2025 Seminar Program (February - May)
libst | Louvain-la-Neuve
February 7th
François Renoz (ELI), invited by René Rezsohazy.
"A journey into the diversity and evolution of bacterial endoymbiosis in insects: spotlight on multi-symbiotic systems in aphids" |
February 21st
Robert de Vries (University of Utrecht), invited by David Alsteens.
“Viruses love glycans"
March 7th | Manoel Biancardi (UFG, Brazil), invited by Ellen Rivas Leonel.
"Female prostate - past, present, future"
March 14th |
Laura Symul (UCLouvain, ISBA), invited by René Rezsohazy.
More information coming soon.
March 21st |
Christiani Amorim (UCL/IREC), invited by Ellen Leonel.
"Innovative strategies for fertility restoration in cancer survivors: bioengineered ovaries and cancer cell purging"
March 28th |
Ellen Rivas Leonel (UCL, LIBST), invited by Isabelle Donnay
"The healthy breast (HABEAS): building an optimal in vitro mammary biomimetic model"
April 11th |
Céline Maquet, EPFL (Switzerland), invited by Isabelle Donnay.
"Understanding the Role of Virus-Imprinted Monocytes in Modulating Inflammation and Immune Responses"
April 18th | Eli Thoré (UNamur), invited by Melissa Page.
“Swimming in medicated waters: Understanding and mitigating the impacts of pharmaceutical pollutants on aquatic wildlife”
May 9th |
Arnaud Vanden Broeck (ULiège), invited by Corentin Claeys Bouuaert.
“Structural insights into Spliced Leader RNA trans-splicing in parasitic Trypanosomatids”
May 23rd |
Jorge Alegre (CNIC, Spain), invited by Andra Dumitru.
“Mechanical knock-out systems reveal that titin loss-of-tension causes heart and skeletal muscle disease”