Double Degree LSM / KU Leuven

Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

Are you looking for a very stimulating multilingual environment and a unique added value in your student experience ?

The Double Degree Louvain School of Management - FEB KU Leuven in a nutshell

Standard period of study: 4 semesters, full time

Start: Fall semester (mid-September at LSM)

Language: English or English and Dutch

Degrees awarded: Double degree student who has completed the required credits of each university will obtain two degrees, one from each university: the "Master en ingénieur de gestion, à finalité spécialisée" from the UCLouvain-Louvain School of Management (legally titled in French, the programme is entirely in English) and  "Master handelsingenieur (in Dutch/English) OR the "Master of Business Engineering" (entirely in English) from KU Leuven.

Fees: Tuition fees are paid at the "home" university, for the entire duration of the studies. Administrative fees might be required at the "host" university


Gauthier Andrien, LSM/KU Leuven 2014-2016: "I decided to study the last year of my master's in Leuven in Dutch and English. Of course, in the end, you receive a double degree (one in French and one in Dutch) but the main motivation to attend such a programme should be: - the discovery of a new learning system as the Dutch one is not similar to ours; - the accelerated learning of the other languages (Dutch and English); and - the adaptability to a new environment. By attending such a programme, you are of course ahead of other candidates when applying for a job as employers only have two words in their mind while recruiting: flexibility and languages. I won't lie to you by saying that the courses I attended in Dutch were already very complicated for the Flemish students. So what could it be for us, the French native speakers? But it was really a great journey that I will never forget..."

Double Degree Structure

DD students will spend one year at UCLouvain-LSM and one year at FEB KU Leuven. Although programmes are subject to change, you can check the examples here below:

Master's Thesis

Students enrolled in a double degree LSM and KU Leuven are required to write one single Master's thesis (in the frame of the double degree LSM-KUL, DD student is allowed to do a Master's thesis in pairs).

As decided between LSM and KU Leuven, the student will have to find a professor, from the host university, who will act as the main supervisor: this professor will supervise and advise the student during the entire length of the Master’s thesis, will be present at the oral defense and will take part of the discussion about the grade.

The Master's thesis will be written in English (probably in Dutch in the Master's handelsingenieur) and the student will follow the guidelines, procedure, and calendar of the university of the main supervisor (the host university in the case of DD LSM & KUL).

A mandatory oral defense will take place, by videoconference, in front of a jury composed of her/his supervisor and one professor of the home university who will act as reader (that last one will read the final version of the Master’s thesis, will be present at the oral defense and will take part of the discussion about the grade).

At LSM, the Master’s thesis will count towards 20 ECTS while, at FEB KU Leuven, the Master’s thesis, which counts towards 24 ECTS, is associated with an additional LSM activity: LLSMA 2007 (Communication and Writing Skills, 5 ECTS).

Academic Calendar


Fall Semester: from mid-September to mid-end December (Official exam session of fall semester courses in January).
Spring Semester: from the end of January/beginning of February to mid-end May (incl. 2-week spring break) (Official exam session of spring semester courses in June).
Resit exam session from mid-August to the beginning of September.

@ KU Leuven

Fall Semester: from mid-end September to mid-end December (Official exam session from Mid-January to the beginning of February)
Spring Semester: from mid-February to the end of May (Official exam session from mid-June to end of June/beginning of July)
Resit exam session from mid-August to the beginning of September

How to Apply

> Apply through LSM (if you are selected, LSM will be your home university; you will spend your first year at LSM and your second one at KU Leuven)

> Apply through KU Leuven (if you are selected, KU Leuven will be your home university; you will spend your first year at KU Leuven and your second one at LSM)

> KU Leuven
> KU Leuven-double degrees


> UCLouvain
> LSM faculty - double degrees
> LSM Key figures