Archive des événements passés du site Chaire Hoover d'éthique économique et sociale
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Mich "Why Differential Free Time Policies are Indispensable for Labour Justice – and Why We Need the ‘Arne Work Week’"04 OctMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Jens Jorund Tyssedal In this paper I argue that labour justice requires differential free time policies such as longer holidays and a shorter working week for people with harder and less attractive work by examining a recent pensions reform in Denmark.En savoir plusMich "Why Differential Free Time Policies are Indispensable for Labour Justice – and Why We Need the ‘Arne Work Week’"04 OctMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Jens Jorund Tyssedal In this paper I argue that labour justice requires differential free time policies such as longer holidays and a shorter working week for people with harder and less attractive work by examining a recent pensions reform in Denmark.
"The Political and Legal Philosophy of Climate Litigation"22 Sep23 SepOnline workshop, September 22-23, 2022 Hoover Chair for Economic and Social Ethics, UCLouvain ‘No-plane’ workshop Organized by Axel Gosseries & Pierre André Free but registration required (contact: In 2020, the number of climate cases had nearly doubled in three years, with approximately 1 550 cases across 38 countries, among which landmark cases targeting statEn savoir plus"The Political and Legal Philosophy of Climate Litigation"22 Sep23 SepOnline workshop, September 22-23, 2022 Hoover Chair for Economic and Social Ethics, UCLouvain ‘No-plane’ workshop Organized by Axel Gosseries & Pierre André Free but registration required (contact: In 2020, the number of climate cases had nearly doubled in three years, with approximately 1 550 cases across 38 countries, among which landmark cases targeting stat
BIP#15: Biodiversity conservation and global justice20 SepChris Armstrong - Global Justice and Biodiversity Conservation 14 30 - 14 40 Opening remarks 14 40 - 15 20 Sharing the burdens 15 20 - 16 00 Opportunity costs and global justice 16 00 - 16 10 Coffee Break 16 10 - 16 50 Conservation where?En savoir plusBIP#15: Biodiversity conservation and global justice20 SepChris Armstrong - Global Justice and Biodiversity Conservation 14 30 - 14 40 Opening remarks 14 40 - 15 20 Sharing the burdens 15 20 - 16 00 Opportunity costs and global justice 16 00 - 16 10 Coffee Break 16 10 - 16 50 Conservation where?
Mich "Basic income versus fairness : optimal taxation with inactive agents"20 SepMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Antoine Germain We study redistributive taxation when there are inactive, unemployed and employed agents.En savoir plusMich "Basic income versus fairness : optimal taxation with inactive agents"20 SepMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Antoine Germain We study redistributive taxation when there are inactive, unemployed and employed agents.
Disputationes 2023 JunDisputationes is a series of workshops where researchers from University of Leiden, KU Leuven, and UCLouvain meet to present their work and enjoy a stimulating and friendly debate. After moving online for the last few editions, this year’s 20th edition will be held in person, hosted by the Hoover Chair on the 23rd of June, 2022. IMPORTANT: each speaker has 7’ minutes to present, followedEn savoir plusDisputationes 2023 JunDisputationes is a series of workshops where researchers from University of Leiden, KU Leuven, and UCLouvain meet to present their work and enjoy a stimulating and friendly debate. After moving online for the last few editions, this year’s 20th edition will be held in person, hosted by the Hoover Chair on the 23rd of June, 2022. IMPORTANT: each speaker has 7’ minutes to present, followed
Workshop on Facts, Concepts, Norms and Values07 JunHybrid workshop jointly organized by The Center for the Study of Rationalities and Beliefs (University of Bucharest) and the Hoover Chair of Social and Economic Ethics (UCLouvain) Conveners: Laurentiu Gheorge (UNIBUC) and Axel Gosseries (Hoover Chair and ICUB) This workshop aims at exploring the interconnections between factual, conceptual, axiological and normative levels.En savoir plusWorkshop on Facts, Concepts, Norms and Values07 JunHybrid workshop jointly organized by The Center for the Study of Rationalities and Beliefs (University of Bucharest) and the Hoover Chair of Social and Economic Ethics (UCLouvain) Conveners: Laurentiu Gheorge (UNIBUC) and Axel Gosseries (Hoover Chair and ICUB) This workshop aims at exploring the interconnections between factual, conceptual, axiological and normative levels.
Barcelouvain19 MayWith UB and Rotterdam
Mich "Are tech-lumpenproletarians dominated?"17 MayMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Juan Olano Are tech-lumpenproletarians dominated? “Tech-lumpenproletariat” refers to the mass of chronically unemployed people displaced from the labour market by automation. Such can be the situation of cashiers in the case of self-checkout machines or taxi drivers in the case of automated vehicles.En savoir plusMich "Are tech-lumpenproletarians dominated?"17 MayMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Juan Olano Are tech-lumpenproletarians dominated? “Tech-lumpenproletariat” refers to the mass of chronically unemployed people displaced from the labour market by automation. Such can be the situation of cashiers in the case of self-checkout machines or taxi drivers in the case of automated vehicles.
BIP #14 : The Ethics of Surrogacy16 MayShedule By Anca Gheaus and Christine Straehle 11:15 Opening Remarks Axel Gosseries (Un. catholique de Louvain) 11:20 Introduction 11:30 Anca Gheaus (Central European University) and Christine Straehle (Hamburg University) Chapter 1 Defending Surrogacy as Reproductive Labour Alain Loute (Un.En savoir plusBIP #14 : The Ethics of Surrogacy16 MayShedule By Anca Gheaus and Christine Straehle 11:15 Opening Remarks Axel Gosseries (Un. catholique de Louvain) 11:20 Introduction 11:30 Anca Gheaus (Central European University) and Christine Straehle (Hamburg University) Chapter 1 Defending Surrogacy as Reproductive Labour Alain Loute (Un.
Midi de l'éthique "Quels modèles de financement pour une presse indépendante ?10 MayL’évolution de nos habitudes de vie, de notre environnement technologique et du monde économique bouleversent l’écosystème des medias. La place prise par les GAFA, l’endettement persistant de nos Etats, la modification de notre rapport à la lecture ou les phénomènes de concentration industrielle menacent-ils la possibilité même de medias indépendants?En savoir plusMidi de l'éthique "Quels modèles de financement pour une presse indépendante ?10 MayL’évolution de nos habitudes de vie, de notre environnement technologique et du monde économique bouleversent l’écosystème des medias. La place prise par les GAFA, l’endettement persistant de nos Etats, la modification de notre rapport à la lecture ou les phénomènes de concentration industrielle menacent-ils la possibilité même de medias indépendants?