Bonmariage Cécile, Premodern islamic philosophy
Camilleri Sylvain, Phenomenology, hermeneutics, philosophy of religion | Google Scholar
Dedeurwaerdere Tom (FNRS Senior Research Associate) | Google Scholar (affiliated)
Depré Olivier, German idealism, Hegel, Hans Jonas
Destrée Pierre, (FNRS Research Associate) Ancient philosophy, Aristote, poetics | Google Scholar
Frogneux Nathalie, Philosophical anthropology, Hans Jonas | Google Scholar
Gosseries Axel, (FNRS Senior Research Assosiate) Political philosophy, ethics | Google Scholar
Guay Alexandre, Philosophy of the natural sciences (physics), analytical philosphy | Google Scholar
Hunyadi Mark, Political philosophy, ethics | Site web | Google Scholar
Leclercq Jean, French philosophy, philosophy of religion, Michel Henry
Loute Alain Clinical ethics, technology ethics | Google Scholar (affiliated)
Maesschalck Marc Reflexivity theory and philosophy of governance | Google Scholar (affiliated)
Pence Charles, Philosophy of life sciences | Site web | Google Scholar
Pourtois Hervé, Political philosophy, ethics | Google Scholar
Schmutz Jacob, Philosophy in the 17th century | Academia |
Verdée Peter, Logic, philosophy of language
Ex membres académiques
Liste complète
Berten André
Botbol Mylène, Biomedical ethics | Google Scholar
Canivet Michel
Chaumont Jean-Michel (FNRS Research Associate) | Google Scholar (ex affiliated member)
Counet Jean-Michel, Medieval philosophy | Google Scholar
Crabbé Marcel
De Greef Jan
De Keyser Eugénie (1918-2012)
De Munck Jean | Google Scholar (ex affiliated member)
Dupuis Michel
Druet Pierre-Philippe (1947-1997)
Étienne Jacques (1925-2019)
Feltz Bernard
Florival Ghislaine
Follon Jacques (1948-2003)
Fontaine-De Visscher Luce (1922-1995)
Franck Robert
Gérard Gilbert
Ghins Michel
Hamesse Jacqueline (1942-2023)
Ladrière Jean
Leonardy Heinz (1945-2019)
Lesch Walter Ethics (ex membre affilié)
Lories Danielle
Lucas Thierry
Marchal Pierre
Ponthiere Grégory, Economic philosophy, welfare economics, economic theory | Google Scholar
Stevens Bernard
Taminiaux Jacques (1928-2019)
Thiry Philippe (1949-2019)
Troisfontaines Claude
Van Parijs Philippe
Van Riet Georges (1916-1998)
Van Riet Simone (1919-1993)
Van Steenberghen Fernand (1904-1993)
Wenin Christian (1928-1987)
Van der Straeten Geneviève (1944-2010)
Van Laar Edith (1938-2008)
Liste complète
Gilson É. (1884-1978)
Ricoeur P. (1913-2005)
Anawati G. C. (1905-1994)
Gardet L. (1904-1986)
Anscombe G.E.M. (1919-2001)
Breton S. (1912-2005)
Edelman G.
Elster J.
Fagot-Largeault A.
Perler D.