
The seminars are usually held on Friday at 14h30 and 16h00, alternately with Applied statistics workshops.

  • Statistics Seminars/Actuarial Seminars

Invited speakers present their research results. Talks are usually given in English.

  • Applied Statistics workshops

This seminar focuses on problem driven statistics.
Usually, presentations in this seminar present case studies satisfying the following requirements :

  • A real problem of substantial practical interest is treated,
  • Statistics played a major role in solving the problem or in obtaining a better understanding of the situation.

Occasionally, they also concern a methodological presentation of wide general interest.

Link to ISBA calendar

ISBA Calendar


Actuarial Seminar by Quentin Guibert

  Quentin Guibert Maître de conférence à Paris-Dauphine (CEREMADE) An extrapolation of temperature effects based on time series data in France Abstract : Most contemporary...

Short course on “An introduction to extreme-value...

EDT STAT announces a short course “An introduction to extreme-value analysis, with applications to climate data” Speakers: Profs Johan Segers (KUL) and Anna Kiriliouk (UNamur) Dates:...
9:30-12:30 and 13:30-15:00

Short course on “An introduction to extreme-value...

EDT STAT announces a short course “An introduction to extreme-value analysis, with applications to climate data” Speakers: Profs Johan Segers (KUL) and Anna Kiriliouk (UNamur) Dates:...