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Nancy Van Overstraeten, Research Coordinator/ Clinops manager/ Spin-off creator

June 2018-now: SPINOVIT creator

Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain)

  • Create Spin-off from FATH
  • Establish business plan
  • Training in business development

Lauriane Michel, Postdoc fellow

Master degree in Biochemistry, Structural and Molecular Biology from the Joseph Fourier University of Grenoble (France, 2011)

PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the department of Physiology of the Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands, 2016)

Function/Job description

Investigation of the Beta-3 adrenoceptor signalling in myocardial remodeling

Charlotte Farah, Postdoc fellow

Irina Lobysheva, Postdoc fellow

M.S. and PhD in Biophysics, from Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia, 1985).  The Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Science ( Moscow, Russia).  Bourse étrangère de l'ARC, University Toulouse III, France.

Professional experience. Scientific projects

2010 - in progress

Virginie Montiel, PhD student

Docteur en Médecine (2000), Cardiologue (2006), Réanimateur (2006-2007) from the Université catholique de Louvain (Brussels)
Thesis project (FNRS): Aquaporin 1 and cardiovascular dysfunction in septic shock.

Lucie Pothen, PhD student

Master degree in Medicine from the University of Université catholique de Louvain (Brussels, 2008). Specialist in Internal Medicine (2014).

Skill highlights

Thesis project sponsored by the Fondation Saint Luc: "Epigenetic memory of endothelial dysfunction : mechanisms and pharmacological reversibility"

Delphine De Mulder, Technician

BS en Biochimie à la Haute Ecole Provinciale du Hainaut Occidental (Ath, 1999)

Function/Job description

Cell culture/ primary culture
Western Blot

Roxane Verdoy, Technician

BS in Medical Biology from the Haute Ecole Leonard De Vinci - Institut Paul Lambin (Brussels, 2015)

Function/Job description

Cell Culture, PCR, Western Blot, Immuno marquages

Hrag Esfahani, Technician

Master in biomedical sciences (Université Catholique de Louvain, 2012)

Animal welfare FELASA C, “maître d’expérience” (Université Catholique de Louvain , 2012)

Bachelor in medical biology (Institut Paul Lambin, 2005)

Job description and skills :

Murine in vivo cardiovascular system phenotyping

Joël Cosse, Technician

BS degree in chemistry, IPL, Brussels, 2002

Deborah Morrens, Account manager

Function/Job description

Finance, accountancy, management and logistics