Core courses [90.0]
Cours de formation disciplinaire générale (27 credits)
Cours de formation disciplinaire complémentaire (9 credits)
deux cours parmi les quatre suivants : (6 credits)
Mémoire et séminaire (30 credits)
Compétences transversales (2 credits)
un cours de philosophie parmi
q2 15h+15h 2 credits
Cours au choix (19 credits)
Cours au choix recommandés pour les finalités approfondie et spécialisée
q2 30h 5 credits
Cours au choix recommandés pour la finalité didactique
q2 15h+30h 5 credits
q1 or q2 15h 2 credits
q1 15h+15h 2 credits
q1+q2 15h+30h 4 credits
List of focuses
Two focused orientations are proposed that should be selected in view of your professional intentions at the end of your studies:
- « in-depth chemistry »: internship will be realized in a research laboratory ;
- « specialized: chemical industry »: internship will be realized in a company active in the chemical field.
However, this focus is not limiting for your future professional career as it only concerns 30 credits; employment opportunities and your future choices will be equally important.
Research Focus [30.0]
Professional Focus : Industrial Chemistry [30.0]
Optional courses
These credits are not counted within the 120 required credits.Content:
q2 30h+15h 3 credits
INEO, Interdisciplinary training in entrepreneurship
This option lasts 2 years and is integrated into more than 30 Masters programs in 9 faculties/schools of the UCLouvain. The choice of this option implies the realization of an interfaculty dissertation (in team) on a business creation project. Access is limited to students selected on the basis of a portfolio. More info. via https://uclouvain.be/en/study/ineo
Admission to this CPME option is subject to selection, please submit your application in due time https://uclouvain.be/fr/etudier/ineo/admission.html
Courses in this option cannot be taken individually outside of the option.
From 20 to 25credit(s)Content:
LINEO2021 Financer son projet
Ce cours est obligatoire pour les étudiants qui n’ont pas de prérequis en gestion (les étudiants qui ont suivi la mineure en gestion, ou la mineure en esprit d’entreprendre sont dispensés de ce cours).FR
q2 30h+15h 5 credits
Preparatory Module (only for students who qualify for the course via complementary coursework)
To access this Master, students must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, in the first annual block of their Masters programme, students must take supplementary classes chosen by the faculty to satisfy course prerequisites.
In some cases, a complementary program (maximum 60 ECTS) consisting of Bachelor courses in Chemistry will be required, in coordination with the Academic Advisor, and based on the student’s previous background and training.
For example, students with a Bachelor degree in Chemistry from a Higher non-university education, wishing to start the Master in Chemistry, will have to take a series of courses to complement their initial formation, typically following the scheme hereunder :
q1 45h+19h 5 credits
q1 45h+45h 6 creditsTeacher(s):
> Benjamin Elias
> Charles-André Fustin
> Raphaël Robiette
> Ludovic Troian-Gautier
> Alexandru Vlad
q2 30h+15h 4 credits
q1 or q2 30h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Ahmed Adrioueche (coord.)
> Catherine Avery (coord.)
> Amandine Dumont (coord.)
> Sandrine Jacob (coord.)
> Nevin Serbest
> Françoise Stas
Ahmed Adrioueche (coord.)