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isp | Louvain-la-Neuve

Centre for Studies and Research in Contemporary Philosophies (CERPhiCo) works from both a diachronic (history of philosophy) and synchronic (conceptual analysis and discursive practical philosophy) perspective.

This involves both targeted historical investigations of a given author in the contemporary philosophical tradition (particularly phenomenological and/or hermeneutic) and of a given notional trend at work in a given tradition, always respecting the historical context and the dialogical situation with the fundamental currents of contemporary thought.

The main thematic areas of research are

  •     Philosophy of religion
  •     Practical phenomenologies and theories of action
  •     Theoretical and applied research in material phenomenology
  •     Theories of affectivity and action (reflexive and narrative ethics)
  •     French-language philosophies (historical and practical approaches)
  •     Philosophies of life and thoughts of immanence
  •     Epistemic relationships between philosophy, literature and theologies
  •     Contemporary theories of subjectivity