Formation de base (37 credits)
q1 30h 2 credits
5 credits
20 credits
Langue au choix (5 credits)
Choisir anglais ou néerlandais à suivre durant tout le MasterAnglais (5 credits)
Néerlandais (5 credits)
Alternance (43 credits)
q1 0h+10h 3 credits
q1 0h+40h 10 credits
q2 0h+40h 13 credits
q1 0h+40h 17 credits
Cours au choix (5 credits)
Un cours parmi:
Professional Focus [30.0]
q2 30h 5 credits
Preparatory Module (only for students who qualify for the course via complementary coursework)
To access this Master, students must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, in the first annual block of their Masters programme, students must take supplementary classes chosen by the faculty to satisfy course prerequisites.
Depending on the entry requirements you meet, 0 to 15 credits or 15 to 45 credits or 45 to 60 credits of additional teaching will be added to your programme.
All these additional courses are daytime activities.
For students with a bachelor's degree in applied communication
In this case, your complementary module will be as follows (10 credits)
For students with a short non-university bachelor's degree who, depending on the access conditions they meet, must add 0 to 15 credits to their Master's programme
In this case, the additional module will be as follows (10 credits)
For students who must add 15 to 45 credits to their Master's programme, depending on the entry requirements they meet
In this case, the additional module will be as follows (20 credits)
For students who must add 45 to 60 credits to their Master's programme, depending on the entry requirements they meet
In this case, your complementary module will be as follows (45 credits)
q1 30h+40h 5 credits
Academic methodology
One of the following courses
Language options
A second foreign language option
For students with a university bachelor's degree or a 2nd cycle university diploma who, depending on the entry requirements they meet, must add credits to their Master's programme
The jury will determine the additional teaching unit(s) to be included in the student's programme, based on his/her previous academic record.