Thomas Pardoen

Professeur ordinaire

SST/EPL  --  Ecole polytechnique de Louvain

SST/IMMC  --  Institute of Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engineering (IMMC)

SST/IMMC/IMAP  --  Materials and process engineering

Place Sainte Barbe 2/L5.02.02
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

Version 21/04/2017


Doctor in applied sciences, UCL, March 1998

Master in philosophy, UCL, September 1996

Physical engineering (Ingénieur civil physicien), UCL, June 1994


Academic career

2015 - 18        President of the Institute of Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engineering, UCL

2014 - 15        Vice Dean of Louvain School of Engineering / Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain, UCL

since 2012     Ordinary Professor – Professeur ordinaire UCL

since 2011     Member of UCL Research Center on Architectured and Composite Materials (ARCOMAT)

2009 - 12        Technical vice president of the Institute of Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engineering

2007 - 12        Full professor UCL, Institute of Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engineering

2004 - 10        Head of the Division of Materials and Process Engineering (IMAP)

2003 - 07        Associate Professor UCL (Chargé de cours), Department of Materials Science and Processes

since 2001     Member of UCL Research Center on Microscopic and Nanoscopic Devices and Materials (CERMIN)

2000 - 02        Assistant Professor UCL (Chargé de cours temporaire à temps plein)

1998 - 2000   Post-Doctorate fellow at Harvard University, Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences

1994 - 98        Ph. D. Student UCL, Department of Materials Science and Processes




Awards, fellowships and grants

Francqui Chair 2015 from Université de Liège

Euromech Fellow 2015 from European Mechanics Society

Grand Prix Alcan 2011 from the French Academy of Sciences

FEMS lecturer, Federation of European Materials Societies, 2002 - 03

Bourse post-doctorale de recherche scientifique UCL, 1999 - 2001

Chargé de Recherches au FNRS, Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, Belgium, 1998 – 2000

Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University, 1998-2000

Fellow of BAEF, Belgian American Educational Foundation Inc., 1998 - 99

Research fellow FNRS, Belgium, 1996 – 1998; Research fellow UCL, 1994 - 96


Main responsabilities in science, teaching and service

Research and teaching in macro-, micro- and nano-mechanics of materials

Supervisor or co-supervisor of 40 Ph. D. (28 accomplished) and 16 post docs since 2000

Teaching ~6 courses in the field of the mechanics of materials, microsystems, and materials science

Vice president of UCL faculty member representation CORA (2010-13)

Member of the scientific council of UCL (2012-15) and of the academic council of UCL (2010-13 and 2015-18)

President of scientific council of SCKCEN (centre of nuclear research) Belgium (2014-2019) (member 2010-13)

Chairman of the Board of the research centre CERTECH, Belgium (2013-16)

Scientific expert or member of selection committees for ERC (EU) in which his a member of a starting grant panel since 5 years, CNRS, FNRAE, EDF, ONERA (France), NWO & FOM (The Netherlands), NSERC (Canada), SNF (Switzerland)

Member of the International Advisory Committee of the Belgian nuclear safety agency FANC regarding the issue of cracks inside the Doel 3 and Tihange 2 nuclear reactors (2012-2015)

Co-responsible for initiating in 2006 the pole of competitiveness MECATECH for the Wallonia Region

Promotor or co-promotor of ~50 research projects since 2000. Among these projects, he was coordinator of a large Interuniversity Attraction Pole (IAP) Belgian research network for the phase 2012-2017.

Belgian representative for the Mirror group of the ESTEP platform, European Commission (2010-15)

Vice director of European network MECANO (2012 – 15)


Scientific communication


1 chapter in an encyclopedia

2 chapters in a multi-authors book

>175 papers in international journals with peer review

>130 papers in proceedings of international conferences with peer review

>190 additional presentations in international conferences with peer review (only abstracts)

h-factor Scopus = 41

h-factor Google = 47


Selection of publications


T. Pardoen, J.W. Hutchinson. An extended model for void growth and coalescence. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 48/12 (2000) 2467-2512 (>600 citations Google)

W.T.S. Huck, N. Bowden, P. Onck, T. Pardoen, J.W. Hutchinson, G.M Whitesides. Ordering of spontaneously formed buckles on planar surfaces, Langmuir 16-7 (2000) 3497-3501 (>300 citations G)

M.S. Colla, B. Amin-Ahmadi, H. Idrissi, L. Malet, S. Godet, J.P. Raskin, D. Schryvers, T. Pardoen. Dislocation mediated relaxation in nanograined columnar palladium films revealed by on-chip time-resolved HRTEM testing, Nature Communication 6:5922 (2015) (I.F. 10.7)

J.M. Thomassin, C. Jérôme, T. Pardoen, C. Bailly, I. Huynen, C. Detrembleur, Polymer/Carbon based composites as Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) shielding materials, Materials Science & Engineering R: Reports 74 (2013) 211-232 (> 200 citations G)

A. Simar, Y. Bréchet, B. de Meester, A. Denquin, C. Gallais and T. Pardoen. Integrated modelling of friction stir welding of 6XXX series aluminium alloys, Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 95-183 (I.F. 18.2 >100 citations G)

P.-O. Mouthuy, M. Coulombier, T. Pardoen, J.-P. Raskin, A.M. Jonas, Overcurvature describes the buckling and folding of rings from curved origami to foldable tents, Nature Communication 3:1290 (2012) (I.F. 10.7)

36 invited lectures since 1999 among which 17 keynotes and 4 plenaries (2 to come in 2018).

3 patents





Member of the editorial advisory board of Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids and International Journal of Damage Mechanics, and of the scientific board of Engineering Fracture Mechanics, and Journal of Surfaces and Interfaces in Materials

Co-organizer of Euromech Colloquium 463 Size dependent mechanics of materials, Groningen, june 2005; of ductile fracture workshop at CFRAC2011, june 2011 Barcelona, workshop at ICMM2, august 2011 Paris; Mini-colloquium Nanostructures: deformation and properties in JMC13 (Journées de la Matière Condensée), Montpellier 2012; MRS fall meeting 2013 Acta Materialia Gold medal symposium, Boston; july 2015, Madrid, 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC9) organization of a workshop on “in situ mechanical characterization”; september 2016, Brussels, Euromech Mechanics of Materials Conference 2016 organization of a workshop on ductile fracture; September 2017, Leuven, 27th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials; july 2018, Bologne, 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC9) organization of a workshop on “in situ mechanical characterization”.

Member of the “Euromech Mechanics of Materials Conference Committee” (2004-2014)

Member of > 10 advisory scientific committees of international conferences


French mother tongue - English fluent - Dutch intermediate

Civil status

Born on March 26 1971, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, U.S.

Belgian and U.S. citizen (dual national)

Married to Catherine Adant, February 23 1971, Consultant

Three children: Margaux, March 16 1997 - Juliette, October 12 1999 - Tanguy, May 7 2002

Clos de la Noire Epine, 2

1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium

Phone (+32) 10 475134

Fax (+32) 10 45884

1991Candidat ingénieur civilUniversité catholique de Louvain
1991Bachelier en philosophie (programme spécial)Université catholique de Louvain
1994Ingénieur civil - orientation sciences des matériauxUniversité catholique de Louvain
1996License en philosopieUniversité catholique de Louvain
1998Docteur en sciences appliquéesUniversité catholique de Louvain
Les cours
Stratégies publiques de mise en oeuvre de politiques de développement durable LENVI2010
Physique I LEPL1201
Projet 4 (en chimie et physique) LEPL1505
Devenir tutrice, tuteur LEPL2351
Devenir tuteur, tutrice LEPL2352
Deformation and fracture of materials LMAPR2481
Durability of materials LMAPR2483

Heremans, Thibaut ; Perlade, Astrid ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Alternating ductile and brittle cracking mode in medium manganese steel sheets. In: Scripta Materialia, Vol. 257, p. 116450 (2025). doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2024.116450.


van Innis, Charline ; Michal K. Budzik ; Pardoen, Thomas. Bridging in co-cured composite joints. In: International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 309, no.1, p. 113194 (2025). doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2024.113194.


Orekhov, Andrey ; Gauquelin, Nicolas ; Kermouche, Guillaume ; Gomez-Perez, Alejandro ; Baral, Paul ; Dohmen, Ralf ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Verbeeck, Johan ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Lin, Jun ; Cordier, Patrick ; Idrissi, Hosni. Room temperature electron beam sensitive viscoplastic response of ultra-ductile amorphous olivine films. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 282, p. 120479 (2025). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2024.120479.


Li, Ziwei ; Terentyev, Dmitry ; Holmström, Stefan ; Pardoen, Thomas. Small punch test size reduction to enable high flux irradiation. In: Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 604, p. 155491 (2025). doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2024.155491.


Gayot, Sarah ; Soete, Jeroen ; Vanhulst, Johan ; Gérard, Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. 4D-XCT monitoring of void formation in thick methacrylic composites produced by infusion. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 281, p. 120449 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2024.120449.


Jaddi, Sahar ; Malik, M. Wasil ; Wang, Bin ; Pugno, Nicola M. ; Zeng, Yun ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Definitive engineering strength and fracture toughness of graphene through on-chip nanomechanics. In: Nature Communications, Vol. 15, no.1, p. 5863 (2024). doi:10.1038/s41467-024-49426-3.


Yu, Jingwei ; Breite, Christian ; Van Loock, Frederik ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Swolfs, Yentl. Experimental investigation of yield and hysteresis behaviour of an epoxy resin under cyclic compression in the large deformation regime. In: Express Polymer Letters, Vol. 18, no.2, p. 133-143 (2024). doi:10.3144/expresspolymlett.2024.11.


Baral, Paul ; Kashiwar, Ankush ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Delannay, Laurent ; Hoummada, Khalid ; Raskin, Jean Pierre ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Pardoen, Thomas. Grain boundary-mediated plasticity in aluminum films unraveled by a statistical approach combining nano-DIC and ACOM-TEM. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 276, no.120081, p. 1-14 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2024.120081.


Lai, Qingquan ; Chang, Shuai ; Wei, Yuntao ; Wu, Shangshu ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Fan, Guohua. Impact of ε-martensite on the fracture resistance of high-Mn steels. In: Materials Research Letters, Vol. 12, no.10, p. 700-708 (2024). doi:10.1080/21663831.2024.2372082.


Li, Xiang ; Caes, Sébastien ; Pardoen, Thomas ; De Schutter, Geert ; Hauffman, Tom ; Kursten, Bruno. In situ determination of cement paste porosity in parallel with corrosion study of aluminium alloy 1100 in Portland cement pastes. In: Materials and Structures, Vol. 57, no.208 (2024). doi:10.1617/s11527-024-02491-y.


Gayot, Sarah ; Klavzer, Nathan ; Guillet, Alain ; Bailly, Christian ; Gérard, Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Nysten, Bernard. Influence of physical ageing and fibre proximity on the local mechanical response of the Elium® thermoplastic composite matrix. In: Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 181, no.6, p. 108141 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108141.


Van Vlierberghe, E. ; Gayot, Sarah ; Klavzer, Nathan ; Breite, C. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Swolfs, Y.. Microstructural strain localisation phenomena in fibre-reinforced polymer composites: Insights from nanoscale digital image correlation and finite element modelling. In: Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 258, p. 110842 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2024.110842.


Klavzer, Nathan ; Abatour, Mohamed ; Chevalier, Jérémy ; Forest, Samuel ; Pardoen, Thomas. Modelling of size-dependent plasticity in polymer-based composites based on nano- and macroscale experimental results. In: Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 185, no.1, p. 108309 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108309.


Coulombier, Michaël ; Baral, Paul ; Orekhov, Andrey ; Dohmen, Ralf ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Cordier, Patrick ; Idrissi, Hosni. On-chip very low strain rate rheology of amorphous olivine films. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 266, p. 119693 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2024.119693.


Croonenborghs, Maïté ; Ismail, Karim ; Mousny, Maryline ; Delannay, Laurent ; Everaerts, Joris ; Korsunsky, Alexander M. ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Residual Stresses in Surgical Growing Rods. In: Journal of biomechanical engineering, Vol. 14, no. 1, p. 011003 (2024). doi:10.1115/1.4063745 (Accepté/Sous presse).


Voet, Vincent ; De Fruytier, Christophe ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Simar, Aude. Solder Joint Geometry Effects on Thermomechanical Fatigue Lifetime of End-Capped Chip Component Assemblies. In: IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 14, no.1, p. 130-139 (2024). doi:10.1109/tcpmt.2024.3350184.


Daudin, R. ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Lhuissier, P. ; Béché, Armand ; Verbeeck, J. ; Schryvers, D. ; Ghidelli, M. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Blandin, J-J. ; Schülli, T. U. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Strain-and temperature-induced dilatancy in ZrNi thin film metallic glasses with nanoscale structural heterogeneities. In: Journal of Materials Research, Vol. Online (2024). doi:10.1557/s43578-024-01479-2.


van Innis, Charline ; Pardoen, Thomas. Thickness-dependent selection of adhesive joints. In: The Journal of Adhesion, Vol. 100, no.12, p. 1155–1208 (2024). doi:10.1080/00218464.2023.2294131.


van Innis, Charline ; Michal K. Budzik ; Pardoen, Thomas. Ultra-tough architected adhesive joints for integrated composite processing and bonding. In: Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 177, no.1, p. 107949 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2023.107949.


Bahrami, Farzaneh ; Malik, Mohammad Wasil ; Van Loock, Frederik ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Nysten, Bernard. Accurate determination of stiffness and strength of graphene via AFM-based membrane deflection. In: Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 34, no.12, p. 125027 (2023). doi:10.1088/1361-6501/acf4b1.


Roisin, Nicolas ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Scaffidi, Romain ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Flandre, Denis ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Band gap reduction in highly-strained silicon beams predicted by first-principles theory and validated using photoluminescence spectroscopy. In: Optical Materials, Vol. 144, no.114347, p. 1-10 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.optmat.2023.114347.


Krishnamurthy, Sanjay Channappa ; Arseenko, Mariia ; Kashiwar, Ankush ; Dufour, Philippe ; Marchal, Yves ; Delahaye, Jocelyn ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Mertens, Anne ; Simar, Aude. Controlled precipitation in a new Al-Mg-Sc alloy for enhanced corrosion behavior while maintaining the mechanical performance. In: Materials Characterization, Vol. 200, p. 112886 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.matchar.2023.112886.


Kuete, Martial ; Van Velthem, Pascal ; Ballout, Wael ; Klavzer, Nathan ; Nysten, Bernard ; Ndikontar, Maurice Kor ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian. Eco-Friendly Blends of Recycled PET Copolymers with PLLA and Their Composites with Chopped Flax Fibres. In: Polymers, Vol. 15, no. 14, p. 3004 (2023). doi:10.3390/polym15143004.


Li, Meng ; Chaouadi, Rachid ; Noels, Ludovic ; Uytdenhouwen, Inge ; Lambrecht, Marlies ; Pardoen, Thomas. Effect of pre-crack non-uniformity for mini-CT geometry in ductile tearing regime. In: Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 126, p. 103946 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.tafmec.2023.103946.


Li, Meng ; Uytdenhouwen, Inge ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Chaouadi, Rachid ; Lambrecht, Marlies. Effect of the pre-crack non-uniformity on the initiation of brittle fracture in mini-CT specimen. In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 290, p. 109457 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2023.109457.


Horvath, Mélanie ; Bollen, Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Trachte, Sophie. Evaluation of the properties of a new circular building composite material to upcycle building wastes. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 2600, no.19, p. 192018 (2023). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2600/19/192018.


Li, Xiang ; Caes, Sébastien ; Pardoen, Thomas ; De Schutter, Geert ; Hauffman, Tom ; Kursten, Bruno. Inhibition effect of lithium salts on the corrosion of AA1100 aluminium alloy in ordinary Portland cement pastes. In: Corrosion Science, Vol. 221, p. 111325 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2023.111325.


Favache, Audrey ; Bollen, Pierre ; Bollen, Xavier ; Baudoin, Gilles ; Pardoen, Thomas. Metallic wool for enhanced thermal conductivity of phase change materials. In: International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 193, no.-, p. 108468 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2023.108468.


Klavzer, Nathan ; Gayot, Sarah ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Nysten, Bernard ; Pardoen, Thomas. Nanoscale digital image correlation at elementary fibre/matrix level in polymer–based composites. In: Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 168, p. 107455 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2023.107455.


Chang, Chih-Cheng ; Terentyev, Dmitry ; Bakaev, Alexander ; Zinovev, Aleksandr ; Serra, Daniele Del ; Verleysen, Patricia ; Pardoen, Thomas. On the equivalence of mini-flat and cylindrical tensile geometries to extract hardening law and ductility of Eurofer97. In: Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol. 194, p. 113717 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2023.113717.


Li, Meng ; Chaouadi, Rachid ; Uytdenhouwen, Inge ; Pardoen, Thomas. Size correction scheme to determine fracture toughness with mini-CT geometry in the transition regime. In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 290, p. 109486 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2023.109486.


Boukhemkhem, Wafa ; Izerrouken, Mahmoud ; Ghidelli, Matteo ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Sari, Ali ; Yazid Khereddine, Abdel ; Meftah, Ali. Swift heavy ion irradiation effect on structural, morphological and mechanical properties of Zr70Ni30 metallic glass. In: Physica Scripta, Vol. 98, no.8, p. 085311 (2023). doi:10.1088/1402-4896/ace387.


Bagherpour, Alireza ; Baral, Paul ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Orekhov, Andrey ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Haye, Emile ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lucas, Stéphane. Tailoring Mechanical Properties of a-C:H:Cr Coatings. In: Coatings, Vol. 13, no.12, p. 2084 (2023). doi:10.3390/coatings13122084.


Hilhorst, Antoine ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Towards the best strength, ductility, and toughness combination: High entropy alloys are excellent, stainless steels are exceptional. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 260, p. 119280 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2023.119280.


Khiara, Nargisse ; Onimus, Fabien ; Crocombette, Jean-Paul ; Dupuy, Laurent ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Bréchet, Yves. A molecular dynamics study of a cascade induced irradiation creep mechanism in pure copper. In: Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 560, p. 153518 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2022.153518.


Hilhorst, Antoine ; Leclerc, Julien ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal J. ; Noels, Ludovic ; Nguyen, Van Dung. Ductile fracture of high entropy alloys: From the design of an experimental campaign to the development of a micromechanics-based modeling framework. In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 275, p. 108844 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2022.108844.


Bignoli, Francesco ; Rashid, Saqib ; Rossi, Edoardo ; Jaddi, Sahar ; Djemia, Philippe ; Terraneo, Giancarlo ; Li Bassi, Andrea ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Sebastiani, Marco ; Ghidelli, Matteo. Effect of annealing on mechanical properties and thermal stability of ZrCu/O nanocomposite amorphous films synthetized by pulsed laser deposition. In: Materials and Design, Vol. 221, p. 110972 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2022.110972.


Kuete, Martial ; Van Velthem, Pascal ; Ballout, Wael ; Nysten, Bernard ; Devaux, Jacques ; Ndikontar, Maurice Kor ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian. Integrated Approach to Eco-Friendly Thermoplastic Composites Based on Chemically Recycled PET Co-Polymers Reinforced with Treated Banana Fibres. In: Polymers, Vol. 14, no.22, p. 4791 (2022). doi:10.3390/polym14224791.


Voet, Vincent ; Van Loock, Frederik ; De Fruytier, Christophe ; Simar, Aude ; Pardoen, Thomas. Machine learning aided modelling of thermomechanical fatigue of solder joints in electronic component assemblies. In: International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 167, p. 107298 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2022.107298.


Idrissi, Hosni ; Béché, Armand ; Gauquelin, Nicolas ; Ul-Haq, Ihtasham ; Bollinger, Caroline ; Demouchy, Sylvie ; Verbeeck, Johan ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Cordier, Patrick. On the formation mechanisms of intragranular shear bands in olivine by stress-induced amorphization. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 239, p. 118247 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2022.118247.


Hilhorst, Antoine ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal. Optimisation of the essential work of fracture method for characterization of the fracture resistance of metallic sheets. In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 268, p. 108442 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2022.108442.


Lai, Qingquan ; Yang, Huiqin ; Wei, Yuntao ; Zhou, Hao ; Xiao, Lirong ; Ying, Huiqiang ; Lan, Si ; You, Zesheng ; Kou, Zongde ; Feng, Tao ; Lu, Qi ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Transformation plasticity in high strength, ductile ultrafine-grained FeMn alloy processed by heavy ausforming. In: International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 148, p. 103151 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2021.103151.


Nutenki, Rajendar ; Van Velthem, Pascal ; Kuete, Martial ; Lezaak, Matthieu ; Destoop, Vincent ; Ballout, Wael ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian. Bio-Sourced Poly l-Lactide-Flax Composites with Close to Maximum Stiffness at Low Fiber Content through Two-Stage Annealing. In: Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, , p. 2100327 (2021). doi:10.1002/mame.202100327.


Samaee, Vahid ; Dupraz, Maxime ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Van Swygenhoven, Helena ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Idrissi, Hosni. Deciphering the interactions between single arm dislocation sources and coherent twin boundary in nickel bi-crystal. In: Nature Communications, Vol. 12, no.1, p. 962 (2021). doi:10.1038/s41467-021-21296-z.


Marteleur, Matthieu ; Leclerc, Julien ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Nguyen, Van Dung ; Noels, Ludovic ; Pardoen, Thomas. Ductile fracture of high strength steels with morphological anisotropy, Part I: Characterization, testing, and void nucleation law. In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 244, p. 107569 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2021.107569.


Leclerc, Julien ; Marteleur, Matthieu ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Noels, Ludovic ; Nguyen, Van Dung. Ductile fracture of high strength steels with morphological anisotropy, Part II: Nonlocal micromechanics-based modeling. In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 248, p. 107716 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2021.107716.


Voleppe, Quentin ; Ballout, Wael ; Van Velthem, Pascal ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Enhanced fracture resistance of thermoset/thermoplastic interfaces through crack trapping in a morphology gradient. In: Polymer, Vol. 218, p. 123497 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.polymer.2021.123497.


Ribesse, Arnaud ; Ismail, Karim ; Croonenborghs, Maïté ; Irda, Nadia ; Miladi, Lotfi ; Jacques, Pascal ; Mousny, Maryline ; Pardoen, Thomas. Fracture mechanisms in Ti and Co–Cr growing rods and impact on clinical practice. In: Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 121, p. 104620 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.jmbbm.2021.104620.


Van Loock, Frederik ; Brassart, Laurence ; Pardoen, Thomas. Implementation and calibration of a mesoscale model for amorphous plasticity based on shear transformation dynamics. In: International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 145, p. 103079 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2021.103079.


Khiara, Nargisse ; Onimus, Fabien ; Jublot-Leclerc, Stéphanie ; Jourdan, Thomas ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Bréchet, Yves. In-situ TEM irradiation creep experiment revealing radiation induced dislocation glide in pure copper. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 216, p. 117096 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117096.


Chang, Chih-Cheng ; Terentyev, Dmitry ; Zinovev, Aleksandr ; Van Renterghem, Wouter ; Yin, Chao ; Verleysen, Patricia ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Vilémová, Monika ; Matějíček, Jiri. Irradiation-induced hardening in fusion relevant tungsten grades with different initial microstructures. In: Physica Scripta, Vol. 96, no.12, p. 124021 (2021). doi:10.1088/1402-4896/ac2181.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Klavzer, Nathan ; Gayot, Sarah ; Van Loock, Frederik ; Chevalier, Jérémy ; Morelle, Xavier ; Destoop, Vincent ; Lani, Frédéric ; Camanho, Pedro ; Brassart, Laurence ; Nysten, Bernard ; Bailly, Christian. Nanomechanics serving polymer-based composite research. In: Comptes Rendus. Physique, Vol. 22, no. S3, p. 1-22 (2021). doi:10.5802/crphys.56.


Horvath, Mélanie ; Trachte, Sophie ; Pardoen, Thomas. New circular building composite material to upcycle building wastes. In: Journal of Physics Conference Series, Vol. 2042, no.012167, p. 012167 (2021). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2042/1/012167.


Ghidelli, Matteo ; Orekhov, Andrey ; Bassi, A. Li ; Terraneo, G. ; Djemia, P. ; Abadias, G. ; Nord, M. ; Béché, A. ; Gauquelin, N. ; Verbeeck, J. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Idrissi, Hosni. Novel class of nanostructured metallic glass films with superior and tunable mechanical properties. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 213, p. 116955 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2021.116955.


Jaddi, Sahar ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. On‑chip environmentally assisted cracking in thin freestanding SiO2 films. In: Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 36, no. 12, p. 2479-2494 (2021). doi:10.1557/s43578-021-00189-3.


Ismail, Karim ; Perlade, Astrid ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Outstanding cracking resistance of fibrous dual phase steels. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 207, p. 116700 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2021.116700.


Baral, Paul ; Orekhov, Andrey ; Dohmen, Ralf ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Cordier, Patrick ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Pardoen, Thomas. Rheology of amorphous olivine thin films characterized by nanoindentation. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 219, p. 117257 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117257.


Bahrami, Farzaneh ; Hammad, Mohammed ; Fivel, Marc ; Huet, Benjamin ; D'Haese, Cécile ; Ding, L. ; Nysten, Bernard ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Single layer graphene controlled surface and bulk indentation plasticity in copper. In: International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 138, no.March 2021, p. 102936 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2021.102936.


Van Velthem, Pascal ; Gabriel, Sarah ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Ballout, Wael. Synergy between Phenoxy and CSR Tougheners on the Fracture Toughness of Highly Cross-Linked Epoxy-Based Composites. In: Polymers, Vol. 13, no.15, p. 2477 (2021). doi:10.3390/polym13152477.


Nguyen, Van Dung ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Noels, Ludovic. A nonlocal approach of ductile failure incorporating void growth, internal necking, and shear dominated coalescence mechanisms. In: Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 137, p. 103891 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2020.103891.


Khiara, Nargisse ; Onimus, Fabien ; Dupuy, Laurent ; Kassem, Wassim ; Crocombette, Jean-Paul ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Bréchet, Yves. A novel displacement cascade driven irradiation creep mechanism in α-zirconium: A molecular dynamics study. In: Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 541, p. 152336 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152336.


Samaee, Vahid ; Sandfeld, Stefan ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Groten, Jonas ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schwaiger, Ruth ; Schryvers, Dominique. Dislocation structures and the role of grain boundaries in cyclically deformed Ni micropillars. In: Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 769, p. 138295 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.msea.2019.138295.


Yin, Chao ; Terentyev, Dmitry ; Zhang, Tao ; Nogami, Shuhei ; Antusch, Steffen ; Chang, Chih-Cheng ; Petrov, Roumen H. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Ductile to brittle transition temperature of advanced tungsten alloys for nuclear fusion applications deduced by miniaturized three-point bending tests. In: International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Vol. 95, p. 105464 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2020.105464.


Yin, Chao ; Terentyev, D ; Van Dyck, S ; Stankovskiy, A ; Petrov, R.H. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Effect of high temperature neutron irradiation on fracture toughness of ITER-specification tungsten. In: Physica Scripta : an international journal for experimental and theoretical physics, Vol. T171, p. 014052 (2020).


Choisez, Laurine ; Ding, Lipeng ; Marteleur, Matthieu ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal. High temperature rise dominated cracking mechanisms in ultra-ductile and tough titanium alloy. In: Nature Communications, Vol. 11, no.1, p. 2110 (2020). doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15772-1.


Yin, Chao ; Terentyev, Dmitry ; Zhang, Tao ; Petrov, Roumen H. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Impact of neutron irradiation on the strength and ductility of pure and ZrC reinforced tungsten grades. In: Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 537, p. 152226 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152226.


Idrissi, Hosni ; Samaee, Vahid ; Lumbeeck, Gunnar ; van der Werf, Thomas ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Cordier, Patrick. In Situ Quantitative Tensile Testing of Antigorite in a Transmission Electron Microscope. In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Vol. 125, no.3, p. e2019JB018383 (2020). doi:10.1029/2019jb018383.


Champagne, Aurélie ; Ricci, Francesco ; Barbier, M. ; Ouisse, T. ; Magnin, Delphine ; Ryelandt, Sophie ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Hautier, Geoffroy ; Barsoum, M. W. ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe. Insights into the elastic properties of RE-i-MAX phases and their potential exfoliation into two-dimensional RE-i-MXenes. In: Physical Review Materials, Vol. 4, no. 1, p. 013604 (2020). doi:10.1103/physrevmaterials.4.013604.


Xiong, Zhiping ; Jacques, Pascal ; Perlade, Astrid ; Pardoen, Thomas. On the sensitivity of fracture mechanism to stress concentration configuration in a two-step quenching and partitioning steel. In: International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 224, no. 1, p. 101-116 (2020). doi:10.1007/s10704-020-00448-0.


Gayot, Sarah ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Gérard, Pierre ; Van Loock, Frederik. Processing maps based on polymerization modelling of thick methacrylic laminates. In: Materials & Design, Vol. 196, p. 109170 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2020.109170.


Leclerc, Julien ; Nguyen, Van Dung ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Noels, Ludovic. A micromechanics-based non-local damage to crack transition framework for porous elastoplastic solids. In: International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 127, p. 102631 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2019.11.010.


Bhowmick, Sanjit ; Espinosa, Horacio ; Jungjohann, Katherine ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Pierron, Olivier. Advanced microelectromechanical systems-based nanomechanical testing: Beyond stress and strain measurements. In: MRS Bulletin, Vol. 44, no.06, p. 487-493 (2019). doi:10.1557/mrs.2019.123.


Idrissi, Hosni ; Ghidelli, Matteo ; Béché, Armand ; Turner, Stuart ; Gravier, Sébastien ; Blandin, Jean-Jacques ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Pardoen, Thomas. Atomic-scale viscoplasticity mechanisms revealed in high ductility metallic glass films. In: Scientific Reports, Vol. 9, no.1, p. 13426 (2019). doi:10.1038/s41598-019-49910-7.


Xiong, Zhiping ; Jacques, Pascal ; Perlade, Astrid ; Pardoen, Thomas. Characterization and control of the compromise between tensile properties and fracture toughness in a quenched and partitioned steel. In: Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A - Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, Vol. 50, p. 3502-3513 (2019). doi:10.1007/s11661-019-05265-2.


Jaddi, Sahar ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Crack on a chip test method for thin freestanding films. In: Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 123, p. 267-291 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2018.10.005.


Sandfeld, Stefan ; Samaee, Vahid ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Groten, Jonas ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schwaiger, Ruth ; Schryvers, Dominique. Datasets for the analysis of dislocations at grain boundaries and during vein formation in cyclically deformed Ni micropillars. In: Data in Brief, Vol. 27, p. 104724 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.dib.2019.104724.


Yin, Chao ; Terentyev, Dmitry ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Petrov, Roumen ; Tong, Zhenfeng. Ductile to brittle transition in ITER specification tungsten assessed by combined fracture toughness and bending tests analysis. In: Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 750, p. 20-30 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.msea.2019.02.028.


Ismail, Karim ; Perlade, Astrid ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Brassart, Laurence. Impact of second phase morphology and orientation on the plastic behavior of dual-phase steels. In: International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 118, p. 130-146 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2019.02.005.


Miotti Bettanini, Alvise ; Ding, Lipeng ; Mithieux, Jean-Denis ; Parrens, Coralie ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Delannay, Laurent ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal. Influence of M23C6 dissolution on the kinetics of ferrite to austenite transformation in Fe-11Cr-0.06C stainless steel. In: Materials & Design, Vol. 162, p. 362 - 374 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2018.12.005. doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2018.12.005.


Dépinoy, S. ; Strepenne, F. ; Massart, T.J. ; Godet, S. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Interface toughening in multilayered systems through compliant dissipative interlayers. In: Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 130, p. 1-20 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2019.05.013.


Cea, Andrew Ken ; Leenaers, A. ; Van den Berghe, S. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Microstructure and calorimetric analysis of the U Mn binary system. In: Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 514, p. 380-392 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.11.035.


Delannay, Laurent ; Lemoine, Guerric ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Pardoen, Thomas. Modelling creep induced by internal stresses in freestanding submicron Cu film. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 580, p. 012003 (2019). doi:10.1088/1757-899x/580/1/012003.


Chevalier, Jérémy ; Camanho, P.P. ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas. Multi-scale characterization and modelling of the transverse compression response of unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced epoxy. In: Composite Structures, Vol. 209, p. 160-176 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2018.10.076.


Chevalier, Jérémy ; Morelle, X.P. ; Camanho, P.P. ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas. On a unique fracture micromechanism for highly cross-linked epoxy resins. In: Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 122, p. 502-519 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2018.09.028.


Dépinoy, S. ; Massart, T.J. ; Godet, S. ; Pardoen, Thomas. On the mode I toughness of adhesive bonds exhibiting strain-softening and re-hardening. In: International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 162, p. 1-13 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2018.11.026.


Favache, Audrey ; Daniel, Alain ; Teillet, Aline ; Pardoen, Thomas. Performance indices and selection of thin hard coatings on soft substrates for indentation and scratch resistance. In: Materials and Design, Vol. 176, p. 107827 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2019.107827.


Ballout, Wael ; Van Velthem, Pascal ; Magnin, Delphine ; Henry, E ; Sclavons, Michel ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian. Specific influence of polyethersulfone functionalization on the delamination toughness of modified carbon fiber reinforced polymer processed by resin transfer molding. In: Polymer Engineering & Science, Vol. 59, no. 5, p. 996-1009 (2019). doi:10.1002/pen.25055.


Samaee, Vahid ; Gatti, Riccardo ; Devincre, Benoit ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Idrissi, Hosni. Dislocation driven nanosample plasticity: new insights from quantitative in-situ TEM tensile testing.. In: Scientific reports, Vol. 8, no.1, p. 12012 (2018). doi:10.1038/s41598-018-30639-8.


Xiong, Zhiping ; Jacques, Pascal ; Perlade, Astrid ; Pardoen, Thomas. Ductile and intergranular brittle fracture in a two-step quenching and partitioning steel. In: Scripta Materialia, Vol. 157, p. 6-9 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2018.07.030.


Lumbeeck, Gunnar ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Amin-Ahmadi, Behnam ; Favache, Audrey ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Samaee, Vahid ; Proost, Joris ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique. Effect of hydriding induced defects on the small-scale plasticity mechanisms in nanocrystalline palladium thin films. In: Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 124, no.22, p. 225105 (2018). doi:10.1063/1.5055274.


Sandu, Georgiana ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Kumar, Vishank ; Kassa, Hailu G. ; Avram, Ionel ; Ye, Ran ; Stopin, Antoine ; Bonifazi, Davide ; Gohy, Jean-François ; Leclère, Philippe ; Gonze, Xavier ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Vlad, Alexandru ; Melinte, Sorin. Kinked silicon nanowires-enabled interweaving electrode configuration for lithium-ion batteries. In: Scientific Reports, Vol. 8, p. 9794 (2018). doi:10.1038/s41598-018-28108-3.


Duisit, Jérôme ; Amiel, Hadrien ; Wüthrich, Tsering ; Taddeo, Adriano ; Dedriche, Adeline ; Destoop, Vincent ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bouzin, Caroline ; Joris, Virginie ; Magee, Derek ; Vögelin, Esther ; Harriman, David ; Dessy, Chantal ; Orlando, Giuseppe ; Behets Wydemans, Catherine ; Rieben, Robert ; Gianello, Pierre ; Lengelé, Benoît. Perfusion-decellularization of human ear grafts enables ECM-based scaffolds for auricular vascularized composite tissue engineering.. In: Acta Biomaterialia, Vol. 73, p. 339-354 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.actbio.2018.04.009.


Lopez-Covaleda, Edwin ; Ghodrat, Sepideh ; Kestens, Leo ; Sacre, Charles-Henry ; Pardoen, Thomas. Proposal of Characterization Procedure of Metal–Graphite Interface Strength in Compacted Graphite Iron. In: Materials, Vol. 11, no.7, p. 1159 (2018). doi:10.3390/ma11071159.


Hannard, Florent ; Simar, Aude ; Maire, Eric ; Pardoen, Thomas. Quantitative assessment of the impact of second phase particle arrangement on damage and fracture anisotropy. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 148, p. 456-466 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2018.02.003.


Miotti Bettanini, Alvise ; Hannard, Florent ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Guilleume, Badinier ; Mithieux, Jean Denis ; Delannay, Laurent. Residual ferrite in martensitic stainless steels: the effect of mechanical strength contrast on ductility. In: Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructures and Processing, Vol. 731, p. 495 - 505 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.msea.2018.06.012.


Yin, Chao ; Terentyev, Dmitry ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bakaeva, Anastasiia ; Petrov, Roumen ; Antusch, Steffen ; Rieth, Michael ; Vilémová, Monika ; Matějíček, Jiří ; Zhang, Tao. Tensile properties of baseline and advanced tungsten grades for fusion applications. In: International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Vol. 75, p. 153-162 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2018.04.003.


Chevalier, Jérémy ; Brassart, Laurence ; Lani, Frédéric ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Morelle, Xavier. Unveiling the nanoscale heterogeneity controlled deformation of thermosets. In: Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 121, no.1, p. 432-446 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2018.08.014.


Hammad, Mohamed ; Adjizian, Jean Joseph ; Sacré, Charles-Henri ; Huet, Benjamin ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Adhesionless and near-ideal contact behavior of graphene on Cu thin film. In: Carbon, Vol. 122, p. 446-450 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2017.06.037.


Lapouge, Pierre ; Onimus, F. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Creep behavior of submicron copper films under irradiation. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 131, p. 77-87 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2017.03.056.


Hannard, Florent ; Castin, Sidney ; Maire, Eric ; Mokso, Rajmund ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Simar, Aude. Ductilization of aluminium alloy 6056 by friction stir processing. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 130, p. 121-136 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2017.01.047.


Dubinko, A. ; Terentyev, D. ; Bakaeva, A. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Zibrov, M. ; Morgan, T.W.. Effect of high flux plasma exposure on the micro-structural and -mechanical properties of ITER specification tungsten. In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Vol. 393, p. 155-159 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2016.10.041.


Sacre, Charles-Henry ; Lani, F. ; Guaino, Ph. ; Libralesso, L. ; Favache, Audrey ; Pardoen, Thomas. Effect of polymer interlayer on scratch resistance of hard film: Experiments and finite element modeling. In: Wear, Vol. 378-379, p. 136-144 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.wear.2017.02.033.


Ghidelli, Matteo ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Gravier, Sébastien ; Blandin, Jean-Jacques ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Pardoen, Thomas. Homogeneous flow and size dependent mechanical behavior in highly ductile Zr65Ni35 metallic glass films. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 131, p. 246-259 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2017.03.072.


Miotti Bettanini, Alvise ; Delannay, Laurent ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Badinier, Guillaume ; Mithieux, Jean-Denis. Influence of microscopic strain heterogeneity on the formability of martensitic stainless steel. In: AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1896, p. 020010 (2017). doi:10.1063/1.5007967.


van der Rest, Astrid ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Henry, Frédéric ; Favache, Audrey ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Proost, Joris ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Pardoen, Thomas. Mechanical behavior of ultrathin sputter deposited porous amorphous Al2O3 films. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 125, p. 27-37 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2016.11.037.


Morelle, Xavier ; Chevalier, Jérémy ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Mechanical characterization and modeling of the deformation and failure of the highly crosslinked RTM6 epoxy resin. In: Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, Vol. 21, no. 3, p. 419-454 (2017). doi:10.1007/s11043-016-9336-6.


Wucher, B. ; Hallström, S. ; Dumas, D. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Martiny, P. ; Lani, F.. Nonconformal mesh-based finite element strategy for 3D textile composites. In: Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 51, no.16, p. 2315-2330 (2017). doi:10.1177/0021998316669875.


Tran, H-S ; Tummala, Hareesh ; Duchêne,L ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Fivel, Marc ; Habraken, A.-M.. Quasi-Continuum analysis of Dislocation-Coherent Twin Boundary interactions to provide local rules to Discrete Dislocation Dynamics. In: AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1896, no. 1 (2017) (2017).


Wucher, B. ; Martiny, Ph. ; Lani, F. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Dumas, D.. Simulation-driven mold compensation strategy for composites: Experimental validation on a doubly-curved part. In: Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 102, p. 96-107 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.07.029.


Hatami, M.K. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lacroix, G. ; Berke, P. ; Jacques, Pascal ; Massart, T.J.. Towards ultra-high ductility TRIP-assisted multiphase steels controlled by strain gradient plasticity effects. In: Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 98, p. 201-221 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2016.09.006.


Favache, Audrey ; Ryelandt, Sophie ; Melchior, Maxime ; Zeb, Gul ; Carbonnelle, Pierre ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. A generic “micro-Stoney” method for the measurement of internal stress and elastic modulus of ultrathin films. In: Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 87, no.1, p. 015002 (2016). doi:10.1063/1.4939912.


Nguyen, Van Dung ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Morelle, X.P. ; Noels, L.. A large strain hyperelastic viscoelastic-viscoplastic-damage constitutive model based on a multi-mechanism non-local damage continuum for amorphous glassy polymers. In: International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 96, p. 192-216 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2016.06.008.


Lapouge, Pierre ; Onimus, Fabien ; Vayrette, Renaud ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bréchet, Yves. A novel on chip test method to characterize the creep behavior of metallic layers under heavy ion irradiation. In: Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 476, p. 20-29 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2016.04.014.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Amin-Ahmadi, Behnam ; Wang, Binjie ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. A versatile lab-on-chip test platform to characterize elementary deformation mechanisms and electromechanical couplings in nanoscopic objects. In: Comptes rendus. Physique, Vol. 17, no.3-4, p. 485-495 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.crhy.2015.11.005.


Hannard, Florent ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Maire, Eric ; Le Bourlot, C. ; Mokso, Rajmund ; Simar, Aude. Characterization and micromechanical modelling of microstructural heterogeneity effects on ductile fracture of 6xxx aluminium alloys. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 103, p. 558-572 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2015.10.008.


Lemoine, Guerric ; Delannay, Laurent ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Pardoen, Thomas. Dislocation and back stress dominated viscoplasticity in freestanding sub-micron Pd films. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 111, p. 10-21 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2016.03.038.


Amin-Ahmadi, Behnam ; Connétable, Damine ; Fivel, Marc ; Tanguy, Döme ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Turner, Stuart ; Malet, Loic ; Godet, Stéphane ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Proost, Joris ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Idrissi, Hosni. Dislocation/hydrogen interaction mechanisms in hydrided nanocrystalline palladium films. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 111, p. 253-261 (April 2016). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2016.03.054.


Pineau, A. ; Benzerga, A.A. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Failure of metals I: Brittle and ductile fracture. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 107, p. 424-483 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2015.12.034.


Pineau, André ; Amine Benzerga, A. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Failure of metals III: Fracture and fatigue of nanostructured metallic materials. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 107, p. 508-544 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2015.07.049.


Vayrette, Renaud ; Galceran, M. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Godet, S. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Fracture mechanisms in freestanding polycrystalline silicon films with nanoscale thickness. In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 68, no.Part A, p. 190-203 (December 2016). doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2016.10.003.


Lai, Qingquan ; Brassart, Laurence ; Bouaziz, Olivier ; Gouné, Mohamed ; Verdier, Marc ; Parry, Guillaume ; Perlade, Astrid ; Bréchet, Yves ; Pardoen, Thomas. Influence of martensite volume fraction and hardness on the plastic behavior of dual-phase steels: Experiments and micromechanical modeling. In: International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 80, p. 187-203 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2015.09.006.


Voleppe, Quentin ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian. Interdiffusion and phase separation upon curing in thermoset-thermoplastic interphases unravelled by the characterization of partially cured systems. In: Polymer, Vol. 106, p. 120-127 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.polymer.2016.09.066.


Lai, Qingquan ; Gouné, Mohamed ; Perlade, Astrid ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal ; Bouaziz, Olivier ; Bréchet, Yves. Mechanism of Austenite Formation from Spheroidized Microstructure in an Intermediate Fe-0.1C-3.5Mn Steel. In: Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 47, no.7, p. 3375-3386 (2016). doi:10.1007/s11661-016-3547-y.


Chevalier, Jérémy ; Morelle, Xavier ; Bailly, Christian ; Camanho, P.P. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lani, Frédéric. Micro-mechanics based pressure dependent failure model for highly cross-linked epoxy resins. In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 158, p. 1-12 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2016.02.039.


Van Velthem, Pascal ; Ballout, Wael ; Horion, Jérémy ; Janssens , Y.-A. ; Destoop, Vincent ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian. Morphology and fracture properties of toughened highly crosslinked epoxy composites: A comparative study between high and low Tg tougheners. In: Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 101, p. 14-20 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2016.06.076.


Bollen, Pierre ; Quiévy, Nicolas ; Detrembleur, Christophe ; Thomassin, Jean-Michel ; Monnereau, Laure ; Bailly, Christian ; Huynen, Isabelle ; Pardoen, Thomas. Processing of a new class of multifunctional hybrid for electromagnetic absorption based on a foam filled honeycomb. In: Materials & Design, Vol. 89, no. 5 January, p. 323-334 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2015.09.129.


Ballout, Wael ; Coulon, B. ; Janssens, Y.-A. ; Van Velthem, Pascal ; Sclavons, Michel ; Magnin, Delphine ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian. Quantitative characterization of interdiffusion at the resin-resin and resin-prepreg interphases of epoxy systems processed by model SQ-RTM. In: Polymer Engineering and Science, Vol. 56, no.9, p. 1061-1069 (2016). doi:10.1002/pen.24338.


Terentyev, D. ; Bakaeva, A. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Favache, Audrey ; Zhurkin, E.E.. Surface hardening induced by high flux plasma in tungsten revealed by nano-indentation. In: Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 476, p. 1-4 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2016.04.007.


Bahrami, Amir ; Cordenier, François ; Van Velthem, Pascal ; Ballout, Wael ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Nysten, Bernard ; Bailly, Christian. Synergistic local toughening of high performance epoxy-matrix composites using blended block copolymer-thermoplastic thin films. In: Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 91, p. 398-405 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2016.08.038.


Navarro, Etienne ; Bréchet, Yves ; Barthelemy, A. ; Radu, I. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Adhesion and separation models for direct hydrophilic bonding. In: Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 117, p. 085305-1 - 085305-6 (2015). doi:10.1063/1.4913481.


Tuninetti, V. ; Gilles, G. ; Milis, O. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Habraken, Anne-Marie. Anisotropy and tension–compression asymmetry modeling of the room temperature plastic response of Ti–6Al–4V. In: International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 67, p. 53-68 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2014.10.003.


Bahrami, Amir ; Morelle, Xavier ; Hông Minh, Lê Duy ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Nysten, Bernard. Curing dependent spatial heterogeneity of mechanical response in epoxy resins revealed by atomic force microscopy. In: Polymer, Vol. 68, p. 1-10 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.polymer.2015.04.084.


Lai, Q. ; Bouaziz, O. ; Gouné, M. ; Brassart, Laurence ; Verdier, M. ; Parry, G. ; Perlade, A. ; Bréchet, Y. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Damage and fracture of dual-phase steels: Influence of martensite volume fraction. In: Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructures and Processing, Vol. 646, p. 322-331 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.msea.2015.08.073.


Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Malet, L. ; Godet, S. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Schryvers, D. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Dislocation-mediated relaxation in nanograined columnar palladium films revealed by on-chip time-resolved HRTEM testing. In: Nature Communications, Vol. 6, p. 5922 (2015). doi:10.1038/ncomms6922.


Delmelle, Renaud ; Amin-Ahmadi, Behnam ; Sinnaeve, Marc ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Proost, Joris. Effect of structural defects on the hydriding kinetics of nanocrystalline Pd thin films. In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 40, no.23, p. 7335-7347 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.04.017.


Ghidelli, Matteo ; Gravier, S. ; Blandin, J.-J. ; Djemia, P. ; Mompiou, F. ; Abadias, G. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Extrinsic mechanical size effects in thin ZrNi metallic glass films. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 90, p. 232-241 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2015.02.038.


Favache, Audrey ; Sacre, Charles-Henry ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Libralesso, Laure ; Guaino, Philippe ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Bailly, Christian ; Nysten, Bernard ; Pardoen, Thomas. Fracture mechanics based analysis of the scratch resistance of thin brittle coatings on a soft interlayer. In: Wear, Vol. 330-331, p. 461-468 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.wear.2015.01.081.


Monnereau, Laure ; Urbanczyk, Laetitia ; Thomassin, Jean-Michel ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Huynen, Isabelle ; Jérôme, Christine ; Detrembleur, Christophe. Gradient Foaming of Polycarbonate/carbon nanotube based Nanocomposites with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and their EMI Shielding Performances. In: Polymer, Vol. 59, p. 117-123 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.polymer.2014.11.063.


Van Velthem, Pascal ; Ballout, Wael ; Daoust, Daniel ; Sclavons, Michel ; Cordenier, François ; Henry, Edwin ; Dumont, David ; Destoop, Vincent ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian. Influence of thermoplastic diffusion on morphology gradient and on delamination toughness of RTM-manufactured composites. In: Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 72, p. 175-183. doi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2015.02.012.


Ben Bettaieb, Mohamed ; Van Hoof, Thibaut ; Minnebo, Hans ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Dufour, Philippe ; Jacques, Pascal ; Habraken, Anne-Marie. Micromechanics-Based Damage Analysis of Fracture in Ti5553 Alloy with Application to Bolted Sectors. In: Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 24, no. 3, p. 1262-1278 (March 2015). doi:10.1007/s11665-015-1383-7.


Lai, Q. ; Bouaziz, O. ; Gouné, M. ; Perlade, A. ; Bréchet, Y. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Microstructure refinement of dual-phase steels with 3.5wt% Mn: Influence on plastic and fracture behavior. In: Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructures and Processing, Vol. 638, p. 78-89 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.msea.2015.04.044.


Mulay, Shantanu S. ; Becker, G. ; Vayrette, R. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Galceran, M. ; Godet, S. ; Noels, L.. Multiscale fracture studies of polycrystalline silicon-based MEMS. In: Computational Mechanics, Vol. 55, no.1, p. 73-91 (2015).


Mulay, Shantanu S. ; Becker, Gauthier ; Vayrette, Renaud ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Galceran, Montserrat ; Godet, Stéphane ; Noels, Ludovic. Multiscale modelling framework for the fracture of thin brittle polycrystalline films: application to polysilicon. In: Computational Mechanics : solids, fluids, engineered materials, aging, infrastructure, molecular dynamics, heat transfer, manufacturing processes, optimization, fracture and integrity, Vol. 55, no. 1, p. 73-91 (2015). doi:10.1007/s00466-014-1083-4.


Tekoglu, C. ; Hutchinson, J.W. ; Pardoen, Thomas. On localization and void coalescence as a precursor to ductile fracture. In: Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. A, Vol. 373, p. 2014.0121. doi:10.1098/rsta.2014.0121.


Vayrette, Renaud ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. On-chip fracture testing of freestanding nanoscale materials. In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 150, p. 222-238 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2015.07.006.


Van Velthem, Pascal ; Ballout, Wael ; Dumont, David ; Daoust, Daniel ; Sclavons, Michel ; Cordenier, François ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Devaux, Jacques ; Bailly, Christian. Phenoxy nanocomposite carriers for delivery of nanofillers in epoxy matrix for resin transfer molding (RTM)-manufactured composites. In: Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 76, p. 82-91. doi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2015.05.008.


Ghidelli, Matteo ; Gravier, Sébastien ; Blandin, Jean-Jacques ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Mompiou, Frédéric. Compositional-induced structural change in ZrxNi100−x thin film metallic glasses. In: Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 615, no. supplément 1, p. S348-S351 (2014). doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2013.12.054.


Ghidelli, Matteo ; Volland, Antoine ; Blandin, Jean-Jacques ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Mompiou, Frédéric ; Djemia, Philippe ; Gravier, Sébastien. Exploring the mechanical size effects in Zr65Ni35 thin film metallic glasses. In: Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 615, no. supplément 1, p. S90-S92 (2014). doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2013.11.154.


Favache, Audrey ; Libralesso, Laure ; Jacques, Pascal ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Bailly, Christian ; Nysten, Bernard ; Pardoen, Thomas. Fracture toughness measurement of ultra-thin hard films deposited on a polymer. In: Thin Solid Films, Vol. 550, no. 1, p. 464-471 (janvier 2014). doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2013.10.052.


Lecarme, Liza ; Maire, Eric ; K.C., Amit Kumar ; De Vleeschouwer, Christophe ; Jacques, Laurent ; Simar, Aude ; Pardoen, Thomas. Heterogenous void growth revealed by in situ 3-D X-ray mocrotomography using automatic cavity tracking. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 63, p. 130-139. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2013.10.014.


Navarro, E. ; Bréchet, Y. ; Barthelemy, A. ; Radu, I. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Influence of the bonding front propagation on the wafer stack curvature. In: Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 105, no.6, p. 061908 (2014). doi:10.1063/1.4893462.


Bettaieb, Mohamed Ben ; Hoof, Thibaut Van ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Dufour, Philippe ; Lenain, Astrid ; Jacques, Pascal ; Habraken, Anne Marie. On the elasto-viscoplastic behavior of the Ti5553 alloy. In: Materials Science & Engineering A, Vol. 617, p. 97-109 (2014). doi:10.1016/j.msea.2014.08.055.


Vayrette, Renaud ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. On-chip MEMS-based internal stress actuated structures for the mechanical testing of freestanding thin film materials. In: Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 996, p. 833-840. doi:10.4028/


Idrissi, Hosni ; Kobler, Aaron ; Amin-Ahmadi, Behnam ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Galceran, Montserrat ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Godet, Stéphane ; Kübel, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique. Plasticity mechanisms in ultrafine grained freestanding aluminum thin films revealed by in-situ transmission electron microscopy nanomechanical testing. In: Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 104, no.10, p. 101903 (2014). doi:10.1063/1.4868124.


Molenberg, Isabel ; Bernal, Maria M. ; Bollen, Pierre ; Spote, David ; Verdejo, Raquel ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Huynen, Isabelle. Simple, convenient, and nondestructive electromagnetic characterization technique for composite and multiscale hybrid samples at microwave frequencies. In: Microwave & Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 56, no.2, p. 504-509 (February 2014). doi:10.1002/mop.28107.


Pardoen, Thomas. Size and rate dependent dependent necking in thin metallic films. In: Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 62, p. 81-98 (2014). doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2013.09.006.


Ghidelli, Matteo ; Gravier, Sébastien ; Blandin, Jean-Jacques ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas. Size-dependent failure mechanisms in ZrNi thin metallic glass films. In: Scripta Materialia, Vol. 89, p. 9-12 (2014). doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2014.06.011.


Sandu, Georgiana ; Brassart, Laurence ; Gohy, Jean-François ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Melinte, Sorin ; Vlad, Alexandru. Surface Coating Mediated Swelling and Fracture of Silicon Nanowires during Lithiation. In: ACS Nano, Vol. 8, no.9, p. 9427-9436 (2014). doi:10.1021/nn503564r.


Pierman, Anne-Pascale ; Bouaziz, O. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal ; Brassart, Laurence. The influence of microstructure and composition on the plastic behaviour of dual-phase steels. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 73, p. 298-311. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2014.04.015.


Wucher, B. ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Martiny, Philippe. Tooling geometry optimization for compensation of cure-induced distortions of a curved carbon/epoxy C-spar. In: Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 56, p. 27-35. doi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2013.09.010.


Martiny, Ph. ; Lani, Frédéric ; Kinloch, A.J. ; Pardoen, Thomas. A maximum stress at a distance criterion for the prediction of crack propagation in adhesively-bonded joints. In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 97, no.1, p. 105-135 (2013). doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2012.10.025.


Campos Delgado, Jessica ; Botello Mendez, Andrés Rafael ; Algara-Siller, Gerardo ; Hackens, Benoît ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Kaiser, Ute ; Dresselhaus, Mildred S. ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. CVD synthesis of mono- and few-layer graphene using alcohols at low hydrogen concentration and atmospheric pressure. In: Chemical Physics Letters, Vol. 584, p. 142-146 (2013). doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2013.08.031.


Martin, G. ; Caldemaison, D. ; Bornert, M. ; Pinna, C. ; Bréchet, Y. ; Véron, M. ; Mithieux, J.D. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Characterization of the High Temperature Strain Partitioning in Duplex Steels. In: Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 53, no. 2, p. 205-215 (2013). doi:10.1007/s11340-012-9628-y.


Navarro, E. ; Bréchet, Y. ; Moreau, R. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Barthelemy, A. ; Radu, I.. Direct silicon bonding dynamics: A coupled fluid/structure analysis. In: Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 103, no.3, p. 034104 (2013). doi:10.1063/1.4813312.


Yerra Sampath, Kumar ; Martin, G. ; Véron, M. ; Bréchet, Y. ; Mithieux, J.D. ; Delannay, Laurent ; Pardoen, Thomas. Ductile fracture initiated by interface nucleation in two-phase elastoplastic systems. In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 102, p. 77-100 (2013). doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2013.02.028.


Houri, Samer ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Gallacher, B. ; Francis, Laurent ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Dynamic analysis of multi-beam MEMS structures for the extraction of the stress-strain response of thin films. In: Experimental Mechanics : an international journal of the Society for Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 53, no. 3, p. 441-453 (March 2013). doi:10.1007/s11340-012-9654-9.


Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Galceran, M ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Godet, Stéphane ; Schryvers, D. Effect of deposition rate on the microstructure of electron beam evaporated nanocrystalline Pd thin films. In: Thin Solid Films, Vol. 539, p. 145-150. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2013.05.083.


Lambricht, N. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Yunus, Sami. Giant stretchability of thin gold films on rough elastomeric substrates. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 61, no. 2, p. 540-547 (2013). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2012.10.001.


Amin-Ahmadi, Behnam ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Proost, Joris ; Schryvers, Dominique. High resolution transmission electron microscopy characterization of fcc → 9R transformation in nanocrystalline palladium films due to hydriding. In: Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 102, no. 7, p. 071911 (2013). doi:10.1063/1.4793512.


Blaffart, Frédéric ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Proost, Joris. In situ monitoring of electrostriction in anodic and thermal silicon dioxide thin films. In: Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry : current research and development in science and technology, Vol. 17, p. 1945-1954 (February 2013). doi:10.1007/s10008-013-2036-0.


Mompiou, F. ; Legros, M. ; Boé, A. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Inter- and intragranular plasticity mechanisms in ultrafine-grained Al thin films: An in situ TEM study. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 61, no.1, p. 205-216 (2013). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2012.09.051.


Bollen, Pierre ; Quiévy, Nicolas ; Huynen, Isabelle ; Bailly, Christian ; Detrembleur, C. ; Thomassin, J.M. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Multifunctional architectured materials for electromagnetic absorption. In: Scripta Materialia, Vol. 68, no.1, p. 50-54 (janvier 2013). doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2012.05.011.


Houri, S. ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Note: Size effects on the tensile response of top-down fabricated Si nanobeams. In: Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 84, no.3, p. 036102 (2013). doi:10.1063/1.4794438.


Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Passi, Vikram ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Piezoresistance of nano-scale silicon up to 2GPa in tension. In: Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 102, no.3, p. 031911 (2013). doi:10.1063/1.4788919.


Walewyns, Thomas ; Reckinger, Nicolas ; Ryelandt, Sophie ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Francis, Laurent. Polyimide as a versatile enabling material for microsystems fabrication: surface micromachining and electrodeposited nanowires integration. In: Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering : structures, devices & systems, Vol. 23, no. 9, p. 12 (09/08/2013). doi:10.1088/0960-1317/23/9/095021.


Thomassin, Jean-Michel ; Jérôme, Christine ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Huynen, Isabelle ; Detrembleur, Christophe. Polymer/carbon based composites as electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding materials. In: Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports, Vol. 74, no.7, p. 211-232 (2013). doi:10.1016/j.mser.2013.06.001.


Guisbiers, Grégory ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Study of creep/relaxation mechanisms in thin freestanding nanocrystalline palladium films through the lab-on-chip technology. In: Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 113, no.024513, p. 024513-1 - 024513-6 (2013). doi:10.1063/1.4775398.


Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Passi, Vikram ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Surface states and conductivity of silicon nano-wires. In: Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 113, no.13, p. 134502 (2013). doi:10.1063/1.4798611.


Martin, Guilhem ; Kumar Yerra, Sampath ; Bréchet, Yves ; Véron , Muriel ; Mithieux, Jean-Denis ; Chéhab, Béchir ; Delannay, Laurent ; Pardoen, Thomas. A Macro- and micromechanics investigation of hot cracking in duplex steels. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 60, no. 11, p. 4646-4660 (June 2012). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2012.03.040.


Tekoglu, Cihan ; Leblond, Jean-Baptiste ; Pardoen, Thomas. A criterion for the onset of void coalescence under combined tension and shear. In: Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 60, no. 7, p. 1363-1381 (July 2012). doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2012.02.006.


Martiny, Philippe ; Lani, Frédéric ; Kinloch, A.J. ; Pardoen, Thomas. A multiscale parametric study of mode I fracture in metal-to-metal low-toughness adhesive joints. In: International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 172, no. 2, p. 105-133. doi:10.1007/s10704-011-9667-x.


Wang, Binjie ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Galceran, M. ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Turner, S. ; Hui, S. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Godet, Stéphane ; Schryvers, D.. Advanced TEM investigation of the plasticity mechanisms in nanocrystalline freestanding palladium films with nanoscale twins. In: International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 37, p. 140-156 (2012). doi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2012.04.003.


Quiévy, Nicolas ; Bollen, Pierre ; Thomassin, Jean-Marie ; Detrembleur, Christophe ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Huynen, Isabelle. Electromagnetic absorption properties of carbon nanotube nanocomposite foam filling honeycomb waveguide structures. In: IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility (special issue on Nanotechnology), Vol. 54, no. 1, p. 47-53 (February 2012). doi:10.1109/TEMC.2011.2179928.


Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Wang, Binjie ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Schryvers, D. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. High strength-ductility of thin nanocrystalline palladium films with nanoscale twins : On-chip testing and grain aggregate model. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 60, no. 4, p. 1795-1806 (February 2012). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2011.11.054.


Passi, Vikram ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Sodervall, Ulf ; Nilsson, Bengt ; Petersson, Goran ; Hagberg, Mats ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. High-Throughput On-Chip Large Deformation of Silicon Nanoribbons and Nanowires. In: IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 21, no.4, p. 822-829 (August 2012). doi:10.1109/JMEMS.2012.2190711.


Simar, Aude ; Bréchet, Yves ; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Bruno ; Denquin, Anne ; Gallais, Christophe ; Pardoen, Thomas. Integrated modeling of friction stir welding of 6xxx series Al alloys: Process, microstructure and properties. In: Progress in Materials Science, Vol. 57, no. 1, p. 95-183 (2012). doi:10.1016/j.pmatsci.2011.05.003.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Massart, T.J.. Interface controlled plastic flow modelled by strain gradient plasticity theory . In: Comptes Rendus - Mecanique, Vol. 340, no.4-5, p. 247-260 (2012). doi:10.1016/j.crme.2012.02.008.


Coulombier, Michaël ; Guisbiers, Grégory ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. On-chip stress relaxation testing method for freestanding thin film materials. In: Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 83, no.10, pp. 105004 - 105004-9 (2012). doi:10.1063/1.4758288.


Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Passi, Vikram ; Houri, Samer ; Escobedo-Cousin, Enrique ; Olsen, Sarah H. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. On-chip tensile testing of nanoscale silicon free-standing beams. In: Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 27, no. 3, p. 571-579 (Feb. 2012). doi:10.1557/jmr.2011.340.


Mouthuy, Pierre-Olivier ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Jonas, Alain M.. Overcurvatuve describes the buckling and folding of rings from curved origami to foldable tents. In: Nature Communications, Vol. 3, p. 1290 (december 2012). doi:10.1038/ncomms2311.


Urena, F. ; Olsen, S.H. ; Šiller, L. ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Strain in silicon nanowire beams. In: Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 112, no. 11, p. 114506 (2012). doi:10.1063/1.4765025.


Wang, Binjie ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Shi, H. ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Michotte, Sébastien ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, D.. Texture dependent twin formation in nanocrystalline thin Pd films. In: Scripta Materialia, Vol. 66, no. 11, p. 866-871 (june 2012). doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2012.01.038.


Olbrechts, Benoit ; Rue, Bertrand ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Flandre, Denis ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. A novel Approach for Active Pressure Sensors in Thin Film SOI Technology. In: Procedia Engineering, Vol. 25, p. 43-46 (2011). doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2011.12.011.


Escobedo-Cousin, E. ; Olsen, S.H. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Characterizing the effect of uniaxial strain on the surface roughness of Si nanowire MEMS-based microstructures. In: MRS Proceedings, Micromechanical Systems - Materials and Devices, Vol. 1299, p. article 25 (2011). doi:10.1557/opl.2011.251.


Martin, Guilhem ; Véron, Muriel ; Chéhab, B. ; Fourmentin, R. ; Mithieux, J.D. ; Yerra Sampath, Kumar ; Delannay, Laurent ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bréchet, Yves. Duplex Stainless Steel Microstructural Developments as Model Microstructures for Hot Ductility Investigations. In: Solid State Phenomena, Vol. 172-174, no. -, p. 350-355 (2011). doi:10.4028/


Escobedo-Cousin, Enrique ; Olsen, Sarah H. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Experimental observations of surface roughness in uniaxially loaded strained Si microelectromechanical systems-based structures. In: Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 99, p. 241906 (2011). doi:10.1063/1.3669413.


Huynen, Isabelle ; Quiévy, Nicolas ; Bailly, Christian ; Bollen, Pierre ; Detrembleur, Christophe ; Eggermont, Stéphanie ; Molenberg, Isabel ; Thomassin, J.M. ; Urbanczyk, L. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Multifunctional hybrids for electromagnetic absorption. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 59, no. 8, p. 3255-3266 (May 2011). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2011.01.065.


Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Houri, Samer ; Passi, Vikram ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Nanomechanical testing of free-standing monocrystalline silicon beams. In: ECS Transactions, Vol. 35, no. 5, p. 221-226 (May 2011). doi:10.1149/1.3570799.


Passi, Vikram ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Sodervall, Ulf ; Nilsson, Bengt ; Petersson, Goran ; Hagberg, Mats ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Note: Fast and reliable fracture strain extraction technique applied to silicon at nanometer scale. In: Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 82, p. 116106 (2011). doi:10.1063/1.3655464.


Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Passi, Vikram ; Zulfiqar, Azeem ; Sodervall, U. ; Nilsson, B. ; Peterson, G. ; Hagberg, M. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. On-chip tensile testing of the mechanical and electro-mechanical properties of nano-scale silicon free-standing beams. In: Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 276, no. -, pp. 117-126 (2011). doi:10.4028/


Idrissi, Hosni ; Tumer, Stuart ; Mitsuhara, Masatoshi ; Wang, Binjie ; Hata, Satoshi ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Van Tendeloo, Gustaaf ; Schryvers, Dominique. Point Defect Clusters and Dislocations in FIB Irradiated Nanocrystalline Aluminum Films: An Electron Tomography and Aberration-Corrected High-Resolution ADF-STEM Study. In: Microscopy and Microanalysis, Vol. 17, no. 6, p. 983-990. doi:10.1017/S143192761101213X.


Olbrechts, Benoit ; Rue, Bertrand ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Flandre, Denis ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Routes towards novel active pressure sensors in SOI technology. In: Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 276, no. -, pp. 145-155 (July 2011). doi:10.4028/


Tekoglu, Cihan ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Gibson, L.J. ; Onck, P.R.. Size effects in foams: experiments and modeling. In: Progress in Materials Science, Vol. 56, no. 2, p. 109-138 (2011). doi:10.1016/j.pmatsci.2010.06.001.


Scheyvaerts, F. ; Onck, P.R. ; Tekoglu, Cihan ; Pardoen, Thomas. The growth and coalescence of ellipsoidal voids in plane strain under combined shear and tension. In: Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 59, no. 2, p. 373-397 (2011). doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2010.10.003.


Idrissi, Hosni ; Wang, Binjie ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Pardoen, Thomas. Ultrahigh Strain Hardening in Thin Palladium Films with Nanoscale Twins. In: Advanced Materials, Vol. 23, no. 18, p. 2119-2122. doi:10.1002/adma.201004160.


Lecarme, Liza ; Tekoglu, Cihan ; Pardoen, Thomas. Void growth and coalescence in ductile solids with stage III and stageIV strain hardening. In: International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 27, no. 8, p. 1203-1223 (August 2011). doi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2011.01.004.


Scheyvaerts, Florence ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Onck, P. R.. A New Model for Void Coalescence by Internal Necking. In: International Journal of Damage Mechanics, Vol. 19, no. 1, p. 95-126 (2010). doi:10.1177/1056789508101918.


Tekoglu, C. ; Pardoen, Thomas. A micromechanics based damage model for composite materials. In: International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 26, no. 4, p. 549-569 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2009.09.002.


Mazzoni-Leduc, L. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Massart, T. J.. Analysis of size effects associated to the transformation strain in TRIP steels with strain gradient plasticity. In: European Journal of Mechanics A - Solids, Vol. 29, no. 2, p. 132-142 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.euromechsol.2009.08.001.


Simar, Aude ; Jonckheere, Caroline ; Deplus, K. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Bruno. Comparing similar and dissimilar friction stir welds of 2017-6005A aluminium alloys. In: Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Vol. 15, no. 3, p. 254-259 (2010). doi:10.1179/136217110X12665048207737.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Boe, Alexandre ; Safi, A. ; Brugger, Charles ; Ryelandt, Sophie ; Carbonnelle, Pierre ; Gravier, Sébastien ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Ductility of thin metallic films. In: Materials Science Forum, Vol. 633-634, p. 615-635 (2010).


Guisbiers, Grégory ; Herth, E. ; Buchaillot, L. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Fracture toughness, hardness, and Young's modulus of tantalum nanocrystalline films. In: Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 97, no. 14 (2010). doi:10.1063/1.3496000.


Coulombier, Michaël ; Boe, Alexandre ; Brugger, C. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Imperfection-sensitive ductility of aluminium thin films. In: Scripta Materialia, Vol. 62, no. 10, p. 742-745 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2010.01.048.


Simar, Aude ; Nielsen, K. L. ; de Meester, B. ; Tvergaard, V. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Micro-mechanical modelling of ductile failure in 6005A aluminium using a physics based strain hardening law including stage IV. In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 77, no. 13, p. 2491-2503 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2010.06.008.


Chehab, B. ; Brechet, Y. ; Veron, M. ; Jacques, Pascal ; Parry, G. ; Mithieux, J. -D. ; Glez, J. -C. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Micromechanics of high-temperature damage in dual-phase stainless steel. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 58, no. 2, p. 626-637 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2009.09.041.


Nielsen, K. L. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Tvergaard, V. ; de Meester, B. ; Simar, Aude. Modelling of plastic flow localisation and damage development in friction stir welded 6005A aluminium alloy using physics based strain hardening law. In: International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 47, no. 18-19, p. 2359-2370 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2010.03.019.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Scheyvaerts, F. ; Simar, Aude ; Tekoglu, Cihan ; Onck, P.. Multiscale modelling of ductile failure in metallic alloys. In: Comptes rendus. Physique, Vol. 11, no. 3-4, p. 326-345 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.crhy.2010.07.012.


Massart, T. J. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Strain gradient plasticity analysis of the grain-size-dependent strength and ductility of polycrystals with evolving grain boundary confinement. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 58, no. 17, p. 5768-5781 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2010.06.052.


Brugger, Charles ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Massart, T. J. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Strain gradient plasticity analysis of the strength and ductility of thin metallic films using an enriched interface model. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 58, no. 15, p. 4940-4949 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2010.05.021.


Simar, Aude ; Nielsen, K.L. ; Tvergaard, V. ; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Bruno ; Pardoen, Thomas. Strain hardening and damage in 6xxx series aluminium alloy friction stir welds. In: Materials Science Forum, Vol. 638-642, p. 333-338 (2010). doi:10.4028/


Simar, Aude ; Nielsen K. ; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Bruno ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Tvergaard, V.. Strain hardening and damage in 6xxx series aluminum alloy friction stir welds. In: Materials Science Forum, Vol. 638-642, p. 333-338 (2010).


Béfahy, Stéphane ; Lipnik, Pascale ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Nascimento, Cristiane ; Patris, Benjamin ; Bertrand, Patrick ; Yunus, Sami. Thickness and Elastic Modulus of Plasma Treated PDMS Silica-like Surface Layer.. In: Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids, Vol. 26, no. 5, p. 3372-5 (2010). doi:10.1021/la903154y.


Yerra Sampath, Kumar ; Tekoglu, C. ; Scheyvaerts, Florence ; Delannay, Laurent ; Van Houtte, Paul ; Pardoen, Thomas. Void growth and coalescence in single crystals. In: International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 47, no. 7-8, p. 1016-1029 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2009.12.019.


Wyart, Eric ; Coulon, D. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Remacle, Jean-François ; Lani, Frédéric. Application of the substructured finite element/extended finite element method (S-FE/XFE) to the analysis of cracks in aircraft thin walled structures. In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 76, no. 1, p. 44-58 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2008.04.025.


Boe, Alexandre ; Safi, A. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Internal stress relaxation based method for elastic stiffness characterization of very thin films. In: Thin Solid Films, Vol. 518, no. 1, p. 260-264 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2009.06.062.


Boe, Alexandre ; Safi, A. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Fabregue, D. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. MEMS-based microstructures for nanomechanical characterization of thin films. In: Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 18, no. 11 (2009). doi:10.1088/0964-1726/18/11/115018.


Gravier, Sebastien ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Safi, Asmahan ; André, Nicolas ; Boe, Alexandre ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. New On-Chip Nanomechanical Testing Laboratory - Applications to Aluminum and Polysilicon Thin Films. In: IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 18, no. 3, p. 555-569 (2009). doi:10.1109/JMEMS.2009.2020380.


Fabregue, D. ; Pardoen, Thomas. A constitutive model for elastoplastic solids containing primary and secondary voids. In: Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 56, no. 3, p. 719-741 (2008). doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2007.07.008.


Steglich, Dirk ; Brocks, Wolfgang ; Heerens, Juergen ; Pardoen, Thomas. Anisotropic ductile fracture of Al 2024 alloys. In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 75, no. 12, p. 3692-3706 (2008). doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2007.04.008.


Simar, Aude ; Brechet, Y. ; de Meester, B. ; Denquin, A. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Microstructure, local and global mechanical properties of friction stir welds in aluminium alloy 6005A-T6. In: Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructures and Processing, Vol. 486, no. 1-2, p. 85-95 (2008). doi:10.1016/j.msea.2007.08.041.


Delannay, Laurent ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Modelling of the plastic flow of trip-aided multiphase steel based on an incremental mean-field approach. In: International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 45, no. 6, p. 1825-1843 (2008). doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2007.10.026.


Martiny, Ph. ; Lani, Frédéric ; Kinloch, A. J. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Numerical analysis of the energy contributions in peel tests: A steady-state multilevel finite element approach. In: International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, Vol. 28, no. 4-5, p. 222-236 (2008). doi:10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2007.06.005.


Mazzoni-Leduc, L. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Massart, T. J.. Strain gradient plasticity analysis of transformation induced plasticity in multiphase steels. In: International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 45, no. 20, p. 5397-5418 (2008). doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2008.05.025.


Wyart, Eric ; Duflot, M. ; Coulon, D. ; Martiny, P. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Remacle, Jean-François ; Lani, Frédéric. Substructuring FE-XFE approaches applied to three-dimensional crack propagation. In: Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 215, no. 2, p. 626-638 (2008). doi:10.1016/


Lacroix, G. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal. The fracture toughness of TRIP-assisted multiphase steels. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 56, no. 15, p. 3900-3913 (2008). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2008.04.035.


Wyart, Eric ; Coulon, D. ; Duflot, A. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Remacle, Jean-François ; Lani, Frédéric. A substructured FE-shell/XFE-3D method for crack analysis in thin-walled structures. In: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 72, no. 7, p. 757-779 (2007). doi:10.1002/nme.2029.


Wyart, E. ; Coulon, D. ; Martiny, P. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Remacle, Jean-François ; Lani, Frédéric. A substructured FE/XFE method for stress intensity factors computation in an industrial structure. In: European Journal of Computational Mechanics, Vol. 16, p. 199-212 (2007). doi:10.3166/remn.16.199-212.


Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Flandre, Denis ; Iker, François ; André, Nicolas ; Olbrechts, Benoit ; Pardoen, Thomas. Bulk and surface micromachined MEMS in thin film SOI technology. In: Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 52, no. 8, p. 2850-2861 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2006.09.021.


Simar, Aude ; Pardoen, Thomas ; de Meester, B.. Effect of rotational material flow on temperature distribution in friction stir welds. In: Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Vol. 12, no. 4, p. 324-333 (2007). doi:10.1179/174329307X197584.


Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; IKER, F. ; André, Nicolas ; Fabrègue, Damien ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Pardoen, Thomas. From Nanoelectronics towards Nanoelectromechanical Systems. In: Revue E Tijdschrift, Vol. 1, no. mars/avril 2007, p. 26-33 (2007).


André, Nicolas ; Coulombier, Michaël ; De Longueville, V. ; Fabregue, D. ; Gets, T. ; Gravier, S. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Microfabrication-based nanomechanical laboratory for testing the ductility of submicron aluminium films. In: Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 84, no. 11, p. 2714-2718 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.mee.2007.05.039.


Lassance, Denis ; Fabregue, D. ; Delannay, Francis ; Pardoen, Thomas. Micromechanics of room and high temperature fracture in 6xxx Al alloys. In: Progress in Materials Science, Vol. 52, no. 1, p. 62-129 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.pmatsci.2006.06.001.


Bertholet, Y. ; Olbrechts, Benoit ; Lejeune, B. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Molecular bonding aided by dissipative inter-layers. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 55, no. 2, p. 473-479 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2006.08.036.


Fabregue, D. ; André, Nicolas ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Multipurpose nanomechanical testing machines revealing the size-dependent strength and high ductility of pure aluminium submicron films. In: Micro & Nano Letters, Vol. 2, no. 1, p. 13-16 (2007). doi:10.1049/mnl:20065068.


Gallais, C. ; Simar, Aude ; Fabregue, D. ; Denquin, A. ; Lapasset, G. ; de Meester, B. ; Brechet, Y. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Multiscale analysis of the strength and ductility of AA 6056 aluminum friction stir welds. In: Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A - Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, Vol. 38A, no. 5, p. 964-981 (2007). doi:10.1007/s11661-007-9121-x.


Jacques, Pascal ; Furnemont, Q. ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Francis. Multiscale mechanics of TRIP-assisted multiphase steels: I. Characterization and mechanical testing. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 55, no. 11, p. 3681-3693 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2007.02.029.


Lani, Frédéric ; Furnemont, Q. ; Van Rompaey, T. ; Delannay, Francis ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Multiscale mechanics of TRIP-assisted multiphase steels: II. Micromechanical modelling. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 55, no. 11, p. 3695-3705 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2007.02.015.


Delincé, Marc ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Separation of the different strengthening contributions in fine-grained dual phase steels. In: Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 15-17, p. 846-851 (2007).


Simar, Aude ; Brechet, Y. ; de Meester, B. ; Denquin, A. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Sequential modeling of local precipitation, strength and strain hardening in friction stir welds of an aluminum alloy 6005A-T6. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 55, no. 18, p. 6133-6143 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2007.07.012.


Béfahy, Stéphane ; Yunus, Sami ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bertrand, Patrick ; Troosters, M.. Stretchable helical gold conductor on silicone rubber microwire. In: Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 91, no. 14 (2007). doi:10.1063/1.2793185.


Delincé, Marc ; Brechet, Y. ; Embury, J. D. ; Geers, M. G. D. ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Structure-property optimization of ultrafine-grained dual-phase steels using a micro structure-based strain hardening model. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 55, no. 7, p. 2337-2350 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2006.11.029.


Chehab, B. ; Brechet, Y. ; Glez, J. -C. ; Jacques, Pascal ; Mithieux, J. -D. ; Veron, M. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Characterization of the high temperature tearing resistance using the essential work of fracture - Application to dual phase ferritic stainless steels. In: Scripta Materialia, Vol. 55, no. 11, p. 999-1002 (2006). doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2006.08.011.


Olbrechts, Benoit ; Lejeune, Benoit ; Bertholet, Y. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Direct Wafer Bonding enhanced by Ductile Layers inserted near the interface. In: Electrochemical Society. Transactions, Vol. 3, no. 6, p. 279-289 (2006). doi:10.1149/1.2357078.


Simar, Aude ; Lecomte-Beckers, J ; Pardoen, Thomas ; de Meester, B.. Effect of boundary conditions and heat source distribution on temperature distribution in friction stir welding. In: Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Vol. 11, no. 2, p. 170-177 (2006). doi:10.1179/174329306X84409.


Olbrechts, Benoit ; Zhang, XX ; Bertholet, Y. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Effect of interfacial SiO2 thickness for low temperature O-2 plasma activated wafer bonding. In: Microsystem Technologies : micro and nanosystems - information storage and processing systems, Vol. 12, no. 5, p. 383-390 (2006). doi:10.1007/s00542-005-0038-2.


Lassance, Denis ; Scheyvaerts, Florence ; Pardoen, Thomas. Growth and coalescence of penny-shaped voids in metallic alloys. In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 73, no. 8, p. 1009-1034 (2006). doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2005.12.004.


Dubois, Simon M-M ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe. Ideal strength of silicon: An ab initio study. In: Physical review B. Condensed matter and materials physics, Vol. 74, no. 23, p. 235203 (2006). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.74.235203.


Delannay, Laurent ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Francis. Mean field modelling of the plastic behaviour of co-continuous dual-phase alloys with strong morphological anisotropy. In: International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 22, no. 12, p. 2327-2345 (2006). doi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2006.03.009.


Jacques, Pascal ; Furnemont, Q. ; Godet, S. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Conlon, KT ; Delannay, Francis. Micromechanical characterisation of TRIP-assisted multiphase steels by in situ neutron diffraction. In: Philosophical Magazine (London, 2003), Vol. 86, no. 16, p. 2371-2392 (2006). doi:10.1080/14786430500529359.


Fabregue, D. ; Lassance, Denis ; Pardoen, Thomas. Modelling of ductile fracture in the presence of two populations of voids - applications to aluminium alloys. In: Materials Science Forum, Vol. 519-521, p. 829-834 (2006).


Pardoen, Thomas. Numerical simulation of low stress triaxiality ductile fracture. In: Computers & Structures, Vol. 84, no. 26-27, p. 1641-1650 (2006). doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2006.05.001.


Delincé, Marc ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Separation of size-dependent strengthening contributions in fine-grained Dual Phase steels by nanoindentation. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 54, no. 12, p. 3395-3404 (2006). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2006.03.031.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Onck, Patrick. Size-dependent mechanics of materials - Foreword. In: International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 43, no. 24, p. 7223-7223 (2006). doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2006.08.021.


Van Rompaey, T. ; Lani, Frédéric ; Jacques, Pascal ; Blanpain, B. ; Wollants, P. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Three-dimensional computational-cell modeling of the micromechanics of the martensitic transformation in transformation-induced-plasticity-assisted multiphase steels. In: Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A - Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, Vol. 37A, no. 1, p. 99-107 (2006). doi:10.1007/s11661-006-0156-1.


Iker, Francois ; André, Nicolas ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Three-dimensional self-assembled sensors in thin-film SOI technology. In: IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 15, no. 6, p. 1687-1697 (2006). doi:10.1109/JMEMS.2006.886002.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Ferracin, T ; Landis, CM ; Delannay, Francis. Constraint effects in adhesive joint fracture. In: Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 53, no. 9, p. 1951-1983 (2005). doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2005.04.009.


Cotterell, B ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Atkins, AG. Measuring toughness and the cohesive stress-displacement relationship by the essential work of fracture concept. In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 72, no. 6, p. 827-848 (2005). doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2004.10.002.


Iker, François ; André, Nicolas ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. One-mask CMOS compatible process for the fabrication of three-dimensional self-assembled thin-film SOI microelectromechanical systems. In: Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, Vol. 8, no. 10, p. H87-H89 (2005). doi:10.1149/1.2030488.


Huber, G ; Brechet, Y. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Predictive model for void nucleation and void growth controlled ductility in quasi-eutectic cast aluminium alloys. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 53, no. 9, p. 2739-2749 (2005). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2005.02.037.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Brechet, Y.. Influence of microstructure-driven strain localization on the ductile fracture of metallic alloys. In: Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 84, no. 3-5, p. 269-297 (2004). doi:10.1080/14786430310001610366.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Hachez, F ; Marchioni, B ; Blyth, PH ; Atkins, AG. Mode I fracture of sheet metal. In: Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 52, no. 2, p. 423-452 (2004). doi:10.1016/S0022-5096(03)00087-5.


Bertholet, Y. ; Iker, François ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Steady-state measurement of wafer bonding cracking resistance. In: Sensors and Actuators A: Physical : an international journal devoted to research and development of physical and chemical transducers, Vol. 110, no. 1-3, p. 157-163 (2004). doi:10.1016/j.sna.2003.09.004.


Laconte, J. ; Iker, François ; Jorez, S. ; André, Nicolas ; Proost, Joris ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Flandre, Denis ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Thin films stress extraction using micromachined structures and wafer curvature measurements. In: Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 76, no. 1-4, p. 219-226 (2004). doi:10.1016/j.mee.2004.07.003.


Lassance, Denis ; Dille, J. ; Delplancke, JL. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Ryelandt, Laurence ; Delannay, Francis ; Ryckeboer, M.. Effect of the homogenisation conditions on the extrudability and high temperature fracture resistance of AA6063 aluminium alloy. In: Materials Science Forum, Vol. 426-4, p. 447-452 (2003).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Dumont, D. ; Deschamps, A. ; Brechet, Y.. Grain boundary versus transgranular ductile failure. In: Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 51, no. 4, p. 637-665 (2003). doi:10.1016/S0022-5096(02)00102-3.


Lani, Frédéric ; Fumemont, Q ; Jacques, Pascal ; Delannay, Francis ; Pardoen, Thomas. Micromechanical modeling of plastic anisotropy and strain induced phase transformation in dual-elastoplastic phase materials. In: Journal de Physique IV, Vol. 105, p. 139-147 (2003). doi:10.1051/jp4:20030181.


Van Rompaey, T. ; Furnémont, Q. ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas ; BLANPAIN, B. ; Wollants, P.. Micromechanical modelling of TRIP steels. In: Steel Research International, Vol. 74, no. 6, p. 365-369 (2003).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Hutchinson, JW. Micromechanics-based model for trends in toughness of ductile metals. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 51, no. 1, p. 133-148 (2003). doi:10.1016/S1359-6454(02)00386-5.


Ferracin, T ; Landis, CM ; Delannay, Francis ; Pardoen, Thomas. On the determination of the cohesive zone properties of an adhesive layer from the analysis of the wedge-peel test. In: International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 40, no. 11, p. 2889-2904 (2003). doi:10.1016/S0020-7683(03)00076-3.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Marchal, Y. ; Delannay, Francis. Essential work of fracture compared to fracture mechanics - towards a thickness independent plane stress toughness. In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 69, no. 5, p. 617-631 (2002). doi:10.1016/S0013-7944(01)00099-6.


Jacques, Pascal ; Furnemont, Q. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Francis. On the role of martensitic transformation on damage and cracking resistance in trip-assisted multiphase steels. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 49, no. 1, p. 139-152 (2001). doi:10.1016/S1359-6454(00)00215-9.


Fumemont, Q ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. The macro- and micromechanics of TRIP-assisted multiphase steels, experiments and modeling. In: Journal de Physique IV, Vol. 11, no. PR5, p. 325-332 (2001).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Francis. A method for the metallographical measurement of the CTOD at cracking initiation and the role of reverse plasticity on unloading. In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 65, no. 4, p. 455-466 (2000). doi:10.1016/S0013-7944(99)00128-9.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Hutchinson, JW. An extended model for void growth and coalescence. In: Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 48, no. 12, p. 2467-2512 (2000). doi:10.1016/S0022-5096(00)00019-3.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Scibetta, M. ; Chaouadi, R. ; Delannay, Francis. Analysis of the geometry dependence of fracture toughness at cracking initiation by comparison of circumferentially cracked round bars and SENB tests on Copper. In: International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 103, no. 3, p. 205-225 (2000). doi:10.1023/A:1007668030117.


Landis, CM ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Hutchinson, JW. Crack velocity dependent toughness in rate dependent materials. In: Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 32, no. 11, p. 663-678 (2000). doi:10.1016/S0167-6636(00)00031-4.


Huck, Wilhelm T.S. ; BOWDEN, N. ; ONCK, P. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Hutchinson, J.W. ; WHITESIDES, G.M.. Ordering of spontaneously formed buckles on planar surfaces. In: Langmuir : the A C S journal of surfaces and colloids, Vol. 16, no. 7, p. 3497 - 3501 (2000). doi:10.1021/la991302l.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Hutchinson, J.W.. Void shape and void distribution effects on coalescence in elastic-plastic solids. In: Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 578, p. 327 - 332 (2000).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Marchal, Y. ; Delannay, Francis. Thickness dependence of cracking resistance in thin aluminium plates. In: Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 47, no. 10, p. 2093-2123 (1999). doi:10.1016/S0022-5096(99)00011-3.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Francis. Assessment of void growth models from porosity measurements in cold-drawn copper bars. In: Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A - Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, Vol. 29, no. 7, p. 1895-1909 (1998). doi:10.1007/s11661-998-0014-4.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Doghri, Issam ; Delannay, Francis. Experimental and numerical comparison of void growth models and void coalescence criteria for the prediction of ductile fracture in copper bars. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 46, no. 2, p. 541-552 (1998). doi:10.1016/S1359-6454(97)00247-4.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Francis ; Doghri, Issam. On the use of the Lemaitre and Chaboche model for the prediction of ductile fracture by void coalescence. In: International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 88, no. 4, p. L71-L76 (1998).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Francis. The coalescence of voids in prestrained notched round copper bars. In: Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. 21, no. 12, p. 1459-1472 (1998). doi:10.1046/j.1460-2695.1998.00123.x.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Delatte, Pierre ; Morhet, J ; Doghri, Issam ; Knockaert, R ; Delannay, Francis. Application of local damage and fracture models to notched round copper bars. In: Journal de Physique IV, Vol. 6, no. C6, p. 145-153 (1996).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Francis. Critical assessment of the application of the J-integral and CTOD concepts to circumferentially cracked copper bars. In: International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 79, no. 4, p. 373-391 (1996). doi:10.1007/BF00018597.


Knockaert, R ; Doghri, Issam ; Marchal, Y. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Francis. Experimental and numerical investigation of fracture in double-edge notched steel plates. In: International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 81, no. 4, p. 383-399 (1996). doi:10.1007/BF00012430.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Turner, Kevin T. ; Budzik, Michal K.. Architected adhesive joints with improved fracture toughness. In: David Dillard, Advances in Structural Adhesive Bonding, Elsevier, 2023, p. 900. 9780323912143.


Pardoen, Thomas. MEALOR II : Damage Mechanics and Local Approach to Fracture. Preamble. In: A collective work, MEALOR II. Damage Mechanics and Local Approach to Fracture, By-nc-sa 2023 by MEALOR II, 2023, p. 421.


Braccini, Muriel ; Dezellus, O.. Controlling Adherence, collab. Pardoen, Thomas. In: Mechanics of Solid Interfaces, ISTE LTD and John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: (United Kingdom) London, 2012, p. Chapter V, 137-188. 978-1-84821-373-9. doi:10.1002/9781118561669.ch5.


Braccini, Muriel ; Dezellus, O. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Maîtrise de l'adhérence. In: Muriel Braccini, Michel Dupeux, Mécanique des interfaces solides (Mécanique et Ingénierie des Matériaux. Matériaux), Lavoisier: Paris, France, 2012, p. 137-178. 978-2-7462-2551-0.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Pineau, A.. Failure Mechanisms of Metals. In: Comprehensive Structural Integrity Encyclopedia, Elsevier, 2007, p. Volume 2, Chapter 6, 130 pages.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Besson, Jacques. Micromechanics-based models of ductile fracture. In: Local Approach to Fracture, Les Presses de l'Ecole des Mines (J. Besson editor): Paris, 2004, p. Chapter VIII, 221-264. 978-2-911762-55-0.


Kashiwar, Ankush ; Baral, Paul ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Delannay, Laurent ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Idrissi, Hosni. A Novel combination of lab-on-chip testing, nanoscale DIC, and ACOM-TEM for unraveling plasticity mechanisms in UFG freestanding metal thin films. Nanobrücken 2024, Nanomechanical Testing Conference (Ecully, France, du 19/03/2024 au 21/03/2024).


Nguyen, Van Dung ; Hilhorst, Antoine ; Kaniadakis, Antonio ; Ludovic, Noels ; Pardoen, Thomas. A reappraisal of the essential work of fracture method based on full three-dimensional advanced Gurson-based finite element simulations. EMMC19 : 19TH EUROPEAN MECHANICS OF MATERIALS CONFERENCE (Madrid, Spain, du 29/05/2024 au 31/05/2024).


Baral, Paul ; Kashiwar, Ankush ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Delannay, Laurent ; Hoummada, Khalid ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Pardoen, Thomas. Combining nano-DIC and ACOM TEM to study the ductility enhancement of aluminium films by grain boundary sliding. 19th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC19) (Madrid, Spain, du 29/05/2024 au 31/05/2024).


Ruiz Rodriguez, Raul ; Delannay, Laurent ; Pardoen, Thomas. Crystal plasticity modeling of nanoindentation in ITER-relevant W/Cu joints. 19th European Mechanics of Materials Conference, EMMC 19. (Madrid, Spain, du 29/05/2024 au 31/05/2024).


Kaniadakis, Antonio ; Nguyen, Van Dung ; Ludovic, Noels ; Pardoen, Thomas. Exploring thickness effect on fracture toughness of thin metal sheets: a parametric analysis with advanced Gurson model. EMMC19: 19TH EUROPEAN MECHANICS OF MATERIALS CONFERENCE (Madrid, Spain, du 29/05/2024 au 31/05/2024).


Gayot, Sarah ; Soete, J. ; Vanhulst, J. ; Bailly, Christian ; Gérard, P. ; Pardoen, Thomas. In-situ continuous XCT imaging of void formation in PMMA-based composites produced by liquid moulding. TexComp-15 Conference (Leuven, Belgium, du 11/09/2024 au 13/09/2024).


Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Naceri, Salah Eddine ; Rusinowicz, Morgan ; Tiphene, Gabrielle ; Pardoen, Thomas. MecaNano: a European network gathering the micromechanics community to tackle challenges of small-scale mechanical behavior – An example through nanolaminates thin films. MSE2024 – Materials Science and Engineering (Darmstadt, du 24/09/2024 au 26/09/2024).


Rodrigues Lopes, Igor A. ; Klavzer, Nathan ; Furtado, Carolina ; Andrade Pires, Francisco M. ; Camanho, Pedro P. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Modelling the microscopic behavior of fibre-reinforced composites with strain gradient plasticity. ECCOMAS Congress 2024 - The 9th European Congress on Computational Medhods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (Lisbon, Portugal, du 03/06/2024 au 07/06/2024).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Klavzer, Nathan ; Gayot, Sarah ; Chevalier, Jérémy ; Morelle, Xavier ; Abatour, M. ; Forest, S. ; Van Loock, F. ; Brassart, Laurence ; Camanho, Pedro ; Nysten, Bernard ; Bailly, Christian. Nanomechanics serving polymer-based composite research. Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development IX, An ECI Conference (Giardini Naxos, Messina (Sicily), Italy, du 06/10/2024 au 11/10/2024).


Horvath, Mélanie ; Bollen, Pierre ; Trachte, Sophie ; Pardoen, Thomas. New circular, sustainable building composite material made of building wastes. TMS 2024 (Orlando, USA, du 03/03/2024 au 07/03/2024).


Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Naceri, Salah Eddine ; Roisin, Nicolas ; Baral, Paul ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Flandre, Denis ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. New developments of the residual stress actuated on-chip testing method. 2nd MecaNano General Meeting (Vienna, du 01/05/2024 au 03/05/2024).


Horvath, Mélanie ; Bollen, Pierre ; Trachte Sophie ; Pardoen, Thomas. Nouveau matériau composite circulaire, à base de déchets, pour la construction. Journées annuelles de la SF2M 2024 : « L’empreinte matériaux : enjeux et solutions » (Paris, France, du 18/11/2024 au 21/11/2024).


Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Roisin, Nicolas ; Flandre, Denis ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Strain engineering of thin semiconductor films investigated using the residual-stress-actuated on-chip testing method. 19th European Mechanics of Materials Conference - EMMC19 (Madrid, du 29/05/2024 au 31/05/2024).


Rodrigues Lopes, Igor A. ; Klavzer, Nathan ; Furtado, Carolina ; Andrade Pires, Francisco M. ; Camanho, Pedro P. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Strain-gradient-plasticity for epoxy resins in micro-scale models of fibre-reinforced composites. Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering (University of Aveiro, Portugal, du 04/09/2024 au 06/09/2024).


Pardoen, Thomas. The stress-at-a-distance failure criterion applied to thermosets. NewFrac Conference, New computational strategies for fracture (Porto, Portugal, du 07/05/2024 au 10/05/2024).


Mohtadifar, Negar ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Kaniadakis, Antonio ; Nguyen, Van Dung ; Noels, Ludovic ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Thickness effect on fracture toughness of thin austenite stainless steel sheet. ECF24 - European Conference on Fracture 2024 (Zagreb, Croatia, du 26/08/2024 au 30/08/2024).


van Innis, Charline ; Budzik, Michal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Ultra tough architected joints through single manufacturing step. 9th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives (Les Diablerets, Suisse, du 24/03/2024 au 27/03/2024).


Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Ryelandt, Sophie ; Pardoen, Thomas. A Road Towards a Sustainable Thermo-Hygro-Mechanical Wood Densification Process. ECCOMAS Thematic conference on Computational Methods in wood Mechanics – CompWood 2023 (Dresden, du 05/09/2023 au 08/09/2023).


Bahrami, Farzaneh ; Malik, Mohammad Wasil ; Van Loock, Frederik ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Nysten, Bernard. Accurate determination of stiffness and strength of graphene via AFM-based membrane deflection. Forum 2023 des microscopies à sonde locale (Obernai, France, du 03/04/2023 au 07/04/2023).


Roisin, Nicolas ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Scaffidi, Romain ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Flandre, Denis ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Band gap narrowing in highly-strained silicon beams observed using photoluminescence spectroscopy. BePOM 2023 (Bruxelles, du 21/09/2023 au 22/09/2023).


Gayot, Sarah ; Klavzer, Nathan ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Gérard, Pierre ; Nysten, Bernard. Confinement, interface and ageing effects on mechanical properties of polymer matrix in composites. Forum 2023 des microscopies à sonde locale (Obernai, France, du 03/04/2023 au 07/04/2023).


Horvath, Mélanie ; Bollen, Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Trachte, Sophie. Evaluation of the properties of a new circular building composite material to upcycle building wastes. CISBAT 2023 (EPFL, Lausanne, Suisse, du 13/09/2023 au 15/09/2023).


van Innis, Charline ; Michal K. Budzik ; Pardoen, Thomas. Fracture toughness of architected joints involving crack instabilities. CECAM 3D cracks and crack instability (Lausanne, Suisse, du 14/06/2023 au 16/06/2023).




Gayot, Sarah ; Klavzer, Nathan ; Van Vlierberghe, Elise ; Nysten, Bernard ; Swolfs, Yentl ; Pardoen, Thomas. Local Deformation and Fracture Mechnisms in Methacrylic Composites at the Fiber-Matrix Level: Insight from Nanoscale Digital Image Correcaltion. American Society for Composites - 38th Technical Conference (Boston, USA, du 18/09/2023 au 20/09/2023). In: Proceedings of the American Society for Composites - 38th Technical Conference, 2023. 978-1-60595-691-6, p. 232-240. doi:10.12783/asc38/36534.


van Innis, Charline ; Pardoen, Thomas. Mechanics of PEI-expoxy interfaces. 3rd Benelux Network Meeting & Workshop on Damage & Fracture Mechanics (BDFM-2023) (Antwerp, Belgium, 25/05/2023). In: BDFM-2023_Book of abstracts, 2023, p. Poster No. 6.


Riiashi Nadine ; Bollen, Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Neirynck, Stéphane ; Léonard Angélique. Mineral waste recycling for construction in Wallonia using LCA as an eco design tool. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Europe 33rd Annual Meeting (Dublin, Ireland, du 30/04/2023 au 04/07/2023).


Horvath, Mélanie ; Trachte Sophie ; Pardoen, Thomas. New circular building composite material to upcycle building wastes. Réemploi : Vers une plasticité des pratiques (Mons, Belgique, 16/02/2023).


Heremans, Thibaut ; Perlade, Astrid ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Patterned ductile-brittle failure mode transition in medium-manganese steel sheets. 3rd Benelux Network Meeting & Workshop on Damage & Fracture Mechanics (BDFM-2023) (Antwerp, Belgium, 25/05/2023). In: BDFM-2023_Book of abstracts, 2023, p. Poster No. 8.


Li, Meng ; Chaouadi, Rachid ; Uytdenhowen, I. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bonny, G.. The Effect of Loss of Constraint on the Initiation of Ductile Fracture in a Mini-CT. ASME 2023 _ Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference (Atlanta - USA, du 16/07/2023 au 21/07/2023). In: Conference proceedings - Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, 2023. 978-0-7918-8744-8 .


van Innis, Charline ; Michal Kazimierz Budzik ; Pardoen, Thomas. Ultra tough architected joints through single step bonding process with tunable properties. AB2023 7th International Conference on Adhesive Bonding 2023 (Porto, Portugal, du 13/07/2023 au 14/07/2023).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Jaddi, S. ; Malik, Mohammad Wasil ; Wang, B. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. A crack-on-chip fracture mechanics method for freestanding ultra-thin films from brittle to ductile down to 2D materials. 18th European Mechanics of Materials Conference - EMMC18 (Oxford, UK, du 04/04/2022 au 06/04/2022). In: 18th European Mechanics of Materials Conference - EMMC18, 2022.


van Innis, Charline ; Budzik, Michal K. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Composite joint toughening by multiscale architecturing through integrated manufacturing. 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference (Galway, Ireland, du 04/07/2022 au 08/07/2022).


Abouhadid, F. ; Kermouche, G. ; Sao-Joao, S. ; Dreano, A. ; Mollon, G. ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Fouvry, S. ; Guillonneau, G.. Design & performance of micro shear-compression specimen: understanding geometrical and material coupling. ECI Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development VIII (Split, Croatia, du 2/10/2022 au 7/10/2022).


Bagherpour, Alireza ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Orekhov, Andrey ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lucas, Stéphane. Dual-phase CuZr thin film metallic glasses (TFMGs) deposited by PVD magnetron sputtering: bias voltage and thickness dependency of structure, hardness, and wear resistance. Surfaces, interfaces and Coatings Technologies international Conference (SICT2022) (Barcelona, du 27/04/2022 au 29/04/2022).


Jaddi, S. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Idrissi, H. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Fracture properties and environmentally assisted subcritical crack growth of thin freestanding Al2O3, SiO2 and SiN films using residual stress-induced crack-on-a-chip testing technique. European Conference on Fracture 2022 - ECF23 (Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, du 27/06/2022 au 01/07/2022).


Mai, T. ; Leenaers, A. ; Wight, J. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Van den Berghe, S. ; André, Nicolas ; Coulombier, N. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Holistic approach to investigate burn-up dependent thermal conductivity in dispersed fuel plates. The Nuclear Materials Conference – NuMat 2022 (Ghent, Belgium, du 24/10/2022 au 28/10/2022).


Li, Xiang ; Caes, S. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; De Schutter, G. ; Kursten, B.. Influence of the lithium salts as corrosion inhibitors on the corrosion process of aluminium in OPC matrix. EUROCORR 2022 (Berlin, Germany, du 28/08/2022 au 01/09/2022).


van Innis, Charline ; Pardoen, Thomas. Integrated manufacturing and toughening of composite joints using a PEI film. CertBond Training School 2 (Guimaraes, Portugal, du 17/10/2022 au 19/10/2022).


Klavzer, Nathan ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Breite, Christian ; Swolfs, Yentl ; Chevalier, Jérémy ; Bailly, Christian. Major trends in the elasto-visco-plastic behaviour of highly cross-linked epoxy resins. ESMC22 - 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference (Galway, Ireland, du 05/07/2022 au 08/07/2022).


Klavzer, Nathan ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Chevalier, Jérémy. Nanomechanical characterisation of unidirectional fibre reinforced composites at the fibre matrix level. 18th European Mechanics of Materials Conference - EMMC18 (Oxford, United Kingdom, du 04/04/2022 au 06/04/2022).


Voet, Vincent ; De Fruytier, Christophe ; Simar, Aude ; Pardoen, Thomas. Thermal ageing of electronic component solder joints for space applications: a combined finite element and deep learning approach. ICAM22 (Virtual conference, du 07/03/2022 au 10/03/2022).


Li, Meng ; Chaouadi, Rachid ; Brynk, Tomasz ; Uytdenhouwen, Inge ; Pardoen, Thomas. size correction scheme to determine fracture toughness with mini-CT geometry in the transition regime. NuMat2022: The Nuclear Materials Conference (Ghent, Belgium, du 24/10/2022 au 28/10/2022).


Jaddi, Sahar ; Malik, Mohammad Wasil ; Wang, Bin ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. A crack-on-chip testing method applied to freestanding ultra-thin films from brittle to ductile down to 2D materials. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Process - EUROMAT 2021 (Graz, Austria, du 12/09/2021 au 16/09/2021).


Khiara, Nargisse ; Onimus, Fabien ; Dupuy, Laurent ; Crocombette, Jean-Paul ; Jublot-Leclerc, Stéphanie ; Jourdan, Thomas ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Bréchet, Yves. A novel displacement cascade driven irradiation creep mechanism in pure copper. 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (Orlando, FL, USA, du 14/03/2021 au 18/03/2021).


van Innis, Charline ; Ballout, Wael ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Bonding polymer Composites with PEI film: crack trapping and enhanced fracture resitstance. Les Assemblages mécaniques - Evolutions récentes et perspectives (Saint-Ouen, France, du 01/07/2021 au 02/07/2021).


Khiara, Nargisse ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Onimus, Fabien ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bréchet, Yves. Creep behavior of helium implanted submicron films under irradiation. 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (Orlando, FL, USA, du 14/03/2021 au 18/03/2021).


Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Lumbeeck, Gunnar ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Pardoen, Thomas. Effect of ageing on the mechanical behavior of nanocrystalline metallic thin films. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Process - EUROMAT 2021 (Graz, Austria, du 12/09/2021 au 16/09/2021).


Jaddi, Sahar ; Wang, Bin ; Malik, Mohammad Wasil ; Zeng, Yun ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Fracture toughness and fracture strain of single-layer freestanding graphene extracted by on-chip testing. 2021 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit (Seattle, WA, USA, du 18/04/2021 au 23/04/2021).


Malik, Mohammad Wasil ; Wang, Bin ; Jaddi, Sahar ; Yan, Yiyi ; Reis, Victor ; Zeng, Yun ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Hackens, Benoît ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Impact of oxygen on CVD grown boron nitride layers. 2021 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit (Seattle, WA, USA, du 18/04/2021 au 23/04/2021).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Orekhov, Andrey ; Wang, Hui ; Baral, Paul ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Idrissi, Hosni. Interface controlled high strength, ductile and tough hybrid Al/amorphous Al2O3 nanolaminates. The 2021 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) (Virtual conference, du 31/05/2021 au 4/06/2021).


Horvath, Mélanie ; Trachte Sophie ; Pardoen, Thomas. New circular building composite material to upcycle building wastes. CISBAT 2021 (EPFL, Lausanne, Suisse, du 08/09/2021 au 10/09/2021).


Horvath, Mélanie ; Trachte, Sophie ; Pardoen, Thomas. Nouveau matériau composite circulaire pour application dans le bâtiment. conférence sur la recherche interdisciplinaire et transdisciplinaire "Transition et Développement Durable" (Louvain-La-Neuve, 26/11/2021).


Ghidelli, M. ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Orekhov, Andrey ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Park, J.-U. ; Li Bassi, A. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Novel nanostructured thin film metallic glasses for stretchable electronics. The 2021 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) (Virtual conference, du 31/05/2021 au 4/06/2021).


Bahramia, F. ; D'Hease, C. ; Nysten, Bernard ; Hammad, M. ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. On the extraction of accurate stiffness and strength properties of 2D materials using atomic force microscopy induced membrane deflection. The 2021 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) (Virtual conference, du 31/05/2021 au 4/06/2021).


Idrissi, Hosni ; Daudin, R. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Lhuissier, P. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Blandin, J.-J. ; Schülli, T.U. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Plasticity mechanisms in ZrNi metallic glass thin films with high strength/ductility balance. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Process - EUROMAT 2021 (Graz, Austria, du 12/09/2021 au 16/09/2021).


Baral, Paul ; Orekhov, Andrey ; Dohmen, Ralf ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Cordier, Patrick ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Pardoen, Thomas. Rheology of amorphous olivine thin films characterized by nanoindentation at ambient temperature. The 2021 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) (Virtual conference, du 31/05/2021 au 4/06/2021).


Baral, Paul ; Wang, Hui ; Jaddi, Sahar ; Houssiau, Clémentine ; Orekhov, Andrey ; Bagherpour, Alireza ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Favache, Audrey ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Lucas, Stéphane ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Pardoen, Thomas. Size and structure dependent ductility, strength and toughness of thin hybrid Al/Al2O3 nanolaminated films. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Process - EUROMAT 2021 (Graz, Austria, du 12/09/2021 au 16/09/2021).


Jaddi, Sahar ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Static fracture toughness and environmentally assisted cracking in thin freestanding SiO2 and SiN films using crack-on-chip testing. The 2021 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) (Virtual conference, du 31/05/2021 au 4/06/2021).


Voet, Vincent ; Van Loock, Frederik ; De Fruytier, Christophe ; Simar, Aude ; Pardoen, Thomas. Thermal ageing of electronic component solder joints for space applications. COMPLAS (Barcelona, Spain, du 07/09/2021 au 09/09/2021).


Voet, Vincent ; Van Loock, Frederik ; De Fruytier, Christophe ; Simar, Aude ; Pardoen, Thomas. Thermal ageing of electronic component solder joints for space applications. Colloque Assemblages Mécaniques, Supméca (Saint Ouen, France, du 01/07/2021 au 02/07/2021).


Coulombier, Michaël ; Baral, Paul ; Pip, Alex ; Dohmen, Ralf ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Cordier, Patrick ; Idrissi, Hosni. Time dependent response of amorphous olivine thin films determined by on-chip nanomechanical testing. The 2021 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) (Virtual conference, du 31/05/2021 au 4/06/2021).


Ghidelli, M. ; Idrissi, H. ; Orekhov, A. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Park, J.-U. ; Li Bassi, Andrea ; Pardoen, Thomas. Toward novel stretchable electronics with nanostructured metallic glass films. The International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films – ICMCTF 2020 (San Diego, California, USA, du 26/04/2020 au 01/05/2020).


Klavzer, Nathan ; Van Loock, Frederik ; Chevalier, Jérémy ; Brassart, Laurence ; Pardoen, Thomas. Visco-Plastic Behaviour of a Polymer Matrix at the Fibre Diameter Length Scale: a Finite Element Mesoscale Model Relying on Shear Transformation Zone (STZ) Dynamics. ECCOMAS VIII Conference on Mechanical Response of Composites (Göteborg, Suède (online), du 22/09/2021 au 24/09/2021).


Gayot, Sarah ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Gérard, Pierre ; Van Loock, Frederik. A computationally efficient thermomechanical model for the in-situ polymerization of a methyl methacrylate-based resin in a thick glass fiber laminate. ASC 35th Technical Conference (New York City, USA, du 23/09/2020 au 24/09/2020). In: Proceedings of the ASC 35th Technical Conference, 2020.


Khiara, N. ; Onimus, F. ; Dupuy, L. ; Crocombette, J.-P. ; Jublot-Leclerc S. ; Jourdan, T. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Bréchet, Y.. A novel displacement cascade driven irradiation creep mechanism in α-zirconium and copper. The Nuclear Materials Conference - NUMAT 2020 (Ghent, Belgium, du 26/10/2020 au 29/10/2020).


Inanç, M ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Tekoglu, C. An enhanced Mori-Tanaka Homogenization Scheme for Incremental, Non-Linear Rate-Independent Plasticity. ICMM 2020 - 11th International Conference on Mechatronics and Manufacturing (Tokyo, Japan, du 10/01/2020 au 12/01/2020).


Jaddi, Sahar ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Fracture toughness and environmentally assisted subcritical cracking of thin freestanding Al2O3 and SiO2 films. 17th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC17) (Madrid (Spain), du 27/05/2020 au 29/05/2020).


Croonenborghs, Maïté ; Ismail, Karim ; Everaerts, J ; Korsunsky, AM ; Laville, Colin ; Delannay, Laurent ; Pardoen, Thomas. Influence du pliage sur la resistance en fatigue des tiges de croissance. Aussois 2020 - Contraintes résiduelles : de nouveaux outils pour de nouveaux défis (Aussois, France, du 20/01/2020 au 24/01/2020).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Dépinoy, S. ; Strepenne, F. ; Bertholet, Y. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Massart, T. J. ; Godet, S.. Interface toughening in multilayered systems through extrinsic plastically deforming or compliant dissipative interlayers. 17th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC17) (Madrid (Spain), du 27/05/2020 au 29/05/2020) (Soumis).


Pardoen, Thomas. Matériaux ultra minces autoportés – terrain de jeu pour de nouveaux croisements entre mécanique et physique de l’état solide. Conférence-débat: Plasticité, rupture et nano-matériaux: interactions entre physique et mécanique (Académie des Sciences, Institut de France, Paris, 25/02/2020).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Morelle, Xavier ; Chavalier, Jérémy ; Brassart, Laurence ; Camanho, P. ; Bailly, Christian ; Van Loock, Frederik ; Lani, Frédéric. Micromechanics of deformation and fracture in highly cross-linked thermosets – Impact on composite modelling. Laboratoire de mécanique des Solides - LMS Seminars (Zoominar, 14/05/2020).


Hannard, Florent ; Maire, Eric ; Morgeneyer, Thilo ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Simar, Aude. Microstructure heterogeneity dominated ductile fracture of 6xxx aluminium alloys. ICAA (virtual conference, du 27/10/2020 au 28/10/2020).


Baral, Paul ; Houssiau, Clémentine ; Bagherpour, Alireza ; Muller, Jérôme ; Orekhov, Andrey ; Favache, Audrey ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Van Loock, Frederik ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Lucas, Stéphane ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Pardoen, Thomas. Size and structure dependent ductility, strength and toughness of thin hybrid nanolaminated films. Materials Science and Engineering Congress (MSE) (Darmstadt, Germany, du 22/09/2020 au 25/09/2020).


Jaddi, Sahar ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Ténacité et propagation sous-critique de fissure dans les couches minces de dioxyde de silicium et de nitrure de silicium. Aussois 2020 - Contraintes résiduelles: de nouveaux outils pour de nouveaux défis (Aussois, France, du 20/01/2020 au 24/01/2020) (Soumis).


Khiara, N. ; Onimus, F. ; Dupuy, L. ; Crocombette, J.-P. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Brechet, Y.. Un nouveau mécanisme de fluage d’irradiation induit par les cascades de déplacements générées par l’irradiation. Plasticité 2020 (Toulouse (France), du 30/03/2020 au 01/04/2020) (Soumis).


Gayot, Sarah ; Van Loock, Frederik ; Gérard,Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian. Vacuum infusion of thick glass-fibre reinforced methacrylic composites: computationally efficient modelling of temperature profiles and kinetics during in-situ polymerization. 19th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM19) (Nantes, France, du 22/06/2020 au 26/06/2020).


Khiara, N. ; Onimus, F. ; Dupuy, L. ; Crocombette, J. P. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Brechet, Y.. A molecular dynamics study of irradiation creep deformation mechanisms in α-zirconium. 1st Colloquium on Theoretical and Experimental Micro-Mechanics (Metz (France), du 18/11/2019 au 19/11/2019).


Khiara, N. ; Onimus, F. ; Dupuy, L. ; Crocombette, J. P. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Brechet, Y.. A molecular dynamics study of irradiation creep deformation mechanisms in α-zirconium. Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems - MiNES (Baltimore (USA), du 06/10/2019 au 10/10/2019).


Nguyen, Van Dung ; Harik, P ; Hilhorst, Antoine ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal ; Noels, Ludovic. A multi-mechanism non-local porosity model for high-ductile materials; application to high entropy alloys. Asian Pacific Congress on Compuqtational Mechanics (APCOM 2019) (Taipei, Taiwan, du 18/12/2019 au 21/12/2019). In: Book of abstracts (online) APCOM2019, 2019, MS501A - # 0155.


Kermouche, Guillaume ; Baral, Paul ; Loubet, J.L. ; Ghidelli, Matteo ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. A new long-term nanoindentation relaxation method to characterize the time-dependent behavior of thin ZrNi metallic glass films. 17th International conference on liquid and amorphous metals (Lyon, France, du 26/08/2019 au 30/08/2019).


Nguyen, Van Dung ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Noels, Ludovic. A nonlocal model for ductile failure incorporating void growthh and coalescence. 29th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials (IWCMM29) (Dubrovnik, Croatie, du 15/09/2019 au 18/09/2019).


Lequesne, Cédric ; Xiong, Hu ; Delsemme, Jean-Pierre ; Strepenne, François ; Bruyneel, Michaël ; Destoop, Vincent ; Pardoen, Thomas ; de Lumley Woodyear, Thibault ; Nepper, Vincent. Assess impact of fiber waviness on composite structure performance by finite element modelling. NAFEMS World Congress 2019 (Quebec, Canada, du 17/06/2019 au 20/06/2019). In: Proceedings of NAFEMS World Congress 2019, 2019.


Cea, Andrew Ken ; Leenaers, A ; Van den Berghe, S ; Pardoen, Thomas. Corrosion analysis of UALx fuel for medical isotope production. 7th sympsium on Medical Radioisotopes (Liège,Belgium, du 10/05/2019 au 12/05/2019).


Pardoen, Thomas. Des matériaux ultra-résistants c’est bien, des matériaux qui sont également tenaces, c’est mieux. Journées Annuelles SF2M 2019 (Paris, France, du 21/10/2019 au 23/10/2019).


Yin, Chao ; Terentyev, Dmitry ; Petrov, Roumen ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Van Dyck, S.. Effect of high temperature neutron irradiation on fracture toughness of ITER-specification tungsten. 7th International Conference on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion (Eindhoven, The Netherlands, du 20/05/2019 au 24/05/2019).


Breite, Christian ; Feyen, V. ; Chevalier, Jérémy ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lomov, S.V. ; Gorbatikh, L. ; Swolfs, Y.. Effect of viscoplasticity of the epoxy matrix on long-term stress redistribution around fibre breaks in a composite subjected to high static tensile load. COMPOSITES 2019, 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the Mechanical Response of Composites (Gerona, Spain, du 18/09/2019 au 20/09/2019). In: Book of abstracts - COMPOSITES 2019, Editors A. Turon, P. Maimi & M. Fagerström, 2019, p. 78.


Khiara, N. ; Dupuy, L. ; Onimus, F. ; Crocombette, J.-P. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Expériences de traction in situ sous irradiation : application aux alliages de zirconium et de cuivre. 63ièmes journées du GUMP (Groupe des Utilisateurs de Microscopie électronique Philips-FEI) (CSNSM/JANNuS-Orsay, Orsay (France), du 11/06/2019 au 13/06/2019) (Soumis).


Pardoen, Thomas. Fracture Mechanics in nanoobjects. 1st Benelux network meeting and workshop on damage and fracture mechanics (BDFM-2019) (Antwerp, Belgium, 13/05/2019).


Ismail, Karim ; Brassart, Laurence ; Perlade, A ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Fracture mechanisms of dual-phase steels exhibiting a platelet-like microstructure. COMPLAS2019 (Barcelona, Spain, du 03/09/2019 au 05/09/2019).


Ismail, Karim ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal ; Perlade, A ; Brassart, L. Fracture mechanisms of dual-phase steels exhibiting a platelet-like microstructure.. CFRAC2019 (Braunschweig, Germany, du 12/06/2019 au 14/06/2019). In: Book of abstracts (online), 2019, # a101.


Cea, Andrew Ken ; Leenaers, A ; Van den Berghe, S ; Pardoen, Thomas. Grain boundary engineering for the enhanced extraction of medical isotopes. PhDs Day at SCK-CEN (Mol, Belgium, 02/10/2019).


Bahrami, Farzaneh ; Hammad, Mohamed ; Fivel, Marc ; Huet, Benjamin ; D'Haese, Cécile ; Ding, Lipeng ; Nysten, Bernard ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Graphene effect on mechanical response of copper film. Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development VII, ECI (Malaga, Spain, du 30/09/2019 au 04/10/2019). In: Online Proceedings of NANOCHEMTEST VII, 2019, 129.


Bahrami, Farzaneh ; Fivel, Marc ; Wasil Malik, Mohammed ; Huet, Benjamin ; Hammad, Mohamed ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Graphene effect on mechanical response of metal substrate. Euromat 2019, European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (Stockholm, Sweden, du 01/09/2019 au 05/09/2019). In: Abstract Book - EUROMAT 2019, 2019, p. 1370.


Bahrami, Farzaneh ; Hammad, Mohamed ; Fivel, Marc ; Huet, Benjamin ; D'Haese, Cécile ; Ding, Lipeng ; Nysten, Bernard ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Graphene effect on mechanical response of metal substrate,. RBSM 2019 (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 09/09/2019). In: Abstract booklet, 2019, p. 13-14.


Idrissi, Hosni ; van der Werf, Thomas ; Samaee, Vahid ; Lumbeeck, Gunnar ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Cordier, Patrick. In situ TEM nanomechanical testing of antigorite plasticity and faulting. EGU General Assembly (Vienna, Austria, du 07/04/2019 au 12/04/2019).


Wang, Hui ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Interface Controlled Ductile Hybrid Crystal/Amorphous Nanolaminates . 1st Colloquium on Theoretical and Experimental Micro-Mechanics (Metz, France, du 18/11/2019 au 19/11/2019).


Wang, Hui ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Coulombier, Michaël. Interface Controlled Super Tough Crystal/Amorphous Hybrid Nanolaminate Coatings. RBSM meeting 2019 (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 09/09/2019).


Orekhov, Andrey ; Ghidelli, Matteo ; Béché, Armand ; Nord, Magnus ; Verbeeck, Johan ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Idrissi, Hosni. Investigation of the nanoscale plasticity mechanisms in nanostructured thin metallic glass films using advanced in‐situ TEM nanomechanical testing. RBSM 2019. In: Book of abstracts, 2019, p. 4.


Kermouche, Guillaume ; Baral, Paul ; Guillonneau, Gaylord ; Loubet, Jean-Luc ; Ghidelli, Matéo ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Idrissi, Hosni. Measurement of the creep behavior of thin ZrNi metallic glass films – a comparison between nanoindentation relaxation, nanoindentation creep and lab-on-chips experiments. ECI conference, Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development VII (Malaga, Spain, du 29/09/2019 au 04/10/2019).


Chevalier, Jérémy ; Morelle, Xavier ; Brassart, Laurence ; Camanho, P. ; Bailly, Christian ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas. Micromechanics of deformation and fracture in highly cross-linked thermosets – impact on composite modelling. COMPOSITES 2019, 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the Mechanical Response of Composites (Gerona, Spain, du 18/09/2019 au 20/09/2019). In: Book of abstracts - COMPOSITES 2019, 2019, p. P.19.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Hannard, Florent ; Ismail, Karim ; Miotti Bettanini, Alvise ; Lecarme, Liza ; Maire, Eric ; Perlade, Astrid ; Mithieux, Jean-Denis ; Brassart, Laurence ; Delannay, Laurent ; Jacques, Pascal ; Simar, Aude. Microstructure heterogeneity dominated ductile fracture. 1st International Workshop on Plasticity, Damage and Fracture of Engineering Materials (Ankara, Turkey, du 22/08/2019 au 23/08/2019).


Ghidelli, Matteo ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Orekhov, Andrey ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Li Bassi, Andrea ; Pardoen, Thomas. Novel nanostructured thin film metallic glasses with superior mechanical properties. 26th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (Chennai, India, du 08/07/2019 au 12/07/2019).


Hilhorst, Antoine ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal. On the Characterization of the Exceptional Fracture Toughness of CrMnFeCoNi High Entropy Alloy. TMS 2019 (San Antonio, Texas, du 10/03/2019 au 14/03/2019).


Gayot, Sarah ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Chevalier, Jérémy ; Gérard, Pierre. Relationship between processing parameters and mechanical properties of thick glass fibre reinforced pmma composites. COMPOSITES 2019, 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the Mechanical Response of Composites (Gerone, Spain, du 18/09/2019 au 20/09/2019). In: Conference proceedings - COMPOSITES 2019, 2019, p. P.81.


Gayot, Sarah ; Gérard, Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian. Relationships between processing parameters, mechanical and chemical properties of thick glass fibre reinforced thermoplastic methacrylic composites. FibreMoD Conference (Leuven, Belgium, du 11/12/2019 au 12/12/2019).


Ismail, Karim ; Brassart, Laurence ; Perlade, Astrid ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Résistance à la fissuration exceptionnelle d’aciers dual-phase à microstructure plaquettaire. Journées Annuelles SF2M 2019 (Paris, France, du 21/10/2019 au 23/10/2019).


Khiara, N. ; Dupuy, L. ; Onimus, F. ; Crocombette, J.-P. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Brechet, Y.. Simulation de dynamique moléculaire des mécanismes de fluage d’irradiation du zirconium. Colloque Plasticité 2019 (Villeneuve d'Ascq (France), du 15/04/2019 au 17/04/2019). In: Colloque Plasticité 2019, 2019.


Jaddi, Sahar ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Subcritical crack growth in freestanding silicon nitride and silicon dioxide thin films. Euromat 2019, European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (Stockholm, Sweden, du 01/09/2019 au 05/09/2019). In: Abstract book - EUROMAT 2019, 2019, p. 1361.


Jaddi, Sahar ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Subcritical crack growth in freestanding silicon nitride and silicon dioxide thin films using residual stress-induced crack on-chip testing technique. ECI - The Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development VII (Malaga (Spain), du 29/09/2019 au 04/10/2019). In: Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development VII (ECI Symposium Series), Jon Molina-Aldareguia, IMDEA-Materials Institute, Spain Eds, 2019.


Hilhorst, Antoine ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal. Sur la caractérisation de la ténacité exceptionnelle des alliages à haute entropie à base de métaux de transition. Journées Annuelles SF2M 2019 (Paris, du 21/10/2019 au 23/10/2019).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Morelle, Xavier ; Chevalier, Jérémy ; Klavzer, Nathan ; Van Loock, Frederik ; Lani, Frédéric ; Brassart, Laurence ; Camanho, P. ; Bailly, Christian. Towards more predictive composite models. 2019 CFK Valley / SAMPE Benelux fall meeting (Charleroi, Belgium, 18/11/2019).


Idrissi, Hosni ; Ghidelli, M. ; Gravier, S. ; Blandin, J.J. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Pardoen, Thomas. Atomistic plasticity mechanisms in metallic glass thin films : new insights from advanced transmission electron microscopy. 2018 DPG Spring meeting (Berlin, Germnay, du 12/03/2018 au 16/03/2018).


Vlémincq, Céline ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Nysten, Bernard ; Gandin, Ezio. Characterization and modeling of the ageing of polymers in contact to fluids using nanomechanical probes . SEM2018 - International Congress & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics (Greenville, SC, USA, du 04/06/2018 au 07/06/2018).


Vlémincq, Céline ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Nysten, Bernard ; Gandin, Ezio. Characterization and modeling of the ageing of polymers in contact to fluids using nanomechanical probes. Nanobrücken 2018, A Nanomechanical Testing Conference and Bruker Hysitron User Meeting (Erlangen, Germany, du 20/02/2018 au 22/02/2018). In: Programme Nanobrücken 2018, 2018, 29.


Ismail, Karim ; Brassart, Laurence ; Perlade, Astrid ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Damage mechanisms and fracture toughness of dual-phase steels exhibiting a platelet-like microstructure. EMMC 16 (Nantes, France, du 26/03/2018 au 28/03/2018).


Idrissi, Hosni ; Samaeeaghmiyoni, V. ; Bollinger, C. ; Boioli, F. ; Gatti, R. ; Devincre, B. ; Cordier, P. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique. Dislocation based plasticity: new insights from quantitative in-situ TEM tensile testing. Schöntal Symposium on ‘Dislocation based Plasticity’ (Schöntal, Germany, du 26/02/2018 au 01/03/2018).


Miotti Bettanini, Alvise ; Laville, Colin ; Mithieux, Jean-Denis ; Parrens, Coralie ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Laurent. Ductile to brittle failure transition under bending deformation of martensitic stainless steels. ESMC 2018, 10th European Solid Mechnics Conference (Bologna, Italy, du 02/07/2018 au 06/07/2018).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Jaddi, Sahar ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Fracture mechanics on a chip. European Materials Research Society (EMRS 2018) (Strasbourg, France, du 18/06/2018 au 22/06/2018). In: Proceedings of Proceedings of EMRS Spring Meeting, 2018.


Lumbeeck, Gunnar ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Samaeeaghmiyoni, Vahid ; Béché, Armand ; Haque, Aman ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique. Grain size dependent deformation mechanisms in nanocrystalline thin films: insights from new dedicated sample preparation method. European Materials Research Society (EMRS 2018) (Strasbourg, France, du 18/06/2018 au 22/06/2018). In: Proceedings of the European Materials Research Society (EMRS 2018), 2018.


Ismail, Karim ; Brassart, Laurence ; Perlade, Astrid ; Jacques, Pascal J. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Heterogeneous microstructure informed computational unit cell modelling of the plastic behaviour of dual-phase steels. ESMC 2018 (Bologna, du 02/07/2018 au 06/07/2018).


Cordier, Patrick ; van der Werf, Thomas ; Lumbeeck, Gunnar ; Samaee, Vahid ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Idrissi, Hosni. In situ TEM nanomechanical testing of antigorite suggest weak interfaces. Fall Meeting 2018, AGU - Session MR43A : Tensile and Shear Dynamic Rupturing Across Multiple Scales: Precursory Deformation (Washington, D.C., USA, du 10/12/2018 au 14/12/2018). In: Proceedings of the AGU Fall Meeting 2018, 2018, p. MR43A-05.


Croonenborghs, Maïté ; Ismail, Karim ; Mousny, Maryline ; Pardoen, Thomas. Influence of angle on failure of growth rods in H3S2 construct. 16th Edition of the European Mechanics of Material Conference (Nantes (France), du 26/03/2018 au 28/03/2018). In: Book of abstract of ECCM16, 2018, 267.


Brassart, Laurence ; Morelle, Xavier ; Chevalier, Jérémy ; Lani, Frédéric ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Micromechanics of Highly-Crosslinked Thermosets. 18th International Conference on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 18) (The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, du 15/07/2018 au 19/07/2018). In: Book of abstract ICSMA18, 2018, 31.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Morelle, Xavier ; Chevalier, Jérémy ; Brassart, Laurence ; Camanho, P. ; Bailly, Christian ; Lani, Frédéric. Micromechanics of cross-linked thermosets and application to composite multiscale modelling. International Conference on Composites (Liège, Belgium, du 02/10/2018 au 03/10/2018).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Morelle, Xavier ; Chevalier, Jérémy ; Brassart, Laurence ; Camanho, P. ; Bailly, Christian ; Lani, Frédéric. Micromechanics of deformation and fracture in highly cross-linked thermosets. 16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (Nantes, France, du 26/03/2018 au 28/03/2018). In: Book of abstract of EMMC16, 2018, 35.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Morelle, Xavier ; Chevalier, Jérémy ; Brassart, Laurence ; Camanho, P. ; Bailly, Christian ; Lani, Frédéric. Micromechanics of deformation and fracture in highly cross-linked thermosets and size effects. IUTAM Symposium on Size-effect in Microstructure and Damage Evolution (Copenhagen, Denmark, du 28/05/2018 au 01/06/2018).


Pardoen, Thomas. Microstructure heterogeneity dominated ductile fracture. Workshop on Topics in ductile fracture of metals (Trondheim, Norway, du 17/10/2018 au 18/10/2018).


Chevalier, Jérémy ; Morelle, Xavier ; Camanho, Pedro ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas. Modelling of an epoxy matrix based on the shear transformation zone framework. 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference (Bologna, Italy, du 02/07/2018 au 06/07/2018).


Idrissi, Hosni ; Samaeeaghmiyoni, V. ; Bollinger, C. ; Boioli, F. ; Gatti, R. ; Devincre, B. ; Cordier, P. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique. New dedicated methods for the improvement of quantitative in-situ TEM nanomechanical testing. European Mechanics of Material Conference (EMMC16) (Nantes, France, du 26/03/2018 au 28/03/2018). In: Book of abstracts of ECCM16, 2018, 337.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Jaddi, Sahar ; Ghidelli, Matteo ; Vayrette, Renaud ; Idrissi, Hosni. On a chip MEMS based mechanical testing. Workshop on stress in microelectronics (Leuven, Belgium, 10/09/2018) (Soumis).


Jaddi, Sahar ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. On a chip fracture mechanics test method. 16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference EMMC16 (Nantes, du 26/03/2018 au 28/03/2018). In: Proceedings of the 16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference EMMC16, 2018.


Lapouge, Pierre ; Onimus, F. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bréchet, Yves. On chip study of the irradiation creep behavior of copper films. 16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (Nantes, France, du 26/03/2018 au 28/03/2018). In: Proceedings of the 16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference, 2018.


Dépinoy, S. ; Massart, T.J. ; Godet, Stéphane ; Pardoen, Thomas. On the mode I interfacial toughness of adhesive bonds accounting for strain-softening. 16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (Nantes, France, du 26/03/2018 au 28/03/2018). In: Book of abstracts of ECCM16, 2018, 42.


Ghidelli, Matteo ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Schülli, T. ; Gravier, S. ; Blandin, J.J. ; Daudin, Rémi ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. On the processing, mechanical and structural characterization of ZrNi amorphous thin films. 25th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM 2018) (Roma, Italy, du 02/07/2018 au 06/07/2018). In: Proceedings of the 25th ISMANAM 2018, 2018, p. ID #274.


Idrissi, Hosni ; Samaeeaghmiyoni, V. ; Bollinger, C. ; Boioli, F. ; Gatti, R. ; Devincre, B. ; Cordier, P. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique. Pushing the limits of quantitative in-situ nanomechanical testing in TEM. Hands-on in-situ electron microscopy workshop (Karlsruhe, Germany, du 15/05/2018 au 17/05/2018).


Hannard, Florent ; Simar, Aude ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Maire, Eric. Quantitative assessment of the impact of second phase particle arrangement on damage and fracture anisotropy. 16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (Nantes, France, du 26/03/2018 au 28/03/2018).


Pardoen, Thomas. Solid mechanics on a chip. ESMC 2018, 10th European SOlid Mechanics Conference (Bologna, Italy, du 02/07/2018 au 06/07/2018).


Bruyneel, M. ; Strepenne, F. ; Destoop, Vincent ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lequesnes, C. ; Delsemme,J.P. ; Delumley Woodyear . Study of fiber waviness in composite structures supported by simulation. International Conference on Composites (Liège, Belgium, du 02/10/2018 au 03/10/2018).


Fivel, Marc ; Tummala, Hareesh ; Hammad, Mohamed ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Delannay, Laurent. 3D DD Investigations of the Role of Interfaces on Dislocation Plasticity. MRS Spring Meeting 2017 (Phoenix, USA, du 17/04/2017 au 21/04/2017).


Chevalier, Jérémy ; Morelle, Xavier ; Camanho, Pedro ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas. Characterization and multi-scale modeling of the transverse compression of thick RTM-processed uni-directional samples. 11th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting (Vienna, Austria, du 03/07/2017 au 06/07/2017).


Hannard, Florent ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Maire, Eric ; Simar, Aude. Ductilization of aluminium alloy 6056 by friction stir processing. FSWP 2017 (Metz, France, du 11/10/2017 au 13/10/2017).


Hannard, Florent ; Castin, Sidney ; Maire, Eric ; Mokso, Rajmund ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Simar, Aude. Effect of friction stir processing on the damage resistance of 6xxx series aluminium alloys. TMS 2017 (San Diego, USA, du 26/02/2017 au 02/03/2017).


Hannard, Florent ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Maire, Eric ; Simar, Aude. Effect of friction stir processing on the damage resistance of 6xxx series aluminium alloys. FSWP 2017 (Metz, France, du 11/10/2017 au 13/10/2017).


Daudin, Rémi ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Schülli, Tobias ; Zhou, Tao ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Etude de la déformation locale de films minces de verres métalliques par nano-diffraction de rayons X synchrotron. Journées annuelles de la SF2M, Matériaux, microstructures et fonctionnalités (Lyon, France, du 23/10/2017 au 25/10/2017). In: Book of abstracts - Journées annuelles de la SF2M 2017, 2017, JA0035.


Miotti Bettanini, Alvise ; Delannay, Laurent ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Badinier, Guillaume ; Mithieux, Jean-Denis. Influence Of Microscopic Strain Heterogeneity On The Formability Of Martensitic Stainless Steel. ESAFORM 2017 (Dublin, Ireland, du 26/04/2017 au 28/04/2017). In: Proceedings of ESAFORM, 2017.


Sandu, Georgiana ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Kumar, Vishank ; Kassa, Hailu Gebru ; Avram, Ionel ; Ye, Ran ; Stopin, A. ; Bonifazi, D. ; Gohy, Jean-François ; Leclère, Philippe ; Gonze, Xavier ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Vlad, Alexandru ; Melinte, Sorin. Kinked silicon nanowires-based electrode configuration for lithium-ion batteries. E-MRS 2017 Spring Meeting (Strasbourg (France), du 22/05/2017 au 26/05/2017) (Soumis).


Chevalier, Jérémy ; Morelle, Xavier ; Camanho, P.P. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lani, Frédéric. Micro-mechanics based pressure dependent failure model for highly cross-linked epoxy resins. 8th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives (les Diablerets, Switzerland, du 10/09/2017 au 14/09/2017).


Pardoen, Thomas. On chip irradiation creep testing of copper films. 3ème Rencontre Scientifique sur l'Effet de l'Irradiation Neutronique sur les Matériaux (EINM2017) (Algiers, Algeria, du 24/10/2017 au 25/10/2017).


Ismail, Karim ; Brassart, Laurence ; Perlade, Astrid ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Plasticity and Fracture in Dual-Phase steels exhibiting a platelet-like microstructure. International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials (IWCMM27) (Leuven, Belgique, du 20/09/2017 au 22/09/2017).


Tran, H.-S ; Tummalah, Hareesh ; Duchêne, L ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Fivel, Marc ; Habraken, A.-M.. Quasicontinuum analysis of dislocation-coherent twin boundary interaction to provide local rules to discrete dislocation dynamics. 20th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming (Dublin, Ireland, du 26/04/2017 au 28/04/2017). In: AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1896, no.1 (2017). doi:10.1063/1.5008190 .


Hannard, Florent ; Simar, Aude ; Maire, Eric ; Le Bourlot, C. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Étude de l’impact du procédé de friction malaxage sur la rupture ductile dans les alliages d’aluminium. Journées annuelles de la SF2M, Matériaux, microstructures et fonctionnalités (Lyon, France, du 23/10/2017 au 25/10/2017). In: book of abstracts - SF2M 2017, 2017, JA0057.


Inanç, M. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Tekoglu, C.. A Numerical Investigation of the Effects of the Per-Phase Properties on the Ductility of Dual-Phase (DP) Steels. 15th European Mechanics of Materilas Conference (EMMC15) (Brussels, Belgium, du 07/09/2016 au 09/09/2016).


Idrissi, Hosni ; Ghidelli, Matteo ; Gravier, Sébastien ; Blandin, Jean-Jacques ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique. Advanced TEM Study of Homogeneous Flow and Size Dependent Mechanical Behaviour in Highly Ductile Zr65Ni35 Metallic Glass Films. MRS Fall Meeting 2016 (Boston, MA, USA, du 27/11/2016 au 02/12/2016). In: European Microscopy Congress 2016: Proceedings, 2016. doi:10.1002/9783527808465.EMC2016.5990.


Voleppe, Quentin ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Assembling of thermoset composites by welding of thermoplastic surface layers: morphology and toughness of the resulting thermoplastic/thermoset interphases.. IMMC15, 15th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (Brussels, Belgium, du 07/09/2016 au 09/09/2016).


Chevalier, Jérémy ; Janssens de Bisthoven, Yann-Alex ; Camanho, Pedro ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lani, Frédéric. Characterization and multi-scale modeling of the transverse compression of thick RTM-processed unidirectional samples. 17th European Conference on Composite Materials (Munich, du 26/06/2016 au 30/06/2016).


Chevalier, Jérémy ; Janssens, Yann-Alex ; Cammanho, Pedro ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lani, Frédéric. Characterization and multi-scale modeling of the transverse compression of thick rtm-processed uni-directional samples. EMMC15 (European mechanics of Materials Conference, du 07/09/2016 au 09/09/2016).


Tummala, Hareesh ; Fivel, Marc ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Laurent ; Lemoine, Guerric. Collective influence of texture, grain shape, size and dislocation density on the plasticity of polycrystalline metallic thin films. EMMC15, 15th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (Brussels, Belgium, du 07/09/2016 au 09/09/2016).


Ismail, Karim ; Pierman, Anne-Pascale ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal ; Brassart, Laurence ; Perlade, Astrid. Damage Mechanisms and Fracture Toughness of Fibrous Dual-Phase Steels for Automotive Applications. ECF21 21st European Conference on Fracture (Catania, Italy, du 20/06/2016 au 24/06/2016).


Ismail, Karim ; Pierman, Anne-Pascale ; Brassart, Laurence ; Perlade, Astrid ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Damage Mechanisms and Fracture Toughness of Fibrous Dual-Phase Steels for Automotive Applications. European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC15) (Bruxelles, Belgique, du 07/09/2016 au 09/09/2016).


Lemoine, Guerric ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Laurent. Dislocation and back stress dominated viscoplasticity in free-standing sub-micron Pd films. ICACM 2016 Symposium (Compiègne, France, du 01/06/2016 au 03/06/2016) (Soumis).


Lemoine, Guerric ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Laurent. Dislocation and back stress dominated viscoplasticity in freestanding sub-micron Pd films. European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC15) (Brussels, Belgium, du 07/09/2016 au 09/09/2016).


Simar, Aude ; Hannard, Florent ; Maire, Eric ; Mokso, Rajmund ; Pardoen, Thomas. Effect of friction stir processing on the damage resistance of 6xxx series aluminium alloys. 11th International Friction Stir Welding Symposium (Cambridge, UK, du 17/05/2016 au 19/05/2016).


Hannard, Florent ; Simar, Aude ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Maire, Eric. Effect of friction stir processing on the damage resistance of 6xxx series aluminium alloys. Int. Conf. on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications (THERMEC 2016) (Graz, Autriche, du 29/05/2016 au 03/06/2016).


Hannard, Florent ; Simar, Aude ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Maire, Eric. Effect of friction stir processing on the damage resistance of 6xxx series aluminium alloys. EMMC15 (Brussels, du 07/09/2016 au 09/09/2016).


Amin-Ahmadi, Benham ; Lumbeeck, Gunnar ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Fivel, Marc ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Proost, Joris ; Schryvers, Dominique. HRTEM investigation of dislocation/hydrogen interaction mechanisms in hydrided nanocrystalline palladium films. European Microscopy Conference (EMC2016) (Lyon, France, du 28/08/2016 au 02/09/2016). In: European Microscopy Congress 2016: Proceedings, 2016. doi:10.1002/9783527808465.EMC2016.5020.


Idrissi, Hosni ; Samaeeaghmiyoni, V. ; Groten, J. ; Schwaiger, R. ; Bollinger, C. ; Boioli, F. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Cordier, P. ; Schryvers, D.. Investigation of small-scale plasticity/fatigue mechanisms and size effects using advanced transmission electron microscopy. MRS Fall Meeting 2016 (Boston, MA, USA, du 27/11/2016 au 02/12/2016). In: Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, 2016 (Soumis).


Coulombier, Michaël ; Favache, Audrey ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Lemoine, Guerric ; Tuyaerts, Romain ; van der Rest, Astrid ; Hammad, Mohamed ; Ureña Begara, Fernando ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Lab on-chip for testing thin film materials: extraction of mechanical properties at the nanometer scale. Belgian Physical Society Meeting (Ghent (Belgium), 18/05/2016). In: Belgian Physical Society Meeting, 2016, paper #62.


Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Lab-on-chip for testing thin film materials: extraction of mechanical and electrical properties under large deformation at the nanometer scale. Third Winfab Scientific Day (UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), 29/01/2016).


Hannard, Florent ; Maire, Eric ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Simar, Aude. Microstructural heterogeneity effects on damage resistance of 6xxx series Aluminium alloys. 2016 EMI International Conference (Metz, France, du 25/10/2016 au 27/10/2016).


Sacré, Charles-Henri ; Lani, Fred ; Guaino, L ; Libralesso, A ; Favache, Audrey ; Pardoen, Thomas. Modélisation des mécanismes de rayure dans des films durs sur sous-couche compliante. Colloque Indentation 2016 (Lille, France, du 12/10/2016 au 14/10/2016).


Idrissi, Hosni ; Ghidelli, M. ; Gravier, S. ; Blandin, J.J. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, D.. Recent investigation of small-scale plasticity mechanisms in 3D and small-sized systems using advanced in-situ TEM nanomechanical testing. European Microscopy Conference (EMC2016) (Lyon, France, du 28/08/2016 au 02/09/2016). In: European Microscopy Congress 2016: Proceedings, 2016. doi:10.1002/9783527808465.EMC2016.8312.


Idrissi, Hosni ; Ghidelli, Matteo ; Gravier, Sébastien ; Blandin, Jean-Jacques ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Pardoen, Thomas. Size dependent mechanical behavior and nanoscale plasticity mechanisms in highly ductile zr65ni35 metallic glass films. EMMC15, 15th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (Brussels, Belgium, du 07/09/2016 au 09/09/2016).


Miotti Bettanini, Alvise ; Delannay, Laurent ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. The Effect of Second Population NbC Carbides on The Shear Localisation in a Nb-Modified AISI 410 Stainless Steel. EMMC15 – 15th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (Brussels, Belgium, du 07/09/16 au 09/09/2016).


Miotti Bettanini, Alvise ; Delannay, Laurent ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Mithieux, Jean-Denis ; Badinier, Guillaume. The Role of Chromium Carbides Volume Fraction on Plastic Instability Under Three-Point Bending Test in Martensitic Stainless Steel. RTME 2016 (Aveiro, Portugal, du 11/07/2016 au 13/07/2016).


Hatami, Mahdi K ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lacroix, Gauthier ; Berke, Peter Z ; Jacques, Pascal ; Massart, Thierry J. Ultra-high ductility of TRIP-assisted steels modelled by gradient plasticity. ICTAM2016 (Montreal, Canada, du 22/08/2016 au 26/08/2016). In: Proceedings of ICTAM2016 - volume 3, J.M. Floryan, 2016. 978-0-660-05459-9, p. 2484-2485.


Fivel, Marc ; Hammad, Mohamed ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. 3D Dislocation Dynamics simulations of naonindentation: application to Cu/graphene bilayer system.. MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit (Boston, USA, du 29/11/2015 au 04/12/2015). In: Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, 2015.


Wucher, B. ; Hallström, S ; Dumas, D. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Lani, Frédéric. A non-conformal finite element approach to determine the elastic properties of complex woven composites with simple geometrical modeling. TEXCOMP - 12th International Conference on Textile Composites (Raleigh, USA, du 26/06/2015 au 29/06/2015). In: Proceedings of the TEXCOMP - 12th International Conference on Textile Composites, 2015.


Nguyen, Van Dung ; Morelle, Xavier ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Noels, Ludovic. A viscoelastic-viscoplastic-damage constitutive model based on a large strain hyperlastic formulation for amorphous glassy polymers.. ICCM20 - International Conference on Composites Materials (Copenhague, Danemark, du 19/07/2015 au 24/07/2015).


van der Rest, Astrid ; Favache, Audrey ; Proost, Joris ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Pardoen, Thomas. Al/Al203 multilayers to unravel the influence of the oxide on the elastic, viscoplastic and fracture properties of Al thin films. EUROMECH Colloquium 570 (Houffalize, Belgique, du 20/10/2015 au 23/10/2015).


Inanç, Mustafa ; Tekoglu, Cihan ; Pardoen, Thomas. An enhanced Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme for incremental, non-linear rate-independent plasticity. 20th International Conference on Composites Materials (ICCM20) (Copenhagen, Denmark, du 19/07/2015 au 24/07/2015).


Miotti Bettanini, Alvise ; Delannay, Laurent ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Characterization and Modeling of Ductile Damage Accumulation in Martensitic Stainless Steel. EUROMECH - Colloquium 570 Multiscale analysis of the impact of microstructure on plasticity and fracture in interface-dominated materials (Houffalize, Belgium, du 20/10/2015 au 23/10/2015).


Miotti Bettanini, Alvise ; Delannay, Laurent ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Badinier, G. ; Mithieux, J.-D.. Characterization and modeling of ductile damage accumulation in martensitic stainless steels. EUROMAT 2015 (Varsovie, Pologne, du 20/09/2015 au 24/09/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015.


Chevalier, Jérémy ; Morelle, Xavier ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lani, Frédéric. Characterization and modeling of the strain-rate, temperature and pressure dependence of the deformatio nof a highly crosslinked aerospace grade epoxy resin. ICCM20 - International Conference on Composites Materials (Conpenhaguen, du 19/07/2015 au 24/07/2015).


Lemoine, Guerric ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Laurent. Crystal Plasticity based modelling of Viscoplasticity in Nanocrystalline FCC Thin Films. Euromech Colloquium 570, Multiscale analysis of the impact of microstructure on plasticity and fracture in interface-dominated materials (Houffalize, Belgium, du 20/10/2015 au 23/10/2015).


Ismail, Karim ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal ; Brassart, Laurence ; Perlade, Astrid. Damage & Fracture Toughness of Fibrous Dual-Phase Steels for Automotive Applications. ICM 12 (Karlsruhe, Germany, du 10/05/2015 au 14/05/2015).


Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Malet, Loïc ; Godet, Stéphane ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique. Dislocation mediated hardening and relaxation in nanocrystalline palladium films revealed by on-chip HRTEM time-resolved nano mechanical testing.. MMC 2015 (Manchester Central, UK, du 29/06/2015 au 02/07/2015). In: Proceedings of the MMC 2015, 2015.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Yerra Sampath, Kumar ; Lecarme, Liza ; Scheyvaerts, Florence ; Kumar, Alok ; Martin, G. ; Chéhab, B. ; TEKOGLU, Cihan ; De Vleeschouwer, Christophe ; Jacques, Pascal ; Maire, Eric ; Mithieux ; Bréchet, Yves ; Véron, M. ; Onck, P. R. ; Simar, Aude ; Delannay, Laurent. Ductile damage and fracture in metallic alloys combining soft and hard phases. Plasticity'15 (Montego Bay, Jamaica, du 04/01/2015 au 09/01/2015).


Simar, Aude ; Hannard, Florent ; Castin, Sidney ; Maire, Eric ; Pardoen, Thomas. Effect of friction stir processing on the damage resistance of 6xxx series aluminium alloys. EUROMAT 2015 (Warsaw, Poland, du 20/09/2015 au 24/09/2015).


Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Effect of hydriding on nanoscale plasticity mechanisms in nanocrystalline palladium thin films. Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development IV (Albufeira, Portugal, du 04/10/2015 au 09/10/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015.


Simar, Aude ; Hannard, Florent ; Maire, Eric ; Pardoen, Thomas. Effet of friction stir processing on the damage resistance of 6xxx series aluminium alloys. TMS2015, Symposium: Friction Stir Welding and Processing VIII (Orlando, Florida, USA, du 15/03/2015 au 19/03/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015.


Ghidelli, M. ; Gravier, S. ; Djemia, P. ; Coulombier, M. ; Vayrette, R. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Giant ductility of ZrNi thin freestanding metallic glass films. 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference – ESMC’15 (Madrid (Spain), du 06/07/2015 au 10/07/2015) (Soumis).


Hannard, Florent ; Simar, Aude ; Maire, Eric ; Pardoen, Thomas. Heterogeneity informed quantitative micromechanical approach of ductile fracture in 6xxx aluminium alloys. 4th Internatinal Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures (CFRAC 2015) (Cachan, France, du 03/06/2015 au 05/06/2015).


Hatami, M.K. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Berke, P. ; Jacques, Pascal ; Massart, Thierry J.. Homogenization of TRIP steel behavior using a strain gradient plasticity model . ESMC2015, 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference (Madrid, Spain, du 06/07/2015 au 10/07/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015, p. #729.


Hatami, M.K. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Berke, P ; Jacques, Pascal ; Massart, T.J.. Homogenization of TRIP steel behaviour using a strain gradient plasticity model. ICM12 12th International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials (Karlsruhe, Allemagne, du 10/05/2015 au 14/05/2015).


Lai, Q.Q. ; Bouaziz, O ; Perlade, A ; Parry, G ; Gouné, M ; Brassart, L ; Bréchet, Y ; Pardoen, Thomas. Influence of martensite volume fraction and hardness on the plastic properties of ferrite-martensite dual-phase steels . ICSMA17, 17th International Conference on the Strength of (Brno, Czech Republic, du 09/08/2015 au 14/08/2015).


van der Rest, Astrid ; Henry, Frédéric ; Favache, Audrey ; Proost, Joris ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Pardoen, Thomas. Mechanical behavior of ultrathin aluminum oxide films: Influence of open or closed porosity. ICM12 - 12th International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials (Karlsruhe, Allemagne, du 10/05/2015 au 14/05/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015.


Lai, Q. ; Gouné, M. ; Perlade, A. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bouaziz, Olivier ; Bréchet, Yves. Mechnism of austenite formation in an intermediate 3.5Mn steel with Mn-enriched cementite. International Conference on Solid-Solid Phase Transformation in Inorganic Materials (PTM 2015) (Whistler, Canada, du 28/06/2015 au 03/07/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015.


Chevalier, Jérémy ; Morelle, Xavier ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Lani, Frédéric. Micro-mechanical modeling of the pressure dependent failure of highly crosslinked epoxy resin. ICCM20 - International Conference on Composites Materials (Copenhague, Danemark, du 19/07/2015 au 24/07/2015).


Hannard, Florent ; Simar, Aude ; Maire, Eric ; Pardoen, Thomas. Micromechanical modelling and in situ 3D microtomography characterization of microstructure heterogeneities effects on damage in aluminium alloys. 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC 2015) (Leganés-Madrid, Spain, du 06/07/2015 au 10/07/2015).


Lai, Q.Q. ; Bouaziz, O ; Perlade, A ; Gouné, M ; Bréchet, Y ; Pardoen, Thomas. Microstructure refinement of dual-phase steels with 3.5wt% Mn: plastic and fracture properties. ICSMA17, 17th International Conference on the Strength of Materials (Brno, Czech Republic, du 09/08/2015 au 14/08/2015).


Lani, Frédéric ; Morelle, Xavier ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Modeling the strain-rate, temperature and pressure dépendent mechanical response of a highly crosslinked aerospace grade epoxy resin up to large deformation. ICCM20 - International Conference on Composite Materials (Copenhague, Danemark, du 19/07/2015 au 24/07/2015). In: Proceedings of the ICCM20, 2015.


Idrissi, Hosni ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Malet, L. ; Proost, Joris ; Godet, S. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Schryvers, D. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Nanoscale plasticity mechanisms in as-deposited and hydride nanocrystalline Pd thin films revealed by advanced in-situ TEM nanomechanical testing. ESMC2015, 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference (Madrid, Spain, du 06/07/2015 au 10/07/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015.


Wucher, Benoît ; Hallstrom, Stefan ; Dumas, David ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Lani, Frédéric. Non-conformal finite element homogenization applied to woven composites with complex textile architectures. ICCM20 - International Conference on Composites Materials (Copenhague, Danemark, du 19/07/2015 au 24/07/2015).


Hammad, Mohamed ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. On-Chip Graphene Tensile Testing. MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit (Boston, USA, du 29/11/2015 au 04/12/2015). In: Proceedings fo the 2015 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, 2015.


Lapouge, Pierre ; Vayrette, Renaud ; Onimus, F. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Bréchet, Yves. On-Chip Irradiation Creep Testing of Copper Films. 2015 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit (Boston, USA, du 29/11/2015 au 04/12/2015). In: Proceedings of the 2015 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, 2015.


Tekoglu, Cihan ; Hutchinson, J. W. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Plastic flow localization leading to ductile fracture. IUTAM Symposium on "Ductile Failure & Localization" (Paris, Fance, du 17/03/2015 au 20/03/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015.


Ismail, Karim ; Pierman, Anne-Pascale ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal ; Brassart, Laurence ; Perlade, A.. Plasticity & Fracture Toughness of Fibrous Dual-Phase Steels for automotive Applications. EUROMECH Colloquium 570 (Houffalize, Belgique, du 20/10/2015 au 23/10/2015).


Idrissi, Hosni ; Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Bollinger, C. ; Boioli, F. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Cordier, P. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique. Small-scale plasticity mechanisms in crystalline and amorphous materials revealed by in-situ TEM nanomechanical testing. European-MRS Fall Meeting (Warsaw, Poland, du 15/09/2015 au 18/09/2015).


Lemoine, Guerric ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Schryvers, D. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Laurent. Study of creep/relaxation in nanocrystalline FCC thin films through internal-stress-actuated microtensile testing method. 13th International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures - CREEP2015 (Toulouse, du 31/05/2015 au 04/06/2015).


Lapouge, Pierre ; Onimus, Fabien ; Bréchet, Yves ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Vayrette, Renaud. Study of the irradiation creep based on nanomechanical lab-on-chip testing. ICM12 - 12th International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials (Karlsruhe, Allemagne, du 10/05/2015 au 14/05/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015.


Ghidelli, Matteo ; Gravier, S. ; Blandin, J.-J. ; Djemia, P. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Vayrette, Renaud ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Viscoplastic and fracture behavior of ZrNi freestanding metallic glass films . ESMC2015, 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference (Madrid, Spain, du 06/07/2015 au 10/07/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015.


Kinloch, A. J. ; Martiny, Ph. ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas. A maximum stress at a distance criterion for the prediction of crack propagation in adhesively­-bonded joints.. 20th European Conference on Fracture (Trondheim, Norvège, du 30/06/2014 au 04/07/2014). In: Book of abstracts, 2014.


Kinloch, A. ; Martiny, Ph. ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas. A maximum stress at a distance criterion for fracture in adhesively-bonded joints. 7th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives (Les Diablerets, Suisse, du 14/09/2014 au 18/09/2014). In: Book of abstracts, 2014.


Kinloch, A. J. ; Martiny ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas. A maximum stress at a distance criterion for the prediction of crack propagation in adhesively-bonded joints. 8th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics - ACAM8 (Melbourne, Australie, du 23/11/2014 au 26/11/2014). In: Book of abstracts, 2014.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Bollen, Pierre ; Quiévy, Nicolas ; Huynen, Isabelle ; Bailly, Christian ; Detrembleur, Christophe ; Thomassin, Jean-Michel. A new class of architectured materials for combined electromagnetic and mechanical absorption. Symposium Future directions in micromechanics in recognition of the honorary doctoral degree of the TU/e awarded to Prof. N.A. Fleck (Eindhoven University of Technology, Holland, 23/04/2014). In: Book of abstracts, 2014.


Inança, M. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Tekoglu, Cihan. An enhanced Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme for incremental, non-linear rate-independent plasticity. 3rd International Workshop on Physics Based Modeling of Material Properties and Experimental Observations (Izmir, Turkey, du 02/06/2014 au 04/06/2014). In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Physics Based Modeling of Material Properties and Experimental Observations, 2014.


Morelle, Xavier ; Bahrami, Amir ; Lani, Frédéric ; Melchior, Maxime ; Nysten, Bernard ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Characterization and modeling of the time-dependent behavior of the RTM6 structural epoxy involving recovery, creep and back stress. 16th European Conference on Composite Materials (Seville, Spain, du 22/06/2014 au 26/06/2014). In: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, 2014.


Morelle, Xavier ; Lani, Frédéric ; Melchior, Maxime ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Characterization and modelling of the viscoplactic and damage behaviour of the RTM6 structural epoxy involving recovery and back stress effects. 7th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives (Diablerets, Suisse, du 14/09/2014 au 18/09/2014).


Morelle, Xavier ; Lani, Frédéric ; Melchior, Maxime ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Characterization and modelling of the viscoplastic and damage behaviour of the RTM6 structural epoxy involving recovery and back stress effects. 16th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM16) (Séville, Espagne, du 22/06/2014 au 26/06/2014).


Lemoine, Guerric ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Laurent. Crystal plasticity based modelling of strain hardening and creep in nanocrystalline FCC thin films. 4th International Symposium on Computational Mechanics of Polycrystals (Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, Düsseldorf, Germany, du 14/07/2014 au 15/07/2014).


Lemoine, Guerric ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Laurent. Crystal plasticity based modelling of strain hardening and creep in nanocrystalline freestanding Pd films. 35th Risø International Symposium on Materials Science. New Frontiers of Nanometals (Roskilde, Denmark, du 01/09/2014 au 05/09/2014).


Lemoine, Guerric ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Laurent. Crystal plasticity based modelling of strain hardening and creep in nanocrystalline freestanding Pd films. 14th European Mechanics of Materials Conference - EMMC14 (Gothenburg,Sweden, du 27/08/2014 au 29/08/2014).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Wang, B. ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Failure in thin metallic films: on chip testing and size effects. 20th European Conference on Fracture (Trondheim, Norvège, du 30/06/2014 au 04/07/2014).


Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Blaffart, Frédéric ; La Mantia, Fabio ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Di Quarto, Francesco ; Proost, Joris. In situ stress, strain and dielectric measurements to understand electrostriction in anodic oxides. 65th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Symposium Corrosion, Passivity and Oxide Films (Lausanne (CH), du 31/08/2014 au 05/09/2014). In: Proceedings of the 65th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Symposium Corrosion, Passivity and Oxide Films, 2014, Abstract n°141558 (Soumis).


Simar, Aude ; Hannard, Florent ; Maire, Eric ; Pardoen, Thomas. Influence of microstructure heterogeneities on damage in 6xxx series aluminium alloys. International Conference on Aluminium Alloys (Trondheim, Norway, du 15/06/2014 au 19/06/2014).


Lai, Q. ; Bouaziz, Olivier ; Bréchet, Yves ; Perlade, A. ; Parry, G. ; Gouné, M. ; Favache, Audrey ; Brassart, Laurence ; Pardoen, Thomas. Influence of the martensite properties on the mechanical behavior of ferrite-martensite dual-phasesteels.. Materials Science Engineering -MSE 2014 (Darmstadt, Germany, du 23/09/2014 au 25/09/2014). In: Book of abstracts, 2014.


Denquin, Anne ; Simar, Aude ; Gallais, Christophe ; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Bruno ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bréchet, Yves. Integrated modelling applied to process design: FSW of Aluminium alloys. TMS 2014 143rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition (San Diego, California, USA, du 16/02/2014 au 20/02/2014).


van der Rest, Astrid ; Henry, Frederic ; Proost, Joris ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Pardoen, Thomas. Mechanical behavior of ultrathin aluminum oxide films: Influence of open or closed porosity. Gordon Research Conference on Thin Film & Small Scale Mechanical Behavior (Waltham, MA (USA), du 13/07/2014 au 18/07/2014).


Bollen, Pierre ; Quiévy, Nicolas ; Bailly, Christian ; Huynen, Isabelle ; Pardoen, Thomas. Multifunctional sandwich structure for electromagnetic absorption and mechanical performances. 16th European Conference on Composite Materials (Seville, Spain, du 22/06/2014 au 26/06/2014). In: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, 2014.


Ribesse, Arnaud ; Favache, Audrey ; Lemoine, Guerric ; Bailly, Christian ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Multiscale mechanical and tribological characterization of AlSi abradable material. 7th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives (Les Diablerets, Suisse, du 14/09/2014 au 18/09/2014). In: Book of abstracts, 2014.


Hammad, Mohamed ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Nano-Indentation of Cu/Graphene Bilayer System. 14th European Mechanics of Materials Conference – EMMC14 (Gothenburg, Sweden, du 27/08/2014 au 29/08/2014). In: Book of abstracts, 2014.


Hammad, Mohamed ; Fivel, Marc ; Sacre, Charles-Henry ; Idrissi, Hosni ; D'Haese, Cécile ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Nysten, Bernard ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Nanoindentation of Cu/Graphene Bilayer System. 2014 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting & Exhibit (Boston, Massachussetts, USA, du 30/11/2014 au 05/12/2014). In: Book of abstracts, 2014.


Vayrette, Renaud ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. On-chip MEMS-based internal stress actuated structures for the mechanical testing of freestanding thin film materials. 9th European Conference on Residual Stress (Troyes, France, du 07/07/2014 au 10/07/2014). In: Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Residual Stress, 2014.


Lai, Q. ; Bouaziz, O. ; Bréchet, Yves ; Perlade, A. ; Parry, G. ; Gouné, M. ; Brassart, Laurence ; Pardoen, Thomas. Refined dual-phase steel from cold-rolled martensite with 3.5wt% Mn.. Materials Science Engineering -MSE 2014 (Darmstadt, Germany, du 23/09/2014 au 25/09/2014). In: Book of abstracts, 2014.


Wucher, B. ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Dumas, D. ; Martiny, P.. Simulation-driven tooling shape optimization for an easier assembling process of composite parts. 16th European Conference on Composite Materials (Seville, Spain, du 22/06/2014 au 26/06/2014). In: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, 2014.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Lemoine, Guerric ; Vayrette, Renaud ; Ghidelli, Matteo ; Blandin, Jean-Jacques ; Gravier, Sébastien ; Delannay, Laurent ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Size dependent plastic localization in thin nanocrystalline or amorphous metallic films. MRS fall meeting (Boston, USA, du 01/12/2014 au 05/12/2014).


Pardoen, Thomas. Size effects in static fracture on the limitations of the fracture toughness concept for tough/ductile materials. CECAM workshop : Modeling Metal Failure across Multiple Scales (Lausanne, switzerland, du 26/05/2014 au 27/05/2014).


Ghidelli, Matteo ; Blandin, Jean-Jacques ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lani, Frédéric ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Mompiou, Frédéric ; Djemia, Philippe ; Gravier, Sébastien. Size-Dependent Mechanical Behavior of Sputter-Deposited Zr65Ni35 Thin Film Metallic Glasses. 21st International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM 2014) (Cancun (Mexique), du 29/06/2014 au 04/07/2014).


Janssens de Bisthoven, Yann-Alex ; Coulon, Benoît ; Ballout, Wael ; Morelle, Xavier ; Lani, Frédéric ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Structural and micromechanical characterization and modeling of the interdiffusion region between two thermoset resins. 16th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM16) (Seville, Spain, du 22/06/2014 au 26/06/2014).


Janssens de Bisthoven, Yann-Alex ; Coulon, B. ; Voleppe, Quentin ; Sclavons, Michel ; Magnin, Delphine ; Debleser, R. ; Ballout, Wael ; Morelle, Xavier ; Lani, Frédéric ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Structural micromechanical characterization of the interphase region between two thermoset resins. 16th European Conference on Composite Materials (Seville, Spain, du 22/06/2014 au 26/06/2014). In: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, 2014.


Idrissi, Hosni ; Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Kobler, A. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Kübel, C. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique. Study of nanoscale deformation mechanisms in nanocrystalline materials using advanced micro/nanomechanical TEM testing. IUTAM Symposium on Micromechanics of Defects in Solids (Seville, Spain, du 09/06/2014 au 13/06/2014).


Sandu, Georgiana ; Brassart, Laurence ; Gohy, Jean-François ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Melinte, Sorin ; Vlad, Alexandru. Surface Coating Mediated Swelling and Fracture in Lithiated Core-Shell Nanowires. 2014 E-MRS Spring Meeting (Lille (France), du 26/05/2014 au 29/05/2014). In: Proceedings of the 2014 E-MRS Spring Meeting, p. 1. In: Proceedings of the 2014 E-MRS Spring Meeting, 2014, 1.


Sandu, Georgiana ; Brassart, Laurence ; Singh, N. ; Gohy, Jean-François ; Ajayan, P. M. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Melinte, Sorin ; Vlad, Alexandru. Surface Coating Mediated Swelling and Fracture in Lithiated Core-Shell Silicon Nanostructures. 17th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (Como, Italie, du 10/06/2014 au 14/06/2014). In: Book of abstracts, 2014.


Voleppe, Quentin ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian. Thermoset composite assembling by welding of thermoplastic surface layers: microstructure and toughness of the resulting thermoplastic/epoxy resin interfaces. 9th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials (Suzhou, China, du 15/10/2014 au 17/10/2014). In: Proceedings of the 9th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials, 2014.


Idrissi, Hosni ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Ahmin-Ahmadi, B. ; Kobler, A. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Kübel, C. ; Godet, Stéphane ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Pardoen, Thomas. Unravelling plasticity mechanisms in nanocrystalline metallic thin films using advanced in-situ TEM micro/nanomechanical testing. 16th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (Cambridge, UK, du 07/07/2014 au 11/07/2014). In: Book of abstracts, 2014.


Tekoglu, Cihan ; Attari, Sanaz ; Leblond, Jean-Baptiste ; Pardoen, Thomas. Void coalescence through internal necking: Thomason's criterion revisited. 16th International Conference on Machine Design and Production (Izmir, Turkey, du 30/06/2014 au 03/07/2014). In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, 2014.


Kinloch, A.J. ; Martiny, Philippe ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas. A maximum stress at a distance criterion for the prediction of crack propagation in adhesively-bonded joints . ADHESION '13 (The National Science Learning Centre, University of York, UK, du 04/09/2013 au 06/09/2013). In: Book of abstracts, 2013.


Martiny, Philippe ; Lani, Frédéric ; Kinloch, A.J. ; Pardoen, Thomas. A maximum stress at a distance criterion for the prediction of fracture in adhesively-bonded joints. Adhesion Society Annual Meeting 2013 (Daytona Beach, FL, USA, du 03/03/2013 au 06/03/2013).


Gkotsis, Petros ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. A method to determine the elastic properties and the residual stress in the functional films of microcantilever gas sensors. Proceedings of 2013 Nanomechanical Sensing Workshop (Stanford CA, du 01/05/2013 au 03/05/2013). In: , collab. Zeb, Gul, 2013.


Amin-Ahmadi, Behnam ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Malet, Loic ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Proost, Joris ; Godet, Stéphane ; Schryvers, Dominique. Active Plasticity Mechanisms during Hydriding of Nanocrystalline Pd Thin Films. 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Symposium on Dislocation Plasticity (Boston, USA, du 01/12/2013 au 06/12/2013). In: Proceedings of the 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, 2013, p. Abstract KK.05 (Soumis).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Simar, Aude ; Tekoglu, Cihan ; Lassance, Denis ; Fabrègue, D.. Applications of advanced micromechanics based ductile failure models Do we really need ail this complexity?. 2nd International Worshop on Physics Based Modeling of Materials Properties & Experimental Observation (Antalya, Turkey, du 15/05/2013 au 17/05/2013).


Marandi, K. ; Vayrette, Renaud ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Duchêne, Laurent ; Habraken, Anne Marie. Bauschinger effect in thin metallic films by Fern simulations. XII International Conference on Computational Plasticity (Barcelone, Espagne, du 03/09/2013 au 05/09/2013). In: Proceedings of the XII International Conference on Computational Plasticity, 2013.


Ghidelli, Matteo ; Gravier, Sébastien ; Blandin, Jean-Jacques ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Mompiou, Frédéric ; Djemia, Philippe. Compositional-induced structural change of ZrNi thin film metallic glasses deposited by magnetron sputtering. 20th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (Torino (Italy), du 30/06/2013 au 05/07/2013).


Navarro, Etienne ; Bréchet, Yves ; Moreau, R. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Barthelemy, A. ; Radu, I.. Direct silicon bonding dynamics: a coupled fluid/structure analysis. WaferBond'13 (Stockhom, Suède, du 05/12/2013 au 06/12/2013). In: Proceedings of WaferBond'13, 2013.


Navarro, E. ; Bréchet, Yves ; Moreau , R. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Barthelemy, A. ; Radu, I.. Direct wafer bonding front propagation dynamics. WaferBond’13 (Stockhom, Suède, du 04/12/2013 au 12/12/2013). In: Book of abstracts, 2013.


Idrissi, Hosni ; Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Kobler, A. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Kübel, C. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Schryvers, D. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Etude des mécanismes élémentaires de plasticité et de fracture dans des films minces d'Aluminium nanocristallin par des tests nanomécaniques in-situ en ACOM-TEM. Colloque Plasticité 2013 (Paris, France, du 17/04/2013 au 19/04/2013). In: Book of abstracts, 2013.


Ghidelli, Matteo ; Volland, Antoine ; Blandin, Jean-Jacques ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Mompiou, Frédéric ; Djemia, Philippe ; Gravier, Sébastien. Exploring size effect phenomena in Zr65Ni35 thin film metallic glasses. 20th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (Torino (Italy), du 30/06/2013 au 05/07/2013).


Bollen, Pierre ; Quiévy, Nicolas ; Huynen, Isabelle ; Bailly, Christian ; Detrembleur, C. ; Thomassin, J. M. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Hybrid and Hierarchical Composite Materials. TMS 2013 (San Antonio, California, USA, du 03/3/2013 au 07/03/2013). In: Book of abstracts, 2013.


Wucher, Benoît ; Lani, Frédéric ; Martiny, Philippe ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian. Identification of the material properties needed in cure simulations from inverse analysis and finite element homogenization. 17th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS17) (FEUP Porto , du 17/06/2013 au 21/06/2013).


Idrissi, Hosni ; Kobler , A. ; Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Kubel, C. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, D.. In-situ ACOM-TEM nanomechanical testing of <111> textured ultrafine grained Al thin films: plasticity and fracture mechanisms. TMS 2013 (San Antonio, California, USA, du 03/03/2013 au 07/03/2013). In: Book of abstracts, 2013.


Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Malet, L. ; Schryvers, D. ; Godet, S. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. In-situ characterization of the time dependent mechanical properties of nanocrystalline Pd thin films. MECANO (Dusseldorf, Germany, du 18/07/2013 au 19/07/2013).


Simar, Aude ; Nielsen, Kim ; Hannard, Florent ; Lecarme, Liza ; Pardoen, Thomas. Influence of the microstructure on the fracture strain of 6xxx series aluminium alloys. XII Int. Conf. Computational Plasticity (Barcelone, Espagne, du 03/09/2013 au 05/09/2013).


Simar, Aude ; Nielsen, Kim L. ; Lecarme, Liza ; Pardoen, Thomas. Influence of the microstructure on the fracture strain of 6xxx series aluminum alloys. TMS 2013 (San Antonio, Texas, USA, du 03/03/2013 au 07/03/2013).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Brugger, Charles ; Massart, Thierry J.. Interface dominated plastic flow described by strain gradient plasticity theory - application to fine grained steels and thin films. COMPLAS 2013 - XII International Conference on Computational Plasticity (Barcelone, Espagne, du 03/09/2013 au 06/09/2013). In: Book of abstracts, 2013.


Vayrette, Renaud ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Mompiou, F. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Lab-on-chip for in- and ex-situ characterization of the mechanical response of nano-objects. GDRI CNRS Mecano General Meeting on the Mechanics of Nano-objects (Duesseldorf, Deutschland, du 18/07/2013 au 19/07/2013).


Tekoglu, Cihan ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Hutchinson, J. W.. Localization of plastic flow leading to ductile failure: which comes first, the localization in a band or the coalescence of voids?. COMPLAS 2013 - XII International Conference on Computational Plasticity (Barcelone, Espagne, du 03/09/2013 au 06/09/2013). In: Book of Abstracts, 2013.


van der Rest, Astrid ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Henry, Frédéric ; Proost, Joris ; Pardoen, Thomas. Micro-electro-mechanical testing of freestanding ultrathin aluminum oxide films. 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society - Symposium on Microelectromechanical Systems-Materials and Devices (Boston, USA, du 01/12/2013 au 06/12/2013). In: Proceedings of the 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, 2013, Abstract XX.10.07.


Bollen, Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Huynen, Isabelle. Multifunctional Metamaterial Absorber Based on Honeycomb Filled with Epoxy-Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposite and Split Ring Resonator. 7th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - Metamaterials 2013 (Bordeaux, France, du 16/09/2013 au 21/09/2013), p. 4 p.. In: Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (METAMATERIALS), 2013 7th International Congress on, IEEE, 2013. 978-1-4799-1229-2, 349 - 351. doi:10.1109/MetaMaterials.2013.6809049.


Ghidelli, Matteo ; Gravier, S. ; Blandin, J.-J. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. New Generation of Micro- and Nano- Systems using Metallic Glass Thin Films. IDS-FunMat 3rd Training School (Annecy, France, du 17/03/2016 au 22/03/2016).


Melchior, Maxime ; Lani, Frédéric ; Morelle, Xavier ; Brassart, Laurence ; Doghri, Issam ; Pardoen, Thomas. Non-linear micromechanics based analysis of a satin5 representative single ply volume element. XII International conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications. COMPLAS XII. (Barcelona, Spain, du 03/09/2013 au 05/09/2013).


Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Pardoen, Thomas. On-Chip tensile testing of the mechanical and electro-mechanical properties of nano-scale silicon free-standing beams up to fracture. PiezoNEMS 2013 - PHELMA-Polygone (Grenoble, France, 11/11/2013). In: Book of abstracts, 2013.


Vayrette, Renaud ; Galceran, Montserrat ; Godet, Stéphane ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. On-chip testing and characterization of polysilicon thin films fracture mechanisms. MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit (Boston, USA, du 01/12/2013 au 06/02/2014).


Lai, Q. ; Bouaziz, O. ; Bréchet, Yves ; Gouné, M. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Phase transformation controlled architectures in steel alloys. EUROMAT 2013 (Seville, France, du 08/09/2013 au 13/09/2013). In: Book of abstracts, 2013.


Ghidelli, Matteo ; Volland, Antoine ; Blandin, Jean-Jacques ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lani, Frédéric ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Mompiou, Frédéric ; Djemia, Philippe ; Gravier, Sébastien. Size Dependent Mechanics of Thin ZrNi Metallic Glass Films. Nano- And Micromechanical Testing In Materials Research And Development IV (Olhao Portugal, du 06/10/2013 au 11/10/2013).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Wang, B. ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Mompiou, Frédéric ; Legros, M.. Size and rate dependent ductility of thin metallic films. Plasticity'13 - Symosium in honor of Prof. P. Van Houtte (Nassau, Bahamas, du 03/01/2013 au 08/01/2013).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Schryvers, D. ; Mompiou, F. ; Legros, M. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Size and rate dependent plastic localization in thin metallic films. 142nd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, TMS 2013 - Symposium: Fatigue and Fracture of Thin Films and Nanomaterials (San Antonio, Texas (USA), du 03/03/2013 au 07/03/2013).


Idrissi, Hosni ; Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Kobler, A. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Kübel, C. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique. Study of small-scale plasticity and fracture mechanisms in ultrafine-grained Al wires using in situ BF-TEM and in situ ACOM-TEM nanomechanical testing. Nanobrücken (Dresden, Germany, du 20/03/2013 au 22/03/2018).


Libralesso, L. ; Favache, Audrey ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Guaino, P. ; Sacre, Charles-Henry ; Archambeau, C.. Surface Mechanical Properties of Functional Thin Films on Steel-based substrates. Hybrid Materials 2013 - HYMA 2013 (Sorrento, Italy, du 03/03/2013 au 07/03/2013).


Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Passi, Vikram ; Houri, S. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Surface effects on the electrical, mechanical and electro-mechanical properties of silicon nano wires. 2013 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit (San Francisco, California, USA, du 01/04/2013 au 05/04/2013). In: Book of abstracts, 2013.


Idrissi, Hosni ; Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Galceran, M. ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Godet, Stéphane ; Proost, Joris ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, D.. TEM Observation of FCC 9R Phase Transformation in Nanocrystalline Pd Thin Films during Hydriding/Dehydriding Cycles. 142nd Annual Meeting of the Metallurgical Society (TMS), Symposium on Phase Transformation and Microstructural Evolution: Non-conventional Phase Transformation Paths (San Antonio, USA, du 03/03/2013 au 07/03/2013). In: Proceedings of the 142nd Annual Meeting of the Metallurgical Society (TMS), 2013, p.226.


Sacre, Charles-Henry ; Guaino, P. ; Libralesso, L. ; Favache, Audrey ; Pardoen, Thomas. Temperature dependent mechanical properties of hard ZnO thin films deposited onto polymer-based sub-layers. World Tribology Congress 2013 (Torino, Italie, du 08/09/2013 au 13/09/2013). In: Book of abstracts, 2013.


Inanç, M ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bouaziz, O ; Tekoglu, C. The Effect of Per-phase Properties on the Ductility of Dual Phase (DP) Steels . 2nd International Workshop on hysics based modelling of material properties and experimental observations with special focus on (Antalya, Turkey, du 15/05/2013 au 17/05/2013).


Mamaghani, S.A. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Leblond, J.-B. ; Tekoglu, C. Void Coalescence under Combined Tension and Shear. 2nd International Workshop on hysics based modelling of material properties and experimental observations with special focus on (Antalya, Turkey, du 15/05/2013 au 17/05/2013).


Wucher, Benoît ; Lani, Frédéric ; Martiny, Philippe ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian. An example of mold compensation by means of numerical simulation on a generic curved CFRP C-spar. 15th European Conference on Composite Materials (Venezia, Lido, Palazzio del Cinema, du 24/06/2012 au 28/06/2012). In: Proceedings of ECCM15, 2012. 978-88-88785-33-2.


Bollen, Pierre ; Quiévy, Nicolas ; Detrembleur, Christophe ; Thomassin, Jean-Michel ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Huynen, Isabelle. Electromagnetic absorption of sandwich panel made of glass fiber reinforced polymer and nanocomposite foam filled honeycomb. EMC Europe 2012 (Rome, du 17/09/2012 au 21/09/2012), p. 3 p. In: , 2012.


Bollen, Pierre ; Quiévy, Nicolas ; Detrembleur, Christophe ; Thomassin, Jean-Michel ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Huynen, Isabelle. Electromagnetic absorption of sandwich panel made of glass fiber reinforced polymer and nanocomposite foam filled honeycomb. EMC Europe 2012 Conference September 17-21, 2012, paper D6.1 (6 pages) (Roma, Italy, du 17/09/2012 au 21/09/2012). In: Proceedings of the EMC Europe 2012 Conference, , p. paper D6.1 (6 pages).


Campos Delgado, Jessica ; Botello Mendez, Andrés Rafael ; Hackens, Benoît ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Charlier, J.C. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Graphene from alcohols. Graphene 2012 International Conference (Brussels, Belgium, du 10/04/2012 au 13/04/2012). In: Proceedings of the Graphene 2012 International Conference, 2012, pp. 52-53.


Campos Delgado, Jessica ; Botello Mendez, Andrés Rafael ; Hackens, Benoît ; Charlier, J.-C. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Graphene growth by CVD using liquid precursors. American Physical Society – APS, March meeting 2012 - Graphene: Growth, Mechanical Exfoliation, and Properties (Boston, MA, USA, du 27/02/2012 au 02/03/2012). In: Proceedings of the American Physical Society – APS, March meeting 2012 - Graphene: Growth, Mechanical Exfoliation, and Properties, 2012, p. Paper # X12.00010.


Simar, Aude ; Nielsen, Kim L. ; Lecarme, Liza ; Pardoen, Thomas. Influence of the microstructure on the fracture strain of 6xxx series aluminum alloys. Seminar associated to the PhD defense of Katherina Teichmann (Trondheim, Norway, du 28/08/2012 au 30/08/2012).


Huynen, Isabelle ; Quiévy, Nicolas ; Bollen, Pierre ; Danlée, Yann ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Multi-hierarchical metamaterials combining conductive inclusions and polymer matrices for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding. META 2012 Conference (Paris, du 19/04/2012 au 22/04/2012), p. 3 p.


Lani, Frédéric ; Melchior, Maxime ; Pardoen, Thomas. Numerical study of the relationship between transverse matrix crack density and apparent stiffness of textile reinforced composites. 15th European Conference on Composite Materials (Venezia, Lido, Palazzio del Cinema, du 24/06/2012 au 28/06/2012). In: Proceedings of ECCM15, 2012. 978-88-88785-33-2.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Passi, Vikram ; Houri, Samer ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Idrissi, Hosni. On chip testing of (freestanding) thin films. GDRi CNRS MECANO, Session I, Mechanical Testing (Paris, France, du 30/10/2012 au 31/10/2012). In: Proceedings of the GDRi CNRS MECANO, Session I, Mechanical Testing, 2012, p. Paper 2.


Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Schryvers, D. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. On the mechanical properties of palladium thin films: influence of the microstructure and of a passivation layer. Gordon Research Conference on Thin Film & Small Scale Mechanical Behavior (Waterville, ME, USA, du 22/07/2012 au 27/07/2012).


Vayrette, Renaud ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. On-chip tensile testing for the investigation of thin films, nanoribbons and nanowires mechanical properties. Journées de la Matière Condensée - JMC13 (Montpellier, France, du 27/08/2012 au 31/08/2012). In: Proceedings des Journées de la Matière Condensée - JMC13, 2012, p. 479.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Passi, Vikram ; Houri, Samer ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Idrissi, Hosni. On-chip testing of (freestanding) thin films. Indentation 2012 (Ecully, France, du 29/10/2012 au 31/10/2012). In: Proceedings of the Indentation 2012, 2012, p. Paper 1.


Walewyns, Thomas ; Reckinger, Nicolas ; Ryelandt, Sophie ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Francis, Laurent. Polyimide as versatile enabling material for microsystems fabrication: electrodeposited nanowires integration and surface micromachining. 5ème Colloque du Laboratoire International Associé “Nanotechnologies & Nanosystèmes (Orford (Québec), du 15/07/2012 au 18/07/2012). In: Proceedings du 5ème Colloque du Laboratoire International Associé “Nanotechnologies & Nanosystèmes, 2012, p. 103 - Paper GE21.


Bhaskar, U. K. ; Passi, V. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Surface and strain effects on the conductivity of silicon nanowires. 2012 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting – MRS Fall’12 (Boston, Massachusetts (USA), du 25/11/2012 au 30/11/2012). In: 2012 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting – MRS Fall’12, 2012, paper # FF9.28.


Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Passi, Vikram ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Surface and stress effects on the electrical conductivity of nano-scale silicon. 2012 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit (Boston, Massachusetts, UDA, du 25/11/2012 au 30/11/2012).


Morelle, Xavier ; Lani, Frédéric ; Melchior, Maxime ; Andre, Simon ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. The Elasto-Vicoplasticity and Fracture Behaviour of Structural RTM6 Epoxy. ESMC 2012 -­‐ 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference (Graz, Austria, du 09/07/2012 au 13/07/2012).


Morelle, Xavier ; André, Simon ; Melchior, Maxime ; Lani, Frédéric ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. The Elasto-Viscoplasticity and Fracture Behaviour of RTM6 Epoxy Resin. 10th Annual SAMPE Benelux Student Meetings (Ermelo, The Netherlands, du 09/01/2012 au 10/01/2012).


Morelle, Xavier ; Lani, Frédéric ; André, Simon ; Melchior, Maxime ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. The Elasto-Viscoplasticity and Fracture Behaviour of RTM6 Epoxy resin. SAMPE Europe Student Conference 2012 (Paris, France, du 23/03/2012 au 25/03/2012).


Morelle, Xavier ; Lani, Frédéric ; André, Simon ; Melchior, Maxime ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. The Elasto-Viscoplasticity and Fracture Behaviour of RTM6 epoxy resin. SAMPE EUROPE 33rd International Technical Conference - SEICO (Hotel Mercure Paris Porte de Versaille Expo F-92174 Vanves (Paris), du 26/03/2012 au 27/04/2012).


Morelle, Xavier ; Lani, Frédéric ; Melchior, Maxime ; Andre, Simon ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. The elasto-viscoplasticity and fracture behavior of the RTM6 structural epoxy and impact on the response of woven composites. 15th European Conference on Composite Materials (Venezia, Lido, Palazzio del Cinema, du 24/06/2012 au 28/06/2012). In: Proceedings of ECCM15, 2012. 978-88-88785-33-2.


Wang, X. ; Becker, G. ; Ling, Wu ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Noels, L.. The fracture of polycrystalline silicon based MEMS. 13th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems - EuroSimE 2012 (Lisbon, Portugal, du 16/04/2012 au 18/04/2012). In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems - EuroSimE 2012, 2012.


Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Wang, Bingyu ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Guisbiers, Grégory ; Schryvers, D. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Time dependent mechanical properties of palladium thin films: influence of microstructure and of the presence of a surface barrier. Nanobrücken II – Hybrid Nanomechanical Testing Techniques (Saarbrücken, Germany, du 22/03/2012 au 23/03/2012).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Lecarme, Liza ; Fabrègue, Damien ; Tekoglu, Cihan ; Leblond, J.-B.. Void coalescence modelling: strain hardening, second population and shear effects. MECAMAT Conference on ductile fracture: "Physique et Mécanique de l’Endommagement et de la Rupture" (Site d'EDF R&D Modélisation et Simulation de la Rupture Ductile, Clamart, France, 25/09/2012).


Minnebo, H. ; André, Simon ; Duflot, M. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. X-FEM based modelling of complex mixed mode fatigue crack propagation. VIth European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering-ECCOMAS 2012 (Vienna, Austria, du 10/09/2012 au 14/09/2012). In: Book of abstracts, 2012.


Martiny, P. ; Lani, Frédéric ; Kinloch, A.J. ; Pardoen, Thomas. A damage-based model for the fracture of rubber-toughened epoxy adhesives. 6th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives (Les Diablerets, Switzerland, du 11/09/2011 au 15/11/2011). In: CD-Rom, Elsevier, 2011, p. réf. 102.


Olbrechts, Benoit ; Rue, Bertrand ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Flandre, Denis ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. A novel approach for active pressure sensors in thin film SOI technology. International conference Eurosensors XXV (Athènes (Grèce), du 04/09/2011 au 07/09/2011). In: Proceedings of the International conference Eurosensors XXV, 2011.


Lecarme, Liza ; Tekoglu, Cihan ; Kinding Minamou, Josué ; Pardoen, Thomas. A physics based damage model including strain hardening and thermoviscoplastic effects. 12th World Conference on Titanium, Ti-2011 (Beijing, China, du 19/06/2011 au 24/06/2011).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, P. J. ; Schryvers, D. ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Wang B. ; Colla M.-S. ; Renard K. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Advanced TEM analysis of deformation and growth twins in coarse and nano-grained materials. The XIVth International Conference on Electron Microscopy (Wisla, Poland, du 26/06/2011 au 30/06/2011).


Favache, Audrey ; Teillet, A. ; Poirier, C. ; Carbonnelle, P. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Jacques, Pascal ; Nysten, Bernard ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Approche du comportement tribologique de couches minces de chrome par la mécanique de la rupture. Journées internationales francophones de tribologie 2011 (Obernai (France), du 11/05/2011 au 13/05/2011). In: , 2011.


Yerra Sampath, Kumar ; Martin, G. ; Véron, M. ; Bréchet, Yves ; Fourmentin, R. ; Mithieux, J.D. ; Delannay, Laurent ; Pardoen, Thomas. Damage Nucleation and Growth in Dual-phase Materials. International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures (CFRAC 2011) (Barcelone, Espagne, du 06/06/2011 au 08/06/2011). In: Proceedings of Second INternational Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures (CFRAC 2001), J. Olivier, M. Jirasek, O.Allix, and N. Moes eds, 2011, 99.


Simar, Aude ; Nielsen, Kim L. ; Denquin, Anne ; Pardoen, Thomas. Damage mechanisms in 6xxx series aluminium alloys, application to friction stir welds. International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials - Thermec (Quebec City, Canada, du 01/08/2011 au 05/08/2011).


Coulombier, Michaël ; Ryelandt, Laurence ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Wang, Bingyu ; Schrijvers, D. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Deformation mechanisms in aluminium and aluminium-silicon freestanding thin films uncovered through on-chip testing. European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes – EuroMAT 2011 (Montpellier, France, du 12/09/2011 au 15/09/2011). In: Proceedings of the European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes – EuroMAT 2011, 2011, p. Session In-situ Testing 2, paper # 5.


Coulombier, Michaël ; Guisbiers, Grégory ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Experimental evidences of competing stress relaxation mechanisms in thin Al/Si and Pd films tested on chip. MRS Fall meeting (Boston, USA, du 27/11/2011 au 02/12/2011).


Lecarme, Liza ; Tekoglu, Cihan ; Kinding Minamou, Josué ; Pardoen, Thomas. Extension of void growth and coalescence models including strain hardening and thermoviscoplastic effects. International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures (CFRAC 2011) (Barcelone, Espagne, du 06/06/2011 au 08/06/2011).


Monnereau, L. ; Thomassin, J.-M. ; Quiévy, Nicolas ; Bollen, Pierre ; Eggermont, S. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Huynen, Isabelle ; Jérôme, C. ; Detrembleur, C.. Foaming in CO2sc medium as an efficient way to produce Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Materials. European Polymer Congress EPF 2011 (Grenada, Espagne, du 26/06/2011 au 01/07/2011), p. 1 p.


Favache, Audrey ; Teillet, A. ; Poirier, C. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal ; Carbonnelle, Pierre ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Bailly, Christian ; Nysten, Bernard. Fracture mechanics based analysis of the scratch resistance of thin Cr based coatings. European Symposium on Friction, Wear and Wear Protection (Karlsruhe (Germany), du 26/10/2011 au 28/10/2011).


Campos Delgado, Jessica ; Botello Mendez, Andrés Rafael ; Hackens, Benoît ; Charlier, J.-C. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Graphene growth by CVD using liquid precursors. Lavoisier Discussions - Graphene on metals: CVD growth and exploitation (Abbaye-Ecole de Sorèze, France, du 26/10/2011 au 27/10/2011). In: Proceeding of the Lavoisier Discussions - Graphene on metals: CVD growth and exploitation, 2011, pp. 11-14.


Ryelandt, Sophie ; Carbonnelle, Pierre ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Houri, Samer ; Zeb, G. ; Zulfiqar, A. ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. High throughput lab-on-chip for testing the mechanical properties of thin films. European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes – EuroMAT 2011 (Montpellier, France, du 12/09/2011 au 15/09/2011). In: Proceedings of the European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes – EuroMAT 2011, 2011, p. poster D22-P-1-21.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Wang, Binjie ; Schrijvers, Dominique ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Imperfection, rate and size dependent plastic localization in thin nanocrystalline metallic films. DYMAT, 20th Technical meeting: mechanical behaviour of nanomaterials, metallic glasses and architecturally designed materials (Maison de la chimie, Paris, France, du 07/09/2011 au 09/09/2011).


Bréchet, Yves ; Simar, Aude ; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Bruno ; Denquin, Anne ; Pardoen, Thomas. Integrated modelling for process optimization applied to friction stir welds in 6xxx series aluminium alloys. International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials - Thermec (Quebec City, Canada, du 01/08/2011 au 05/08/2011).


André, Simon ; Melchior, Maxime ; Morelle, Xavier ; Dumont, D. ; Destoop, Vincent ; Doneux, Catherine ; Delannay, Laurent ; Doghri, Issam ; Daoust, Daniel ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Local approach of fracture of HexFlow®RTM6 structural epoxy with thermoplastic and nanofillers additions . 6th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives (Les Diablerets, Switzerland, du 11/09/2011 au 15/09/2011). In: CD-Rom, Elesevier , 2011, p. réf. 123.


Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Wang, Binjie ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Guisbiers, Grégory ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Mechanical Properties of Palladium Thin Films: High Strength/Ductility Balance Through Growth Nanotwins. ASME 2011 Applied Mechanics and Materials Conference - Session 6-7 Micromechanics of Materials VII (Chicago, US, du 30/05/2011 au 01/06/2011). In: Proceedings of ASME 2011 (McMat2011-4108), 2011.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Scheyvaerts, Florence ; Simar, Aude ; Nielsen, K.L. ; Tvergaard, V. ; Yerra Sampath, Kumar ; Delannay, Laurent ; Tekoglu, Cihan ; Lecarme, Liza ; Fabrègue, D. ; Onck, P.R.. Micromechanical modelling of void nucleation, growth and coalescence in ductile solids with physics based hardening laws. 1st Cenaero workshop on Damage Tolerant Approaches (Gosselies, Belgium, du 07/09/2011 au 08/09/2011).


Quiévy, Nicolas ; Huynen, Isabelle ; Bailly, Christian ; Detrembleur, C. ; Eggermont, S. ; Bollen, Pierre ; Molenberg, Isabel ; Thomassin, J.M. ; Monnereau , L. ; Urbanczyk, L. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Multifunctional Hybrids for Electromagnetic Absorption. Second International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials (Strasbourg, France, du 06/03/2011 au 10/03/2011).


Quiévy, N. ; Huynen, Isabelle ; Bailly, Christian ; Detrembleur, Christophe ; Eggermont, S. ; Bollen, Pierre ; Molenberg, Isabel ; Thomassin, J.M. ; Monnerau, L. ; Urbanczyk, L. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Multifunctional Hybrids for Electromagnetic Absorption. Second International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials (Strasbourg, France, du 06/03/2011 au 10/03/2011). In: Book of abstracts, 2011.


Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Houri, Samer ; Passi, Vikram ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Nano-mechanical testing of free-standing mono-crystalline silicon beams. The 219th Electrochemical Society Meeting – ECS 2011 (Montreal, QC, Canada, du 01/05/2011 au 06/05/2011). In: Proceedings of the 219th Electrochemical Society Meeting – ECS 2011, 2011, p. paper 1446.


Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Houri, Samer ; Passi, Vikram ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Nanomechanical testing of free-standing monocrystalline silicon beams. 219th ECS Meeting - Symposium E8 - Advanced Semiconductor-on-Insulator Technology and Related Physics (Montreal, Canada, du 01/05/2001 au 06/05/2011). In: Proceedings of the 219th ECS Meeting, 2011, p. paper #1446.


Eggermont, Stéphanie ; Bollen, Pierre ; Quiévy, Nicolas ; Bailly, Christian ; Detrembleur, Christophe ; Molenberg, Isabel ; Thomassin, J.M. ; Monnereau, L. ; Urbanczyk, L. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Huynen, Isabelle. Novel frequency selective electromagnetic absorber combining honeycomb waveguide and carbon nanotube composites. European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (Rome, du 11/04/2011 au 15/04/2011). In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation. Rome, 2011, 2335-2338.


Schryvers, D. ; Idrissi, H. ; Wang, Binjie ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Study of Twins in nanoscale Pd films with high strain hardening capacity. TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (San Diego, USA, du 27/02/2011 au 03/03/2011). In: Proceedings of TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2011.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Idrissi, Hosni ; WANGA MVEMBA, Binjie ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Schryvers, D.. Ultra High strain hardening in nanocrystalline Pd thin films with nanotwins. Plasticity'11 (Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, du 03/01/2011 au 08/01/2011). In: Plasticity'11, A.Khan ed., 2011.


Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Wang, Bingyu ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Guisbiers, Grégory ; Schryvers, D. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Ultra high strain hardening in nanocrystalline palladium thin films with nanotwins: an experimental study coupled to a phenomenological analytical mode. ECI Conference on Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development (Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain, du 09/10/2011 au 14/10/2011). In: Proceedings of the ECI Conference on Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development, 2011, p. Paper 7.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Scheyvaerts, Florence ; Simar, Aude ; Nielsen, K.L. ; Tvergaard, V. ; Yerra Sampath, Kumar ; Delannay, Laurent ; Tekoglu, Cihan ; Lecarme, Liza ; Fabrègue, Damien ; Onck, P.R.. Void growth and coalescence in ductile solids with physics based hardening laws. IAMI & CANMET Workshop - Microstructural effects on damage, fracture and crashworthiness in high performances automotive materials, CANMET - Materials (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, du 10/05/2011 au 11/05/2011).


Yerra Sampath, Kumar ; Martin, G. ; Willemet, Marie ; Véron, M. ; Bréchet, Yves ; Fourmentin, R. ; Mithieux, J.D. ; Delannay, Laurent ; Pardoen, Thomas. A Numerical study on damage nucleation in duplex stainless steels. Duplex World 2010 Conference (Beaune, France, du 13/10/2010 au 15/10/2010). In: Duplex Stainless Steel- Conference Proceedings, J. Charles ed., 2010, p.1265-1273 ; CD-Rom IV.C.4.


Passi, Vikram ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Application of process induced stress to study the mechanical properties of monocrystalline and amorphous silicon thin films. Nanomechanical Testing Workshop and Hysitron User Meeting (INM, Saarbrücken, Germany, du 25/02/2010 au 26/02/2010). In: Proceedings of the Nanomechanical Testing Workshop and Hysitron User Meeting, INM: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2010, p. 39-40.


Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Passi, Vikram ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Application of process induced stress to study the mechanical properties of monocrystalline and amorphous silicon thin films (poster pres. by U. Bhaskar). Nanobrucken Nanomechanical testing Workshop, INM (Saarbrucken - Germany, 25-26/02/2010).


Martin, G. ; Bréchet, Yves ; Véron, M. ; Mithieux, J.D. ; Fourmentin, R. ; Chéhab, B. ; Yerra Sampath, Kumar ; Delannay, Laurent ; Pardoen, Thomas. Caractérisation de l'endommagement à chaud d'un acier inoxydable austéno-ferritique via la détermination du travail essentiel de rupture. Matériaux 2010 (Nantes, France, du 18/10/2010 au 22/10/2010). In: Proceedings of Matériaux 2010, J. Crepin, J.-C. Bernier, S. Lartigue eds, 2010, p. CD-Rom C.7-288.


Escobedo-Cousin, E. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Olsen, S.. Characterising the effect of uniaxial strain on the surface roughness of Si nanowire MEMS-based microstructures. 2010 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting - MRS Fall'10 (Boston, MA, USA, du 29/11/2010 au 03/12/2010). In: Proceedings of the 2010 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, 2010, p. Paper # S3.4..


Martin, G. ; Bréchet, Yves ; Véron, M. ; Mithieux, D. ; Fourmentin, R. ; Chéhab, B. ; Yerra Sampath, Kumar ; Delannay, Laurent ; Pardoen, Thomas. Characterization of the Hot Cracking Resistance using the Concept of the Essential Work of Fracture - Application to Duplex Stainless steels. Journée annuelles de la Société française de Métallurgie et de Matériaux (Paris, France, du 22/06/2010 au 24/06/2010). In: Proceedings of JA 2010, D. Chandesris an R. Alberny eds., 2010, p. CD-Rom T.4-2.


Martin, G. ; Bréchet, Yves ; Véron, M. ; Mithieux, J.D. ; Fourmentin, R. ; Chéhab, B. ; Yerra Sampath, Kumar ; Delannay, Laurent ; Pardoen, Thomas. Characterization of the Hot Cracking Resistance using the Essential Work of Fracture. 10th Stainless Steel Brazilian Conference (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, du 20/09/2010 au 22/09/2010). In: Proceedings of the 10th Stainless Steel Brazilian Conference, M.C. Rebello, 2010, p. 216-226.


André, Simon ; Debruille, V. ; Mathieu, F. ; Dumont, D. ; Destoop, Vincent ; Daoust, Daniel ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Damage and fracture resistance of the RTM6 structural epoxy with thermoplastic additions. 14th European Conference on composite materials - ECCM14 (Budapest, Hungary, du 07/06/2010 au 10/06/2010). In: , 2010.


Martin, G. ; Caldemaison, D. ; Bornert, M. ; Pinna, C. ; Véron, M. ; Chéhab, B. ; Fourmentin, R. ; Mithieux, J.D. ; Yerra Sampath, Kumar ; Delannay, Laurent ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bréchet, Yves. Determination of the high temperature micro-scale strain distribution - Application to Duplex Stainless Steel. Duplex Stainless Steels Conference and Exhibition (Beaune, France, du 13/10/2010 au 15/10/2010). In: Proceedings of the Duplex World 2010, Ed. J. Charles, 2010, CD-Rom IV.C.5.


André, Simon ; Melchior, Maxime ; Debruille, V. ; Mathieu, F. ; Dumont, D. ; Destoop, Vincent ; Daoust, Daniel ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Elastoviscoplastic and damage behavior of the HexFolw RTM6 structural epoxy with thermoplastic additions. European Conference on Fracture ECF18 (Dresden, Germany, du 30/08/2010 au 03/09/2010). In: , 2010.


Lecarme, Liza ; Tekoglu, Cihan ; Pardoen, Thomas. Extension void growth and coalescence models for rate dependent physical strain hardening laws. European Conference on Fracture ECF18 (Dresden, Germany, du 30/08/2010 au 03/09/2010).


Passi, Vikram ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Fabrication process for applying high mechanical stress on monocrystalline silicon film. 6th International SemOI Conference and 1st Ukrainian-French Seminar “Semiconductor-on-Insulator materials, devices and circuits: physics, technology and diagnostics” (Kyiv, Ukraine, du 25/10/2010 au 28/10/2010). In: Proceedings of the 6th International SemOI Conference and 1st Ukrainian-French Seminar “Semiconductor-on-Insulator materials, devices and circuits: physics, technology and diagnostics”, 2010, pp. 125-126.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Boé, A. ; Brugger, Charles ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Delannay, Laurent ; Dancette, Sylvain ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Wang, B. ; Schryvers, D. ; Massart, T.J. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Imperfection and size dependent fracture of thin metallic films. Fifth International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling - MMM2010 (Freiburg, Germany, du 04/10/2010 au 08/10/2010). In: Conference proceedings, 2010, p. 243.


Simar, Aude ; Bréchet, Yves ; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Bruno ; Denquin, Anne ; Pardoen, Thomas. Integrated modeling of friction stir welding in 6xxx series aluminium alloys. 8th International Symposium on Friction Stir Welding (Timmendorfer Strand, Germany, 2010). In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Friction Stir Welding, 2010.


Pierman, Anne-Pascale ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal. Investigation of voids nucleation and damage propagation in Dual Phase steels. MSE 2010 (Darmstadt, Germany, du 24/08/2010 au 26/08/2010).


Carbonnelle, Pierre ; Ryelandt, Sophie ; Boe, Alexandre ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Zulfiqar, Azeem ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Lab-on-chips based testing methods to investigate the mechanical behavior of nanofilms. European Conference on Nano Film - ECNF'10 (Liège, Belgium, du 22/03/2010 au 25/03/2010). In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Nano Film - ECNF'10, 2010, p. 37.


Carbonnelle, Pierre ; Ryelandt, Sophie ; Boe, Alexandre ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Zulfiqar, Azeem ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Lab-on-chips based testing methods to investigate the mechanical behaviour of thin films. 2nd International Conference on Functional Nanocoatings (Dresden, Germany, du 28/03/2010 au 31/03/2010). In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Functional Nanocoatings, 2010, p. Paper # 25. doi:10.1051/epjconf/20100626001.


Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Passi, Vikram ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Zulfiqar, Azeem ; Pardoen, Thomas. Mechanical and electromechanical on-chip testing of mono- and poly-crystalline silicon nanobeams. 2010 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting - MRS Fall'10 (Boston, MA, USA, du 2911/2010 au 03/12/2010). In: Proceedings of the 2010 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting - MRS Fall'10, 2010.


Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Boé, A. ; Idrissi, H. ; Wang, B. ; Schrijvers, D. ; Proost, Joris ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Mechanical properties characterization of freestanding palladium films by on-chip internal stress controlled nanomechanical tensile testing. Nanobrucken Nanomechanical testing Workshop, INM (Saarbrucken - Germany, 25-26/02/2010). In: Proceedings of the Nanomechanical Testing Workshop and Hysitron User Meeting, INM: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2010, 29-30.


Simar, Aude ; Bréchet, Yves ; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Bruno ; Denquin, A. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Multiphysics modeling of the microstructure evolution and the mechanical properties of friction stir welds in 6xxx series aluminium alloys. Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (Paris, France, 2010).


Pardoen, Thomas. Multiscale Modelling of Adhesive Joint Fracture: Energy Separation and Constraint Effects. 33rd Annual adhesion society meeting (Daytona Beach, US, du 21/02/2010 au 24/02/2010).


Delannay, Laurent ; Resk, Heba ; Yerra Sampath, Kumar ; Martin, G. ; Brassart, Laurence ; Willemet, Marie ; Pardoen, Thomas. Multisite modeling of strain heterogeneity in multiphase polycrystals - Evaluation based on CPFEM and experiment. Fifth International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling - MMM2010 (Freiburg, Germany, du 04/10/2010 au 08/10/2010). In: Conference proceedings (P. Gumbsch and E. Van der Giessen eds.), 2010, 168.


Wang, Bingyu ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Boé, Alexandre ; Proost, J. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, D.. Nanomechanical tensile testing of metallic thin films. MICROSCIENCE 2010 (London, UK, du 28/06/2010 au 01/07/2010). In: Proceedings of MICROSCIENCE 2010, 2010, p. Paper M3.2-0142.


Ryelandt, Sophie ; Carbonnelle, Pierre ; Boe, Alexandre ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Zulfiqar, Azeem ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Dille, J. ; Poirier, C. ; Proost, Joris ; Godet, Stéphane ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Nanomechanical testing of thin metallic films application to aluminium, palladium and chromium films. European Conference on Nano Film - ECNF'10 (Liège, Belgium, du 22/03/2010 au 23/03/2010). In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Nano Film - ECNF'10, 2010, p. 70.


Strepenne, François ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Poirier, C. ; Boe, Alexandre ; Pardoen, Thomas. New adhesion testing methods for thin coatings towards separating the different energy contributions to the total work of fracture. European Conference on Nano Film - ECNF'10 (Liège, Belgium, du 22/03/2010 au 25/03/2010). In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Nano Film - ECNF'10, 2010, p. 132.


Olbrechts, Benoit ; Rue, Bertrand ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Flandre, Denis ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Routes towards novel active pressure sensors in SOI technology. 6th International SemOI Conference and 1st Ukrainian-French Seminar “Semiconductor-on-Insulator materials, devices and circuits: physics, technology and diagnostics” (Kyiv, Ukraine, du 25/10/2010 au 28/10/2010). In: Proceedings of the 6th International SemOI Conference and 1st Ukrainian-French Seminar “Semiconductor-on-Insulator materials, devices and circuits: physics, technology and diagnostics”, 2010, p. paper 36.


Brugger, Charles ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Boé, A. ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Size dependent ductility and fracture behaviour of thin freestanding metallic films. European Conference on Fracture ECF18 (Dresden, Germany, du 30/08/2010 au 03/09/2010).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Brugger, Charles ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Boé, A. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Massart, T.J.. Strain hardening in fine grained metallic alloys : from bulk to thin film systems. The International Symposium on Plasticity 2010 (St Kitts, du 03/01/2010 au 08/01/2010). In: Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Plasticity and its Current Applications - PLASTICITY 2010, Finite plasticity and viscoplasticity of conventional and emerging materials. Caraibes, 2010. 0-9659463-2-0.


Schrijvers, D. ; Idrissi, H. ; Wang, B. ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Boe, Alexandre ; Proost, Joris ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. TEM characterization of freestanding Pd and Al films for lab-on-chip nanomechanical tensile testing. MICROSCIENCE 2010 (London, UK, du 29/06/2010 au 01/07/2011). In: Proceedings of the MICROSCIENCE 2010, 2010, p. paper M3.2 - 0062.


Wang, B. ; Idrissi, H. ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schrijvers, D.. TEM characterization of freestanding metallic thin films deformed by controlled on chip internal stress. 17th International Microscopy Congress - IMC17 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, du 19/09/2010 au 24/09/2010). In: Proceedings of the 17th International Microscopy Congress - IMC17, 2010, p. paper M12505.


Idrissi, H. ; Wang, B. ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Schrijvers, D. ; Pardoen, Thomas. TEM characterization of twinned nanocrystalline palladium thin films. 2010 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting - MRS Fall'10 (Boston, MA, USA, du 29/11/2010 au 03/12/2010). In: Proceedings of the 2010 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, 2010, p. paper # P1.3..


Yerra Sampath, Kumar ; Tekoglu, Cihan ; Van Bael, A. ; Delannay, Laurent ; Van Houtte, Paul ; Pardoen, Thomas. The Facet-Gurson model for ductile damage process. 18thh European Conference on Fracture (ECF18) (Dresden, Germany, du 30/08/2010 au 03/09/2010). In: Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Fracture, D. Klingbeil, M. Vormwald, K.-G. Eulitz eds., 2010, p. CD-Rom B.05.3-2.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Idrissi, H. ; Wang, B. ; Enmili, A. ; Brugger, Charles ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Ultra large local ductility in thin freestanding Al films. 2010 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting - MRS Fall'10 (Boston, MA, USA, du 29/11/2010 au 03/12/2010). In: Proceedings of the 2010 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, 2010, p. paper # P11.3..


Tekoglu, Cihan ; Pardoen, Thomas. A micromechanics based model for ductile damage in multiphase and composite metallic alloys combining extended Gurson and homogenization theory. 12th International Congress on Fracture, ICF12 (Ottawa, Cananda, du 12/07/2009 au 17/07/2009). In: Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Fracture, ICF12, 2009, p. Paper # T10.037.


Dufour, Philippe ; Clément, Nicolas ; Lenain, A. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal. Damage and fracture mechanisms in Ti-LCB and Ti555 alloys : micromechanical testing and modelling. The 12th International Congress on Fracture (Ottawa, Cananda, July 12-17). In: Proceedings of the ICF12, 2009, p. paper # T10.014.


Pardoen, Thomas. Ductilité et résistance des films minces métalliques, pléthore d'effets de taille . SAMPE 2009 (2009).


Boé, A. ; Strepenne, François ; Stefen, P. ; Carbonnelle, Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Enhanced superlayer test method ofr the measurement of the adhesion of thin films. ECI 2009- Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development (Barga, Toscany, Italy, du 11/10/2009 au 16/10/2009).


Massart, T.J. ; Mazzoni-Leduc, L. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Evolving confinement and strain gradient plasticity for the size dependent behaviour of polycrystals. Complas 2009 - 10th International Conference on Computational Plasticity (Barcelona - Spain, du 02/09/2009 au 04/09/2009). In: Complas 2009 , 2009, p.4.


Massart, T.J. ; Mazzoni-Leduc, L. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Evolving confinement and strain gradient plasticity for the size dependent flow properties of polycrystalline materials (oral. pres. by T.J. Massart). ICSMA 15- 15th International Conference on the Strengh of Materials (Dresden, du 16/08/2009 au 21/08/2009).


Coulombier, Michaël ; Boe, Alexandre ; Safi, A. ; Gravier, Sébastien ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Fracture of thin freestanding ductile metallic films characterized using a nanomechanical lab-on-chip technique. 12th International Congress on Fracture, ICF12 (Ottawa, Cananda, du 12/07/2009 au 17/07/2009). In: Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Fracture, 2009, p. Paper # T44.002..


Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Boé, A. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Proost, Joris ; Pardoen, Thomas. Impact of hydriding cycles on mechanical properties of palladium thin film. Innovations in Thin Film Processing and Characterization - ITFPC'09 (Nancy - France, du 17/07/2009 au 20/07/2009). In: Proceedings of the Innovations in Thin Film Processing ans Characterization, 2009, Paper P 2.10, p 100.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Brugger, Charles ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Boe, Alexandre ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Proost, Joris ; Massart, T.J. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Imperfection and size dependent ductility of thin freestanding metallic films. 2009 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting (Boston, USA, November 30 - December 4).


Delmelle, Renaud ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Proost, Joris. In-situ study of the kinetics and durability of Pd-hydride formation for integrated hydrogen sensor applications. 2009 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting (San Francisco, 2009). In: Proceedings, 2009, p. O4.5.


Simar, Aude ; Pardoen, Thomas. Incorporating grain boundaries and precipitates into dislocation density-based work-hardening models. IAP Doctoral Winter School on Work Hardening (Leuven, Belgique, 04/02/2009).


Simar, Aude ; Bréchet, Yves ; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Bruno ; Denquin, Anne ; Pardoen, Thomas. Integrated modeling of friction stir welding : from welding conditions to fracture strain. 12th International Congress on Fracture, ICF12 (Ottawa, Canada). In: Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Fracture, 2009, p. paper # T46.009.


Boé, A. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Zulfiqar, Azeem ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Internal stress relaxation based method to extract the Young's modulus of brittle and ductile thin layers. Innovations in Thin Film Processing and Characterization - ITFPC'09 (Nancy - France, du 17/11/2009 au 20/11/2009). In: Proceedings of the Innovations in Thin Film Processing ans Characterization, 2009, Paper O 3.3, p 12.


Boe, Alexandre ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Brugger, Charles ; DILLE, JEAN ; Proost, Joris ; GODET, S. ; Legros, M. ; Mompiou, F. ; Sharon, J.A. ; Hemker, K.J. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Lab-on-chip tensile stages for nanomechanical testing and TEM analysis. 35th International Conference on Micro & Nano Engineering - MNE'09 (Ghent, du 28/09/2009 au 01/10/2009). In: Proceedings of the 35 th International Conference on Micro & Nano Engineering, 2009, p. paper # O-MEMS-02.


Boé, A. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Ryelandt, Sophie ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. MEMS based microstructures for nanomechanical characterization of thin films. GDR MECANO - 2ème atelier général Ecole des Mines de Paris (Paris, du 23/04/2009 au 24/04/2009).


Martiny, Ph. ; Lani, Frédéric ; Kinloch, A.J. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Micro-mechanical modeling of the fracture in adhesive joints. The Adhesion Society meeting, inc. 32nd Annual Meeting (Savannah, U.S., 2009). In: Proceedings of the Adhesion Society meeting, 2009.


Dufour, Philippe ; Clément, Nicolas ; Lenain, A. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal. Micromechanical testing of the beta metastable Ti-555 an Ti-LCB alloys : characterisation of the damage and fracture mechanics (poster pres. by P. Dufour). Thermec'2009 - Interantional Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (Berlin, Germany, August 25 - 29).


Scheyvaerts, F. ; ONCK, P. ; BRECHET, Y. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Multiscale modeling of Crack growth in heteregeneous ductile metallic Alloys. Thermec'2009 - International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (Berlin, Germany, du 25/08/2009 au 29/08/2009).


Scheyvaerts, F. ; Onck, P. ; Brechet, Y. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Multiscale modeling of the competition between intergranular and transgranular ductile fracture in Al alloys. 12th International Congress on Fracture, ICF12 (Ottawa, Cananda, du 12/07/2009 au 17/07/2009). In: Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Fracture, ICF12, 2009, p. Paper # T10.030.


Tekoglu, Cihan ; Pardoen, Thomas. New micromechanics based model for ductile damage in multiphase and composite metallic alloys combining extended Gurson and homogenisation theories. 1st International Conference on Material Modelling (Dortmund Germany, du 15 september 2009 au 17 sptember 2009).


Coulombier, Michaël ; Boé, A. ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Ryelandt, Sophie ; Brugger, Charles ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. New testing method for ductility of thin Al films (oral pres. by M. Coulombier). ECI 2009, Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development (Barga (Tuscany), Italy, du 11/10/2009 au 16/10/2009).


Pierman, Anne-Pascale ; Tekoglu, Cihan ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal. Nucleation, growth and coalescence of voids in dual phase steels: from model microstructures to microstructure based modelling. 12th International Congress on Fracture (Ottawa, Cananda, July 12-17). In: Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Fracture, ICF12, 2009, p. paper # T25.007.


Pierman, Anne-Pascale ; Tekoglu, C. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal. On the characterisation and optimisation of the resistance to crack initiation and propagation of dual phase steels. Thermec'2009 - International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (Berlin, Germany, du 25/08/2009 au 29/08/2009). In: Abstract book, 2009, p. 71.


Boé, A. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Safi, A. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. On-chip testing laboratory for nanomechanical characterization of thin films. the 2009 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics (Albuquerque, NM USA, du 01/06/2009 au 04/06/2009). In: Proceedings of the 2009 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Society for Experimental Mechanics Inc. ed(s), 2009, p. -.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Scheyvaerts, F. ; Tekoglu, Cihan ; Lecarme, Liza ; Fabrègue, D. ; ONCK, P.. Recent Progress in Micromechanics-based Modeling of Void Coalescence. ESMC 2009 - 7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference (Insituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal, du 07/09/2009 au 11/09/2009).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Scheyvaerts, F. ; Tekoglu, Cihan ; Lecarme, Liza ; Fabrègue, Damien ; Onck, P.. Recent Progress in Micromechanics-based Modeling of Void Coalescence. 2009 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Appliend Mechanics (Albuquerque, NM USA, du 01/06/2009 au 04/06/2009). In: Proceedings of the 2009 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Appliend Mechanics, Society for Experimental Mechanics Inc. ed(s), 2009. 978-1-935116-03-5, p. p 7.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal ; Massart, T.J.. Size dependent Strength and Ductility Optimization of Multiphase Steels (Invited keynote lecture). 2009 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting (Boston, USA, November 30 - December 4).


Coulombier, Michaël ; Boé, A. ; Ryelandt, Sophie ; Brugger, Charles ; Wang, B. ; Idrissi, H. ; SCHRIJVERS, D. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Size dependent ductility of thin metallic films using internal stress driven nanotesting structures . Innovations in Thin Film Processing and Characterization - ITFPC'09 (Nancy - France, du 17/11/2009 au 20/11/2009).


Brugger, Charles ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Boé, A. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Massart, T.J. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Strain gradient plasticity based modeling of the ductility of thin freestanding metallic films (oral pres. By C. Brugger). IICSMA 15 - 15th International Conference on the Strength of Materials (Dresden, du 16/08/2009 au 21/08/2009).


Brugger, Charles ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Boé, A. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Massart, T.J. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Strain gradient plasticity based modeling of the necking in thin metallic films: influence of grain size and imperfections. Materials Science & Technology Conference & Exhibition 2009 (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, du 25/10/2009 au 29/10/2009). In: Proceedings of the Materials Science & Technology Conference & Exhibition 2009, 2009, p.143.


Brugger, Charles ; Massart, T.J. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Strain gradient plasticity based modeling of the size dependent strength and ductility of thin polycrystalline metallic films. Innovations in Thin Film Processing and Characterization - ITFPC'09 (Nancy, France, du 17/11/2009 au 20/11/2009). In: Proceedings of the Innovations in Thin Film Processing and Characterization, 2009.


Lecarme, Liza ; Tekoglu, Cihan ; Yerra Sampath, Kumar ; Delannay, Laurent ; Pardoen, Thomas. Strain hardening and viscoplastic effects on void growth and coalescence. Thermec'2009 - International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (Berlin, Germany, du 25/08/2009 au 29/08/2009).


Coulombier, Michaël ; Boé, A. ; Ryelandt, Sophie ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. TEM observation of damage in aluminium thin films using on-chip nanomechanical testing laboratory. GDR MECANO - 2ème atelier général Ecole des Mines de Paris (Paris, du 23/04/2009 au 24/04/2009).


Strepenne, François ; Poirier, C. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Wedge opening test for measuring the adhesion of thin films : applications and separation by multiscale modeling of the different energy contributions. 12th International Congress on Fracture, ICF12 (Ottawa, Cananda, du 12/07/2009 au 17/07/2009). In: Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Fracture, 2009, p. Paper # T44.009..


Pardoen, Thomas ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Safi, A. ; Boé, A. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. A new nanomechanical testing concept for thin films. Gordon Conference on thin films (Colby College, Maine USA, July 2008).


Coulombier, Michaël ; Safi, A. ; Boé, A. ; Carbonnelle, Pierre ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. A new on chip micro and nanolaboratory measuring the mechanical properties of ductile and brittle thin film materials. The 9th symposium on nano-mechanical Testing - Nanomech 9 (Hückelhoven, Germany,, du 09/09/2008 au 11/09/2008).


Pardoen, Thomas ; Safi, A. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Carbonnelle, Pierre ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Gravier, S.. A new on chip nanomechanical testing concept applied to brittle and ductile thin films materials. 2nd International Conference on Integration and Commercialization of Micro and Nanosystems 2008 (Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China, 3-5 June 2008). In: 2nd International Conference on Integration and Commercialization of Micro and Nanosystems 2008, Asme, 2008. 0-7918-4294-0, p. 259-267.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Carbonnelle, Pierre. A new on chip nanomechanical testing concept applied to ductile and brittle thin film materials. First International Conference on Functional Nanocoatings (Budapest, Hungary, du 30/03/2008 au 02/04/2008). In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Functional Nanocoatings, 2008, p. 62.


Safi, A. ; Houri, Samer ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Gravier, Sébastien ; André, Nicolas ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. A new on chip nanomechanical testing concept applied to ductile and brittle thin film materials. "Surface Modification of Materials" Scientific Research Community of the F.W.O. - Mechanical Behavior of Materials in Small Volumes (Heverlee, Belgique, June 30, 2008).


Safi, A. ; Houri, Samer ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Gravier, S. ; André, Nicolas ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. A new on chip nanomechanical testing concept applied to ductile and brittle thin film materials. EuroSimE 2008 International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics; Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Micro-Systems (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, 20-23 April 2008). In: EuroSimE 2008 International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics; Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Micro-Systems, IEEE, 2008. 978-1-4244-2127-5, p. 46.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Safi, Asmahan ; Houri, Samer ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Gravier, Sébastien ; André, Nicolas ; Carbonnelle, Pierre ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. A new on chip nanomechanical testing method. Observatory for Micro & NanoTechnologies - Nanomechanics for NEMS: scientific and technological issues (Grenoble, France, du 26/06/2008 au 27/06/2008). In: Proceedings of the Observatory for Micro & NanoTechnologies - Nanomechanics for NEMS: scientific and technological issues, 2008.


Boé, A. ; Safi, A. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. MEMS microstructures for the nanomechanical characterization of thin films. International Conference on Multifunctional Materials and Structures (Hong-Kong, Chine, du 28/07/2008 au 31/07/2008). In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Multifunctional Materials and Structures, 2008, p. paper # MF382.


Mazzoni-Leduc, L. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Massart, T.J.. MEMS microstructures for the nanomechanical characterization of thin films. 8th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8) & 5th. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008) (Venise, Italie, du 30/06/2008 au 05/07/2008). In: Proceedings of 8th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8) & 5th. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008), 2008.


Befahy, Stéphane ; Yunus, Sami ; Troosters, M. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bertrand, Patrick. Stretchable Helical Metallic Conductor on Silicone Rubber Microwire. Symposium M: Materials and Technology for Flexible, Conformable, and Stretchable Sensors and Transistors, 2008 MRS Spring Meeting (San Francisco, USA, du 24/03/2008 au 28/03/2008). In: Abstract book, 2008, p. 276.


Wang, B. ; Safi, A. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Boé, A. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Wang, X ; Vlassak, Joost ; Schryvers, D.. TEM study of the NiTi shape memory thin film. 14th European Microscoyp Congress EMC'08 (Aachen, Germany, du 01/09/2008 au 05/09/2008). In: Proceedings of the 14th European Microscoyp Congress EMC'08, 2008, p. paper # P659.


Strepenne, François ; Bertholet, Yannick ; Olbrechts, Benoit ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. A new variant of the wedge opening test method with inverse identification of interface toughness. JADH 07 - 14e Journées d'Etude sur l'Adhésion (Biarritz (France), du 24/09/2007 au 28/09/2007). In: Proceedings, 2007, p. 131-134.


Simar, Aude ; Bréchet, Y. ; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Bruno ; Denquin, Anne ; Pardoen, Thomas. An integrated approach of precipitation and local mechanical properties in friction stir welds in aluminium alloy 6005A-T6. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes - Euromat'07 (Nuremberg, Germany, du 10/09/2007 au 13/09/2007).


Gerday, A.F. ; Clément, Nicolas ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Habraken, Anne-Marie. Inverse modeling of nanoindentation tests to identify Ti-555 behavior. 11th world conference on Titanium (Ti-2007) (Kyoto, Japon, June 3-7). In: Proceedings of the 11th world conference on Titanium (Ti-2007), 2007.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. La technologie MEMS au service de l’extraction des propriétés mécaniques des matériaux aux échelles micro et nano. ISTM Seminar - Maîtrise et caractérisation locale de microstructures dans les lignes d’interconnexions cuivre (Grenoble, France, 18/01/2007). In: Proceedings of the ISTM Seminar - Maîtrise et caractérisation locale de microstructures dans les lignes d’interconnexions cuivr, 2007.


Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Fabregue, D. ; André, Nicolas ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Pardoen, Thomas. Low complexity testing micromachines revealing size-dependent mechanical properties of thin Al films. TRANSDUCERS '07 & Eurosensors XXI. 2007 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Lyon, France, 10-14 June 2007). In: TRANSDUCERS '07 & Eurosensors XXI. 2007 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, IEEE, 2007. 1-4244-0841-5, p. 619-622.


Coulombier, Michaël ; André, Nicolas ; Sobieski, Stanislas ; Houri, Samer ; Gravier, Sébastien ; Carbonnelle, Pierre ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Microlaboratoire « on chip » pour la mesure des propriétés mécaniques de films minces. Pôle de compétitivité MECATECH - Journée de Rencontre Entreprises-Laboratoires (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 14/06/2007 au 14/06/2007). In: Proceedings de la journée de Rencontre Entreprises-Laboratoires, 2007.


Bertholet, Y. ; Olbrechts, Benoit ; Lejeune, B. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Molecular Bonding Aided by Dissipative Interlayers. 1st International Congress and Exhibition on Microreliability and Nanoreliability in Key Technology Applications - MicroNanoReliability 2007 (Berlin, Germany, du 02/09/2007 au 05/09/2007). In: Proceedings of the 1st International Congress and Exhibition on Microreliability and Nanoreliability in Key Technology Applications - MicroNanoReliability 2007, 2007, p. paper #3.


André, Nicolas ; Coulombier, Michaël ; De Longueville, Vincent ; Fabrègue, Damien ; Gets, T. ; Gravier, Sébastien ; Houri, Samer ; Safi, Asmahan ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Multipurpose on-chip nanomechanical laboratory for testing the size-dependent strength and ductility of submicron metallic films. International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) Symposium on Multi-Scale Plasticity of Crystalline Materials Organization (Eindhoven, The Netherlands, du 05/11/2007 au 09/11/2007). In: Proceedings of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) Symposium on Multi-Scale Plasticity of Crystalline Materials Organization, 2007, p. 16-17.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Gravier, Sébastien ; André, Nicolas ; Safi, Asmahan ; Gets, T. ; De Longueville, Vincent ; Sobieski, Stanislas ; Houri, Samer. Multipurpose on-chip nanomechanical laboratory for testing thin films. 2007 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting (Boston, MA, USA, du 26/11/2007 au 30/11/2007). In: Proceedings of the 2007 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, 2007, p. paper # DD1.3.


Coulombier, Michaël ; Gravier, Sébastien ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Fabrègue, Damien ; André, Nicolas ; Houri, Samer ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Multipurpose on-chip nanomechanical laboratory revealing the size-dependent strenght and high ductility of pure aluminium submicron films. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (Nurenberg, Germany, du 10/09/2007 au 13/09/2007). In: Proceedings of the European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, 2007, p. paper # D21-553.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Fabrègue, Damien ; André, Nicolas ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Nanomechanical testing machines revealing size-dependent mechanical properties of thin metallic films. Materials and Structures for Advanced Micro and Nano-electronics - MAM 2007 (Bruges, Belgium, du 04/03/2007 au 07/03/2007). In: Proceedings , 2007, p. Session 5, paper #2.


Coulombier, Michaël ; Gravier, Sébastien ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Fabrègue, Damien ; André, Nicolas ; Houri, Samer ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. New concept of multipurpose on-chip nanomechanical laboratory. 1st International Congress and Exhibition on Microreliability and Nanoreliability in Key Technology Applications - MicroNanoReliability 2007 (Berlin, Germany, du 02/09/2007 au 05/09/2007). In: Proceedings of the 1st International Congress and Exhibition on Microreliability and Nanoreliability in Key Technology Applications - MicroNanoReliability 2007, 2007.


Mazzoni-Leduc, L. ; Massart, T.J. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Strain gradient plasticity based analysis of transformation induced plasticity in multihase steels. IX International Conference on Computational Plasticity - COMPLAS IX (Barcelona - Spain, 2007). In: Proceedings of the IX International Conference on Computational Plasticity - COMPLAS IX, 2007.


Delincé, Marc ; Bréchet, Yves ; Embury, John David ; Geers, M.G.D. ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Structure-property optimization of ultrafine grained dual phase steels using a microstructure based strain hardening model.. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (Nurenberg, Germany, September 10-13). In: Proceedings of the European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, 2007.


Wyart, Eric ; Boucaud, Arnaud ; coulon, danièle ; Remacle, Jean-François ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lani, Frédéric. Three-dimensional crack modelling in thin-walled aero-structures by the Substructuring FE Shell / XFE 3D method. ECCOMAS CFRAC 2007 International Conference on Computational Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures (Nantes, du 1/05/2007 au 1/05/2007).


Scheyvaerts, Florence ; ONCK, P. ; BRECHET, Y. ; Pardoen, Thomas. A multiscale model for the cracking resistance of 7000 Al. 9th European Mechanics of Materials Conference on Local Approach to fracture, Euromech - Mecamat 2006 (-, 2006). In: Proceedings of the 9th European Mechanics of Materials Conference on Local Approach to fracture, Euromech - Mecamat 2006, 2006, p. 447-452.


Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Iker, F. ; Andre, N. ; Olbrecht, B. ; Fabregue, D. ; Bertholet, Y. ; Flandre, Denis ; Pardoen, Thomas. Bulk and surface micromachined SOI MEMS: from sensors to testing micromachines. 4th International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) Spring Meeting 2006 (Singapore, du 17/04/2006 au 20/04/2006). In: Proceedings of the 4th International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) Spring Meeting 2006, 2006, p. 63.


Olbrechts, Benoit ; Lejeune, Bertrand ; Bertholet, Y. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Direct Wafer Bonding enhanced by Ductile Layers inserted near the interface. 9th International Symposium on Semiconductor Wafer Bonding, Science, Technology and Application - Electrochemical Society Fall Meeting (Cancun, Mexico, October 29-Novemner 3). In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Semiconductor Wafer Bonding, Science, Technology and Application - Electrochemical Society Fall Meeting, 2006, p. Paper 1381.


Steglich, D. ; Brocks, W. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Ductile damage models applied to anisotropic fracture of AL2024 T351. 16th European Conference of Fracture (Alexandropoulis - Greece, du 03/07/2006 au 07/07/2006). In: Fracture of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures - Proceedings of the 16th European Conference of Fracture, 2006, p. 857-858.


Lenain, Astrid ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Fatigue Crack Initiation in B-Metastable Titanium Alloy. 16th European Conference of Fracture (Alexandropoulis - Greece, July 3-7). In: Fracture of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures - Proceedings of the 16th European Conference of Fracture, 2006, p. CD-Rom 8 pages.


Gerday, A.F. ; Clément, Nicolas ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Habraken, Anne-Marie. Finite element simulations of nanoindentation in beta metastable Ti alloys. ESAFORM 2006 (2006). In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Material Forming, , 2006.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. La technologie MEMS au service de l'extraction des propriétés mécaniques des matériaux aux échelles micro et nano. ISTM Seminar - Maîtrise et caractérisation locale de microstructures dans les lignes d'interconnexions cuivre, ENSEEG (Grenoble, France, 2006). In: Proceedings of the ISTM Seminar, 2006.


Simar, Aude ; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Bruno ; Bréchet, Yves ; Pardoen, Thomas. Local and global mechanical properties of friction stir welds in Al 6005A. 7th National Congress on Theorical and Applied Mechanics (Mons, May 29-30, 2006). In: Proceedings of the 7th National Congress on Theorical and Applied Mechanics, 2006.


Lassance, Denis ; Fabrègue, Damien ; Delannay, Francis ; Pardoen, Thomas. Local approach to high temperature ductility modeling in 6XXX aluminium alloys. 16th European Conference of Fracture (Alexandropoulis - Greece, July 3-7). In: Fracture of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures - Proceedings of the 16th European Conference of Fracture, 2006, p. 839-840.


Lacroix, G. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal. Mechanisms of Damage and Fracture in TRIP-assisted Multiphase Steels. 16th European Conference of Fracture (Alexandropoulis - Greece, du 03/07/2006 au 07/07/2006). In: Fracture of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures - Proceedings of the 16th European Conference of Fracture, 2006, p. CD-Rom 8 pages.


Delannay, Laurent ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Micro-Macro modelling of the plastic flow of trip-assisted multiphase steel. 12th International Symposium on Plasticity and its Applications (Halifax, Canada, July 17-22). In: Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Plasticity and its Applications, 2006, p. 253-255.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Fabrègue, Damien ; Coulombier, Michaël ; André, Nicolas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Micromechanical Testing Lab-on-chip for Nano-sized Materials. 2006 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting (Boston, MA, USA, du 27/11/2006 au 01/12/2006). In: Proceedings of the 2006 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, 2006, p. EE 6.25.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Fabrègue, D. ; Coulombier, M. ; André, N. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Micromechanical Testing Lab-on-chip for Nano-sized Materials. 2006 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting (Boston, MA (USA), du 27/11/2006 au 01/12/2006). In: Proceedings of the 2006 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, 2006.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Fabrègue, Damien ; Bertholet, Yannick ; Iker, F. ; Olbrechts, Benoit ; André, Nicolas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Micromechanics and MeMS : a win - win story. 2006 European Solid Mechanics Conference (Budapest, Hongria, August 2006). In: Proceedings of the 2006 European Solid Mechanics Conference, 2006.


Simar, Aude ; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Bruno ; Bréchet, Yves ; Pardoen, Thomas. Microstructural evolution and local mechanical properties evolution throughout friction stir welds in Al 6005A. 6th International Symposium on Friction Stir Welding (Saint-Sauveur, Montréal, Canada, October 10-13). In: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Friction Stir Welding, 2006.


Wyart, Eric ; coulon, danièle ; duflot, Marc ; Martiny, Philippe ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Remacle, Jean-François ; Lani, Frédéric. Mixed dimensional FE-shell/XFE-3D formulation for crack analysis. 7th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Mons, du 29/05/2006 au 30/05/2006).


de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Bruno ; Simar, Aude ; Pardoen, Thomas. Modelling temperature histories in friction stir welding including material convection effects. 7th International Conference on "Trends in Welding Research" (Pine Mountain, Georgia, USA, May 16-20 2005). In: Trends in Welding Research - 7th International Conference on "Trends in Welding Research", ASM International, 2006.


Fabrègue, Damien ; André, Nicolas ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Coulombier, Michaël. New internal stress driven micromachines for measuring the mechanical properties of thin films. International Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS / MOEMS (Stresa, Lago Maggiore, Italy, du 24/04/2006 au 28/04/2006). In: Proceedings of the DTIP 2006 , 2006, p. 189-194.


Coulombier, Michaël ; André, Nicolas ; de Longueville, V. ; Fabrègue, D. ; Gets, T. ; Gravier, Sébastien ; Houri, Samer ; Safi, A. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. New multipurpose nanomechanical laboratory based on MEMS Technology. Workshop on "Nanomaterials : microstructural and mechanical characterisations, simulations" (Poitiers, France, December 12-13, 2006).


Martiny, Philippe ; Kinloch, A.J. ; Lani, Frédéric ; landis, chad ; Pardoen, Thomas. Parametric study of the plastic dissipation in the peeling of adhesively-bonded joints. 7th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Mons, du 29/05/2006 au 30/05/2006).


Pardoen, Thomas. Recent advances in the micromechanics of ductile fracture. 2006 European Solid Mechanics Conference in Budapest (2006). In: Book of extended abstracts, 2006.


Fabrègue, Damien ; Pardoen, Thomas. Void Coalescence in Metals Involving Two Populations of Cavities. 16th European Conference of Fracture (Alexandropoulis - Greece, July 3-7). In: Fracture of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures - Proceedings of the 16th European Conference of Fracture, 2006, p. CD-Rom, 7 pages.


Wyart, E. ; Martiny, P. ; Remacle, Jean-François ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lani, Frédéric. A multiscale approach for the simulation of cracks. 11th International Conference on Fracture (Turin (Italy), du 20/03/2005 au 25/03/2005). In: Proceedings of ICF11, 2005, p. 4708.


Iker, François ; Si Moussa, Mehdi ; André, Nicolas ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. CMOS compatible 2-D self-assembled MEMS in thin film SOI technology. Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale (U.R.S.I.) (Brussels, Belgium, 10/12/2005). In: Proceedings of the Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale (U.R.S.I.), 2005, p. 59.


Bertholet, Y. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Cohesive zone based modelling of Si/Si and SiO2/SiO2 interfaces in the presence of ductile interlayers. 11th International Conference on Fracture (Turin (Italy), du 20/03/2005 au 25/03/2005). In: Proceedings of ICH11 , A. Carpenteri ed., 2005, p. 5087.


Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Laurent ; Lacroix, Gauthier ; Delannay, Francis. Critical Assessment of the Plasticity and Fracture Properties of TRIP-assistedMultiphase Steels. JSI2005 (2005). In: La revue de Métallurgie -ATS , 2005, p. 152-153.


Iker, François ; André, Nicolas ; Proost, Joris ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Fabrication and modeling of 3-D self-assembled SOI MEMS controlled by thermal and plastic strains. IEEE MEMS 2005 (Miami, Florida, USA, du 29/01/2005 au 03/02/2005). In: Proceedings of MEMS 2005, 2005, p. 459-462.


Iker, François ; André, Nicolas ; Proost, Joris ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Fabrication and modeling of 3-D self-assembled SOI MEMS using plasticity features. 18th IEEE International Conference on MicroElectroMechanical Systems - MEMS 2005 (Miami, Floride, USA, January 30-February 3 2005). In: Proceedings , 2005, p. 459-462.


Bertholet, Y. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Influence of a ductile interlayer on the toughness of hydrophilic wafer bonding. Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Semiconductor Wafer Bonding; science, technology and applications, 205rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (Québec City, Canada, du 15/05/2005 au 20/05/2005). In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Semiconductor Wafer Bonding; science, technology , Electrochemical Society: Québec, Canada, 2005, p. 264-269.


LASSANCE, D. ; Schmitz, M. ; Delannay, Francis ; Pardoen, Thomas. Linking microstructure and high temperature ductility in aluminium alloys 6xxx. 11th International Conference on Fracture (Turin (Italy), 20-25 Mar 2005). In: Proceedings of ICF11, A. Carpinteri ed., 2005, 5079.


Simar, Aude ; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Bruno ; Bréchet, Yves ; Pardoen, Thomas. Local and Global Properties of Friction Stir Welds in AA6005A. BIL-NIL Lassymposium (Gent, Belgium, November 29-30). In: Proceedings of the BIL-NIL Lassymposium, 2005.


Delannay, Laurent ; Lani, Frédéric ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Micro-macro modeling and simulation of forming processes of TRIP-assisted multiphase steel. ATS - JSI 2005 (2005). In: La revue de Métallurgie - ATS - JSI2005, L. Devillers, 2005, 162-163.


Van Rompaey, T. ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas ; BLANPAIN, B. ; WOLLANTS, P.. Micromechanical study of the martensitic transformation in TRIP-assisted multiphase steels. EUROMAT 2005 (2005). In: Proceedings of EUROMAT 2005 - Solid State Transformation and Heat Treatment, A. Hazotte ed., 2005, p. 87-94.


Pardoen, Thomas ; BRECHET, Y. ; Huber, G.. Micromechanics of ductile fracture in multiphase alloys - application to cast Al alloys involving penny shape voids. 11th International Conference on Fracture (Turin (Italy), du 20/03/2005 au 25/03/2005). In: Proceedings of ICF11, A. Carpinteri ed., 2005, p. 5709.


Simar, Aude ; Pardoen, Thomas ; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Bruno. Modeling Friction Stir Welding. Invited Seminar at the University of South Carolina (Columbia (SC), USA, 2005).


Delannay, Laurent ; Lani, Frédéric ; Van Rompaey, T. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Francis. Modeling of the plastic deformation of multiphase metallic alloys with account of phase percolation and phase transition. Plasticity'05 (Fulton, Maryland, 2005). In: Proceedings , Neat Press, 2005, p. 478-480.


Martiny, P. ; Lani, Frédéric ; Landis, C.M. ; Kinloch, A.J. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Multiscale modeling of the steady-state fracture of adhesively-bonded joints. 28th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society (Alabama USA, du 15/02/2005 au 18/02/2005). In: Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, 2005.


Scheyvaerts, Florence ; ONCK, P. ; BRECHET, Y. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Multiscale simulation of the competition between intergranular and transgranular fracture. 11th International Conference on Fracture (Turin (Italy), 20-25 Mar 2005). In: Proceedings of ICF11, A. Carpinteri ed., 2005, p. 5331.


Iker, François ; André, Nicolas ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. New on-chip testing method for ultra thin metallic films. Euromech Colloquium 463 - Size dependent mechanics of materials (Groningen, The Netherlands, du 13/06/2005 au 15/06/2005). In: Proceedings of the Euromech Colloquium 463 - Size dependent mechanics of materials, 2005, p. Poster 5.


Lani, Frédéric ; Delannay, Laurent ; Furnemont, Quentin ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. On the stress-dependence of the TRIP-effect in multiphase steels. 8th ESAFORM Conference on material forming (Cluj, Romania, 2008). In: Proceedings of the 8th ESAFORM Conference on material forming, 2005, p. 225-228.


Martiny, P. ; Lani, Frédéric ; Landis, C.M. ; Kinloch, A.J. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Parametric study of the plastic dissipation in the peeling of adhesively-bonded joints 9th. Conference on the Science and technology of Adhesion and Adhesives (Oxford (UK), 7-9 Sept 2005). In: Conference on the Science and technology of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2005, p. 37-40.


Wyart, Eric ; duflot, marc ; coulon, daniele ; Martiny, Philippe ; remacle, jean-françois ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lani, Frédéric. Substructuring FE-XFE approaches applied to three-dimensional crack propagation. 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering ACOMEN (Ghent, Belgium., du 30/05/2011 au 2/06/2011).


Dubois, Simon M-M ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe. The ideal strength of silicon: an ab initio study. Feynman Workshop (Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, 12/02/2005).


Steglich, D. ; Paganelli, Davide ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Brocks, W.. A model for ductile failure applied to anisotropic Al 2024. TMS (2004). In: TMAS, 2004.


Wyart, Eric ; Martiny, Philippe ; Remacle, Jean-François ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lani, Frédéric. A new FEM-XFEM hierarchical approach for the computation of stress intensity factors (SIF's). Junior Euromat (Lausanne, Suisse, 2004). In: Proceedings of Junior Euromat, 2004.


Iker, François ; Si Moussa, Mehdi ; André, Nicolas ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. CMOS compatible 2-D self-assembled MEMS in thin film SOI technology. Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale (U.R.S.I.) (Brussels, Belgium, December 10). In: Proceedings, 2004, p. 66.


Iker, François ; Si Moussa, M. ; André, Nicolas ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. CMOS compatible 3-D self assembled microstructures using thin film SOI technology. Proceedings of the IEEE Sensors 2004 (Vienna, Austria, 24-27 October 2004). In: Proceedings of the IEEE Sensors 2004 (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37603), IEEE, 2004. 0-7803-8692-2, Vol. 3, p. 1113-16 .


Pardoen, Thomas ; Ferracin, T. ; Landis, C. ; Delannay, Francis. Constraint effects in steady-state fracture of adhesively-bonded joints. Advanced fracture Mechanics for Life and Safety Assessment (Stockholm, Sweden, 11-13 Aug). In: Proceedings of ECF15 - 15th European Conference on Fracture , 2004, p. CD-Rom.


Olbrechts, Benoit ; Bertholet, Y. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Direct wafer bonding issues : surface activation, high and low temperature annealing and insertion of a ductile layer for absorbing constraints. Workshop on Wafer Bonding for MEMS Technologies (Halle, Germany, du 11/10/2004 au 12/10/2004). In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Wafer Bonding for MEMS Technologies, 2004, p. 25-26.


Bertholet, Y. ; Iker, François ; Zhang, Xuan Xiong ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Fracture resistance of interfaces in bonded silicon wafers. 15th European Conference of Fracture (Stockholm, Sweden, du 11/08/2004 au 13/08/2004). In: Proceedings of the 15th European Conference of Fracture, 2004, p. Paper ECF15, 9 pages.


Simar, Aude ; Pardoen, Thomas ; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Bruno. Influence of friction stir welding parameters on the power input and the temperature distribution in aluminium alloys. 5th International Symposium on Friction Stir Welding (Metz, France, 2004). In: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Friction Stir Welding, 2004.


LASSANCE, D. ; Schmitz, M. ; Delannay, Francis ; Pardoen, Thomas. Linking microstructure and high temperature ductility in aluminium alloys AA6xxx. 15th European Conference on Fracture : Advanced fracture Mechanics for Life and Safety Assessment (Stockholm, Sweden, 11-13 Aug). In: Proceedings of ECF15 , 2004.


Van Rompaey, Tim ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Blanpain, Bart ; Wollants, P.. Micromechanical study of the martensitic transformation in TRIP-assisted multiphase steels. 3rd International Conference on "Computational Modeling and Simulation of Materials" (Acireale, Italy, du 30/05/2004 au 04/06/2004). In: Computational Modeling and Simulation of Materials III - Part B Vol.43 Advances in Science and Technology, 2004. 88-86538-46-4.


Hachez, Frédérique ; Atkins, A.G. ; Dodds, R.H. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Micromechanics-based modelling of ductile tearing in thin plates. 15th European Conference on Fracture : Advanced fracture Mechanics for Life and Safety Assessment (Stockholm, Sweden, du 11/08/2004 au 13/08/2004). In: Proceedings of ECF15 , 2004, p. CD-Rom.


Gallais, Christophe ; Denquin, Anne ; Pic, Aurélien ; Simar, Aude ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bréchet, Yves. Modeling the Relationship between Process Parameters - Microstructural Evolutions and Mechanical Behaviour in a Friction Stir Welded 6XXX Aluminium Alloy. 5th International Symposium on Friction Stir Welding (Metz, France, 2004). In: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Friction Stir Welding, 2004.


Ferracin, T. ; Landis, C. ; Delannay, Francis ; Pardoen, Thomas. Modelling steady state fracture of adhesively bonded joints with cohesive zones. From Molecules and Mechanics to Optimization and Design of Adhesives Joints (Wilmington, North Carolina, USA, 15-18 Feb). In: Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, M.K. Chaudhury ed. ed(s), 2004, 498-500.


Delannay, Laurent ; Doghri, Issam ; Lani, Frédéric ; Van Rompaey, T. ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Multiscale constitutive model for the simulation of forming operations on TRIP-assisted multiphase steel. 7th Esaform Conference Material Forming (Trondheim, du 28 April 2004 au 30 April 2004). In: Proceedings of the 7th Esaform Conference Material Forming, 2004, p. 127-130.


Scheyvaerts, Florence ; ONCK, P. ; BRECHET, Y. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Multiscale simulation of the competition between intergranular and transgranular fracture in 7000 alloys. 15th European Conference on Fracture : Advanced fracture Mechanics for Life and Safety Assessment (Stockholm, Sweden, du 11/08/2004 au 13/08/2004). In: Proceedings of ECF15, 2004, p. CD-Rom.


Lacroix, G. ; Furnemont, Quentin ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal. On the relationship between microstructure and fracture toughness IN Trip-assisted multiphase steels. 15th European Conference on Fracture: Advanced Fracture Mechanics for Life and Safety Assessment (Stockholm, Sweden, du 11/08/2004 au 13/08/2004). In: Proceedings of ECF15, 2004, p. CD-Rom.


Bertholet, Yannick ; Zhang, Xuan Xiong ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Steady-state measurement of fracture energy in wafer bonding. 27th Annual Meeting of The Adhesion Society - From Molecules and Mechanics to Optimization and Design of Adhesives Joints (Wilmington, North Carolina, U.S.A., du 15/02/2004 au 18/02/2004). In: Proceeedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of The Adhesion Society - From Molecules and Mechanics to Optimization and Design of Adhesives Joints , M.K. Chaudhury ed., The Adhesion Society Inc., 2004, p. 438-440.


Bertholet, Yannick ; Iker, François ; Zhang, Xuan Xiong ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Steady-state measurement of the interface fracture resistance in wafer bonding. 15th European Conference of Fracture (Stockholm, Sweden, August 2004). In: Proceedings of the 15th European Conference of Fracture, 2004.


Laconte, Jean ; Iker, François ; André, Nicolas ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Proost, Joris ; Flandre, Denis ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Thin films stress extraction using micromachined structures and wafer curvature measurements. Workshop on advanced microelectronics materials, Materials for Advanced Metallization (MAM 2004) (Brussels (Belgium), du 07/03/2007 au 10/03/2004). In: Proceedings of the Workshop on advanced microelectronics materials, Materials for Advanced Metallization (MAM 2004), Elsevier Science Ltd. Oxford, UK, 2004, paper 03.2.


Martiny, Philippe ; Wyart, Eric ; remacle, jean-françois ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lani, Frédéric. XFEM-based numerical study of the effect of the co-continuity of the phases on the mechanical response of dual phase composites. Junior Euromat 2004 (Lausanne, Switzerland, du 6/09/2004 au 9/09/2004).


Pardoen, Thomas. Current challenges in the transfer to metal forming of top-down approaches to ductile fracture. Second MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics (Cambridge U.S., du 17/06/2003 au 20/06/2003). In: Proceedings of the second MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, 2003, p. 553-555.


Van Rompaey, Tim ; Lani, Frédéric ; Furnemont, Quentin ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal ; Delannay, Francis ; Wollants, P. ; Blanpain, B.. Micromechanical Study of the Martensitic Transformation in TRIP-Assisted Multiphase Steels. European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes, Euromat 2003 (Lausanne, Switzerland, du 01/09/2003 au 5/09/2003).


Van Rompaey, Tim ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Wollants, P. ; Blanpain, B.. Micromechanical study of the martensitic transformation in TRIP-assisted multiphase steels. 1st Flanders Engineering PhD Symposium (brussels, du 1/12/2003 au 1/12/2003).


Jacques, Pascal ; Godet, S. ; Furnemont, Q. ; Petein, A. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Francis. Amélioration des proriétés mécaniques d'aciers à microstructures complexes et plasticité de transformation. Matériaux 2002 - De la conception à la mise en oeuvre, Premier congrès interdisciplinaire sur les matériaux (Tours, 2002). In: Proceedings, 2002, p. CM11014-19.


Jacques, Pascal ; Furnémont, Q. ; Lani, Frédéric ; Delannay, Francis ; Pardoen, Thomas. Caractérisation micromécanique d'aciers multiphasés à plasticité de transformation. Matériaux 2002 - De la conception à la mise en oeuvre, Premier congrès interdisciplinaire sur les matériaux (Tours, 21-25 oct 2002). In: Proceedings, 2002, p. AF2028-33.


Jacques, Pascal ; Furnemont, Quentin ; Lani, Frédéric ; Conlon, K.T. ; Delannay, Francis ; Pardoen, Thomas. Détermination in situ des lois constitutives des phases d'aciers multiphasés à plasticité de transformation. conference : Caractérisation expérimentale des contraintes (Troyes, 2002). In: Proceedings conference 'Caractérisation expérimentale des contraintes : techniques avancées et nouveaux matériaux', Université de technologie de Troyes ed., 2002.


Pardoen, Thomas ; DUMONT, D. ; DESCHAMPS, A. ; BRECHET, Y.. Grain boundary versus transgranular failure in aluminium alloys. ECF14, 14th European Conference on Fracture (Cracovie (Pologne), 8-13 Sept 2002). In: Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Fracture, 2002.


Van Rompaey, T. ; Furnemont, Quentin ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Blanpain, B. ; Wollants, Patrick. Micromechanical modelling of TRIP steels. Int. Conf. on TRIP-aided high strength ferrous alloys (Aachen, 2002). In: Proceedings Int. Conf. on TRIP-aided high strength ferrous alloys, B.C. De Cooman ed(s), 2002, p. 259-262.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Hutchinson, J.W.. Microstructure-based model for linking fracture toughness and microstructure in ductile metals. ECF14, 14th European Conference on Fracture (Cracovie (Pologne), du 08/09/2002 au 13/09/2002). In: Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Fracture - Vol III, 2002, p. 635-644.


Lani, Frédéric ; Furnemont, Q. ; Jacques, Pascal ; Delannay, Francis ; Pardoen, Thomas. Modèle micromécanique du comportement plastique de matériaux biphasés avec transformation de phase : application au cas d'aciers multiphasés à effet TRIP. Matériaux 2002 – De la conception à la mise en oeuvre, Premier congrès interdisciplinaire sur les matériaux (Tours, France, du 21 Oct. 2002 au 25 Oct. 2002). In: CD-ROM edited by the French Materials Societies, French Materials Societies: Tours, France, 2002. 2-914279-08-6, p. -.


FERRACIN, T. ; SENER, J.-Y. ; LANDIS, C. ; Delannay, Francis ; Pardoen, Thomas. Predictive fracture model for steady-state failure of adhesively-bonded joints using the "plastic wedge peel test". ECF14, 14th European Conference on Fracture (Cracovie (Pologne), 8-13 Sept 2002). In: Proceedings, 2002.


Bertholet, Y. ; Iker, F. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Steady state measurement of wafer bonding fracture resistance. Eurosensors XVI, The 16th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers (Prague, du 15/09/2002 au 18/09/2002). In: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers, 2002.


Bertholet, Y. ; Iker, François ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Steady-state measurement and modelling of wafer bonding failure resistance. 16th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers (Prague, Czech Republic, du 15/09/2002 au 18/09/2002). In: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers, 2002, p. 1 page.


Furnémont, Quentin ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lani, Frédéric ; Godet, Stéphane ; Harlet, P. ; Conlon, K.T. ; Delannay, Francis. The macro and micromechanics of TRIP-assisted multiphase steels, experiments and modelling. International Conference on TRIP-aided high strength ferrous alloys (Aachen, du 19/06/2002 au 21/06/2002). In: Proceedings, B.C. De Cooman ed., 2002, p. 39-43.


Pardoen, Thomas. An extended model for void growth and coalescence - application to anisotropic ductile fracture. 4th international ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming (Liège, du 23/04/2001 au 25/04/2001). In: Proceedings of the 4th international ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, 2001, p. 253-256.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Cousin-Cornet, Laurence ; Hutchinson, J.W.. An extended void growth model for ductile failure - assessment for non radial loadings and application to fracture toughness prediction. 10th International Congress on Fracture (Honolulu, du 03/12/2001 au 07/12/2001). In: Proceedingsof ICF10 "Advances in Fracture Research" , 2001.


Landis, C. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Hutchinson, J.W.. Crack velocity dependent toughness in rate dependent materials. Advances in Fracture Research - 10th International Congress on Fracture (Honolulu, du 03/12/2001 au 07/12/2001). In: Proceedings of ICF10 , 2001.


Ferracin, Thierry ; Sener, Jean-Yves ; Landis, C. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Francis. Modélisation de la fissuration d'assemblages collés de tôles minces. Journées d'Automne 2001 (2001). In: Proceedings , Société française de Métallurgie ed., 2001, p. 128.


Ferracin, Thierry ; Landis, C. ; Sener, Jean-Yves ; Delannay, Francis ; Pardoen, Thomas. Predictive model for the steady-state failure of adhesively-bonded joints with extensive plastic yielding,. the 10th Intern. Congress Fracture : Advances in Fracture Research (Honolulu, 3-7 Dec 2001). In: Proceedings of ICF10 , 2001.


Hachez, Frédérique ; Pardoen, Thomas. Thickness dependence of ductile tearing in thin aluminium plates - experiments and modelling. 10th International Congress on Fracture (Honolulu, du 03/12/2001 au 07/12/2001). In: Proceedings of ICF10 "Advances in Fracture Research" , 2001.


Pardoen, Thomas. A method for determining the CTOD at cracking initiation - Application to the characterization of the fracture toughness of copper. 13th European Conference on Fracture (San Sebastian, Spain, du 06/09/2000 au 09/09/2000). In: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Fracture - Fracture Mechanics : Applications and Challenges, M. Fuentes, M. Elices, A. Martin-Meizoso, J.M. Martinez-Esnaola eds., 2000.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Hutchinson, J.W.. Improved Gurson model for ductile fracture. SAE World Congress (Society for Automotive Industry) (Detroit, Michigan, USA, du 06/03/2000 au 09/03/2000). In: Final Program, 2000, p. 95.


Furnemont, Q. ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Francis. Influence of the mechanical stability of retained austenite on the damaging micromechanisms in TRIP-assisted multiphase steels. Proceedings of Conference on Advances in Mechanical Behavior, Plasticity and Damage (EUROMAT 2000) (Tours, France, 7-9 November 2000). In: Advances in Mechanical Behaviour, Plasticity and Damage. Proceedings ofEUROMAT 2000, Elsevier science, 2000. 0-08-042815-0, Vol. 2, p. 859-64 .


Furnemont, Quentin ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Francis. Influence of the stability of retained austenite on the damage micromechanisms in TRIP-assisted multiphase steels. Euromat 2000, Advances in Mechanical Behaviour, Plasticity and damage (Tours, 7-9 Nov 2000). In: Proceedings, 2000, p. 859-864.


Ferracin, Thierry ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Sener, Jean-Yves ; Delannay, Francis. Predictive fracture model for adhesively-bonded joints failing with extensive plastic yielding. Euromat 2000, Advances in Mechanical Behaviour, Plasticity and Damage (Tours, 7-9 Nov 2000). In: Proceedings, 2000, p. 859-864.


Jacques, Pascal ; Furnemont, Q. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Francis. The role and significance of martensite on the mechanical properties of TRIP-assisted multiphase steels. Proceedings of Conference on Advances in Mechanical Behavior, Plasticity and Damage (EUROMAT 2000) (Tours, France, 7-9 November 2000). In: Advances in Mechanical Behaviour, Plasticity and Damage. Proceedings ofEUROMAT 2000, Elsevier science, 2000. 0-08-042815-0, Vol. 2, p. 823-8 .


Pardoen, Thomas ; Marchal, Yves ; Delannay, Francis. Thickness dependence of cracking resistance in thin aluminium plates. The 13th European Conference on FractureFracture Mechanics : Application and Challenges (2000). In: Proceedings of ECF13 , 2000.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Hutchinson, J.W.. Two micromechanism-based models for the cracking initiation in ductile metal alloys. Euromat 2000 (Tours, France, du 07/11/2000 au 09/11/2000). In: Advances in Mechanical Behaviour, Plasticity and Damage - Vol.2, D. Miannay, P. Costa, D. François, A. Pineau eds., 2000, p. 1403-1408.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Hutchinson, J.W.. Void Shape and void spacing effects on the fracture toughness predictions of ductile materials. 13th European Conference on Fracture, ECF13 (San Sebastia, Spain, du 06/09/2000 au 09/09/2000). In: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Fracture ECF13 - Fracture Mechanics : Applications and Challenges, M. Fuentes, M. Elices, A. Martin-Meizoso, J.M. Martinez-Esnaola eds., 2000, p. CD-Rom - ref. 052cl.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Marchal, Yves ; Delannay, Francis. Essential work of fracture versus mechanics in an application to thin aluminium plates of varying thickness. Inter. Workshop on Fracture Mechanics and Advanced Engineering Materials (Sydney, 1999). In: Proceedings, The University of Sidney ed. (Australia), 1999, 107 - 115.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Hutchinson, J.W.. Improved model for the growth and coalescence of voids in elastoplastic solids. International workshop on Fracture Mechanics and Advanced Engineering Materials (Sydney, Australia, du 08/12/1999 au 10/12/1999). In: Proceedings of the International workshop on Fracture Mechanics and Advanced Engineering Materials, L. Yee, Y.-W. Mai eds, 1999, p. 150-158.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Francis. Influence de la fraction initiale et de la forme des cavités sur le démarrage de la coalescence dans le cuivre. Journées d'automne 1998 SF2M (1998). In: Proceedings , SF2M ed., 1998.


Pardoen, Thomas ; MORHET, JEROME ; Delatte, Pierre ; Doghri, Issam ; Knockaert, Robert ; Chaouadi, Rachid ; Delannay, Francis. Comparison of local approach models and associated fracture criteria applied to notched round copper bars. ECF11 (1996). In: Mechanisms and mechanics of damage and failure, EMAS: West Midlands U.K., 1996, p. 817-823.


Marchal, Yves ; Schmidt, Konstantin ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Knockaert, Robert ; Doghri, Issam ; Delannay, Francis. Comparison of methods for the measurement of the fracture toughness of thin steel sheets. ECF11 (1996). In: Mechanisms and Mechanics of Damage and Failure, EMAS: West Midlands U.K., 1996, p. 2259-2264.


van Innis, Charline ; Pardoen, Thomas. Film for joining parts. Numéro de priorité ; Déposé (11/03/2024) ; Publié (19/09/2024). Belgique Belgique.


Cea, Andrew Ken ; Leenaers, Ann ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Van den Berghe, Sven ; Host, Valery ; Wylock, Christophe. Nuclear fuel for isotope extraction. Numéro de priorité ; Déposé (26/06/2020) ; Publié (29/12/2021). Belgique Belgique.


Cea, Andrew Ken ; Host, Valery ; Leenaers, Aan ; Wylock, Christophe ; Van den Berghe, Sven ; Pardoen, Thomas. A method for the digestion of a uranium-based material . Numéro de priorité ; Déposé (11/02/2020) ; Publié (19/08/2021). Belgique Belgique.


Detrembleur, C. ; Molenberg, I. ; Huynen, Isabelle ; Thomassin, J.M. ; Furnemont, Quentin ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Eggermont, Stéphanie ; Quiévy, Nicolas ; Urbanczyk, L. Hybrid material for electromagnetic absorption. Numéro de priorité ; Déposé (08/09/2011) ; Publié (15/03/2013). Belgique.


Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Carbonnelle, Pierre ; Gravier , Sébastien. Imposing and determining stress in sub-micron samples . Numéro de priorité ; Déposé (20080214) ; Publié (20080821). AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, SV, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.|African Regional Intellectual Property Org. (ARIPO) (BW, GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW)|Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM)|European Patent Office (EPO) (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR)|African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, SV, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.|African Regional Intellectual Property Org. (ARIPO) (BW, GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW)|Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM)|European Patent Office (EPO) (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR)|African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG)..


Pardoen, Thomas ; Fabrègue, Damien ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; André, Nicolas ; Coulombier, Michaël. Internal stress actuated micro- and nanomachines for testing physical properties of micro- and nano-sized material samples . Numéro de priorité ; Déposé (20070214) ; Publié (20070823). AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, LY, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, SV, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.|African Regional Intellectual Property Org. (ARIPO) (BW, GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW)|Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM)|European Patent Office (EPO) (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR)|African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, LY, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, SV, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.|African Regional Intellectual Property Org. (ARIPO) (BW, GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW)|Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM)|European Patent Office (EPO) (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR)|African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG)..

Detrembleur, Christophe ; Huynen, Isabelle ; Thomassin, Jean-Michel ; Furnemont, Quentin ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Eggermont, Stéphanie ; Quiévy, Nicolas ; Urbanczyk, Laetitia ; Molenberg, Isabel. Hybrid material for electromagnetic absorption. Numéro de priorité ; Déposé (09.09.2010) ; Publié ; Délivré.