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Research Directions

lourim | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons


Strategy, Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Research areas

Innovation-based strategies and capabilities, Innovation support systems, Narratives and entrepreneurship, Critical approaches in entrepreneurship, Education to entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship and religion, Entrepreneurship and crises, Corporate governance practices, Sustainable entrepreneurship

Principal investigators

Guilhem Bascle, Régis Coeurderoy, Eric Cornuel, Benoit Gailly, Julie Hermans, Amélie Jacquemin, Frank Janssen, Patrick Scarmure, Alain Vas and Géraldine Zeimers

Senior Researcher

Christophe Lejeune


Valentine Brognion, Marco Daprá, Lionel Delatte, Chloé Faton, Alex Ferritto, Sana Larif, Pierre Léonard, Simon Mazy, Tryphène Ndombasi, Elena Pease, Min Shuai, Rodolfo David Villalobos Pozo and target=”_blank”>Yalin Wang

Research groups

Sport Management group, Research group in Entrepreneurship, Research group in Innovation

Current funded projects and research chairs
  • AICE-T - Analysing and Identifying the Circular Economy’s contribution to a just Transition: A Transdisciplinary Environmental Justice Approach in the Brussels Capital Region (2024 - 2029)
  • Louvain Innovation Network
  • Circle U.
Past projects and research chairs
  • PaDEL – People and Digital Ecosystems Lab (2022 - 2024)
  • PICesc - Plateforme Intelligente de Composition d’équipes qui génèrent un surplus de créativité (2020 - 2022)


Marketing & Consumer Behaviour

Research areas

Food sustainability, Consumer well-being, Dynamic pricing processes, Recommender systems, Customer care and experience, Marketing in the sharing economy, Frontline service technology, Narcoculture and marketing, Sensory perception and web, Interface design, Sustainable marketing approaches, Advertising effectiveness

Principal investigators

Karine Charry, Caroline Ducarroz, Simon Hazée, Nicolas Kervyn de Meerendre, Gordy Pleyers, Ingrid Poncin, Valérie Swaen and Vincenzo Verardi


Alix Baert, Manuel Da Silva, Diane Detry, Axelle Dorisse, Ophélie Duquesne, Nicolas Gerardy, Franck Ronald Foadin, Fatma Jaafer and Antoine Juquelier

Research groups

CCMS - Center on Consumers and Marketing Strategy 

Current funded projects and research chairs
  • Entreprendre.WAPI en comportement du consommateur (2021-2025)
  • Partenamut-IPM Chair in Digital Marketing (2020 - 2024)

Information Systems

Research areas

Interactive information systems, Intelligent user interfaces, Responsible AI, Recommender systems, Impact of algorithms and technologies

Principal investigators

François Fouss, Manuel Kolp, Corentin Vande Kerckhove and Jean Vanderdonckt

Senior Researchers

Nuwan Attygalle and Mehdi Ousmer


Camille Charles, Jérémy De Bodt, Diego Eloi, Alaa Sahraoui, Chloé Satinet, Nicolas Szelagowski, Colin Timmers and Flore Vancompernolle Vromman

Research groups

Lilab - Louvain Interaction Lab, CEMIS - Center in Management Information Systems

Current funded projects and research chairs
  • SYMBIOTIK (2022-2026)


Human Management, Organizations & Leadership

Research areas

Sustainable and critical approach to HRM, Sustainable hybrid work, Corporate social irresponsibility, Corporate social responsibility, Sustainability communication , Morality in stakeholder management

Principal investigators

Ina Aust, Edina Doci, Corentin Hericher and Laurent Taskin

Senior Researchers

Lucile Bonnieux and Stéphanie Coster


Bolanle Ajibola, Amine Chihi, Antoine CordierIve David Klinksiek, Charlotte Durieux, Nicolas Grevesse, Antoine Inglebert-Frydman, Gül "Beril" Kimilli, Anne Thérèse Meno Tamno and Eddy Sobry

Research groups

H Lab +

Current funded projects and research chairs
  • H Lab - Chaire Management Humain et Société (2024-2028)
  • SUSHY - Towards Sustainable Hybrid Work (2023-2027)
Past projects and research chairs
  • labor H - Chaire en Management Humain et nouvelles formes d'organisation (2020-2024)


Education in Management

Research areas

Social learning, Practice, Community of practice, Education, Online courses, MOOC

Principal investigators

Julie Hermans, Amélie Jacquemin and Valérie Swaen


Sélénia Anastasia, Sabrina Courtois and Pauline de Montpellier

Current funded projects and research chairs
  • ARC MOOCresearch 2.0: A mixed-method and multidisciplinary approach to socio-cognitive conflicts in online educational platforms (2019-2025)


Accounting, Control & Tax

Research areas

Regenerative and circular economy, Performance management, Digital economy taxation, Tax policy and compliance, Sentiment analytics of corporate disclosures

Principal investigators

Marie Lamensch, Maxence Postaire, Anne-Catherine Provost, Maria Roszkowska-Menkes and James Thewissen


Mahmoud Al-Shaibie, Diego Barrio Herrezuelo, Grégory De Boe, Josep Oriol Izquierdo and Sébastien Wilmet

Past funded projects and research chairs
  • Chaire Candriam en Economie circulaire (2020-2024)