epl | Louvain-la-Neuve, Charleroi
I don't feel ready to present my Master thesis. How can a withdraw from the current session ?
Here are the steps that you should follow:
- Log in to the TFE Scheduler application and change the "Session" information
- Go to your EPL virtual desktop and remove the master thesis (LXXX2990) from the current session
- Notify your programme commission secretary and your supervisor of your decision
If you cannot access your virtual desktop to modify the current session information, just send an email to the EPL secretariat (aurelie.gihoul@uclouvain.be) with a copy to your programme commission secretary.
If you are outside the deadline to officially withdraw the Master thesis from your exam registrations, you still need to follow the above described steps in such a way the presentation schedule can be adapted accordingly if possible.
I would like to do a Master thesis in collaboration with a company. How should I proceed ?
Information about EPL Master theses with a company and internships is available here (in French): https://intranet.uclouvain.be/fr/myucl/facultes/epl/types-de-stages.html
Some supervisors propose Master thesis topics in collaboration with a company, without internship. In that case, just check if the signature of an agreement is requested (it is advised to do so), and you can use the document available through the link above. If there are questions related to intellectual property, please check here how to proceed: https://moodle.uclouvain.be/mod/folder/view.php?id=205879
Be aware that a student alone cannot propose a Master thesis with a company. Neither can a company alone propose a Master thesis topic. There should always be a member of the EPL academic staff (an EPL professor) involved in the project.
Can I propose my own Master thesis topic ?
You are allowed to propose your own topic, but it then has to be discussed with possible EPL supervisors: you indeed need an EPL professor who will supervise your work, and check that what you propose is indeed suitable as a master thesis. This also holds if you receive a proposal from a company, or from a professor from another university: you always need an EPL supervisor, who will be responsible for the evaluation and who will guarantee that the work will be conducted according to our EPL rules.
Are there any instructions or formatting requirements for the thesis manuscript?
Instructions are available in the "Manuscript writing and submission" section on Moodle. You must use the cover page template that is available in MS Word or LaTeX format, bit you are free to format the rest of your manuscript as you like. No template is provided for the manuscript.