Flash Info Louvain4Nutrition - June 2020
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Dear colleagues,
In this Flash Info, we are pleased to announce the next Louvain4Nutrition seminar that will be hosted in Louvain-la-Neuve on 06 October 2020. If the sanitary situation does not allow us to host the meeting physically, an alternative solution will be provided online. This newsletter also points you to a number of relevant announcements and information related to funding opportunities for research on food and nutrition.
Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you wish to promote news from your lab in one of the next editions.
Save the Date Louvain4Nutrition Seminar on 06/10/2020
We are pleased to invite you to the next Louvain4Nutrition Seminar that will take place in Louvain-la-Neuve on 06 October 2020 from 4pm to 6pm.
Save-the-date and register now for this informal seminar focussing on healthy and sustainable food systems, where we will have the pleasure to exchange with:
- Prof. Philippe Baret, agricultural engineer specialized in tropical crops, Professor at the Earth and Life Institute (UCLouvain);
- Alessandra Donati, Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Procedural law in Luxembourg and a lecturer at the University of SciencesPo;
- Vincent Delhomme, PhD candidate, member of the EU Law and Behavioral science Research group at the Institut pour la recherche interdisciplinaire en sciences juridiques (UCLouvain)
The meeting will take place at Salle de séminaire Carnoy (Bâtiment Carnoy, Place Croix du Sud 2 in Louvain-la-Neuve) and will start at 16:00.
Registration is possible from the Louvain4Nutrition website.
News and Upcoming events
- European Green Deal - 12 Webinaires organisés par le réseau des NCP-France - Du 24/06 au 10/07/2020 - Détails des thématiques et inscriptions
- Congrès virtuel OneHealth gratuit
Mardi 23 juin (10h – 12h) / « ONE HEALTH : la santé de la TERRE, de l’HOMME et de la PLANETE
Mardi 30 juin (10h – 12h) : « ONE HEALTH : la santé des PLANTES, des ANIMAUX et des HOMMES »
Mardi 7 juillet (10h – 12h) : « ONE HEALTH : la santé des HOMMES, du CLIMAT et de notre CHAINE ALIMENTAIRE
Funding Opportunities
- BELSPO - "Appel à projets BRAIN-be 2.0 - 2018-2023 - Piliers 1 et 3" - DL 30/06/2020
- F.R.S.-FNRS - "Crédits et projets" 2020 - DL 02/07/2020
- Sciences biomédicales - Fondation AstraZeneca - DL 15/07/2020
- Pôle Wagralim - "31ème appel" - DL 07/09/2020
- UCLouvain-UdeM - Appel "Séjours de recherche à l’Université de Montréal" - DL 14/09/2020
- JPI URBAN EUROPE - "Positive Energy Districts and Neighbourhoods" - DL 24/09/2020
- IraSME - Appel "Activités de recherche internationale menées par des PME" (Projets orientés marchés) - DL 30/09/2020
- H2020 - "Innovative Medicine Initiatives 2 - Calls 22 & 23" - Updated versions of the draft topic texts are now available on the Future Topics page of the IMI website, and registration for the webinars is open
Job Opportunity
FULLY FUNDED PHD: Strategies for improved nutritional content and sustainability of milk – a farm to consumer approach at University of Glasgow (30/06/2020)