Course prerequisites

The table below lists the activities (course units, or CUs) for which there are one or more prerequisites within the programme, i.e. the programme CU for which the learning outcomes must be certified and the corresponding credits awarded by the jury before registering for that CU.

These activities are also identified in the detailed programme: their title is followed by a yellow square.

Prerequisites and student's annual programme

As the prerequisite is for CU registration puposes only, there are no prerequisites within a programme year. Prerequisites are defined between CUs of different years and therefore influence the order in which the student will be able to register for the programme's CUs.

In addition, when the jury validates a student's individual programme at the beginning of the year, it ensures its coherence, meaning that it may:

  • require the student to combine registration in two separate CUs which it considers necessary from a pedagogical point of view.
  • transform a prerequisite into a corequisite if the student is in the final year of a degree course.

For more information, please consult the Academic Regulations and Procedures.

# Prerequisities list
BCOMU1211 "Corporate communication and public relations " has prerequisite(s) BDROI1125
BDRAN1262 "Introduction to Comparative Law" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1112 AND BDROI1111
BDRAN1265 "Law and Religion" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1110 AND BDROI1112
BDRAN1360 "Law and Tech Governance" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1110 AND BDROI1112
BDROI1242 "Legal English" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1140
BDROI1254 "Legal Dutch" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1153
BDROI1266 "Historical introduction to penal thought and criminology II" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1112
BDROI1267 "Advanced Public Freedoms" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1110 AND BDROI1112
BDROI1272 "Special questions of economic law " has prerequisite(s) BDROI1220
BDROI1273 "Special issues of psychology relating to law and human sciences " has prerequisite(s) BDROI1123
BDROI1310 "Administrative Law + Exercises session with casus" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1211 AND BDROI1110
BDROI1311 "General commercial law (+ exercise sessions without casus) " has prerequisite(s) BDROI1212
BDROI1312 "Contract law and civil liability law + Exercises session with casus" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1212 AND BDROI1111 AND BDROI1218
BDROI1314 "Personal, family and matrimonial regime law (+ exercises session without casus)" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1212 AND BDROI1111 AND BDROI1221
BDROI1316 "Law, ethics and politics" has prerequisite(s) BHDDR1216
BDROI1318 "Labour Law (+exercises session without casus)" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1211 AND BDROI1212
BDROI1319 "Procedure Law (+ exercises session without casus)" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1211 AND BDROI1214
BDROI1340 "General Theory of the State and the European Union" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1110 AND BDROI1112
BDROI1350 "Seminar of legal theory (philosophy, political science, criminology, multidisc. orientation)" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1212 AND BFILO1116
BDROI1355 "Alternative methods of resolving conflicts" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1112 AND BDROI1111
BDROI1366 "Advanced questions of criminal law and procedure" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1213 AND BDROI1214 AND BDROI1112
BDROI1367 "Law Clinic "Les Surligneurs"" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1125
BDROI1369 "Internship in the Legal Practice" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1211 AND BDROI1214 AND BDROI1212 AND BDROI1213
BECGE1212 "Public economics" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1220
BECGE1214 "Human management" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1220
BECGE1216 "Human Resource Management" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1220
BECGE1322 "Marketing" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1220
BESPO1360 "Ethics and the economy " has prerequisite(s) BFILO1116 AND BDROI1220
BFILO1318 "Political philosophy " has prerequisite(s) BDROI1122
BHDDR1216 "Critical Introduction to Contemporary Legal Thought" has prerequisite(s) BFILO1116 AND BDROI1212
BHDDR1317 "Natural Law" has prerequisite(s) BHDDR1216
BHDDR1360 "Introduction to comparative law" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1112
BHDDR1361 "Justice and Politics" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1110 AND BDROI1112
BHDDR1363 "Intellectual Property Law" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1218
BHDPO1315 "EU politics" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1120
BPOLS1321 "Society and Environment" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1124
BSPOL1210 "Political sociology" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1124
BSPOL1215 "International Organizations" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1124
BSPOL1310 "Labour, employment and social protection" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1124
BSPOL1316 "The European Political System " has prerequisite(s) BDROI1124
BSPOL1322 "Public Policy Analysis" has prerequisite(s) BDROI1124