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lab | Louvain-la-Neuve, Bruxelles Saint-Gilles, Tournai

Daniela Perrotti, founder and director
Prof Landscape and Member Board of Directors Louvain research Institute of Landscape, Architecture, Built Environment

Research associates and postdoctoral researchers (Funding: Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research F.R.S.-FNRS ; Innoviris Institute for Research and Innovation Brussels Capital Region; Wallonia Bruxelles International)

Nicola Bertoldi
Elisabetta Rosa and Ehsan Amhadian
The Agency-Information-Spacetime nexus: conceptual meta-framework and integrated model decision system for a unified approach to the study of the metabolism of urban social-ecological systems

Marlène Boura

Koenraad Danneels
Towards an animal-inclusive design in the Brussels Capital Region. A cartographic and design exploration into non-human agency

Yasmina Choueiri
Informality in Urban Metabolism: an expanded Material Flow Analysis integrating formal and informal resource flows for more inclusive Circular Economy policy in Brussels and Wallonia.

Sareh Moosavi
How prepared are Belgian Landscape Architects to act on Climate Change Mitigation through Metabolic and Lifecycle Thinking ?

Pramit Verma
Regional relational framework of sustainability in interconnected cities (ReFrameCity)

Kai Whiting
A social metabolism framework for the integration of energy, material and ecosystem services

PhD researchers (Funding: Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research F.R.S.-FNRS ; Belgian Academy for Research and Higher Education ARES ; UK Engineering and Physical Science Research Council EPSRC)

Alejandra Acevedo
Limiter la dépendance alimentaire de la ville informelle en Amérique du Sud : modèle métabolique à l’échelle du quartier et système de télédétection d’espaces d’opportunités

Ursula-Crisy Cardenas-Mamani
Urban Metabolism for advanced Nature-based Solutions: an integrated framework to support the development of a shared knowledge base and combined dynamic modelling approaches (UMaNS)

Dorothy Julian Nalumu
Building data capacity for assessing the contribution of Nature-Based Solutions to the Urban Metabolism: data framework and policy support for informal settlements in fast-growing West-African cities

Daniel Otero Peña
Infrastructure, Topography and Landscape: Designing landscape infrastructure strategies through the spatialization of urban metabolism flows

Giulia Scialpi
Urban mining from food and soil waste: impact assessment and policy support for the Belgian construction industry

Christina Bristow
Co-supervision University of Reading, School of the Built Environment, UK. A taxonomy of cities: Classifying urban metabolism typologies towards understanding infrastructural dynamics

Research assistants (Funding: Flemish Region, Department Omgeving/Environment, programme Proeftuinen ontharding)

Andrea Aragone
Groen met Grijs/Green With Grey: Ecological benefits from the desealing of industrial plateforms in Flanders

Research support

Bruna Esperi
Data curation: harmonizing databases while engaging stakeholders in collaborative processes to sustain change and accessibility of knowledge produced within the UM framework.

Visiting professors

Owusu Amponsah – Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Department of Planning, Kumasi, Ghana The nexus between infromality and sustainable city planning

Chiara Palermo – Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, École des arts de la Sorbonne, Philosophy, France Landscape and temporalities Visiting

PhD researchers

Ruichang Mao - University of Southern Denmark/SDU Life Cycle Engineering Urban Metabolism: A material stock- and flow-based analysis on future resource demand and environmental impacts of Chinese cities. (Funding: EU Horizon 2020 COST Action “Mining the European Anthroposphere” (MINEA) Short-Term Scientific Missions)

Mazia Chaker-Aissi - Algiers Polytechnic School of Architecture and Urbanism/Ville Urbanisme et Développement Durable Research Lab Analyzing the performance of Urban Symbiosis strategies at the local level in Algiers: potential for optimizing energy demand and CO2 emission abatement (Funding: Algeria Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research)

PhD Advisory Committees

Roberta Pistoni - Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Paysage de Versailles, France, and Wageningen University, the Netherlands Application of urban metabolism theory in the planning and design of cities: New sustainable energy landscapes.

Behzad Bamdad Mehrabani – UCLouvain/LAB Evaluation of the resilience of a road network in the light of new technologies in the field of mobility