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ELIE Theses

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ELIE Thesis defense annoucements ►►►

  • Dissertation
    • 2024
      Lamarche, Céline.
      Assessing 29 years of global land cover dynamics from satellite Earth Observation, prom. : Defourny, Pierre, 27/05/2024.
    • El Ghoul, Imen.
      Combined effects of climate and land use changes on the hydrology of a meso-scale Mediterranean basin : the Siliana (Tunisia), prom. : Vanclooster, Marnik ; Khlifi, Slaheddine, 16/05/2024.
    • Clement, Timothée.
      Effectiveness of conservation cropping practices in mitigating runoff, soil erosion, and pesticide surface losses in Northwestern Europe, prom. : Bielders, Charles, 02/12/2024.
    • Ramahaimandimby, Zonirina.
      Fonctionnement et altérations hydrologiques du bassin d’Ankavia (Madagascar) dans une perspective de gestion intégrée des ressources en eau (GIRE), prom. : Bielders, Charles ; Randriamaherisoa, Alain, 25/11/2024.
    • Bemelmans, Nathan.
      Influence of pesticides on trace element transfer in the soil–solution–plant system: A focus on glyphosate and tebuconazole, prom. : Agnan, Yannick, 27/11/2024.
    • Delval, Louis.
      Quantifying soil-grapevine hydraulics from plant to field scale, prom. : Javaux, Mathieu ; Jonard, François, 14/10/2024.
    • Guisset, Camille.
      Radial growth response to climate and drought of four non-native tree species in their area of introduction in Wallonia (Belgium), prom. : Ponette, Quentin ; Vincke, Caroline, 11/09/2024.
    • Arbalestrie, Bryan.
      Role of exogenous organic matter in the transfer of trace elements in the soil-plant system : contribution of metal isotopes, rare earth elements, and organic matter characterization , prom. : Agnan, Yannick, 18/12/2024.
    • 2023
      Vale Manga, Willy.
      Gestion des déchets ménagers urbains : analyse des acteurs et modélisation de la collecte primaire des déchets de la ville de Kinshasa (RD Congo) , prom. : Defourny, Pierre ; Lecocq, Philippe, 03/04/2023.
    • Zanutel, Martin.
      Impact of biochar application on soil physical properties affecting erosion by water in Wallonia, prom. : Bielders, Charles ; Garré, Sarah, 26/09/2023.
    • De Vroey, Mathilde.
      Measuring grassland use intensity by remote sensing for agroecological monitoring, prom. : Defourny, Pierre ; Radoux, Julien, 23/01/2023.
    • Kadir, Mokrane.
      Mechanisms driving streamflow alterations in algerian catchments along a hydroclimatic gradient, prom. : Vanclooster, Marnik, 15/06/2023.
    • Jacobs, Kristoffel.
      Mixing effects along ecological gradients in temperate oak-beech forests : radial growth, drought exposure and stability, prom. : Ponette, Quentin ; Muys, Bart, 02/05/2023.
    • De Canniere, Simon.
      Remote sensing of drought stress with sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence : from canopy to global scale, prom. : Jonard, François ; Defourny, Pierre, 24/08/2023.
    • 2022
      Wu, Kaijun.
      Airborne ground-penetrating radar for digital soil mapping, prom. : Lambot, Sébastien, 01/12/2022.
    • Kibala Ntondele, Gloire.
      Analyse de la dynamique des espaces industriels de Kinshasa : prospective des espaces industriels de Masina et Kinkole à Kinshasa-Est, prom. : Hanin, Yves ; Mpuru , René, 15/03/2022.
    • Saint-Amand, Antoine.
      Bridging the gap between small and large spatial scales in marine dispersal modelling : applications to coral ecosystems in the Great Barrier Reef, prom. : Hanert, Emmanuel ; Deleersnijder, Eric, 07/09/2022.
    • Osei, Richard.
      Carbon storage in European forests : the impact of tree species identity and mixing , prom. : Ponette, Quentin ; Cornelis, Jean-Thomas, 08/06/2022.
    • Sampurno, Joko.
      Combining process-based and data-based approaches to predict high water levels : application to the city of Pontianak in the Kapuas River delta, prom. : Hanert, Emmanuel, 19/08/2022.
    • Ligot, Noa.
      Crop vulnerability to tephra fall in volcanic regions : field, experimental and modelling approaches, prom. : Delmelle, Pierre ; Bogaert, Patrick, 09/11/2022.
    • Mauclet, Elisabeth.
      Influence of permafrost degradation on the mineral nutrient cycling by Arctic tundra vegetation, prom. : Opfergelt, Sophie, 17/05/2022.
    • Monhonval, Arthur.
      Influence of permafrost thaw on mineral organic carbon interactions, prom. : Opfergelt, Sophie, 19/10/2022.
    • Koch, Axelle.
      Investigating soil - plant - water relations : from root segment modeling to field scale experiments, prom. : Javaux, Mathieu, 12/09/2022.
    • Dobbelaere, Thomas.
      Modeling local and regional dispersion of stressors in Florida's Coral Reef, prom. : Hanert, Emmanuel, 25/04/2022.
    • 2021
      De Streel, Géraud.
      Effects of tree species identity and mixing on below-ground resources availability and climate-growth relationships : a case study in mixtures of Scots pine and beech across Europe, prom. : Ponette, Quentin ; Collet, Catherine, 28/06/2021.
    • Gonay, Léolo.
      Mathematical modelling of epithelial growth, fission and lumen formation during embryonic thyroid development : a combination of computational and experimental approaches, prom. : Hanert, Emmanuel ; Pierreux, Christophe, 28/06/2021.
    • Fehri, Raed.
      Participatory approaches to monitor water-related Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 6) in Tunisia, prom. : Vanclooster, Marnik ; Khlifi, Slaheddine, 26/03/2021.
    • de Wergifosse, Louis.
      Simulating tree growth response to climate change in structurally-complex oak and beech stands across Europe , prom. : Jonard, Mathieu, 21/06/2021.
    • 2020
      Dendoncker, Morgane.
      50 years of woody vegetation dynamics in the Senegalese Sahel (Ferlo) : bases for a functional diversity approach , prom. : Vincke, Caroline, 08/10/2020.
    • Heri-Kazi Bisimwa, Aimé.
      Caractérisation de l’état de dégradation des terres par l’érosion hydrique dans le Sud-Kivu montagneux à l’Est de la R.D. Congo, prom. : Bielders, Charles, 28/04/2020.
    • Delforge, Damien.
      Causal analysis of hydrological systems : case study of the Lhomme karst system, Belgium , prom. : Vanclooster, Marnik ; Van Camp, Michel, 20/11/2020.
    • Gaspard, François.
      Controls on weathering fluxes from hydrothermally-active volcanic regions : a Ge/Si ratio and Si isotopes perspective, prom. : Opfergelt, Sophie ; Delmelle, Pierre, 09/11/2020.
    • Rao, Sathyanarayan Narasi.
      Investigating plant root signatures using geo-electrical methods, prom. : Javaux, Mathieu ; Nguyen, Frédéric , 19/08/2020.
    • Quimbo, Michelle.
      The impact of the 1991 Plinian eruption of Mt. Pinatubo, Philippines on soil development, phytolith accumulation, phosphorus status, and crop productivity , prom. : Delmelle, Pierre ; Sanchez, Pearl, 18/03/2020.
    • 2019
      De Maet, Thomas.
      Discontinuous Galerkin models for coupled surface-subsurface flow, prom. : Hanert, Emmanuel, 07/03/2019.
    • Ouedraogo, Rayangnéwendé Adèle.
      Impact des pratiques de gestion de la fertilité sur la qualité des sols sous cultures maraîchères à Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso), prom. : Bielders, Charles ; Kambiré, Fabèkourè Cédric, 04/12/2019.
    • Li, Zimin.
      Impact of biochar on the biological silicon feedback loop in soil-plant systems , prom. : Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Delvaux, Bruno, 29/04/2019.
    • Ruiz Hinojosa, Maria Gabriela.
      Processes of induration in pyroclastic deposits : the case of Cangahua, Ecuador, prom. : Delmelle, Pierre ; Opfergelt, Sophie, 19/03/2019.
    • Vander Linden, Charles.
      Rainfall and land use control Si cycling in wet tropical Andosols, prom. : Delvaux, Bruno ; Opfergelt, Sophie, 23/09/2019.
    • Got, Jean-Baptiste.
      Soil piping : detection, hydrological functioning and modeling. A case study in loess-derived soils in Belgium , prom. : Bielders, Charles ; Lambot, Sébastien, 21/10/2019.
    • Paque, Mathilde.
      Stockage du C en sols enfouis sous téphra : cas du volcan Atacazo, Equateur, prom. : Delmelle, Pierre ; Van Oost, Kristof, 27/11/2019.
    • Nickmans, Hans.
      The nutrition of oak and beech trees along a tree diversity gradient, prom. : Ponette, Quentin ; Verheyen, Kris, 25/09/2019.
    • Aragon Tobar, Carlos Francisco.
      Weathering of powdered volcanic rocks : laboratory and modelling studies for assessing rates and environmental impacts, prom. : Delmelle, Pierre, 17/04/2019.
    • 2018
      Cassart, Benoît.
      Effect of community functional trait composition on soil organic carbon dynamics between Gilbertiodendron dewevrei monodominant forests and Scorodophloeus zenkeri mixed forests in the Central Congo basin, prom. : Ponette, Quentin, 10/01/2018.
    • Tarasenko, Inga.
      Environmental effects of volcanic eruptions : a multidisciplinary study of tephra impacts on plant and soil, prom. : Delmelle , Pierre ; Opfergelt, Sophie, 31/08/2018.
    • Lambert, Marie-Julie.
      Estimating and understanding smallholder crop production variability from pixel to village levels thanks to satellite observation in Mali, prom. : Defourny, Pierre ; Baret, Philippe, 26/09/2018.
    • Jacques, Damien.
      Harnessing the data revolution for food security and poverty mapping : synergies between mobile phone data, Earth observation and official statistics in Senegal, prom. : Defourny, Pierre, 28/05/2018.
    • Tovihoudji, Gbenoukpo Pierre.
      Improving maize productivity in northern Benin through localized placement of amendments and fertilizers, prom. : Bielders, Charles ; Akponikpè , P.B. Irénikatché , 19/06/2018.
    • Bizimana, Syldie.
      L’agriculture de conservation peut-elle améliorer la fertilité des sols et la productivité des systèmes bananiers en Région des Grands Lacs ?, prom. : Delvaux, Bruno ; Bielders, Charles, 12/12/2018.
    • Gengler, Sarah.
      Spatial prediction of categorical variables in environmental sciences : a minimum divergence and Bayesian data fusion approach, prom. : Bogaert, Patrick, 26/04/2018.
    • Stevens, François.
      Towards a better understanding and prediction of the spatial distribution of organic carbon in cropland soils, prom. : Bogaert, Patrick ; van Wesemael, Bas, 22/11/2018.
    • Jezova, Jana.
      Towards microwave sensing of tree trunks : instrumentation and radargram interpretation, prom. : Lambot, Sébastien, 28/11/2018.
    • 2017
      Vermeire, Marie-Liesse.
      Evolution of carbon stabilization mechanisms in a podzolic soil chronosequence, prom. : Cornelis, Jean-Thomas ; Delvaux, Bruno, 14/03/2017.
    • Ameijeiras Mariño, Yolanda.
      Impact of forest conversion to cropland on soil weathering : a geochemical study at the pedon, slope and catchment scales, prom. : Opfergelt, Sophie ; Delmelle, Pierre, 29/06/2017.
    • Ouedraogo, Issoufou.
      Mapping groundwater vulnerability at the pan-African scale , prom. : Vanclooster , Marnik , 14/12/2017.
    • Hardy, Brieuc.
      Pre-industrial charcoal kiln sites in Wallonia, Belgium : spatial distribution, effects on soil properties and long-term fate of charcoal in soil, prom. : Defourny, Pierre ; Cornélis, Jean-Thomas, 17/03/2017.
    • Meunier, Félicien.
      Revisiting crop root systems ideotypes for water uptake : new tools and models, prom. : Javaux, Mathieu, 10/10/2017.
    • De Coster, Albéric.
      Subsurface imaging and characterization using full-wave inversion of near-field GPR data, prom. : Lambot, Sébastien, 16/10/2017.
    • d'Andrimont, Raphaël.
      Towards consistent inland water body mapping across space and time from optical Earth observation systems, prom. : Defourny, Pierre, 19/05/2017.
    • Desclée de Maredsous, Doriane.
      Vers l'intégration des dynamiques humaines et spatiales dans un processus systémique de diagnostic multidimensionnel du "Livelihood" pour un développement durable : cas d'étude de la Réserve de Biosphère de Luki en RDC, prom. : Defourny, Pierre ; Michel, Baudouin, 20/11/2017.
    • Waldner, François.
      Yearly cropland mapping over large areas with high resolution satellite image time series, prom. : Defourny, Pierre, 18/05/2017.
    • 2016
      Maters, Elena.
      An experimental study of volcanic ash chemical reactivity : implications for atmospheric trace chemistry and ocean iron biogeochemistry, prom. : Delmelle, Pierre ; Opfergelt, Sophie, 19/01/2016.
    • Mfumu Kihumba, Antoine.
      Assessing nitrate pollution in the Kinshasa groundwater system using a hybrid approach , prom. : Vanclooster, Marnik ; Ndembo Longo, Jean, 25/11/2016.
    • De Longueville, Bertrand.
      Citizens as Earth observation sources : a workflow for volunteered geographic information sensing, prom. : Defourny, Pierre, 22/02/2016.
    • Schoonejans, Jérôme.
      Constraining soil formation and development through quantitative analyses of chemical weathering and physical erosion, prom. : Vanacker, Veerle ; Opfergelt, Sophie, 20/10/2016.
    • Kambire, Fabèkourè Cédric.
      Effet combiné du travail du sol et de la gestion de la fumure organique dans l'agrosystème cotonnier au Burkina Faso, prom. : Bielders, Charles ; Kestemont, Marie-Paule, 06/09/2016.
    • Feltz, Nicolas.
      Evaluation de l’efficience et de la performance des périmètres irrigués en transition : une méthodologie intégrée appliquée au cas de la plaine des Triffa au Maroc, prom. : Vanclooster, Marnik, 12/09/2016.
    • Moreau, Inès.
      Evidencing land cover dynamics and tropical forest seasonality : the benefit of 13 years of daily global observation (SPOT-VEGETATION), prom. : Defourny, Pierre, 18/02/2016.
    • Pereira, Benoît.
      Homogenization of data : issues and methods in soil geochemical mapping , prom. : Sonnet, Philippe, 14/11/2016.
    • Schoppach, Rémy.
      Physiological and genetic bases of water-saving traits in wheat, prom. : Sadok, Walid ; Javaux, Mathieu, 14/12/2016.
    • Detienne, Marie.
      Unravelling the role of hydrothermal alteration in volcanic flank and sector collapses using combined mineralogical, experimental, and numerical modelling studies, prom. : Delmelle, Pierre ; Opfergelt, Sophie, 23/11/2016.
    • 2015
      Maugnard, Alexandre.
      Characterization and prediction of ephemeral gully erosion in Wallonia, prom. : Bielders, Charles, 13/03/2015.
    • Guevara Caiquetan, Alicia del Carmen.
      Estudio de las propiedades de las cenizas del volcan Tungurahua, Ecuador, para identificar los factores que determinan su impacto en suelos y cultivos, prom. : Delmelle, Pierre ; Sonnet, Philippe, 17/12/2015.
    • Curnel, Yannick.
      Satellite remote sensing priorities for better assimilation in crop growth models : winter wheat LAI and grassland mowing dates case studies, prom. : Defourny, Pierre ; Oger, Robert, 21/04/2015.
    • Penuela Fernandez, Andres.
      Towards improving subgrid surface flow hydrograph estimation using the relative surface connection function as a connectivity indicator, prom. : Bielders, Charles ; Javaux, Mathieu, 22/09/2015.
    • 2014
      Tran, Anh Phuong.
      Full-wave inversion of near-field ground penetrating radar data for hydrogeophysical characterization of soil, prom. : Lambot, Sébastien, 07/02/2014.
    • Muliele Muku, Tony.
      Influence du travail et de la couverture sur les propriétés physiques du sol et le système racinaire du bananier de hautes altitudes de la région des Grands Lacs d'Afrique (Sud-Kivu en RD Congo, Rwanda et Burundi), prom. : Bielders, Charles ; Delvaux, Bruno, 14/11/2014.
    • Nijimbere, Séverin.
      Physico-chimie de sols rizicultivés affectés par la salinité dans la basse vallée de la Rusizi au Burundi, prom. : Dufey, Joseph ; Rufyikiri, Gervais, 02/09/2014.
    • Wiaux, François.
      The biogeochemical processes controlling the soil carbon cycle at the hillslope scale, prom. : Vanclooster, Marnik ; Van Oost, Kristof, 10/10/2014.
    • Bodart, Catherine.
      Tropical forest monitoring by satellite remote sensing : application for African dry forests at continental scale, prom. : Defourny, Pierre ; Mayaux, Philippe, 18/09/2014.
    • Sellami, Haykel.
      Uncertainty assessment of hydrological impacts of climatic change in small mediterranean catchments , prom. : Vanclooster, Marnik ; Benabdallah, Sihem ; Lajeunesse, Isabelle, 27/06/2014.
    • Soubie, Rémy.
      Évaluation de l'évapotranspiration réelle, de ses composantes et de sa régulation dans un peuplement composé de hêtre et de douglas : analyse comparative de l'effet espèce et des méthodes d'évaluation., prom. : Vincke, Caroline, 26/06/2014.
    • 2013
      Beff, Laure.
      Analysis of soil water spatio-temporal variability at high resolution in a maize field, prom. : Javaux, Mathieu, 02/10/2013.
    • El Wahidi, Farid.
      Dynamiques des dégradations de l’arganeraie et modélisation spatiale de l’évolution forestière : scénarios d’aménagement pour une gouvernance locale, prom. : Defourny, Pierre ; Mounir, Fouad, 13/03/2013.
    • Couvreur, Valentin.
      Emergent properties of plant hydraulic architecture : a modelling study, prom. : Javaux, Mathieu, 14/10/2013.
    • Nibasumba, Anaclet.
      Evaluation agronomique de l'association bananiers-caféiers : application au Burundi, prom. : Bielders, Charles ; Jassogne, Laurence, 26/06/2013.
    • Mahmoudzadeh Ardekani, Mohammad Reza.
      Full-wave inversion of ground-penetrating radar data for soil characterization, prom. : Lambot, Sébastien, 21/10/2013.
    • Verhegghen, Astrid.
      Global land surface vegetation phenology using 13 years of SPOT VEGETATION daily observations, prom. : Defourny, Pierre, 19/09/2013.
    • Houben, David.
      Heavy metal mobility in contaminated soils as affected by plants, amendments and biochar : implications for phytostabilization, prom. : Sonnet, Philippe, 23/01/2013.
    • Baudry, Olivier.
      Réponse de la régénération naturelle de chêne et de hêtre au stade fourré à la refermeture du couvert, prom. : Ponette, Quentin, 11/09/2013.
    • Schroeder, Natalie.
      Three-dimensional solute transport modeling in coupled soil and plant root systems, prom. : Javaux, Mathieu, 28/08/2013.
    • Belghazi, Tarik.
      Typologie de l'arganeraie et estimation de la biomasse aérienne des taillis d'arganier (Plateau des Haha-Essaouira, Maroc) , prom. : Ponette, Quentin ; Qarro, Mohamed, 23/09/2013.
    • 2012
      Morvannou, Ania.
      Dynamic modelling of nitrification in vertical flow constructed wetlands, prom. : Vanclooster, Marnik, 16/01/2012.
    • Bériaux, Emilie.
      Leaf Area Index retrieval from multi-annual and multi-polarization SAR time series for crop monitoring, prom. : Defourny, Pierre, 10/02/2012.
    • Piñeros Garcet, Juan David.
      Quality assessment of environmental simulation scenarios : scientific, expertise, interpretive and participatory methods based on mathematical, epistemological and socio-anthropological approaches, prom. : Vanclooster, Marnik, 22/06/2012.
    • Jonard, François.
      Soil water content estimation using ground-based active and passive microwave remote sensing : ground-penetrating radar and radiometer, prom. : Lambot, Sébastien, 30/08/2012.
    • Sangaré, Sheick.
      Water and nutrient use efficiency and the vertical leaching losses in urban vegetable cropping systems in Bobo–Dioulasso (Burkina Faso), prom. : Bielders, Charles ; Sedogo, Michel P., 04/05/2012.
    • 2011
      Duveiller Bogdan, Grégory.
      Crop specific green area index retrieval from multi-scale remote sensing for agricultural monitoring, prom. : Defourny, Pierre, 2011.
    • Duveiller Bogdan, Grégory.
      Crop specific green area index retrieval from multi-scale remote sensing for agricultural monitoring, prom. : Defourny, Pierre, 26/01/2011.
    • Moghadas, Davood.
      Development of advanced electromagnetic induction based on total-field forward and inverse modeling for soil electrical property determination, prom. : Lambot, Sébastien, 14/06/2011.
    • Delstanche, Séverine.
      Drivers of soil fertility in smallholder banana systems in the African Great Lakes Region, prom. : Delvaux, Bruno ; van Asten, Piet, 29/11/2011.
    • Minet, Julien.
      High-resolution soil moisture mapping by a proximal ground penetrating radar : a numerical, laboratory and field evaluation, prom. : Lambot, Sébastien, 19/05/2011.
    • Trum, Florence.
      Impact of manganese concentration on litter decomposition, prom. : Delvaux, Bruno, 05/09/2011.
    • Weynants, Mélanie.
      Linking soil hydraulic properties to structure indicators : experiments and modelling, prom. : Javaux, Mathieu, 21/04/2011.
    • Couder, Eléonore.
      Zn biogeochemical cycle in highly Zn-contaminated soil-plant systems, prom. : Delvaux, Bruno ; Mattielli, Nadine, 29/04/2011.