Workshop | Through the Eyes of the “Vulnerable”: Dialogues on Temporalities and Space
cedie | Louvain-la-Neuve
Through the Eyes of the “Vulnerable”:
Dialogues on Temporalities and Space
13.30 |
Welcome Address |
13.45 |
Tale of Asylum: Speaking Time Dedicated to an Asylum Story |
14.00 |
Time(s) of Vulnerability: Challenges Related to Time of and in the Asylum Procedure Zoé Crine et Francesca Raimondo Discussants: |
14.45 | Coffee Break |
15.00 |
The Space of Vulnerabilities: Perspectives on the Asylum Experience Zoé Crine et Francesca Raimondo Discussant: |
15.45 |
Q&A and Discussion |
16.15 |
Screening of the Documentary "Pour vivre, j’ai laissé…" |
16.45 |
General Conclusions |
Évènement associé