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How to find a document at the LIDAM Library ?

lidam | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons


   How is the library organized ?


The books are shelved by Author.
So with only the first author's name, you will be able to find your book.

Once you have finished with a book, please leave it on the table and do not put it back on shelves.
A misplaced book is a lost book!

Books in Environmental Economics :
The books with "ENV" location in the catalogue are shelved under lock on displays at the back of the library (you must ask the key to the librarians). They are shelved by Author too.

PoRESP books are shelved in a special section. They are shelved by Author too.


The journals are shelved by Title.

Recent numbers are on the displays at the entrance of the library.
Older issues are bound and placed on shelves.

Journal with "Réserve" location in the catalogue, are stored in a closed stack.
To have access to these journals, you have to ask a librarian.

Electronic Resources

Electronic resources available at UCL are listed on
If you are outside the UCL network, please read our page Remote access to UCL electronic resources.

Internship reports, master and doctoral theses

These documents are shelved by Author.

Our collection of theses stops in academic year 2011-2012.
Theses starting in 2012-2013 are available at BST

Theses are also available in electronic version via DIAL



Catalogue | DIAL | Discovery