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Chantal Dessy, PI

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FRS-FNRS Senior Research Associate & Professor UCLouvain (Phamacology and Pharmacotherapy)

Head of the lab of vascular biology (Pole of Pharmacology and Therapeutics)

Pharm 1989, PhD 1993

PhD in Vascular Biology, UCLouvain, Brussels

Post-doctoral fellow and Research Associate at the Boston Biomedical Research Institute, Beth Israel Hospital at Harvard Medical School, Boston (1996-98)

Photo of Chantal Dessy
Chantal Dessy
Maître de recherche FNRS, Professeure

SSS/FASB Faculty of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences (FASB)

SSS/IREC Institut de recherche expérimentale et clinique (IREC)

SSS/IREC/FATH Pôle de Pharmacologie et thérapeutique (FATH)