> Thibaut Slingeneyer de Goeswin (compensates Nicolas Bernard)
> Sébastien Vanvrekom

> Marie-Sophie de Clippele (coord.)
> Céline Rase
> Caroline Scheepers


> Gaëlle Fruy (compensates Pierre Jadoul)
Gaëlle Fruy
(compensates Pierre Jadoul)

> Sandrine Brachotte (compensates Diane Bernard)
Sandrine Brachotte
(compensates Diane Bernard)

Note: Students have to choose 15 credits of Optional courses: they may choose between Droit du travail, Intellectual Property Law, Fondements institutionnels du droit européen and/or Droit naturel


> Luc Desaunettes (compensates Alain Strowel)
Luc Desaunettes
(compensates Alain Strowel)
Courses followed in the context of a dual-degree programme MAY NOT count towards the main Bachelor's degree.
Students are not allowed to anticipate the courses from the dual degree programme that they plan to take as part of the minor in the main degree programme.