Core courses [20.0]Travail de fin d'études (18 credits)LBIOL2990 Mémoire
q1+q2 18 credits
Philosophie, éthique (2 credits)2 crédits à choisir parmiLSC2220 Philosophy of scienceLFILO2003E Ethics in the Sciences and technics (sem)FR
q2 15h+15h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Alexandre Guay (compensates Charles Pence)
> Hervé Jeanmart
> René Rezsohazy
LTHEO2840 Science and Christian faithESSPS2101 Science, ethics and developmentFR
q1 18h+6h 3 credits
Optional coursesThese credits are not counted within the 60 required credits.
LSST1001 IngénieuxSudLSST1002M Information and critical thinking - MOOCFR
q2 30h+15h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Anne Bauwens (compensates Jean-François Rees)
> Myriam De Kesel
The option in Biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Biology is fully taught in English.
The option in Biology of Organisms and Ecology is mainly taught in French.
The student chooses an option and completes their program with elective courses.
Option in Biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Biology [24.0]Content:Cours obligatoires (11 credits)LBBMC2101 Structural and functional biochemistry
q1 30h 3 credits
Techniques de biochimie et de biologie moléculaireL'étudiant·e choisit une UE parmi :
Minimum 3 credit(s)LBIRC2101 Biochemical analysisFR
q1 22.5h+30h 4 credits > English-friendlyTeacher(s):
> François Chaumont
> Pierre Morsomme (coord.)
LBRMC2101 Genetic engineeringFR
q1 37.5h+15h 5 credits > English-friendlyTeacher(s):
> François Chaumont (coord.)
> Charles Hachez
LBRMC2202 Cell culture technologyEN
q1 30h 3 credits > French-friendlyTeacher(s):
> David Alsteens
> Charles Hachez (coord.)
> Pascal Hols
UE au choix (10 credits)L'étudiant·e choisit 2 UE parmi :
LBBMC2104 Animal physiological biochemistryLBBMC2107 Microbial cellular physiologyEN
q2 36h+18h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Corentin Claeys Bouuaert
> Stephan Declerck
> Benoît Desguin
> Pascal Hols
> Géraldine Laloux
> Pierre Morsomme
Corentin Claeys Bouuaert
LBBMC2108 Molecular genetics and plant genomicsLBBMC2109 Plant cell physiologyLBBMC2111 Animal and human cellular physiology -
Option in biology of organisms and ecology [22.0]Content:Cours obligatoires (14 credits)
q2 0h+45h 2 credits
q2 0h+45h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Ruben Evens (compensates Renate Wesselingh)
> Nicolas Schtickzelle (compensates Thierry Hance)
LBOE2111 EvolutionModules au choix (8 credits)L'étudiant·e choisit 1 module parmi :
q1 12h+12h 2 credits
q1 48h+32h 6 credits
Molecular ecologyLBOE2124 Molecular ecologyFunctional genomicsESBOE2169 Ecological proteomics and epigeneticsEN
q2 30h+18h 4 credits
Biologie de la conservation et de la restaurationLBOE2120 Conservation de la biodiversitéLBOE2125 Biodiversity and humansLBOE2141 Ecologie de la restaurationEcologie spatialeLBOE2140 Landscape ecologyEcologie des interactionsLBOE2160 Ecologie des interactionsLBOE2161 Ecologie comportementaleLBOE2168 Interactions plantes-environnementEcologie et gestion des milieux aquatiques et dulcicolesESBOE2123 Freshwater Biodiversity (UNamur)FR
q1 12h+24h 3 credits
q1 12h+20h 2 credits
q1 18h+12h 3 credits
Ecologie appliquéeLBOE2166 Lutte biologiqueLBOE2185 Evolutionary applications -
Cours au choixContent:Autres cours au choixL'étudiant·e peut compléter son programme avec des UE choisies dans la liste des cours du master 120 BOE et du master 120 BBMC à l'exception des cours des finalités didactiques, de LBOE2197, LBOE2297, LBOE2240, LBOE2241, LBOE2260, LBOE2261, LBOE2292, LBBMC2103, LBBMC2203, LBBMC2205, LBBMC2215, LBBMC2206, LBBMC2997, LBBMC2998 et LBBMC2201
Activités de mise à niveaul'étudiant·e peut choisir, en accord avec le conseiller aux études, jusqu'à 6 crédits d'activités de mise à niveau parmi les cours du bachelier et de l'approfondissement en biologie.
Preparatory Module (only for students who qualify for the course via complementary coursework)
To access this Master, students must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, in the first annual block of their Masters programme, students must take supplementary classes chosen by the faculty to satisfy course prerequisites.
Enseignements supplémentaires