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Postdoc position in biostatistics for women’s health

isba |

31 January 2024, modified on 7 December 2024



- - -  Job offer closed !  - - -



Hiring! Postdoc position in biostatistics for women’s health


Fully Funded Postdoctoral Position in Biostatistics/Computational Biology for Women’s Health

A 1-year (renewable) postdoctoral position in biostatistics / computational biology is open in the non-clinical biostatistics unit of ISBA (Institute of Statistics, Biostatistics, and Actuarial Sciences) at UCLouvain in Belgium.

The project focuses on the analysis and integration of several omic datasets that have been generated from samples collected from participants of the FRESH Lactin-V trial. The FRESH clinic is located in Durban, South Africa, and the FRESH Lactin-V trial enrolled local participants who are at high risk of HIV infection. The trial aims at evaluating the benefits of a live probiotic (Lactin-V) for lowering vaginal inflammation and restoring a healthy vaginal microbiota and, as a consequence, preventing HIV acquisition.

The position is currently open, and applications are accepted. The starting date is to be defined with the candidate and is expected to be during the spring of 2024.
Candidates from Sub-Saharan Africa (where the samples have been collected) and women are strongly encouraged to apply.

  • For more information regarding these positions, please find the link to the announcement here.