Archive des événements passés du site Earth and Life Institute
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Influence of permafrost degradation on the mineral nutrient cycling by Arctic tundra vegetation by Elisabeth Mauclet17 MayArctic warming and permafrost loss modify northern ecosystems through soil subsidence, changes in soil hydrology, nutrient availability and vegetation succession. In particular, warming and soil moisture conditions influence Arctic tundra vegetation production and distribution: wetter soil conditions favor sedge expansion and drier soil conditions drive woody shrub expansion.En savoir plusInfluence of permafrost degradation on the mineral nutrient cycling by Arctic tundra vegetation by Elisabeth Mauclet17 MayArctic warming and permafrost loss modify northern ecosystems through soil subsidence, changes in soil hydrology, nutrient availability and vegetation succession. In particular, warming and soil moisture conditions influence Arctic tundra vegetation production and distribution: wetter soil conditions favor sedge expansion and drier soil conditions drive woody shrub expansion.
Influence of permafrost degradation on the mineral nutrient cycling by Arctic tundra vegetation by Elisabeth Mauclet17 May
Quelle eau est libérée par la dégradation du pergélisol ? Caractérisation des solutés organiques et minéraux dans les eaux de dégel du pergélisol by Julien Fouché (Montpellier SupAgro, France)17 MayA l’occasion de la défense de thèse d’Elisabeth Mauclet « Influence of permafrost degradation on the mineral nutrient cycling by Arctic tundra vegetation » nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir deux membres du jury pour un séminaire et un échange entre 12h30 et 14h le 17 mai dans la salle OcéanEn savoir plusQuelle eau est libérée par la dégradation du pergélisol ? Caractérisation des solutés organiques et minéraux dans les eaux de dégel du pergélisol by Julien Fouché (Montpellier SupAgro, France)17 MayA l’occasion de la défense de thèse d’Elisabeth Mauclet « Influence of permafrost degradation on the mineral nutrient cycling by Arctic tundra vegetation » nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir deux membres du jury pour un séminaire et un échange entre 12h30 et 14h le 17 mai dans la salle Océan
Modélisation de la végétation à différentes échelles : de la représentation de la végétation boréale à la simulation de la résilience des arbres by Arsène Druel (INRAE, Avignon, France)17 MayA l’occasion de la défense de thèse d’Elisabeth Mauclet « Influence of permafrost degradation on the mineral nutrient cycling by Arctic tundra vegetation » nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir deux membres du jury pour un séminaire et un échange entre 12h30 et 14h le 17 mai dans la salle Océan (bâtiment de Serres, étage 0)En savoir plusModélisation de la végétation à différentes échelles : de la représentation de la végétation boréale à la simulation de la résilience des arbres by Arsène Druel (INRAE, Avignon, France)17 MayA l’occasion de la défense de thèse d’Elisabeth Mauclet « Influence of permafrost degradation on the mineral nutrient cycling by Arctic tundra vegetation » nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir deux membres du jury pour un séminaire et un échange entre 12h30 et 14h le 17 mai dans la salle Océan (bâtiment de Serres, étage 0)
Large-area mapping of smallholder agriculture using openly available PlanetScope imagery by Philippe Rufin (ELIC & Humboldt University in Berlin)16 MayAgricultural land use is a major driver of global climate and environmental change. Remote sensing is used to produce wall-to-wall maps of cropland, crop types, and land management indicators across consolidated agricultural systems across the globe.En savoir plusLarge-area mapping of smallholder agriculture using openly available PlanetScope imagery by Philippe Rufin (ELIC & Humboldt University in Berlin)16 MayAgricultural land use is a major driver of global climate and environmental change. Remote sensing is used to produce wall-to-wall maps of cropland, crop types, and land management indicators across consolidated agricultural systems across the globe.
Scientific Advances Demonstrate Need for Rapid Climate Action by Nicole van Lipzig12 May
Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS)-based detection of organic carbon with hyper- and multispectral sensors in cropland soils by He Zhang11 MayThe quantification and monitoring of soil organic carbon (SOC) in croplands is crucial in a context of effective and precise agricultural management. Conventional methods to assess SOC changes pose some limitations on time and labor consumption to efficiently assess SOC distributions and dynamics in a spatial and temporal context.En savoir plusUncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS)-based detection of organic carbon with hyper- and multispectral sensors in cropland soils by He Zhang11 MayThe quantification and monitoring of soil organic carbon (SOC) in croplands is crucial in a context of effective and precise agricultural management. Conventional methods to assess SOC changes pose some limitations on time and labor consumption to efficiently assess SOC distributions and dynamics in a spatial and temporal context.
Characterization of the adsorption and lysis processes of bacteriophages infecting the Bacillus cereus group by Audrey Leprince09 MayThe phage replication cycle begins with its adsorption to its host and ends with the release of new virions upon bacterial lysis. These steps are important, not only for the proper conduct of the phage life cycle, but also because proteins mediating attachment and lysis have a significant biotechnological potential.En savoir plusCharacterization of the adsorption and lysis processes of bacteriophages infecting the Bacillus cereus group by Audrey Leprince09 MayThe phage replication cycle begins with its adsorption to its host and ends with the release of new virions upon bacterial lysis. These steps are important, not only for the proper conduct of the phage life cycle, but also because proteins mediating attachment and lysis have a significant biotechnological potential.
"Using functional diversity and connectivity to build resilience in forests by Christian Messier05 MayChristian Messier is professor of forest ecology at the University of Québec in Montréal (UQAM) and in Outaouais (UQO), and Director of the Institute of Temperate Forest Sciences (ISFORT). This talk is organized in the frame for the international Francqui chair promoted by KU Leuven (B. Muys), Ghent University (K. Verheyen), Université Libre de Bruxelles – ULB (C.En savoir plus"Using functional diversity and connectivity to build resilience in forests by Christian Messier05 MayChristian Messier is professor of forest ecology at the University of Québec in Montréal (UQAM) and in Outaouais (UQO), and Director of the Institute of Temperate Forest Sciences (ISFORT). This talk is organized in the frame for the international Francqui chair promoted by KU Leuven (B. Muys), Ghent University (K. Verheyen), Université Libre de Bruxelles – ULB (C.
GitHub05 MayGitHub (French) given by François Massonnet and Pierre-Yves Barriat. Register hereEn savoir plusGitHub05 MayGitHub (French) given by François Massonnet and Pierre-Yves Barriat. Register here