some key ingredients of their successful projects.

June 2023

Emilie Collette, assistant in PSP/IPSY, received the ARES Maystadt prize for her PhD, which was co-sponsored by Marie-Anne Schelstraete and Mariane Frenay.
Analysis of the different profiles of students with dyslexia and the quality of their lexical representations.
This prize was awarded by Minister Glatigny on 27 January 2023.
Journal Le Soir 29/01/2023

January 2023

Stephan van den Broucke was selected to be part of the Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural and Cultural Knowledge (TAG-BCI) established by the World Health Organisation's Regional Office for Europe. 
The TAG is composed of 16 members. The mandate is for a period of two years. 

June 2022

Stephan van den Broucke was re-elected as a member of the World Executive Board of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education for a new three-year term (2022-2015).

June 2022

On 13 May 2022, the Minister of Health, Frank Vandenbroucke, appointed Stephan van den Broucke as an expert of the Higher Health Council css for a renewable term of six years.


Philippe Godin, Professor Emeritus PSP/ISPY (Psychology of Sport) was asked by Elisabeth Rosnet, Professor at the University of Reims and head of the French team for the selection of future European astronauts, to join her research team.

November 2021

Stephan van den Broucke has been recognized by Expertscape as one of the world's experts in health education, ranking in the top 0.02% of 246,713 authors who published on health education between 2011 and 2021, placing him on the 51st position globally.

October 2021

Articles by Stephan van den Broucke (Prof. IPSY ) and Coraline Stormacq, (PhD student IPSY) have been included in the cross-journals collection  (Oxford Journals), with a selection of highly cited articles from recent years. 
The collection is available here:, and is fully open access.

July 2021

Stephan van den Broucke's work hits the mark
Most cited article in  dans European Journal of Public Health :
Health literacy in Europe: comparative results of the European health literacy survey (HLS-EU) | European Journal of Public Health | Oxford Academic (
Stephan van den Broucke is responsible for a work package within this network:
Health literacy in Europe: comparative results of the European health literacy survey (HLS-EU)
Abstract. Background : Health literacy concerns the capacities of people to meet the complex demands of health in modern society. In spite of the growing attent
COST Action CA16123 - Safety Culture and Risk Management in Agriculture

March 2021

Professor Annalisa Casini receives the "Gender & Covid-19" award from the Women & Science Committee of ARES.

The Women & Science Committee has awarded six prizes in the framework of the exceptional "Gender and Covid-19" Prize. Submissions could be made in the following categories: humanities and social sciences, health science, science and technology, and art.
The committee awarded a prize to Annalisa Casini and Florence Degavre for their research work on the theme: "The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the family/work conflict in the home-care professions". The research aims to understand the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on workers and to study their individual and collective strategies for dealing with it. It mobilizes the concept of family-work conflict, which calls upon notions of gender identity, psycho-social factors and organizational support. 

November 2020

Le FNRS récompense le Professeur Vassilis Saroglou pour l’excellence de ses recherches.

Every 5 years, the FNRS Quinquennial Prizes reward 5 outstanding researchers of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels in the field of biomedical sciences (basic and clinical), exact sciences (basic and applied) and human and social sciences. Researchers who, each in their own field, have made it possible to push back the frontiers of knowledge. Professor Vassilis Saroglou has just received the prize for the human and social sciences.

Sur base des travaux de la commission internationale, le FNRS en communique les raisons:
« Dans le domaine de la psychologie, le Professeur Saroglou se distingue par la manière dont il a su rassembler des courants de pensée disparates, créant ainsi un sous-domaine multidisciplinaire et, ce faisant, abordant une série de questions pertinentes et fondamentales qui préoccupent la société au sens large. Sa réputation repose non seulement sur un formidable profil de publication, mais aussi sur son activité au sein d'organisations internationales et sur la distinction et l'étendue de son leadership intellectuel. Force motrice dans le développement interculturel de la psychologie religieuse, son travail est reconnu comme étant à la fois audacieux et novateur dans la mise en relation de l'approche expérimentale des psychologues de la personnalité et des psychologues sociaux avec l'approche historique et culturelle spécifique des spécialistes de la religion. »

Septembre 2020

Marie Annelise Blanchard  a obtenu le prix 2020 « STAR Student Development Award » de la Stress and Anxiety Research Society, qui récompense chaque année la meilleure contribution scientifique internationale réalisée par un.e. doctorant.e dans dans l’étude de l’anxiété et du stress, et ce pour l’étude suivante suivante :
Blanchard, M. A., Roskam, I., Mikolajczak, M., & Heeren, A. (2020). A Network Approach to Parental Burnout. PsyArXiv. doi:10.31234/
La prépublication de l’étude peut être accédée via le lien suivant:
Promoteur : Alexandre Heeren

Mai 2020 


Marie Annelise Blanchard  has been awarded the 2020 STAR Student Development Award from the Stress and Anxiety Research Society, which annually recognizes the best international scientific contribution made by a doctoral student in the study of anxiety and stress:
Blanchard, M. A., Roskam, I., Mikolajczak, M., & Heeren, A. (2020). A Network Approach to Parental Burnout. PsyArXiv. doi:10.31234/
The pre-publication of the study can be accessed via the following link:
Promoter: Alexandre Heeren

May 2020 

Alexandre Heeren, received the STAR Early Career Award from the Stress and Anxiety Research Society, which annually recognizes a scientist for his or her contribution, both theoretical and experimental, to the understanding of psychological, biological and social mechanisms related to stress and anxiety.

May 2020 

Camille Vanderclausen, IPSY affiliate (IONS assigned), has won the annual Belgian Pain Society award for the best young pain researcher in a Belgian academic or clinical institution.

May 2019

Pierre Philippot received the award for the best publication in clinical psychology, for the year 2018, in the category "Assessment, Diagnosis or Conceptualization". This prize is awarded annually by the Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. A jury examines more than 5000 publications from the 60 most renowned journals in the field.
Ref. article: Philippot, P., Bouvard, M., Baeyens, C., & Dethier, V. (2018). Case conceptualization from a process-based and modular perspective: rationale and application to mood and anxiety disorders. Clinical psychology & psychotherapy. DOI:10.1002/cpp.2340

May 2019

Vassilis Saroglou (PSP/IPSY) has been awarded the mid-career Award of the European Association for Personality Psychology. This biennial prize is awarded to a scientist who, 12-25 years after his thesis, presents "a mature and influential body of publications in the field of personality psychology". According to the prize jury, V. Saroglou, has produced scientific work of the highest calibre and influence, thus broadening the scope and visibility of personality psychology in Europe and beyond.

August 2018

Vassilis Saroglou (PSP/IPSY) has just been elected Fellow of the APS - Association for Psychological Science  "in recognition of his outstanding and sustained contributions to the advancement of psychological science".

This prestigious international association, mostly American, dedicated to the advancement of scientific psychology, brings together tens of thousands of researchers across all the various fields of psychological science. Approximately 6% of its members are distinguished by the status of Fellow. Vassilis Saroglou becomes the fourth French-speaking Belgian scientific psychologist to be elected Fellow of the APS. His work lies at the intersection of several psychological sub-disciplines: psychology of religion, social and personality psychology, intercultural psychology, moral psychology, and psychology of positive emotions.

January 2018

Olivier Luminet was elected president of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS) on 31 May. His term of office will begin on 1 September for a period of 3 years. He will succeed Johan Wagemans of the KULeuven (see
The BAPS aims to bring together all those interested in the development of psychological sciences and their applications in Belgium. Its aims include the coordination of research in psychological sciences, the exchange of ideas between researchers, the provision of information about developments in the discipline or the offer of specialised training. Its executive committee includes at least one member from each Belgian university teaching psychology, with the integration of UMons as a new feature this year.
Olivier Luminet will be the third president from UCL, after Jean Costermans (1979-1981) and Bermard Rimé (1996-1999).

June 2017

Vincent Yzerbyt  has been awarded the prestigious CODOL Award of the European Association of Social Psychology, in recognition of his outstanding services in the promotion of social psychology.

> awards/jean-paul-codol medals/

March 2017

Mikaël De Clercq was awarded the "2016 FW-B Research Day Prize" for his presentation and article entitled :
"Federating for success at the university? Towards a differentiated approach to the issue of university transition".
His presentation was noted for the quality of his communication and the social relevance of his research topic. A prize of 5000 euros was awarded to him.
>Summary of the presentation

Proponents: M. Frenay and B. Galand

November 2016

Vassilis Saroglou, professor at the PSP Faculty and the IPSY Institute, has just been awarded the William James Award 2017 by Division 36 (Society for Psychology of Religion and Spirituality) of the American Psychological Association (APA). 
This is the highest scientific distinction in this field, given once every three years to a person "who has made an outstanding contribution through publication and professional activity to basic research and theory in the psychology of religion and related areas". The recipient will receive this award at the next APA Annual Convention (Washington, 2017). The last three awards were Crystal Park (2014), Bob Emmons (2010) and Lee Kirkpatrick (2007).

September 2016

A Francqui Chair has been awarded to Professor Pierre Philippot at Ghent University. The inaugural lecture will take place on Monday 8 February on the theme "Emotion, cognition and psychotherapy: toward a transdiagnostic process-oriented approach".

January 2016

Joël Billieux, professor at the PSP Faculty and the IPSY Institute contributed as an expert to the publication of the WHO report entitled "Public Health Implications of Excessive Use of the Internet, Computers, Smartphones and Similar Electronic Devices Meeting report".
The working group composed by the WHO, and regrouping the leading scholars on the subject, will be the basis of a proposal to consider these disorders for the next WHO International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). This group has met twice (Toyko, 2014 and Seoul, 2015) and will meet for the last time in Hong Kong in September 2016.

Here is the first report from the Tokyo meeting:  
Public Health Implications of Excessive Use of the Internet, Computers, Smartphones and Similar Electronic Devices Meeting report 

January 2016 (Updated April 2016)

Pierre Philippot was elected scientific coordinator of the European Association of Behaviour and Cognitive Therapies. 

This association brings together 27,000 psychotherapists, most of them psychologists or doctors, from 39 European countries.  The EABCT has set rigorous standards for psychotherapy training and is active at the political level, both nationally and at the European level.  It organises an important annual congress and numerous activities aimed at translating scientific data into psychotherapeutic practice in the field.  For more information: 

September 2015

Vassilis Saroglou, Professor at the PSP Faculty and the IPSY Institute, has been named Fellow of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.

This scientific association is the largest American and international society of social psychology (several thousand members). Some of its members are awarded Fellowship status for their "outstanding and long-standing contributions to the field of social and personality psychology".

In French-speaking Belgium, only two people, both at UCL (Vincent Yzerbyt and Vassilis Saroglou) have received this distinction.

August 2015

EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2015: the prize was awarded to the IROHLA project (on health literacy and health education).

Project Recognized as an Exemplary Good Practice: The Diabetes Literacy Consortium of Research,Stephan Stephan Van den Broucke  (PSP/IPSY)

July 2015

Vassilis Saroglou (PSP/IPSY), head of the Centre for the Psychology of Religion, was elected President of the International Academy of Religious Sciences.

For 50 years this Academy has brought together eminent theologians and religious scholars from three traditions (Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox) working together in the spirit of ecumenical dialogue. Among its illustrious members are Yves Congar, Henri de Lubac, Pope Benedict XVI (Catholicism), Rudolf Bultmann, Hans Küng, Wolfhart Pannenberg (Protestantism), George Florovsky, Paul Evdokimov and John Zizioulas (Orthodoxy).

June 2014