LIDAM Publications in Economics
lidam | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons
You will find below our latest publication (journal articles, book chapters and books) in Economics.
Journal Articles
1. de la Croix, David; Scebba, Rossana. Geolocalization and the birth-to-death distance. In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 14, p. 37-42 (2025). doi:10.14428/rete.v14i0/Locations.
2. Vitale, Mara. Scholars and Literati at the University of Naples (1224–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 14, p. 25-35 (2025). doi:10.14428/rete.v14i0/Napoli.
3. Belleflamme, Paul; Lambert, Thomas; Schwienbacher, Armin. Spillovers in Crowdfunding. In: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, (2025). doi:10.1111/jems.12625 (Accepté/Sous presse).
4. de la Croix, David. Scholars and Literati at the University of Lwów (1608-1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 11, p. 35-41 (2024). doi:10.14428/rete.v11i0/Lwow.
5. Manfredini, Filippo; Vitale, Mara. Scholars and Literati at the University of Perugia (1308–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 12, p. 9-17 (2024). doi:10.14428/rete.v12i0/Perugia.
6. Dehez, Pierre. Cooperative product games. In: International Game Theory Review, Vol. 26, no.1, p. 2350016 (2024). doi:10.1142/S0219198923500160.
7. Clement, Blandine; Zanardello, Chiara. Scholars and Literati at the Royal Naval Academy of France in Brest (1752–1793). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 13, p. 17-23 (2024). doi:10.14428/rete.v13i0/ABrest.
8. Gkopi, Anna Maria; Stelter, Robert. Scholars and Literati at the University of Prague (1348–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 11, p. 49-60 (2024). doi:10.14428/rete.v11i0/Prague.
9. Luo, Chenghong; Mauleon, Ana; Vannetelbosch, Vincent. Destabilizing segregation in friendship networks with farsighted agents. In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 221, p. 1-16 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2024.03.012.
10. Stevens, Nicolas; Smeers, Yves; Papavasiliou, Anthony. Indivisibilities in investment and the role of a capacity market. In: Journal of Regulatory Economics, (2024). doi:10.1007/s11149-024-09473-6 (Accepté/Sous presse).
11. Bertrand, Aurélie; Bodart, Vincent; Clarr, Margaux; De Bundel, Florian; Guillet, Alain; Lachapelle, Nathan; Notte, Vincent; Van Keirsbilck, Leïla. Perspectives économiques 2024. In: Regards économiques, , no.182, p. 1-11 (2024). doi:10.14428/regardseco/2024.01.11.01.
12. de la Croix, David; Vitale, Mara. Scholars and Literati at the Collegium Societatis Iesu Lovaniensis (1542–1773). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 12, p. 1-8 (2024). doi:10.14428/rete.v12i0/CLouvain.
13. Collot, Laurent; Hindriks, Jean. Soutenabilité sociale des pensions: compenser une pénibilité et longévité inégales. In: Regards économiques, , no.183 (2024).
14. Clement, Blandine; de la Croix, David. Scholars and Literati at the Batavian Society for Experimental Philosophy in Rotterdam (1769–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 11, p. 43-48 (2024). doi:10.14428/rete.v11i0/Rotterdam.
15. de la Croix, David; Gkopi, Anna Maria. Scholars and Literati at the University of Vilnius (1578–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 14, p. 1-8 (2024). doi:10.14428/rete.v14i0/UVilnius.
16. Parenti, Mathieu; Vannoorenberghe, Gonzague. A Simple Theory of Deep Trade Integration. In: Journal of the European Economic Association, , p. 1-60 (2024). doi:10.1093/jeea/jvae046 (Accepté/Sous presse).
17. Page, Garritt L.; San Martin Gutiérrez, Ernesto; Torres Irribarra, David; Van Bellegem, Sébastien. Temporally dynamic, cohort-varying value-added models. In: Psychometrika, Vol. 89, no.3, p. 1074-1103 (2024). doi:10.1007/s11336-024-09979-0.
18. Maystadt, Jean-François; Mishra, Ashok K.; Mueller, Valerie; Smoldt, Matthew. The Causes and Policy Responses to Forced Migration and Environmental Degradation in Africa. In: Annual Review of Resource Economics, Vol. 16, p. 301-322 (2024). doi:10.1146/annurev-resource-101123-100528.
19. El-Enbaby, Hoda; Hollingsworth, Bruce; Maystadt, Jean-François; Singhal, Saurabh. Cash transfers and mental health in Egypt. In: Economics and Human Biology, Vol. 54, p. 101396 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.ehb.2024.101396.
20. Bertrand, Aurélie; Bodart, Vincent; Clarr, Margaux; De Bundel, Florian; de Pierpont de Burnot, Charles; Guillet, Alain; Lachapelle, Nathan; Notte, Vincent; Van Keirsbilck, Leila. Perspectives économiques 2024-2025. In: Regards économiques, , no.185, p. 1-8 (2024). doi:10.14428/regardseco/2024.07.04.01.
21. Dehez, Pierre. Axiomatization of the core of positive games. In: Economic Theory Bulletin, (2024). doi:10.1007/s40505-024-00276-8 (Accepté/Sous presse).
22. Helleputte, Coralie; Nyssens, Marthe; Perilleux, Anaïs. “What is our actual impact?”: A mixed-method assessment of a Belgian shelter for homeless men. In: Evaluation and Program Planning, Vol. 108, p. 102508 (2025). doi:10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2024.102508.
23. Oymak, Cansu; Maystadt, Jean-François. Can refugees improve native children's health?: evidence from Turkey. In: Journal of Demographic Economics, , p. 1-31 (2024). doi:10.1017/dem.2024.1 (Accepté/Sous presse).
24. Zanardello, Chiara. Scholars and Literati at the Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts of Arras (1737–1793). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 12, p. 19-25 (2024). doi:10.14428/rete.v12i0/Arras.
25. Clement, Blandine; de la Croix, David. Scholars and Literati at the Royal Zeeland Scientific Society (1769–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 12, p. 53-59 (2024). doi:10.14428/rete.v12i0/Zeeland.
Book Chapters
1. de la Croix, David. Réseaux du savoir en Europe médiévale et moderne. In: Economistes et Historiens : Un dialogue de sourd ? (Economie; xxx), Odile Jacob: Paris, 2025, p. 239-251. 978-2-4150-1018-8. xxx xxx.
2. Vandenberghe, Vincent. Differentiating Retirement Age to Compensate for Health and Longevity Inequality?. In: Ageing without Ageism? Conceptual Puzzles and Policy Proposals , Oxford University Press, 2023, p. 1-17. 9780192894090. xxx xxx.
3. Clerc, Pierrick; De Vroey, Michel. Robert Lucas. In: The Palgrave Companion to Chicago Economics and Economists , Palgrave-MacMillan, 2023, 841-869. 978-3-031-01777-3. xxx xxx. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-01775-9_33.
4. Pestieau, Pierre; Ponthière, Gregory. An age differentiated tax on bequests. In: Ageing without Ageism? Conceptual Puzzles and Policy Proposals , Oxford University Press, 2023, chap. 19. 9780192894090. xxx xxx.
5. Cooney, Kate; Nyssens, Marthe; O'shaughnessy, Mary. Work Integration and Social Enterprises. In: Encyclopedia of the Social and Solidarity Economy , Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, 2023, p. 215-222. 978-1-80392-091-7. xxx xxx.
6. Hernandez, Manuel A.; Ecker, Olivier; Läderach, Peter; Maystadt, Jean-François. Forced Migration : Fragility, Resilience, and Policy Responses. In: Global food policy report 2023: Rethinking food crisis responses , International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI): Washington, 2023, p. 72-80. 9780896294417. xxx xxx. doi:10.2499/9780896294417.
7. Nogales-Muriel, Rocío; Nyssens, Marthe. Empowering knowledge and training in higher education as a lever for social economy ecosystems. In: Social Economy Science: Transforming the Economy and Making Society More Resilient , Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2023, p. 204-233. 9780192868343. xxx xxx.
8. Van der Linden, Bruno. Prix énergétiques, taxe carbone et emploi. In: Réussir la transition vers une économie zéro carbone : Actes du 25e Congrès des économistes , Université Ouverte de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles: Charleroi, 2023, p. 185-195. xxx xxx.
9. Defourny,Jacques; Nyssens, Marthe. Social Enterprises. In: Encyclopedia of the Social and Solidarity Economy , Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, 2023, p. 143-151. 978-1-80392-091-7. xxx xxx.
10. De Schutter, Olivier; Bui, Sibylle; Cassiers, Isabelle; Dedeurwaerdere, Tom; Galand, Benoît; Jeanmart, Hervé; Nyssens, Marthe; Verhaegen, Etienne. Renouveler l’action publique. Le programme Biovallée dans la vallée de la Drôme. In: L'État partenaire: Transition écologique et sociale et innovation citoyenne , Presses Universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2022, p. 43 -72. 978-2-39061-213-1. xxx xxx.
11. Defourny, Jacques; Nyssens, Marthe. Transformer le capitalisme par une économie plurielle. In: L'État partenaire: Transition écologique et sociale et innovation citoyenne , Presses Universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2022, p. 131-143. 978-2-39061-213-1. xxx xxx.
12. Vandenberghe, Vincent. Working Beyond 50. In: Handbook of Labor, Human ressources and Population Economics , Springer, 2022, p. 1-23. 978-3-319-57365-6. xxx xxx. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-57365-6_286-1.
13. Defourny,Jacques; Mihály, Melinda; Nyssens, Marthe. Documenting, Theorising, Mapping and Testing the Plurality of SE Models in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Social enterprise in Central and Eastern Europe: Theory, models and practice (Routledge Studies in Social Enterprise & Social Innovation; xxx), Routledge: Abingdon, 2021, p. 1-19. 9780367342197. xxx xxx.
14. Pestieau, Pierre. Goriot et Lear : quel gâchis !. In: Quand l’économie nous est contée (La Lettre volée; xxx), Les Editeurs singuliers: Bruxelles, 2021, p. 173-180. 978-2-87317-578-8. xxx xxx.
15. Defourny, Jacques; Nyssens, Marthe. Testing the Relevance of Major Social Enterprise Models in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Social enterprise in Central and Eastern Europe: Theory, models and practice (Routledge Studies in Social Enterprise & Social Innovation; xxx), Routledge: Abingdon, 2021, p. 273-290. 9780367342197. xxx xxx.
16. Aloy, Marcel; Laly, Floris; Laurent, Sébastien; Lecourt, Christelle. Modeling Time-Varying Conditional Betas. A Comparison of Methods with Application for REITs. In: Recent Econometric Techniques for Macroeconomic and Financial Data (Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics in Economics and Finance; xxx), Springer, 2021, p. 229-264. 978-3-030-54254-2. xxx xxx.
17. Jacquemain, Alexandre; Heuchenne, Cédric; Pircalabelu, Eugen. A lasso-type estimation for the Lorenz regression. In: Proceedings of the 22nd European Young Statistician Meeting , Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences: Athens, Greece, 2021, p. 41-45. 978-960-7943-22-4. xxx xxx.
1. Van der Linden, Bruno. Économie du travail : des bases aux développements récents. Economics School of Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2024. 483 pages.
2. Cornélis, Michel; Hindriks, Jean; De Geest, Alexandre; Dessoy, Arnaud; Laes, Jean-Claude. Manuel des finances publiques. Politeia: Bruxelles, 2024. 9782509044389. 350 pages.
3. Pestieau, Pierre. The Economics of Social Protection. Cambridge University Press, 2023. 9781009295475.pages.
4. Pestieau, Pierre. The Public Economics of Changing Longevity. Cambridge University Press, 2022. 9781009170864. 73 pages.
5. Hindriks, Jean; Van Cauter, Joël. Agir durablement contre la pauvreté. Itinera: Bruxelles, 2022. 122 pages.
6. Belleflamme, Paul; Peitz, Martin. The Economics of Platforms : Concepts and Strategy. Cambridge University Press, 2021. 9781108696913. 256 pages.
7. Defourny, Jacques; Nyssens, Marthe. Social enterprise in Central and Eastern Europe: Theory, models and practice. Routledge: Abingdon, 2021. 9780367342197. 326 pages.